22 resultados para In situ survival


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Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) mission is dedicated to measuring temporal variations of the Earth's gravity field. In this study, the Stokes coefficients made available by Groupe de Recherche en Géodésie Spatiale (GRGS) at a 10-day interval were converted into equivalent water height (EWH) for a ~4-year period in the Amazon basin (from July-2002 to May-2006). The seasonal amplitudes of EWH signal are the largest on the surface of Earth and reach ~ 1250mm at that basin's center. Error budget represents ~130 mm of EWH, including formal errors on Stokes coefficient, leakage errors (12 ~ 21 mm) and spectrum truncation (10 ~ 15 mm). Comparison between in situ river level time series measured at 233 ground-based hydrometric stations (HS) in the Amazon basin and vertically-integrated EWH derived from GRACE is carried out in this paper. Although EWH and HS measure different water bodies, in most of the cases a high correlation (up to ~80%) is detected between the HS series and EWH series at the same site. This correlation allows adjusting linear relationships between in situ and GRACE-based series for the major tributaries of the Amazon river. The regression coefficients decrease from up to down stream along the rivers reaching the theoretical value 1 at the Amazon's mouth in the Atlantic Ocean. The variation of the regression coefficients versus the distance from estuary is analysed for the largest rivers in the basin. In a second step, a classification of the proportionality between in situ and GRACE time-series is proposed.


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This work reports the development of GDE for electrogeneration of H2O2 and their application in the degradation process of Reactive Blue 19 dye. GDE produced by carbon black with 20% polytetrafluoroethylene generated up to 500 mg L-1 of H2O2 through the electrolysis of acidic medium at -0.8 V vs Ag/AgCl. Reactive Blue 19 dye was degraded most efficiently with H2O2 electrogenerated in the presence of Fe(II) ions, leading to removal of 95% of the original color and 39% of TOC at -0.8 V vs Ag/AgCl.


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Four castrated crossbred horses were used in a randomized block design to study the use of indigestible internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained in situ (from bovines) or in vivo (from equines). Treatments consisted of determining digestibility by the direct method comprising total feces collection (TC) and by the indirect method comprising internal markers iNDF and iADF obtained by in situ incubation in bovine rumen or in vivo by the mobile nylon bag (MNB) technique with horses. iNDF-IV and iADF-IV resulted in better marker recovery rate (RR) (91.50%), similar to TC. The in situ technique resulted in lower RR values for the two indigestible markers, averaging 86.50% (p < 0.05). Estimates of the nutrient coefficient of digestibility (CD) were adequately predicted by iADF-IV, for horses fed on hay exclusively, with rates 46.41, 48.16, 47.92 and 45.51% for dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), FDN and gross energy, respectively. Results show that MNB may be used to obtain iADF in horses fed on coast-cross hay exclusively, whereas NDFi and ADFi were selected for horses fed on mixed diets to predict the coefficient of nutrient digestibility.


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Ordered mesoporous ZrO2-CeO2 mixed oxides are potential candidates for catalytic applications. These systems, used as anodes in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC), may lead to better performance of SOFCs, due to an enhancement on surface area, aiming to achieve a lower working temperature. The aim of this studies is to evaluate the reduction capacity of Ni2+ to Ni in ZrO2-x(mol)%CeO2 (x=50 and 90) samples impregnated with 60(wt.)%NiO. The synthesis was made with Zr and Ce chloride precursors, HCl aqueous solution, Pluronic P123, NH4OH to adjust the pH (3-4) and a teflon autoclave to perform a hydrothermal treatment (80oC/48h). The samples were dried and calcined, until 540oC in N2 and 4 hours in air. The NiO impregnation was made with an ethanol dispersion of Ni(NO3)£6H2O. The powder was calcinated in air until 350oC for 2 hours. Temperature-resolved XANES data at the Ni K-edge were collected at the DXAS beam line of the LNLS in transmission mode, using a Si(111) monochromator and a CCD detector. Sample preparation consisted of mixing »6mg of the powder samples with boron nitride and pressing into pellets. The data were acquired during an experiment of temperature programmed reduction (TPR) under a 5% H2/He until 600oC and mixtures of 20%CH4:5%O2/He, at temperatures from 400 to 600oC. All the reactions were monitored with a mass spectrometer. The data was analyzed with a linear combination fit of 2 standards for each valence number using Athena software. The Ni K-edge experiments demonstrated that for both contents of CeO2, NiO embedded in the porous zirconia-ceria matrix reduces at lower temperatures than pure NiO, revealing that the ZrO2-CeO2 support improves the reduction of impregnated NiO. Ni was oxidized to NiO after all reactions with methane and oxygen. Hydrogenated carbonaceous species were detected, but under reducing conditions, the hydrocarbon compounds are removed. The reaction of total oxidation of methane CH4:O2 (1:2 ratio) was observed at lower temperatures (around 400oC) for both samples.


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Problem statement: The aim of the present study was to characterize and differentiate the effects of addition of flavomycin or monensin on ruminal fermentation and degradability as well as on total digestibility in bovine. Approach: Twelve non-pregnant and non-lactating cows (736 kg of BW) were randomly assigned to three treatments: control, flavomycin (20 mg animal-1 day-1) and monensin (300 mg animal-1 day-1). The trial lasted 21 days. The last 10 days were used for external marker administration (15 g of chromic oxide animal-1 day-1). The last 5 days of the trial were used for feces collection and evaluation of corn grain, soybean meal or sugarcane ruminal degradability and the 21st day was used for ruminal fluid sampling. Results: Monensin increased 27.2%, on average, propionate molar proportion at 0, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 h after feeding, compared to control and flavomycin groups. When compared to control, flavomycin reduced the degradation rate of soybean meal CP in 31.0%, decreasing the effective degradability when passage rates of 5 and 8% h-1 were used. Dry matter intake, pH, total Short Chain Fatty Acids (tSCFA) or ammoniacal Nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration were not influenced by the addition of either antibiotics. Effective degradability of sugarcane NDF was not influenced by the use of either antibiotic; neither were the TDN nor the digestibility of DM, CP, EE, NFE, ADF, NDF, GE or starch of the diet. Conclusion/Recommendations: In the present study, it was possible to show the beneficial effects of monensin but not of flavomycin, on rumen fermentation


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Reactive Sputter Magnetron (RSM) is a widely used technique to thin films growing of compounds both, in research laboratories and in industrial processes. The nature of the deposited compound will depend then on the nature of the magnetron target and the nature of the ions generated in the plasma. One important aspect of the problem is the knowledge of the evolution of the film during the process of growing itself. In this work, we present the design, construction of a chamber to be installed in the Huber goniometer in the XRD2 line of LNLS in Campinas, which allows in situ growing kinetic studies of thin films.


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A aquisição de dados da estrutura termohalina dos oceanos sempre foi limitada pelo alto custo das missões oceanográficas. Sistemas de amostragem in situ menos dispendiosos, como o lançamento de XBTs por navios de oportunidade, a utilização de bóias de deriva, e mais recentemente, de sistemas de observação autõnomos como gliders e flutuadores Argo, foram concebidos como alternativas aos cruzeiros. Estes sistemas são capazes de cobrir vastas porções oceanicas e de fornecer grande quantidade de medições, porem seus dados nem sempre estão disponíveis ou mesmo são adequados `a resolução de um determinado problema ou ao estudo de um fenômeno em questão, devido principalmente à sua falta de sinopticidade e/ou cobertura espacial irregular. Sensores orbitais provaram ser valiosos e comparativamente possuem excelente periodicidade e cobertura espacial, mas suas observações são limitadas apenas à superfície dos oceanos. Assim, a capacidade de se inferir com boa precisão a estrutura termohalina de feições oceanográficas à partir de uma amostragem reduzida e/ou utilizando medições¸ indiretas é desejável e vem sido aprimorada em diversos trabalhos. Métodos clássicos incluem o desenvolvimento de modelos de feição pelo ajuste de curvas paramétricas (e.g. GANGOPADHYAY et al., 1997; CHU et al., 1999) e a reconstrução de perfis utilizando modos EOF (e.g. CARNES et al., 1990; AGARWAL et al., 2007)