23 resultados para Depersonalized Attraction


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Solvent effects on the one- and two-photon absorption (IPA and 2PA) of disperse orange 3 (DO3) in dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) are studied using a discrete polarizable embedding (PE) response theory. The scheme comprises a quantum region containing the chromophore and an atomically granulated classical region for the solvent accounting for full interactions within and between the two regions. Either classical molecular dynamics (MD) or hybrid Car-Parrinello (CP) quantum/classical (QM/MM) molecular dynamics simulations are employed to describe the solvation of DO3 in DMSO, allowing for an analysis of the effect of the intermolecular short-range repulsion, long-range attraction, and electrostatic interactions on the conformational changes of the chromophore and also the effect of the solute-solvent polarization. PE linear response calculations are performed to verify the character, solvatochromic shift, and overlap of the two lowest energy transitions responsible for the linear absorption spectrum of DO3 in DMSO in the visible spectral region. Results of the PE linear and quadratic response calculations, performed using uncorrelated solute-solvent configurations sampled from either the classical or hybrid CP QM/MM MD simulations, are used to estimate the width of the line shape function of the two electronic lowest energy excited states, which allow a prediction of the 2PA cross-sections without the use of empirical parameters. Appropriate exchange-correlation functionals have been employed in order to describe the charge-transfer process following the electronic transitions of the chromophore in solution.


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Diversity of Ephemeroptera (Insecta) of the Serra da Mantiqueira and Serra do Mar, southeastern Brazil. The aim of this study was to inventory the mayfly fauna, based on nymphal and alate stages, in Serra da Mantiqueira and in Serra do Mar, Sao Paulo State, as well as to present information about habitats used by the genera. Nymphs were collected in several streams and mesohabitats with a Surber sampler and the winged stages with light attraction methods, entomological nets, and Malaise traps. In all, eight families and 33 genera were recorded, representing a very significant portion of the Brazilian fauna (80% of families and 49% of genera). Furthermore, it was possible to identify 11 species, of which two are new records for the state: Tricorythodes santarita Traver and Caenis reissi Malzacher. Despite the high diversity recorded, the accumulation curves presented an ascending form, indicating an increase in the number of genera with additional sampling effort. The high richness found in these areas are in agreement with the high biodiversity of the Atlantic Forest biome and the sampling effort employed, which included the use of different methods, the collection of both nymphs and winged stages, and the sampling of a large area with diverse streams and habitats.


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Despite the general belief that the interaction between extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) and ants is mutualistic, the defensive function of EFNs has been poorly documented in South American savannas. In this article, we evaluate the potential impact of EFNs (benefits and costs) on two species of plants from the dry areas of Central Brazil, Anemopaegma album and Anemopaegma scabriusculum (Bignoniaceae). In particular, we characterize the composition of substances secreted by the EFNs, test whether EFNs attract ants, and whether ants actually present a defensive role, leading to reduced herbivory and increased plant fitness. Histochemical analyses indicated that EFNs from both species of Anemopaegma secrete an exudate that is composed of sugars, and potentially lipids and proteins. Furthermore, EFNs from both species were shown to present a significant role in ant attraction. However, contrary to common expectations, ants were not found to protect plants against herbivore attack. No effect was found between ant visitation and flower or fruit production in A. album, while the presence of ants led to a significant decrease in flower production in A. scabriusculum. These results suggest that EFNs might present a similar cost and benefit in A. album, and a higher cost than benefit in A. scabriusculum. Since the ancestor of Anemopaegma occupied humid forests and already presented EFNs that were maintained in subsequent lineages that occupied savannas, we suggest that phylogenetic inertia might explain the presence of EFNs in the species of Anemopaegma in which EFNs lack a defensive function.


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Neutrophil migration to inflamed sites is crucial for both the initiation of inflammation and resolution of infection, yet these cells are involved in perpetuation of different chronic inflammatory diseases. Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP) is a neuropeptide that acts through G protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) involved in signal transmission in both central and peripheral nervous systems. Its receptor, gastrin-releasing peptide receptor (GRPR), is expressed by various cell types, and it is overexpressed in cancer cells. RC-3095 is a selective GRPR antagonist, recently found to have antiinflammatory properties in arthritis and sepsis models. Here we demonstrate that i.p. injection of GRP attracts neutrophils in 4 h, and attraction is blocked by RC-3095. Macrophage depletion or neutralization of TNF abrogates GRP-induced neutrophil recruitment to the peritoneum. In vitro, GRP-induced neutrophil migration was dependent on PLC-beta 2, PI3K, ERK, p38 and independent of G alpha i protein, and neutrophil migration toward synovial fluid of arthritis patients was inhibited by treatment with RC-3095. We propose that GRPR is an alternative chemotactic receptor that may play a role in the pathogenesis of inflammatory disorders.


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Glasses in the system xGeO(2)-(1-x)NaPO3 (0 <= x <= 0.50) were prepared by conventional melting quenching and characterized by thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) techniques. The deconvolution of the latter spectra was aided by homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The combined analyses of P-31 MAS NMR and O-1s XPS lineshapes, taking charge and mass balance considerations into account, yield the detailed quantitative speciations of the phosphorus, germanium, and oxygen atoms and their respective connectivities. An internally consistent description is possible without invoking the formation of higher-coordinated germanium species in these glasses, in agreement with experimental evidence in the literature. The structure can be regarded, to a first approximation, as a network consisting of P-(2) and P-(3) tetrahedra linked via four-coordinate germanium. As implied by the appearance of P-(3) units, there is a moderate extent of network modifier sharing between phosphate and germanate network formers, as expressed by the formal melt reaction P-(2) + Ge-(4) -> P-(3) + Ge-(3). The equilibrium constant of this reaction is estimated as K = 0.52 +/- 0.11, indicating a preferential attraction of network modifier by the phosphorus component. These conclusions are qualitatively supported by Raman spectroscopy as well as P-31{Na-23} and P-31{Na-23} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR results. The combined interpretation of O-1s XPS and P-31 MAS NMR spectra shows further that there are clear deviations from a random connectivity scenario: heteroatomic P-O-Ge linkages are favored over homoatomic P-O-P and Ge-O-Ge linkages.


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INTRODUCTION: In recent years, hantavirus infections producing severe diseases have obtained an increased attention from public health authorities from the countries of Eurasia to the Americas. Brazil has reported 1,300 cases of hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome (HCPS) from 1993 to 2010, with about 80 of them occurring in the northeast of the State of São Paulo, with 48% fatality rate. Araraquara virus was the causative agent of HCPS in the region. Considering that hantaviruses causing human disease in the Americas were unknown until 1993, we have looked for hantavirus infections in the population of Cássia dos Coqueiros county, northeast of the State of São Paulo, Brazil, before this time. This county has about 2,800 inhabitants and an economy based on agriculture, including cultivation of Brachiaria decumbens grass. The grass seeds are an important rodent attraction, facilitating transmission of hantavirus to man. Four HCPS cases were reported so far in the county. METHODS: In this study, 1,876 sera collected from 1987 to 1990 were tested for IgG to hantavirus by IgG-ELISA, using the N recombinant protein of Araraquara virus as antigen. RESULTS: Positive results were observed in 89 (4.7%) samples, which were all collected in 1987. The positivity among urban inhabitants was 5.3%, compared with 4.3% among those living in rural areas. CONCLUSIONS: Our results showed that hantavirus infections occurred in Cássia dos Coqueiros, completely unrecognized, even before hantaviruses were described in the Americas.


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This study investigates the species richness and abundance of Drosophila Fallén, 1823 attracted to dung and carrion baited pitfall traps in natural areas with heterogeneous habitats at the Sierra de Minas, Eastern Serranías, southeastern Uruguay. Collecting was carried out on a monthly basis (May 2002 through April 2003). Drosophilids accounted for 0.84% (n = 131) and 3.61% (n = 158) of the Diptera collected from dung (n = 15,630) and carrion (n = 4,382) pitfall traps, respectively. A total of 12 species were identified, 11 of which belong to the subgenus Drosophila (the richest) and one to the subgenus Sophophora Sturtevant, 1939. Over 90% of the Drosophila specimens collected belong to five species of the subgenus Drosophila, namely D. gaucha Jaeger & Salzano, 1953, D. immigrans Sturtevant, 1921, D. mediovittata Frota-Pessoa, 1954, D. aff. nappae Vilela, Valente & Basso-da-Silva, 2004, and D. ornatifrons Duda, 1927. Drosophila cardini Sturtevant, 1916 is recorded for the first time from Uruguay. Drosophila abundance and species richness in the four habitats sampled in the Uruguayan Eastern Serranías, namely woodlands sierra, riparian forest, pine plantation and grazing grassland, were considered to be a function of habitat conservation. Diversity indices were low in all habitats. Different habitats supported particular coprophilous and necrophilous Drosophila species. The woodland sierra represents the most preserved habitat, and contributed with the highest species richness observed. Drosophila ornatifrons was the dominant species, with a restricted habitat distribution. On the other hand, grazed grassland, an environment modified by livestock management, had the lowest species richness: only a few specimens of D. repleta Wollaston, 1858. Regarding species composition, significant differences were found in some pairwise comparisons of groups of Drosophila species that included D. ornatifrons. Fly attraction to dung can be exploited as an alternative and/or complementary collecting method in ecological studies of Drosophila assemblages in natural areas.


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Semi-supervised learning is a classification paradigm in which just a few labeled instances are available for the training process. To overcome this small amount of initial label information, the information provided by the unlabeled instances is also considered. In this paper, we propose a nature-inspired semi-supervised learning technique based on attraction forces. Instances are represented as points in a k-dimensional space, and the movement of data points is modeled as a dynamical system. As the system runs, data items with the same label cooperate with each other, and data items with different labels compete among them to attract unlabeled points by applying a specific force function. In this way, all unlabeled data items can be classified when the system reaches its stable state. Stability analysis for the proposed dynamical system is performed and some heuristics are proposed for parameter setting. Simulation results show that the proposed technique achieves good classification results on artificial data sets and is comparable to well-known semi-supervised techniques using benchmark data sets.