22 resultados para Endo-polygalacturonase


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This article describes the Diels-Alder reaction between methyl thiocinnamates, substituted at the para position by electron-donating and electron-withdrawing groups, with cyclopentadiene in the presence of catechol boron bromide (CBB) as a Lewis acid catalyst. The adduct configuration was confirmed by H-1 NMR coupling constants and single-crystal x-ray diffraction. Total endo stereoselectivity was observed in all reactions and was attributed to the effective secondary interaction between the boron atom and the incipient double bond in the norbonene resulting from the planar geometry of the catalyst. C-13 NMR chemical shifts of the coordinated dienophile carbonyl carbons with CBB compared to those of the non coordinated thiocinammates suggest a strong complexation with the catalyst.


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The electronic interactions between the [Cu(opba)]2- anions (where opba is orthophenylenebis (oxamato)) and single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The opba can form molecular magnets, and the interactions of opba with SWCNTs can produce materials with very different magnetic/electronic properties. It is observed that the electronic interaction shows a dependence on the SWCNT diameter independent of whether they are metallic or semiconducting, although the interaction is stronger for metallic tubes. The interaction also is dependent on the amount of complex that is probably adsorbed on the carbon surface of the SWCNTs. Some charge transfer can be also occurring between the metallic complex and the SWCNTs. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Eighteen aerobic endospore forming strains were isolated from sugarcane rhizosphere in N-free medium. A phenotypic description and analysis of the 5' end hypervariable region sequences of 16S rRNA revealed a high diversity of Bacillus and related genera. Isolates were identified, and four genera were obtained: seven strains belonged to Bacillus (Bacillaceae family), four belonged to Paenibacillus, six belonged to Brevibacillus and one strain was identified as Cohnella (Paenibacillaceae family). Four Brevibacillus strains showed in vitro inhibitory activity against plant pathogens fungi Curvularia and Fusarium. Seventy-four percent of the isolated bacteria grew on pectin as the only carbon source, showing polygalacturonase activity. Pectate lyase activity was detected for the first time in a Brevibacillus genus strain. All isolates showed endoglucanase activity. Calcium phosphate solubilisation was positive in 83.3% of the isolates, with higher values than those reported for Bacillus inorganic phosphate solubilising strains. High ethylene plant hormone secretion in the culture medium was detected in 22% of the bacteria. This is the first report of ethylene secretion in Paenibacillaceae isolates. Indole-3-acetic acid production was found in a Brevibacillus genus isolate. It was reported for the first time the presence of Cohnella genus strain on sugarcane rhizosphere bearing plant growth promoting traits. The sugarcane isolate Brevibacillus B65 was identified as a plant growth inoculant because it showed wider spectra of plant stimulation capabilities, including an antifungal effect, extracellular hydrolases secretion, inorganic phosphate solubilisation and plant hormone liberation. In this work, sugarcane was shown to be a suitable niche for finding aerobic endospore forming 'Bacilli' with agriculture biotechnological purposes.


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Introduction: Enterococcus faecalis is a member of the mammalian gastrointestinal microbiota but has been considered a leading cause of hospital-acquired infections. In the oral cavity, it is commonly detected from root canals of teeth with failed endodontic treatment. However, little is known about the virulence and genetic relatedness among E. faecalis isolates from different clinical sources. This study compared the presence of enterococcal virulence factors among root canal strains and clinical isolates from hospitalized patients to identify virulent clusters of E. faecalis. Methods: Multilocus sequence typing analysis was used to determine genetic lineages of 40 E. faecalis clinical isolates from different sources. Virulence clusters were determined by evaluating capsule (cps) locus polymorphisms, pathogenicity island gene content, and antibiotic resistance genes by polymerase chain reaction. Results: The clinical isolates from hospitalized patients formed a phylogenetically separate group and were mostly grouped in the clonal complex 2, which is a known virulent cluster of E. faecalis that has caused infection outbreaks globally. The clonal complex 2 group comprised capsule-producing strains harboring multiple antibiotic resistance and pathogenicity island genes. On the other hand, the endodontic isolates were more diverse and harbored few virulence and antibiotic resistance genes. In particular, although more closely related to isolates from hospitalized patients, capsuleproducing E. faecalis strains from root canals did not carry more virulence/antibiotic genes than other endodontic isolates. Conclusions: E. faecalis isolates from endodontic infections have a genetic and virulence profile different from pathogenic clusters of hospitalized patients’ isolates, which is most likely due to niche specialization conferred mainly by variable regions in the genome.


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The aims of this study were to test (i) the effect of time of tissue and RNA extracts storage on ice and (ii) the effect of repeated freeze–thaw cycles on RNA integrity and gene expression of bovine reproductive tissues. Fragments of endometrium (ENDO), corpus luteum (CL) and ampulla (AMP) were subdivided and incubated for 0, 1, 3, 6, 12 or 24 h on ice. RNA extracts were incubated on ice for 0, 3, 12 or 24 h, or exposed to 1, 2, 4 or 6 freeze–thaw cycles. RNA integrity number (RIN) was estimated. Expression of progesterone receptor (PGR) and cyclophilin genes from RNA extracts stored on ice for 0 or 24 h, and 1 or 6 freeze–thaw cycles was measured by qPCR. Tissue and RNA extract incubation on ice, and repeated freeze–thaw cycles did not affect RIN values of RNA from ENDO, CL or AMP. Storage on ice or exposure to freeze–thaw cycles did not affect Cq values for PGR or cyclophilin genes. In conclusion, neither generalized RNA degradation nor specific RNA degradation was affected by storage of tissue or RNA extracts on ice for up to 24 h, or by up to 6 freeze–thaw cycles of RNA extracts obtained from bovine ENDO, CL and AMP.


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Os oceanos e as praias têm recebido todo o tipo de fragmentos, que podem ter impactos econômicos, estéticos e ecológicos (USEPA, 1992). Dentre esses fragmentos, estão os pellets ou grânulos plásticos, que são utilizados na indústria para manufatura de diversos produtos (Ogata et al, 2009). Esses grânulos entram no ambiente de forma acidental ou intencional durante o transporte ou produção de plástico (ITF, 1988) e representam um importante constituinte da poluição marinha por resíduos sólidos, estando presentes em todos os oceanos e praias do mundo, com relatos desde a década de 70 (Turra, 2008). Efeitos adversos que podem ocorrer em organismos que ingerem esses grânulos incluem bloqueio do trato intestinal, redução de consumo alimentar e aumento à exposição dos produtos químicos (Endo et al., 2005). Segundo Karapanagioti e Klontza (2008), os grânulos de baixa densidade flutuam na superfície do oceano e chegam nas praias. Sendo orgânicos, os grânulos adsorvem contaminantes hidrofóbicos, como hidrocarbonetos, presentes ao longo percurso até chegar na praia (Mato et al., 2001). Esses compostos estão entre contaminantes que podem afetar o ambiente marinho e podem ser provenientes de vazamentos de óleo e queima incompleta de combustíveis fósseis (NRC, 1985). O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar resultados desses compostos em grânulos de plástico coletados na superfície do sedimento da Praia do Embaré, Baixada Santista, SP, região muito afetada pela introdução de hidrocarbonetos.


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The behavior of composed Web services depends on the results of the invoked services; unexpected behavior of one of the invoked services can threat the correct execution of an entire composition. This paper proposes an event-based approach to black-box testing of Web service compositions based on event sequence graphs, which are extended by facilities to deal not only with service behavior under regular circumstances (i.e., where cooperating services are working as expected) but also with their behavior in undesirable situations (i.e., where cooperating services are not working as expected). Furthermore, the approach can be used independently of artifacts (e.g., Business Process Execution Language) or type of composition (orchestration/choreography). A large case study, based on a commercial Web application, demonstrates the feasibility of the approach and analyzes its characteristics. Test generation and execution are supported by dedicated tools. Especially, the use of an enterprise service bus for test execution is noteworthy and differs from other approaches. The results of the case study encourage to suggest that the new approach has the power to detect faults systematically, performing properly even with complex and large compositions. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.