23 resultados para Conners’ parent rating scale


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Neuroimaging studies suggest anterior-limbic structural brain abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), but few studies have shown these abnormalities in unaffected but genetically liable family members. In this study, we report morphometric correlates of genetic risk for BD using voxel-based morphometry. In 35 BD type I (BD-I) patients, 20 unaffected first-degree relatives (UAR) of BD patients and 40 healthy control subjects underwent 3 T magnetic resonance scanner imaging. Preprocessing of images used DARTEL (diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra) for voxel-based morphometry in SPM8 (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK). The whole-brain analysis revealed that the gray matter (GM) volumes of the left anterior insula and right inferior frontal gyrus showed a significant main effect of diagnosis. Multiple comparison analysis showed that the BD-I patients and the UAR subjects had smaller left anterior insular GM volumes compared with the healthy subjects, the BD-I patients had smaller right inferior frontal gyrus compared with the healthy subjects. For white matter (WM) volumes, there was a significant main effect of diagnosis for medial frontal gyrus. The UAR subjects had smaller right medial frontal WM volumes compared with the healthy subjects. These findings suggest that morphometric brain abnormalities of the anterior-limbic neural substrate are associated with family history of BD, which may give insight into the pathophysiology of BD, and be a potential candidate as a morphological endophenotype of BD. Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 412-420; doi: 10.1038/mp.2011.3; published online 15 February 2011


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The benefits of cochlear implants (CI) for communication skills are obtained over the years. There are but a few studies regarding the long-term outcomes in postlingual deaf children who grew up using the electronic device. Aim: To assess the functional results in a group of postlingual children, 10 years after using a CI. Methods: Ten postlingual deaf children, implanted before 18 years of age, participated in this study. We assessed: sentence recognition and speech intelligibility. We documented: device use and function and the patient's academic/occupational status. Study design: series. Results: The mean scores were 73% for sentence recognition in silence and 40% in noise. The average write-down intelligibility score was 92% and the average rating-scale intelligibility score was 4.15. There were no cases of device failure. Regarding educational/vocational status, three subjects graduated from the University. Five quit education after completing high school. Eight subjects had a professional activity. Conclusion: This study showed that cochlear implantation is a safe and reliable procedure. The postlingual profoundly hearing-impaired children after 10 years of CI use developed satisfactory levels regarding speech perception and intelligibility, and completed at least high school and were inserted in the labor market. Clinical Trials Registry: NCT01400178.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to test the psychometric properties of the Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI) in a group of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients from a tertiary care center, correlating its scores with the presence of psychiatric symptoms. Methods: Clinical and sociodemographic data from ninety-six TLE outpatients were collected, and a neuropsychiatric evaluation was performed with the following instruments: Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), structured psychiatric interview (MINI-PLUS), Neurobehavior Inventory (NBI), and Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D). Results: Some traits evaluated by the NBI showed adequate internal consistency (mean inter-item correlation between 0.2 and 0.4) and were frequent, such as religiosity (74%) and repetitiveness (60.4%). Principal component analysis showed three factors, named here as emotions (Factor 1), hyposexuality (Factor 2), and unusual ideas (Factor 3). Depressive symptoms on HAM-D showed a strong association with emotions and hyposexuality factors. When patients with left TLE and right TLE were compared, the former exhibited more sadness (p=0.017), and the latter, a greater tendency toward sense of personal destiny (p=0.028). Conclusion: Depression influences NBI scoring, mainly emotionality and hyposexuality traits. Neurobehavior Inventory subscales can be better interpreted with an appropriate evaluation of comorbid mood and anxiety disorders. Compromise in left temporal mesial structures is associated with increased tendency toward sad affect, whereas right temporal pathology is associated with increased beliefs in personal destiny. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Although lithium has been the first line agent in the treatment of bipolar disorder (BD), few studies have evaluated lithium's efficacy in mania with psychosis and its association with later response. Furthermore, given the widespread concern about antipsychotic side effects, answering a question about whether lithium alone can manage to treat both psychotic and non-psychotic mania seems a very relevant one. The present study addresses the antipsychotic efficacy of lithium monotherapy in acute mania and early improvement of psychotic symptoms as a predictor of later response of manic symptoms. Forty-six patients presenting a manic episode (32 with psychotic features and 14 subjects without psychotic features) were treated for 4 weeks with lithium monotherapy and evaluated weekly using the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS). Subjects with rapid cycling, substance abuse/dependence, or mixed episodes were excluded. The overall antimanic efficacy of lithium in psychosis vs. non-psychosis groups was evaluated. In addition, early improvement of psychotic symptoms and its prediction of subsequent response (>50% decrease in total YMRS scores) or remission were evaluated. Lithium showed a similar efficacy in both psychosis and non-psychosis mania. Early improvement of psychotic symptoms was associated with clinical response and remission at endpoint. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Introduction: Neuroimaging has been widely used in studies to investigate depression in the elderly because it is a noninvasive technique, and it allows the detection of structural and functional brain alterations. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) are neuroimaging indexes of the microstructural integrity of white matter, which are measured using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The aim of this study was to investigate differences in FA or MD in the entire brain without a previously determined region of interest (ROI) between depressed and non-depressed elderly patients. Method: Brain magnetic resonance imaging scans were obtained from 47 depressed elderly patients, diagnosed according to DSM-IV criteria, and 36 healthy elderly patients as controls. Voxelwise statistical analysis of FA data was performed using tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS). Results: After controlling for age, no significant differences among FA and MD parameters were observed in the depressed elderly patients. No significant correlations were found between cognitive performance and FA or MD parameters. Conclusion: There were no significant differences among FA or MD values between mildly or moderately depressed and non-depressed elderly patients when the brain was analyzed without a previously determined ROI. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: We evaluated the effectiveness of high-frequency transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) as a pain relief resource for primiparous puerpere who had experienced natural childbirth with an episiotomy. Methods: A controlled, randomized clinical study was conducted in a Brazilian maternity ward. Forty puerpere were randomly divided into two groups: TENS high frequency and a no treatment control group. Post-episiotomy pain was assessed in the resting and sitting positions and during ambulation. An 11-point numeric rating scale was performed in three separate evaluations (at the beginning of the study, after 60 min and after 120 min). The McGill pain questionnaire was employed at the beginning and 60 min later. TENS with 100 Hz frequency and 75 mu s pulse for 60 min was employed without causing any pain. Four electrodes ware placed in parallel near the episiotomy site, in the area of the pudendal and genitofemoral nerves. Results: An 11-point numeric rating scale and McGill pain questionnaire showed a significant statistical difference in pain reduction in the TENS group, while the control group showed no alteration in the level of discomfort. Hence, high-frequency TENS treatment significantly reduced pain intensity immediately after its use and 60 min later. Conclusion: TENS is a safe and viable non-pharmacological analgesic resource to be employed for pain relief post-episiotomy. The routine use of TENS post-episiotomy is recommended.


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Background: Thalamotomies and pallidotomies were commonly performed before the deep brain stimulation (DBS) era. Although ablative procedures can lead to significant dystonia improvement, longer periods of analysis reveal disease progression and functional deterioration. Today, the same patients seek additional treatment possibilities. Methods: Four patients with generalized dystonia who previously had undergone bilateral pallidotomy came to our service seeking additional treatment because of dystonic symptom progression. Bilateral subthalamic nucleus DBS (B-STN-DBS) was the treatment of choice. The patients were evaluated with the BurkeFahnMarsden Dystonia Rating Scale (BFMDRS) and the Unified Dystonia Rating Scale (UDRS) before and 2 years after surgery. Results: All patients showed significant functional improvement, averaging 65.3% in BFMDRS (P = .014) and 69.2% in UDRS (P = .025). Conclusions: These results suggest that B-STN-DBS may be an interesting treatment option for generalized dystonia, even for patients who have already undergone bilateral pallidotomy. (c) 2012 Movement Disorder Society


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Objective To assess the determinants of patients' (PTGL) and physicians' (MDGL) global assessment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) activity and factors associated with discordance among them. Methods. A total of 7,028 patients in the Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with RA study had PTGL and MDGL assessed at the same clinic visit on a 0-10-cm visual analog scale (VAS). Three patient groups were defined: concordant rating group (PTGL and MDGL within >= 2 cm), higher patient rating group (PTGL exceeding MDGL by > 2 cm), and lower patient rating group (PTGL less than MDGL by > 2 cm). Multivariable regression analysis was used to identify determinants of PTGL and MDGL and their discordance. Results. The mean +/- SD VAS scores for PTGL and MDGL were 4.01 +/- 2.70 and 2.91 +/- 2.37, respectively. Pain was overwhelmingly the single most important determinant of PTGL, followed by fatigue. In contrast, MDGL was most influenced by swollen joint count (SJC), followed by erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and tender joint count (TJC). A total of 4,454 (63.4%), 2,106 (30%), and 468 (6.6%) patients were in the concordant, higher, and lower patient rating groups, respectively. Odds of higher patient rating increased with higher pain, fatigue, psychological distress, age, and morning stiffness, and decreased with higher SJC, TJC, and ESR. Lower patient rating odds increased with higher SJC, TJC, and ESR, and decreased with lower fatigue levels. Conclusion. Nearly 36% of patients had discordance in RA activity assessment from their physicians. Sensitivity to the "disease experience" of patients, particularly pain and fatigue, is warranted for effective care of RA.