29 resultados para Primary healthcare units
Family Health Strategy Professionals Facing Medical Social Needs: difficulties and coping strategies
Professionals of Family Health Strategy (FHS) work in communities where there are complex medical social problems. These contexts may lead them to psychological suffering, jeopardizing their care for the users, and creating yet another obstacle to the consolidation of FHS as the primary health care model in Brazil. The study investigated the difficulties and coping strategies reported by health professionals of the FHS teams when they face medical social needs of the communities where they work. Focus groups and semi-structured interviews were carried out with 68 professionals of three primary care units in the city of Sao Paulo (Southeastern Brazil). Drug dealing and abuse, alcoholism, depression and domestic violence are the most relevant problems mentioned by the study group. Professionals reported lack of adequate training, work overload, poor working conditions with feelings of professional impotence and frustration. To overcome these difficulties, professionals reported collective strategies, particularly experience sharing during team meetings and matrix support groups. The results indicate that the difficulties may put the professionals in a vulnerable state, similar to the patients they care for. The promotion of specialized and long term support should be reinforced, as well as the interaction with the local network of services and communities leaders. That may help professionals to deal with occupational stress related to medical and social needs present in their routine work; in the end, it may as well contribute to the strengthening of FHS.
Neste trabalho, teve-se por objetivo construir uma metodologia de avaliação de desempenho dos municípios paulistas quanto à eficiência técnica na aplicação de recursos públicos nas ações de atenção básica à saúde e analisar a influência de variáveis não controláveis no processo de produção em tal área. A eficiência técnica é um dos parâmetros de avaliação de desempenho dos gestores públicos, refletindo a capacidade de uma entidade obter máximos outputs com o menor consumo de inputs. O alcance de tal métrica pode ser prejudicado ou favorecido pelas variáveis ambientais ou não controláveis que, se não forem consideradas na avaliação de desempenho, podem gerar vieses. Nesse sentido, por meio da metodologia Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) em dois estágios, os escores de eficiência dos municípios foram estimados e depois ajustados com o uso da análise de regressão. Os resultados indicaram que seria possível aumentar, consideravelmente, a quantidade de serviços prestados à população sem a necessidade de novas dotações orçamentárias na maioria dos municípios. Além disso, verificou-se que a maior proporção de idosos em uma jurisdição torna a prestação de serviços mais cara; por sua vez, maiores densidade populacional, grau de urbanização e escala dos estabelecimentos de saúde favorecem o gasto público com eficiência. Os cinco municípios paulistas considerados mais eficientes foram Tuiuti, Nova Guataporanga, Sabino, Lins e Santos.
O Programa de Educação pelo Trabalho para a Saúde (PET-Saúde) materializa uma política indutora de novas relações entre instituições de ensino de nível superior e a rede assistencial à saúde. A Universidade de São Paulo - Campus de Ribeirão Preto e a Secretaria de Saúde do município, selecionadas pelo PET-Saúde/2009, avaliaram a resolubilidade das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) e das Unidades de Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF), como forma de contribuir para a qualificação da Atenção Básica. Foi realizado um estudo transversal em 13 Unidades de Saúde (oito ESF e cinco UBS), com a participação de 216 alunos dos cursos da área da saúde, 30 preceptores (profissionais) da rede pública de saúde e cinco tutores (docentes). Foram coletados dados de 12.494 atendimentos, sendo 7.129 (58,9%) em ESF e 4.963 (41,1%) em UBS, compostos por 4.059 (33,6%) pessoas do sexo masculino e 8.035 (66,4%) do feminino.As UBS referenciaram mais pacientes do que as Unidades de ESF (OR = 1,67; IC 95% 1,46 - 1,90; [p < 0,05]). As especialidades com maior demanda por encaminhamentos foram oftalmologia, cardiologia e ortopedia. A ESF apresenta-se como modelo assistencial com maior resolubilidade, e o PET-Saúde é uma iniciativa importante, considerando-se que estimula a ampliação desse modelo.
A systematic review of scientific production on Prison Health was conducted, seeking to verify how the subject matter has been dealt with, establishing which is the most exploited focus and identifying possible gaps. The search was carried out in the Virtual Health Library. 1160 articles were located: 1104 on MEDLINE, 19 on LILACS and 37 on SciELO, published from 1993 to 2010. As MEDLINE and LILACS do not show the entire articles, the places, dates and languages of the texts were charted. In-depth analysis was restricted to works which were shown in their entirety and free of charge hosted on SciELO. It revealed that scientific production is present all over the world with a predominantly quantitative approach. It focuses on identifying the socio-demographic profile and health conditions of prisoners, the incidence of tuberculosis, Human Immunodeficiency and Hepatitis C virus infections. There is a predominance of studies carried out with male prisoners, in comparison with the female sex. It is clear that prisoner health is a public health problem on the rise, which demands research that can orient health policies and strategies.
O nutricionista é um profissional importante na implementação de ações de promoção, tratamento e reabilitação da saúde. Porém, sua participação na Atenção Básica (AB) é reduzida. A cidade de São Paulo vem passando por um processo desigual de urbanização, produzindo novas situações de insegurança alimentar e nutricional. Este trabalho analisará a atuação do nutricionista na AB em um grande centro urbano. Trata-se de estudo de abordagem quantitativa no qual foram utilizados dados populacionais da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde e um questionário semiestruturado aplicado em entrevistas individuais. Encontraram-se 123 nutricionistas atuando na rede Básica de Saúde e 51 em Núcleos de Apoio à Saúde da Família (NASF). Todas as regiões do município apresentaram-se com menor número de nutricionistas quando comparada à recomendação do Conselho Federal de Nutricionistas. Em 57,3% dos NASF do município identificou-se a presença deste profissional. Cada nutricionista de NASF acompanha, em média, 7,1 equipes de saúde da família. As faixas etárias que correspondem à infância são as atendidas com menor frequência pelos nutricionistas das UBS e dos NASF. Comparando-se as atividades desenvolvidas, observa-se a transição de um modelo de assistência primária centrado no atendimento individual para um que prioriza o atendimento em grupo.
Adolescentes e jovens constituem importante desafio para a construção da integralidade na Atenção Primária à Saúde (APS). Isso se deve à complexa apreensão e resposta ao conjunto de suas necessidades de saúde, decorrentes do processo de crescimento e desenvolvimento, próprio da fase, mas, sobretudo, dos aspectos socioculturais relacionados. O presente estudo buscou reconhecer alcances e limites em como o princípio da integralidade vem sendo operado em uma Unidade Básica de Saúde. Embora tenha sido possível identificar uma efetiva percepção da especificidade necessária à atenção à saúde desse grupo, também se verificaram importantes limitações relacionadas à construção de projetos de cuidado capazes de integrar as diversas finalidades do trabalho no cotidiano da Unidade, com destaque para a insuficiência de interações profissionais e setoriais, e fragilidades na comunicação de profissionais entre si e de profissionais e usuários.
INTRODUCTION: This study aimed to evaluate the response to hepatitis B (HB) revaccination of healthcare workers (HCW) who are negative for antibodies to HB surface antigen (anti-HBs) after a complete vaccination series. METHODS: HCW whose anti-HBs test was performed > 90 days after a HB vaccination course were given a 4th dose. A post-vaccination test was done within 30 to 90 days. RESULTS: One hundred and seventy HCW were enrolled: 126 (74.1%) were anti-HBs-positive after the 4th dose. CONCLUSIONS: Rechecking anti-HBs after the 4th HB vaccine dose is a practical approach in case of post-vaccination tests performed >90 days after the full vaccination course.
This descriptive and quantitative study aimed to characterize the production of nursing care in primary health care services in a region of the city of Ribeirao Preto, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The study sample comprised care actions delivered by nurses and registered in the HygiaWeb Information System, from 2006 to 2009. Statistical analysis was performed. Results showed that nursing care delivered by nurses accounted for 9.5 to 14.6% of total professional care provided by professionals. Eventual care actions were the most frequent. The concentration of programmatic care was higher for children, women, pregnant and postpartum women. In conclusion, the predominance of eventual care demonstrated that the health system has been focused on acute conditions. Little of nursing work has been directed at the achievement of comprehensiveness, considering the inexpressive share of longitudinal follow up in total care delivery. The expansion of nursing staff represents potential for care delivery to the population, but further qualification of nursing actions is needed.
Purpose: To examine the accuracy of a screening programme for potentially malignant disorders of the oral mucosa by visual inspection in primary health care. Materials and Methods: The study was based on secondary data from the Primary Care Information System maintained by seven units of family health in Sao Paulo City managed by a non-governmental agency. The reference population was composed of 15,072 residents 50 years old or more of both genders. The study population comprised 2,980 individuals. During screening in community settings, the oral mucosa was examined by trained dentists and distributed into two categories: (a) screen negative (b) screen positive. All participants underwent comprehensive clinical exams by a general dental practitioner supervised by a specialist. Individual records were grouped in a working dataset. Point and 95% confidence interval estimates were calculated regarding measures of sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and positive and negative predictive values (PPV and NPV, respectively). Results: 18.0% of the population was considered screen positive. A total of 133 lesions (4.5%) were identified and 8 cases of oral cancer were confirmed, which corresponded to a prevalence rate of 27 cases in 10,000 people, a much higher rate than expected. The measures found were Se: 91.7% (85.3-95.6), Sp: 85.4% (84.1-86.7), PPV: 22.7% (19.3-26.5), NPV: 99.5% (99.2-99.8). The visual screen presented high accuracy. Conclusion: The test presented high sensibility and specificity values. From a public health point of view, the high accuracy levels showed the importance of oral health teams on family health strategy for more comprehensive primary care. Targeting risk groups and delegating the screening to community health agents may improve PPV and coverage.
Background: Few cross-sectional studies involving adults and elderly patients with major DDIs have been conducted in the primary care setting. The study aimed to investigate the prevalence of potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) in patients treated in primary care. Methodology/Principal Findings: A cross-sectional study involving patients aged 45 years or older was conducted at 25 Basic Health Units in the city of Maringa (southern Brazil) from May to December 2010. The data were collected from prescriptions at the pharmacy of the health unit at the time of the delivery of medication to the patient. After delivery, the researcher checked the electronic medical records of the patient. A total of 827 patients were investigated (mean age: 64.1; mean number of medications: 4.4). DDIs were identified in the Micromedex (R) database. The prevalence of potential DDIs and major DDIs was 63.0% and 12.1%, respectively. In both the univariate and multivariate analyses, the number of drugs prescribed was significantly associated with potential DDIs, with an increasing risk from three to five drugs (OR = 4.74; 95% CI: 2.90-7.73) to six or more drugs (OR = 23.03; 95% CI: 10.42-50.91). Forty drugs accounted for 122 pairs of major DDIs, the most frequent of which involved simvastatin (23.8%), captopril/enalapril (16.4%) and fluoxetine (16.4%). Conclusions/Significance: This is the first large-scale study on primary care carried out in Latin America. Based on the findings, the estimated prevalence of potential DDIs was high, whereas clinically significant DDIs occurred in a smaller proportion. Exposing patients to a greater number of prescription drugs, especially three or more, proved to be a significant predictor of DDIs. Prescribers should be more aware of potential DDIs. Future studies should assess potential DDIs in primary care over a longer period of time.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial growth on single-use vitrectomy probes reprocessed in healthcare practice. We investigated nine vitrectomy probes that had been reused and reprocessed using different methods. The samples were sectioned, individually, in portions of 3.5 cm, totaling 979 sampling units (extensions, connectors and vitrectomy cutters), which were inoculated in culture medium and incubated at 37 C for 14 days. The results showed microbial growth on 57 (5.8%) sample units, 25 of which had been sterilized using ethylene oxide, 16 by hydrogen peroxide plasma, and 16 by low-temperature steam and formaldehyde. Seventeen microbial species were identified. The most prevalent were: Micrococcus spp., coagulase-negative Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas spp., and Bacillus subtilis. The reuse of single-use vitrectomy probes was shown to be unsafe, therefore this practice is not recommended.
The Primary Care Information System (SIAB) concentrates basic healthcare information from all different regions of Brazil. The information is collected by primary care teams on a paper-based procedure that degrades the quality of information provided to the healthcare authorities and slows down the process of decision making. To overcome these problems we propose a new data gathering application that uses a mobile device connected to a 3G network and a GPS to be used by the primary care teams for collecting the families' data. A prototype was developed in which a digital version of one SIAB form is made available at the mobile device. The prototype was tested in a basic healthcare unit located in a suburb of Sao Paulo. The results obtained so far have shown that the proposed process is a better alternative for data collecting at primary care, both in terms of data quality and lower deployment time to health care authorities.
Background: The incidence of depression in children and adolescents still increasing and this disorder is now a major public health challenge worldwide. The Psychiatric Reform suggested an end to the fragmented and inefficient service by proposing integrated and quality care. In this context, family narratives are a way to recognize vulnerabilities and provide psychopathology prevention in primary care. Methods: Two medical databases (LILACS and SciELO) were surveyed and 14 texts published between 2004 and 2011 were selected and reviewed. Results and discussion: Children and adolescents are nowadays exposed to several stressing factors, in addition to natural vulnerabilities of this age group. Prevention is associated with a qualified hearing of family narratives in primary care and healthcare professionals should be able to perceive said and unsaid elements across the speech. Conclusion: In spite of the advances about children and adolescents mental health, some procedures must be adapted to achieve an efficient mental health policy though analyzing family discourse.
Abstract Background Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is known by its aggressiveness and lack of effective therapeutic options. Thus, improvement in current knowledge of molecular changes associated with pancreatic cancer is urgently needed to explore novel venues of diagnostics and treatment of this dismal disease. While there is mounting evidence that long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) transcribed from intronic and intergenic regions of the human genome may play different roles in the regulation of gene expression in normal and cancer cells, their expression pattern and biological relevance in pancreatic cancer is currently unknown. In the present work we investigated the relative abundance of a collection of lncRNAs in patients' pancreatic tissue samples aiming at identifying gene expression profiles correlated to pancreatic cancer and metastasis. Methods Custom 3,355-element spotted cDNA microarray interrogating protein-coding genes and putative lncRNA were used to obtain expression profiles from 38 clinical samples of tumor and non-tumor pancreatic tissues. Bioinformatics analyses were performed to characterize structure and conservation of lncRNAs expressed in pancreatic tissues, as well as to identify expression signatures correlated to tissue histology. Strand-specific reverse transcription followed by PCR and qRT-PCR were employed to determine strandedness of lncRNAs and to validate microarray results, respectively. Results We show that subsets of intronic/intergenic lncRNAs are expressed across tumor and non-tumor pancreatic tissue samples. Enrichment of promoter-associated chromatin marks and over-representation of conserved DNA elements and stable secondary structure predictions suggest that these transcripts are generated from independent transcriptional units and that at least a fraction is under evolutionary selection, and thus potentially functional. Statistically significant expression signatures comprising protein-coding mRNAs and lncRNAs that correlate to PDAC or to pancreatic cancer metastasis were identified. Interestingly, loci harboring intronic lncRNAs differentially expressed in PDAC metastases were enriched in genes associated to the MAPK pathway. Orientation-specific RT-PCR documented that intronic transcripts are expressed in sense, antisense or both orientations relative to protein-coding mRNAs. Differential expression of a subset of intronic lncRNAs (PPP3CB, MAP3K14 and DAPK1 loci) in metastatic samples was confirmed by Real-Time PCR. Conclusion Our findings reveal sets of intronic lncRNAs expressed in pancreatic tissues whose abundance is correlated to PDAC or metastasis, thus pointing to the potential relevance of this class of transcripts in biological processes related to malignant transformation and metastasis in pancreatic cancer.