23 resultados para Paulo Egídio Martins


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The tick-borne bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii is the aetiological agent of Brazilian spotted fever (BSF). The present study evaluated tick infestations on wild and domestic animals, and the rickettsial infection in these animals and their ticks in 7 forest areas adjacent to human communities in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Area (SPMA). The results were compared to ecological traits of each sampled area. Two main tick species, Amblyomma aureolatum and Rhipicephalus sanguineus, were collected from dogs. The major ticks found on small mammals and birds were Ixodes loricatus and Amblyomma longirostre, respectively. Both anti-R. rickettsii antibodies and R. rickettsii-infected ticks were detected on dogs from only 2 areas in the southern part of the SPMA, which were considered to be endemic for BSF; the remaining 5 areas were considered to be non-endemic. Ecologically, the BSF-endemic areas clearly differed from the non-endemic areas by the presence of significantly more degraded forest patches in the former. The present results corroborate historical observations that have indicated that all human cases of BSF in the SPMA were contracted in the southern part of this metropolitan area. However, not all forest patches in the southern part of the SPMA were shown to be associated with BSF endemism.


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Objective. To describe the strategies and results obtained by the early diagnosis and prevention of an oral cancer campaign targeting the population aged 60 years or older developed since 2001 in the state of Sao Paulo. Methods. The main strategies used to develop the campaign were described based on the review of documents issued by the Health Ministry, National Cancer Institute, Sao Paulo State Health Department, Oncocentro Foundation of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo City Health Department, School of Public Health at the University of Sao Paulo (USP), and Santa Marcelina Health Care Center. The impact of the campaign on the incidence of new cases of oral cancer in the target population was evaluated. Results. In 2001, 90 886 elderly were examined vs. 629 613 in 2009. The following strategies were identified: training of professionals, development of printed materials to guide municipal governments in developing the campaign and using standardized codes and criteria, guidelines for data consolidation, establishment of patient referral flows, practical training with a specialist at the basic health care unit after the follow-up examination of individuals presenting changes in soft tissues, and increase in the number of oral diagnosis services. Between 2005 and 2009, there was a significant reduction in the rate of confirmed cases of oral cancer per 100 000 individuals examined, from 20.89 to 11.12 (P = 0.00003). Conclusions. The campaign was beneficial to the oral health of the elderly and could be extended to include other age groups and regions of the country. It may also provide a basis for the development of oral cancer prevention actions in other countries, as long as local characteristics are taken into account.


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Objective: To evaluate suicide rates and trends in Sao Paulo by sex, age-strata, and methods. Methods: Data was collected from State registry from 1996 to 2009. Population was estimated using the National Census. We utilized joinpoint regression analysis to explore temporal trends. We also evaluated marital status, ethnicity, birthplace and methods for suicide. Results: In the period analyzed, 6,002 suicides were accrued with a rate of 4.6 per 100,000 (7.5 in men and 2.0 in women); the male-to-female ratio was around 3.7. Trends for men presented a significant decline of 5.3% per year from 1996 to 2002, and a significant increase of 2.5% from 2002 onwards. Women did not present significant changes. For men, the elderly (> 65 years) had a significant reduction of 2.3% per year, while younger men (25-44 years) presented a significant increase of 8.6% from 2004 onwards. Women did not present significant trend changes according to age. Leading suicide methods were hanging and poisoning for men and women, respectively. Other analyses showed an increased suicide risk ratio for singles and foreigners. Conclusions: Specific epidemiological trends for suicide in the city of Sao Paulo that warrant further investigation were identified. High-risk groups - such as immigrants - could benefit from targeted strategies of suicide prevention.


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Abstract Background The city of Sao Paulo has the highest AIDS case rate, with nearly 60% in Brazil. Despite, several studies involving molecular epidemiology, lack of data regarding a large cohort study has not been published from this city. Objectives This study aimed to describe the HIV-1 subtypes, recombinant forms and drug resistance mutations, according to subtype, with emphasis on subtype C and BC recombinants in the city of São Paulo, Brazil. Study design RNA was extracted from the plasma samples of 302 HIV-1-seropositive subjects, of which 211 were drug-naive and 82 were exposed to ART. HIV-1 partial pol region sequences were used in phylogenetic analyses for subtyping and identification of drug resistance mutations. The envelope gene of subtype C and BC samples was also sequenced. Results From partial pol gene analyses, 239 samples (79.1%) were assigned as subtype B, 23 (7.6%) were F1, 16 (5.3%) were subtype C and 24 (8%) were mosaics (3 CRF28/CRF29-like). The subtype C and BC recombinants were mainly identified in drug-naïve patients (72.7%) and the heterosexual risk exposure category (86.3%), whereas for subtype B, these values were 69.9% and 57.3%, respectively (p = 0.97 and p = 0.015, respectively). An increasing trend of subtype C and BC recombinants was observed (p < 0.01). Conclusion The HIV-1 subtype C and CRFs seem to have emerged over the last few years in the city of São Paulo, principally among the heterosexual population. These findings may have an impact on preventive measures and vaccine development in Brazil.


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Background Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) has been associated with several disease complexes, including reproductive failure. The aim of this study was to identify the subtypes of PCV2 that are associated with reproductive failure in pigs from the State of São Paulo, Brazil and to investigate co-infections with other infectious organisms. Findings Samples of 168 aborted foetuses or mummified foetuses from five farrow-to-finish swine farms known to be infected with PCV2 and located in the State of São Paulo were tested for PCV2 by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Positive samples were additionally tested for porcine parvovirus (PPV), Leptospira spp. and Brucella spp. by PCR. PCV2 was detected in 18 of the samples (10.7%). PPV, Brucella spp. and Leptospira spp were found in 2, 10 and 0 cases, respectively. Eleven PCV2 strains were sequenced and determined to be either genotype 2a (n = 1) or 2b (n = 10). Conclusions The findings indicate that the frequency of PCV2 infections in aborted porcine foetuses from the State of São Paulo is rather low (10.7%) and that co-infection with other pathogens is common and may be involved in PCV2 associated reproductive failure. No repeatable, characteristic amino acid motifs for regions of the PCV2 capsid protein seemed to be associated with abortion in sows.


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FUNDAMENTO: A fibrilação atrial é um fator de risco controverso para demência. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a associação entre fibrilação atrial e demência em participantes do São Paulo Ageing & Health. MÉTODOS: O São Paulo Ageing & Health é um estudo transversal, de base populacional, de idosos residentes em um uma região de baixa renda da cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. Diagnóstico de demência foi realizado de acordo com o protocolo do grupo 10/66, com base em critérios do Manual de Diagnóstico e Estatística das Perturbações Mentais (DSM-IV). O diagnóstico de fibrilação atrial foi feito por eletrocardiograma de 12 derivações, avaliado por dois cardiologistas. Dados demográficos e de fatores de risco cardiovasculares também foram obtidos. RESULTADOS: A demência foi diagnosticada em 66 (4,3%) e fibrilação atrial em 36 (2,4%) de 1.524 participantes com um eletrocardiograma válido. A razão de chances bruta para demência em participantes com fibrilação atrial foi 2,8 (intervalo de confiança [IC] 95%: 1,0-8,1; p = 0,06) em comparação com indivíduos sem fibrilação atrial. Relação positiva foi encontrada em mulheres (RC 4,2; IC 95%: 1,2-15,1; p = 0,03). Após ajuste para idade, no entanto, essa associação tornou-se não significativa (RC 2,2, IC 95%: 0,6-8,9; p = 0,26). CONCLUSÃO: Não houve associação independente entre a fibrilação atrial e demência nessa amostra. A prevalência da fibrilação atrial pode ser baixa nesta população em virtude da mortalidade cardiovascular prematura.


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Os solos de restinga são pouco estudados e conhecidos no Brasil. Neste trabalho, a micromorfologia de horizontes espódicos foi investigada em quatro locais do litoral do Estado de São Paulo (Bertioga, Ilha de Cananeia, Ilha do Cardoso e Ilha Comprida). A técnica possibilitou caracterizar as diferentes formas da matéria orgânica, e, juntamente com a descrição morfológica de oito perfis de solos representativos das restingas do Estado de São Paulo, objetivou-se discutir os mecanismos envolvidos na gênese dos horizontes espódicos desses ambientes. Entre os resultados alcançados, destaca-se: a presença de revestimentos orgânicos monomórficos na superfície dos constituintes grossos da maioria dos horizontes analisados, bem como o preenchimento quase completo da porosidade entre grãos de alguns horizontes cimentados e brandos, são evidências de que a clássica teoria da mobilização, transporte e precipitação de complexos organometálicos é válida para os solos estudados. No entanto, matéria orgânica polimórfica e, ou, resíduos vegetais em diferentes estádios de decomposição foram as principais pedofeições observadas em horizontes espódicos mal drenados e sotopostos a horizontes hísticos. Nesses, a decomposição pela mesofauna e microbiológica das raízes in situ é um importante mecanismo de acumulação de matéria orgânica em profundidade e formação dos horizontes espódicos. A atuação das raízes na formação desses horizontes, no entanto, vai além da sua decomposição: a fábrica e as feições da matéria orgânica de um horizonte cimentado, incluindo remanescentes radiculares, indicaram que as raízes podem atuar na imobilização da matéria orgânica por meio de seu mecanismo de absorção seletiva. Nesse processo, a solução do solo rica em carbono orgânico dissolvido é absorvida seletivamente pelas raízes, segregando parte do carbono complexado em sua superfície e no entorno destas, absorvendo água e nutrientes. A atuação continuada desse processo leva à precipitação da matéria orgânica iluviada e segregada por meio de sua desidratação, que é condicionada pela própria absorção radicular.


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Por seu condicionamento geológico‐geomorfológico, suas características climáticas tropicais a sub‐tropicais, com temperaturas amenas e vegetação exuberante, e por sua proximidade com importantes centros urbanos, o litoral norte do estado de São Paulo (Sudeste do Brasil) vem, há décadas sofrendo uma intensa modificação em sua paisagem. Este trecho do litoral brasileiro caracteriza‐se por intenso recorte, determinado pela proximidade da Serra do Mar com relação à linha de costa, e em cujas reentrâncias desenvolvem‐se pequenas planícies arenosas, normalmente com cobertura sedimentar holocênica. Em função deste controle morfo‐estrutural, as redes de drenagem são restritas, assim como o aporte sedimentar, que adquire caráter episódico, determinado pelo regime de pluviosidade desigual, característico da região