27 resultados para Mayr, Ernst: This is biology - the science of living world


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The acquired enamel pellicle (AEP) is a thin film formed by the selective adsorption of salivary proteins onto the enamel surface of teeth. The AEP forms a critical interface between the mineral phase of teeth (hydroxyapatite) and the oral microbial biofilm. This biofilm is the key feature responsible for the development of dental caries. Fluoride on enamel surface is well known to reduce caries by reducing the solubility of enamel to acid. Information on the effects of fluoride on AEP formation is limited. This study aimed to investigate the effects of fluoride treatment on hydroxyapatite on the subsequent formation of AEP. In addition, this study pioneered the use of label-free quantitative proteomics to better understand the composition of AEP proteins. Hydroxyapatite discs were randomly divided in 4 groups (n = 10 per group). Each disc was exposed to distilled water (control) or sodium fluoride solution (1, 2 or 5%) for 2 hours. Discs were then washed and immersed in human saliva for an additional 2 hours. AEP from each disc was collected and subjected to liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for protein identification, characterization and quantification. A total of 45 proteins were present in all four groups, 12 proteins were exclusively present in the control group and another 19 proteins were only present in the discs treated with 5% sodium fluoride. Relative proteomic quantification was carried out for the 45 proteins observed in all four groups. Notably, the concentration of important salivary proteins, such as statherin and histatin 1, decrease with increasing levels of fluoride. It suggests that these proteins are repulsed when hydroxyapatite surface is coated with fluoride. Our data demonstrated that treatment of hydroxyapatite with fluoride (at high concentration) qualitatively and quantitatively modulates AEP formation, effects which in turn will likely impact the formation of oral biofilms.


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Piezoelectric materials can be used to convert oscillatory mechanical energy into electrical energy. Energy harvesting devices are designed to capture the ambient energy surrounding the electronics and convert it into usable electrical energy. The design of energy harvesting devices is not obvious, requiring optimization procedures. This paper investigates the influence of pattern gradation using topology optimization on the design of piezocomposite energy harvesting devices based on bending behavior. The objective function consists of maximizing the electric power generated in a load resistor. A projection scheme is employed to compute the element densities from design variables and control the length scale of the material density. Examples of two-dimensional piezocomposite energy harvesting devices are presented and discussed using the proposed method. The numerical results illustrate that pattern gradation constraints help to increase the electric power generated in a load resistor and guides the problem toward a more stable solution. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In recent years, with some frequency it is heard that Latin America, especially South America, is witnessing the rise of an arms race. Frequent reports in the press and strong statements made by politicians in the region have fueled this fear. At the same time, scholars have also reached to this conclusion, as pointed out by Malamud and Garcia: "The famous arms race in Latin America, led by Venezuela, is no longer just talk."


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Patterns of species interactions affect the dynamics of food webs. An important component of species interactions that is rarely considered with respect to food webs is the strengths of interactions, which may affect both structure and dynamics. In natural systems, these strengths are variable, and can be quantified as probability distributions. We examined how variation in strengths of interactions can be described hierarchically, and how this variation impacts the structure of species interactions in predator-prey networks, both of which are important components of ecological food webs. The stable isotope ratios of predator and prey species may be particularly useful for quantifying this variability, and we show how these data can be used to build probabilistic predator-prey networks. Moreover, the distribution of variation in strengths among interactions can be estimated from a limited number of observations. This distribution informs network structure, especially the key role of dietary specialization, which may be useful for predicting structural properties in systems that are difficult to observe. Finally, using three mammalian predator-prey networks ( two African and one Canadian) quantified from stable isotope data, we show that exclusion of link-strength variability results in biased estimates of nestedness and modularity within food webs, whereas the inclusion of body size constraints only marginally increases the predictive accuracy of the isotope-based network. We find that modularity is the consequence of strong link-strengths in both African systems, while nestedness is not significantly present in any of the three predator-prey networks.


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On January 1 2008, Brazil included yet another element into its energy matrix: biodiesel. The predominant biodiesel production process involves a phase of transesterification that yields glycerol as a by-product. The use of this glycerol is limited since it is considered an unrefined raw material that must be refined for its various types of use. Several studies have addressed identification of possible uses for unrefined glycerol. Given the diversity of uses, an overview is necessary. The purpose of this work is to present alternatives currently being considered for the use of unrefined glycerol as a by-product of biodiesel production, aiming to contribute to the sustainable consolidation of the biofuel market. Exploratory research was carried out to identify these viable alternatives for the use of this by-product. The possibilities include the production of chemical products, fuel additives, production of hydrogen, development of fuel cells, ethanol or methanol production, animal feed, co-digestion and co-gasification, and waste treatment among others. The present research reveals that there are promising possibilities for the use of unrefined glycerol, which may help consolidate the sustainability of the biofuel market. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Triple-gate devices are considered a promising solution for sub-20 nm era. Strain engineering has also been recognized as an alternative due to the increase in the carriers mobility it propitiates. The simulation of strained devices has the major drawback of the stress non-uniformity, which cannot be easily considered in a device TCAD simulation without the coupled process simulation that is time consuming and cumbersome task. However, it is mandatory to have accurate device simulation, with good correlation with experimental results of strained devices, allowing for in-depth physical insight as well as prediction on the stress impact on the device electrical characteristics. This work proposes the use of an analytic function, based on the literature, to describe accurately the strain dependence on both channel length and fin width in order to simulate adequately strained triple-gate devices. The maximum transconductance and the threshold voltage are used as the key parameters to compare simulated and experimental data. The results show the agreement of the proposed analytic function with the experimental results. Also, an analysis on the threshold voltage variation is carried out, showing that the stress affects the dependence of the threshold voltage on the temperature. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The occurrence of two alien alpheid shrimps of the genus Athanas Leach, 1814 [in Leach 1813-1814], the Indo-West Pacific A. dimorphus Ortmann, 1894 and the Eastern Atlantic A. nitescens (Leach, 1813 [in Leach 1813-1814]), on the coast of the state of So Paulo, Brazil, is reported. The presence of A. dimorphus extends the range of this species in the western Atlantic farther to the south in Brazil, whereas A. nitescens is reported for the first time in the western Atlantic, representing the second alien alpheid species on this side of the Atlantic and the twenty-first decapod crustacean introduced in Brazil. We provide morphological accounts of the material examined and illustrate the most important diagnostic characters of both species. An overview of the possible mechanisms of their introduction on the coast of So Paulo is also provided.


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This paper reports on the advancement of magnetic ionic liquids (MILs) as stable dispersions of surface-modified gamma-Fe2O3, Fe3O4, and CoFe2O4 magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) in a hydrophobic ionic liquid, 1-n-butyl 3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (BMI.NTf2). The MNPs were obtained via coprecipitation and were characterized using powder X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy and Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy, and magnetic measurements. The surface-modified MNPs (SM-MNPs) were obtained via the silanization of the MNPs with the aid of 1-butyl-3[3-(trimethoxysilyl)propyl]imidazolium chloride (BMSPI.Cl). The SM-MNPs were characterized by Raman spectroscopy and Fourier trail: form infrared attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR) spectroscopy and by magnetic measurements. The FTIR-ATR spectra of the SM-MNPs exhibited characteristic absorptions of the imidazolium and those of the Fe-O-Si-C moieties, confirming the presence of BMSPI.Cl on the MNP surface. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) showed that the SM-MNPs were modified by at least one BMSPI.Cl monolayer. The MILs were characterized using Raman spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and magnetic measurements. The Raman and DSC results indicated an interaction between the SM-MNPs and the IL. This interaction promotes the formation of a supramolecular structure close to the MNP surface that mimics the IL structure and is responsible for the stability of the MIL. Magnetic measurements of the MILs indicated no hysteresis. Superparamagnetic behavior and a saturation magnetization of similar to 22 emu/g could be inferred from the magnetic measurements of a sample containing 50% w/w gamma-Fe2O3 SM-MNP/BMI-NTf2.


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The Niquelandia Complex, Brazil, is one of the world's largest mafic-ultramafic plutonic complexes. Like the Mafic Complex of the Ivrea-Verbano Zone, it is affected by a pervasive high-T foliation and shows hypersolidus deformation structures, contains significant inclusions of country-rock paragneiss, and is subdivided into a Lower and an Upper Complex. In this paper, we present new SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages that provide compelling evidence that the Upper and the Lower Niquelandia Complexes formed during the same igneous event at ca. 790 Ma. Coexistence of syn-magmatic and high-T subsolidus deformation structures indicates that both complexes grew incrementally as large crystal mush bodies which were continuously stretched while fed by pulses of fresh magma. Syn-magmatic recrystallization during this deformation resulted in textures and structures which, although appearing metamorphic, are not ascribable to post-magmatic metamorphic event(s), but are instead characteristic of the growth process in huge and deep mafic intrusions such as both the Niquelandia and Ivrea Complexes. Melting of incorporated country-rock paragneiss continued producing hybrid rocks during the last, vanishing stages of magmatic crystallization. This resulted in the formation of minor, late-stage hybrid rocks, whose presence obscures the record of the main processes of interaction between mantle magmas and crustal components, which may be active at the peak of the igneous events and lead to the generation of eruptible hybrid magmas. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Determination of chlorine using the molecular absorption of aluminum mono-chloride (AlCl) at the 261.418 nm wavelength was accomplished by high-resolution continuum source molecular absorption spectrometry using a transversely heated graphite tube furnace with an integrated platform. For the analysis. 10 mu L of the sample followed by 10 mu L of a solution containing Al-Ag-Sr modifier, (1 g L-1 each), were directly injected onto the platform. A spectral interference due to the use of Al-Ag-Sr as mixed modifier was easily corrected by the least-squares algorithm present in the spectrometer software. The pyrolysis and vaporization temperatures were 500 degrees C and 2200 degrees C, respectively. To evaluate the feasibility of a simple procedure for the determination of chlorine in food samples present in our daily lives, two different digestion methods were applied, namely (A) an acid digestion method using HNO3 only at room temperature, and (B) a digestion method with Ag, HNO3 and H2O2, where chlorine is precipitated as a low-solubility salt (AgCl), which is then dissolved with ammonia solution. The experimental results obtained with method B were in good agreement with the certified values and demonstrated that the proposed method is more accurate than method A. This is because the formation of silver chloride prevented analyte losses by volatilization. The limit of detection (LOD, 3 sigma/s) for Cl in methods A and B was 18 mu g g(-1) and 9 mu g g(-1), respectively, 1.7 and 3.3 times lower compared to published work using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, and absolute LODs were 2.4 and 1.2 ng, respectively. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Background: Hystricognath rodents have a lobed placenta, comprising labyrinthine exchange areas and interlobular trophoblast. These correspond to the labyrinthine and spongy zones of other rodent placentae. Beneath them, however, is a structure unique to hystricognath rodents called the subplacenta. We here describe the subplacenta of the red-rumped agouti and examine the possible functional correlates of this structure. Methods: Placentae were collected from early in midgestation to near term of pregnancy and examined by standard histological techniques, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy. In addition, to study the microvasculature of the subplacenta, vessel casts were inspected by scanning electron microscopy. Results: In the subplacenta, lamellae of connective tissue support a layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblast cells. Beneath this is found syncytiotrophoblast. Clusters of multinuclear giant cells occur in the transition zone between the subplacenta and decidua. There are prominent intercellular spaces between the cytotrophoblast cells. The basal membrane of these cells is often close to fetal blood vessels. The syncytiotrophoblast surrounds an extensive system of lacunae. Microvilli project into these lacunae from the plasma membrane of the syncytiotrophoblast. The syncytial cytoplasm contains electron-dense granules. This is probably the amylase-resistant PAS-positive material identified by histochemistry. The subplacenta is supplied entirely from the fetal circulation. Within it the vessels pursue a tortuous course with sinusoidal dilatations and constrictions. Conclusion: The functions that have been attributed to the subplacenta include hormone production. Our findings are consistent with this interpretation, but suggest that hormone secretion is directed towards the fetal circulation rather than the maternal tissues.


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Abstract Background Recent medical and biological technology advances have stimulated the development of new testing systems that have been providing huge, varied amounts of molecular and clinical data. Growing data volumes pose significant challenges for information processing systems in research centers. Additionally, the routines of genomics laboratory are typically characterized by high parallelism in testing and constant procedure changes. Results This paper describes a formal approach to address this challenge through the implementation of a genetic testing management system applied to human genome laboratory. We introduced the Human Genome Research Center Information System (CEGH) in Brazil, a system that is able to support constant changes in human genome testing and can provide patients updated results based on the most recent and validated genetic knowledge. Our approach uses a common repository for process planning to ensure reusability, specification, instantiation, monitoring, and execution of processes, which are defined using a relational database and rigorous control flow specifications based on process algebra (ACP). The main difference between our approach and related works is that we were able to join two important aspects: 1) process scalability achieved through relational database implementation, and 2) correctness of processes using process algebra. Furthermore, the software allows end users to define genetic testing without requiring any knowledge about business process notation or process algebra. Conclusions This paper presents the CEGH information system that is a Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) based on a formal framework to support genetic testing management for Mendelian disorder studies. We have proved the feasibility and showed usability benefits of a rigorous approach that is able to specify, validate, and perform genetic testing using easy end user interfaces.