21 resultados para Elevated-Plus-Maze


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A growing body of evidence indicates that facilitation of serotonin-2C receptor (5-HT2CR)-mediated neurotransmission in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in anxiety generation. We investigated here whether BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs exert a differential role in the regulation of defensive behaviours related to generalized anxiety (inhibitory avoidance) and panic (escape) disorders. We also evaluated whether activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the anxiogenic effect caused by acute systemic administration of the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine. Male Wistar rats were tested in the elevated T-maze after intra-BLA injection of the endogenous agonist 5-HT, the 5-HT2CR agonist MK-212 or the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB-242084. This test allows the measurement of inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression. We also investigated whether intra-BLA administration of SB-242084 interferes with the acute anxiogenic effect caused by imipramine and fluoxetine in the Vogel conflict test, and imipramine in the elevated T-maze. While intra-BLA administration of 5-HT and MK-212 facilitated inhibitory avoidance acquisition, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, SB-242084 had the opposite effect. None of these drugs affected escape performance. Intra-BLA injection of a sub-effective dose of SB-242084 fully blocked the anxiogenic effect caused either by the local microinjection of 5-HT or the systemic administration of imipramine and fluoxetine. Our findings indicate that 5-HT(2C)Rs in BLA are selectively involved in the regulation of defensive behaviours associated with generalized anxiety, but not panic. The results also provide the first direct evidence that activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the short-term aversive effect of antidepressants.


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Cohabitation for 14 days with Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice was shown to increase locomotor activity, to decrease hypothalamic noradrenaline (NA) levels, to increase NA turnover and to decrease innate immune responses and decrease the animals' resistance to tumor growth. Cage mates of a B16F10 melanoma-bearer mice were also reported to show neuroimmune changes. Chemosignals released by Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice have been reported to be relevant for the neutrophil activity changes induced by cohabitation. The present experiment was designed to further analyze the effects of odor cues on neuroimmune changes induced by cohabitation with a sick cage mate. Specifically, the relevance of chemosignals released by an Ehrlich tumor-bearing mouse was assessed on the following: behavior (open-field and plus maze); hypothalamic NA levels and turnover; adrenaline (A) and NA plasmatic levels; and host resistance induced by tumor growth. To comply with such objectives, devices specifically constructed to analyze the influence of chemosignals released from tumor-bearing mice were employed. The results show that deprivation of odor cues released by Ehrlich tumor-bearing mice reversed the behavioral, neurochemical and immune changes induced by cohabitation. Mice use scents for intraspecies communication in many social contexts. Tumors produce volatile organic compounds released into the atmosphere through breath, sweat, and urine. Our results strongly suggest that volatile compounds released by Ehrlich tumor-injected mice are perceived by their conspecifics, inducing the neuroimmune changes reported for cohabitation with a sick companion. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Changes in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)mediated signaling in the hippocampus have been implicated in the etiology of depression and in the mode of action of antidepressant drugs. There is also evidence from animal studies to suggest that BDNF-induced changes in the hippocampus may play a role in another stress-related pathology: anxiety. However, it is still unknown whether this neurotrophin plays a differential role in defensive responses associated with distinguished subtypes of anxiety disorders found in the clinic, such as generalized anxiety and panic disorder. In the present study, we investigated the effect of an acute BDNF injection into the rat dorsal hippocampus (DH) on inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression measured in the elevated T-maze (ETM). We also assessed whether serotonergic neurotransmission may account for such effects. Intra-DH BDNF injection (200 pg) facilitated inhibitory avoidance in ETM. BDNF was equally anxiogenic in the light/dark transition test. Preadministration of the 5-HT1A receptor antagonist WAY-100635 fully counteracted the anxiogenic effect of BDNF in both tests. Intra-DH midazolam administration (10 nmol) impaired avoidance acquisition in ETM, suggesting an anxiolytic effect. Therefore, in the DH, facilitation of BDNF signaling seems to enhance 5-HT1A receptor-mediated neurotransmission to exert an anxiogenic effect associated with generalized anxiety. Behavioural Pharmacology 23:80-88 (C) 2012 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.


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A wealth of evidence indicates that the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) is not a homogenous structure, but an aggregate of distinctive populations of neurons that may differ anatomically, neurochemically and functionally. Other findings suggest that serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal and caudal part of the DR are involved in anxiety processing while those within the lateral wings (IwDR) and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vIPAG) are responsive to panic-evoking stimuli/situations. However, no study to date has directly compared the activity of 5-HT and non-5HT neurons within different subnuclei of the DR following the expression of anxiety- and panic-related defensive responses. In the present investigation, the number of doubly immunostained cells for Fos protein and tryptophan hydroxylase, a marker of serotonergic neurons, was assessed within the rat DR, median raphe nucleus (MRN) and PAG following inhibitory avoidance and escape performance in the elevated T-maze, behaviors associated with anxiety and panic, respectively. Inhibitory avoidance, but not escape, significantly increased the number of Fos-expressing serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal part of the dorsal subnucleus, caudal and interfascicular subnuclei of the DR and in the MRN. Escape, on the other hand, caused a marked increase in the activity of non-5HT cells within the IwDR, vIPAG, dorsolateral and dorsomedial columns of the PAG. These results strongly corroborate the view that different subsets of neurons in the DR are activated by anxiety- and panic-relevant stimuli/situations, with important implications for the understanding of the pathophysiology of generalized anxiety and panic disorders. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Panic disorder patients are vulnerable to recurrent panic attacks. Two neurochemical hypotheses have been proposed to explain this susceptibility. The first assumes that panic patients have deficient serotonergic inhibition of neurons localized in the dorsal periaqueductal gray matter of the midbrain that organize defensive reactions to cope with proximal threats and of sympathomotor control areas of the rostral ventrolateral medulla that generate most of the neurovegetative symptoms of the panic attack. The second suggests that endogenous opioids buffer normal subjects from the behavioral and physiological manifestations of the panic attack, and their deficit brings about heightened suffocation sensitivity and separation anxiety in panic patients, making them more vulnerable to panic attacks. Experimental results obtained in rats performing one-way escape in the elevated T-maze, an animal model of panic, indicate that the inhibitory action of serotonin on defense is connected with activation of endogenous opioids in the periaqueductal gray. This allows reconciliation of the serotonergic and opioidergic hypotheses of panic pathophysiology, the periaqueductal gray being the fulcrum of serotonin-opioid interaction.


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Previous results show that elevated T-maze (ETM) avoidance responses are facilitated by acute restraint. Escape, on the other hand, was unaltered. To examine if the magnitude of the stressor is an important factor influencing these results, we investigated the effects of unpredictable chronic mild stress (UCMS) on ETM avoidance and escape measurements. Analysis of Fos protein immunoreactivity (Fos-ir) was used to map areas activated by stress exposure in response to ETM avoidance and escape performance. Additionally, the effects of the UCMS protocol on the number of cells expressing the marker of migrating neuroblasts doublecortin (DCX) in the hippocampus were investigated. Corticosterone serum levels were also measured. Results showed that UCMS facilitates ETM avoidance, not altering escape. In unstressed animals, avoidance performance increases Fos-ir in the cingulate cortex, hippocampus (dentate gyrus) and basomedial amygdala, and escape increases Fos-ir in the dorsolateral periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. In stressed animals submitted to ETM avoidance, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, ventrolateral septum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, amygdala, dorsal and median raphe nuclei. In stressed animals submitted to ETM escape, increases in Fos-ir were observed in the cingulate cortex, periaqueductal gray and locus ceruleus. Also, UCMS exposure decreased the number of DCX-positive cells in the dorsal and ventral hippocampus and increased corticosterone serum levels. These data suggest that the anxiogenic effects of UCMS are related to the activation of specific neurobiological circuits that modulate anxiety and confirm that this stress protocol activates the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and decreases hippocampal adult neurogenesis.