25 resultados para Concanavalin A -- administration


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The immobilization of the glucose/mannose-binding lectin from Concanavalia ensiformis seeds (ConA) onto a monolayer made of a galactomannan extracted from Leucaena leucocephala seeds (GML), which was adsorbed onto - amino-terminated surfaces, was investigated by means of ellipsometry and atomic force microscopy. The mean thickness of GML monolayer, which polysaccharide consists of linear 1 -> 4-linked beta-D-mannopyranosil units partially substituted at C-6 by alpha-D-galactopyranosyl units, amounted to (1.5 +/- 0.2) nm. ConA molecules adsorbed onto GML surfaces forming (2.0 +/- 0.5) nm thick layers. However, in the presence of mannose the adsorption failed, indicating that ConA binding sites were blocked by mannose and were no longer available for mannose units present in the GML backbone. The GML film was also used as support for the adsorption of three serotypes of dengue virus particles (DENV-1, DENV-2 and DENV-3), where DENV-2 formed the thickest film (4 +/- 2) nm. The adsorbed layer of DENV-2 onto ConA-covered GML surfaces presented mean thickness values similar to that determined for DENV-2 onto bare GML surfaces. The addition of free mannose units prevented DENV-2 adsorption onto ConA-covered GML films by similar to 50%, suggesting competition between virus and mannose for ConA binding sites. This finding suggests that if ConA is also adsorbed to GML surface and its binding site is blocked by free mannose, virus particles are able to recognized GML mannose unities substituted by galactose. interactions between polysaccharides thin films, proteins, and viruses are of great relevance since they can provide basis for the development of biotechnological devices. These results indicate that GML is a potential polysaccharide for biomaterials development, as those could involve interactions between ConA in immune system and viruses. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A growing body of evidence indicates that facilitation of serotonin-2C receptor (5-HT2CR)-mediated neurotransmission in the basolateral nucleus of the amygdala (BLA) is involved in anxiety generation. We investigated here whether BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs exert a differential role in the regulation of defensive behaviours related to generalized anxiety (inhibitory avoidance) and panic (escape) disorders. We also evaluated whether activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the anxiogenic effect caused by acute systemic administration of the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine. Male Wistar rats were tested in the elevated T-maze after intra-BLA injection of the endogenous agonist 5-HT, the 5-HT2CR agonist MK-212 or the 5-HT2CR antagonist SB-242084. This test allows the measurement of inhibitory avoidance acquisition and escape expression. We also investigated whether intra-BLA administration of SB-242084 interferes with the acute anxiogenic effect caused by imipramine and fluoxetine in the Vogel conflict test, and imipramine in the elevated T-maze. While intra-BLA administration of 5-HT and MK-212 facilitated inhibitory avoidance acquisition, suggesting an anxiogenic effect, SB-242084 had the opposite effect. None of these drugs affected escape performance. Intra-BLA injection of a sub-effective dose of SB-242084 fully blocked the anxiogenic effect caused either by the local microinjection of 5-HT or the systemic administration of imipramine and fluoxetine. Our findings indicate that 5-HT(2C)Rs in BLA are selectively involved in the regulation of defensive behaviours associated with generalized anxiety, but not panic. The results also provide the first direct evidence that activation of BLA 5-HT(2C)Rs accounts for the short-term aversive effect of antidepressants.


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Topical chemotherapy using doxorubicin, a powerful anticancer drug, can be used as an alternative with reduced systemic toxicity when treating skin cancer. The aim of the present work was to use factorial design-based studies to develop cationic solid lipid nanoparticles containing doxorubicin; further investigations into the influence of these particles on the drug's cytotoxicity and cellular uptake in B16F10 murine melanoma cells were performed. A 3(2) full factorial design was applied for two different lipid phases; one phase used stearic acid and the other used a 1:2 mixture of stearic acid and glyceryl behenate. The two factors investigated included the ratio between the lipid and the water phase and the ratio between the surfactant (poloxamer) and the co-surfactant (cetylpyridinium chloride). It was observed that the studied factors did not affect the mean diameter or the polydispersity of the obtained nanoparticles; however, they did significantly affect the zeta potential values. Optimised formulations with particle sizes ranging from 251 to 306 nm and positive zeta potentials were selected for doxorubicin incorporation. High entrapment efficiencies were achieved (97%) in formulations with higher amounts of stearic acid, suggesting that cationic charges on doxorubicin molecules may interact with the negative charges in stearic acid. Melanoma culture cell experiments showed that cationic solid lipid nanoparticles without drug were not cytotoxic to melanoma cells. The encapsulation of doxorubicin significantly increased cytotoxicity, indicating the potential of these nanoparticles for the treatment of skin cancer.


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Background: Premature ventricular and supraventricular complexes (PVC and PsVC) are frequent and often symptomatic. The magnesium (Mg) ion plays a role in the physiology of cell membranes and cardiac rhythm. Objective: We evaluated whether the administration of Mg Pidolate (MgP) in patients with PVC and PsVC is superior to placebo (P) in improving symptoms and arrhythmia frequency. Methods: Randomized double-blind study with 60 consecutive symptomatic patients with more than 240 PVC or PsVC/h on 24-hour Holter monitoring who were selected to receive placebo or MgP. To evaluate symptom improvement, a categorical and a specific questionnaire for symptoms related to PVC and PsVC was made. Improvement in premature complex density (PCD) per hour was considered significant if percentage reduction was >= 70% after treatment. The dose of MgP was 3.0 g/day for 30 days, equivalent to 260mg of Mg element. None of the patients had structural heart disease or renal failure. Results: Of the 60 patients, 33 were female (55%). Ages ranged from 16 to 70 years old. In the MgP group, 76.6% of patients had a PCD reduction >70%, 10% of them >50% and only 13.4% <50%. In the P group, 40% showed slight improvement, <30%, in the premature complexes frequency (p < 0.001). Symptom improvement was achieved in 93.3% of patients in the MgP group, compared with only 16.7% in the P group (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Oral Mg supplementation decreases PCD, resulting in symptom improvement. (Arq Bras Cardiol 2012;98(6):480-487)


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In spite of the high prevalence and negative impact of depression, little is known about its pathophysiology. Basic research on depression needs new animal models in order to increase knowledge of the disease and search for new therapies. The work presented here aims to provide a neurobiologically validated model for investigating the relationships among sickness behavior, antidepressants treatment, and social dominance behavior. For this purpose, dominant individuals from dyads of male Swiss mice were treated with the bacterial endotoxin lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to induce social hierarchy destabilization. Two groups were treated with the antidepressants imipramine and fluoxetine prior to LPS administration. In these groups, antidepressant treatment prevented the occurrence of social destabilization. These results indicate that this model could be useful in providing new insights into the understanding of the brain systems involved in depression.


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Up-regulation of stress-activated proteins in cancer cells plays a protective role against photodynamic induced apoptosis. Post photodynamic therapy extracted normal rat liver tissue usually shows a fraction of surviving cells, the photodynamic resistant cells, residing in the necrotic region. To treat these photo-dynamic resistant cells a technique has been proposed based on fractionated drug administration of diluted photosensitizer, keeping the net concentration (5 mg/kg) constant, and subsequently varying drug light interval (DLI). Flourescence measurements were made for the presence of photosensitizer in a tissue. For qualitative analysis both histological and morphological studies were made. Although preliminary aim of this approach was not achieved but there were some interesting observation made i.e. for higher dilution of photosensitizer there was a sharp boundary between necrotic and normal portion of tissue. An increase in the absorption coefficient (alpha) from 2.7 -> 2.9 was observed as photosensitizer was diluted while the corresponding threshold dose (D (th)) persistently decreases from (0.10 -> 0.02) J/cm(2) when irradiated with a 635 nm laser fluence of 150 J/cm(2).


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the competency of people with diabetes mellitus to perform the insulin administration process, before and after telephone monitoring. METHODS: A quantitative, observational, longitudinal, comparative study. Participants were 26 people enrolled in the at-home capillary glycemia self-monitoring program. Data collection occurred in three phases, in January and February of 2010, for a period of 30 days for each person, by means of interview guided by a data collection instrument and an intervention manual. RESULTS: Of the 38 (100%) questions referring to the insulin administration process, telephone monitoring was demonstrated to be efficient in 30 (78.9%), but in 19 (50%) the intervention was statistically significant (p<0.05), in 11 (28.9%) there were no errors in responses to the final competency evaluation, and seven (18.4%) were not amenable to intervention. CONCLUSION: Telephone mornitoring was effective, as a nursing intervention strategy for the insulin administration process in the home.


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OBJECTIVE: During the neonatal and infancy periods, some chronic liver diseases may lead to progressive hepatic fibrosis, which is a condition that can ultimately result in the loss of organ function and severe portal hypertension necessitating hepatic transplantation. In a previous report, pharmacological interventions were demonstrated to modulate hepatic fibrosis induced by bile duct ligation in young rats. The administration of pentoxifylline or prednisolone, or the combination of both, resulted in reduced fibrogenesis in portal spaces. The objectives of the present study were to evaluate the expression of transforming growth factor &#946; and vascular endothelial growth factor after bile duct ligation in young rats and to assess the effect of those same drugs on cytokine expression. METHODS: In this experimental study, 80 young rats (21 or 22 days old) were submitted either to laparotomy and common bile duct ligation or to sham surgery. The animals were allocated into four groups according to surgical procedure, and the following treatments were administered: (1) common bile duct ligation + distilled water, (2) sham surgery + distilled water, (3) common bile duct ligation + pentoxifylline, or (4) common bile duct ligation + prednisolone. After 30 days, a hepatic fragment was collected from each animal for immunohistochemical analysis using monoclonal antibodies against transforming growth factor &#946; and vascular endothelial growth factor. Digital morphometric and statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS: The administration of pentoxifylline reduced the transforming growth factor &#946;-marked area and the amount of transforming growth factor &#946; expressed in liver tissue. This effect was not observed after the administration of prednisolone. There was a significant reduction in vascular endothelial growth factor expression after the administration of either drug compared with the non-treatment group. CONCLUSIONS: The administration of pentoxifylline to cholestatic young rats resulted in the diminished expression of transforming growth factor &#946; and vascular endothelial growth factor in liver tissue. The administration of steroids resulted in the diminished expression of vascular endothelial growth factor only. These pathways may be involved in hepatic fibrogenesis in young rats submitted to bile duct ligation and exposed to pentoxifylline or prednisolone.


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This study investigated the effects of perinatal cadmium exposure on sexual behavior, organ weight, and testosterone levels in adult rats. We examined whether immediate postpartum testosterone administration is able to reverse the toxic effects of the metal. Forty pregnant Wistar rats were divided into three groups: 1) control, 2) 10 mg kg-1 cadmium chloride per day, and 3) 20 mg kg-1 cadmium chloride per day. These dams were treated on gestational days 18 and 21 and from lactation 1 to 7. Immediately after birth, half of the offspring from the experimental and control groups received 50 &#956;l (i.p.) of 0.2% testosterone. Male sexual behavior, histological analysis and weight of organs as well as serum testosterone levels were assessed. Results showed that both cadmium doses disrupted sexual behavior in male rats, and postnatal treatment with testosterone reversed the toxic effects of 10 mg kg-1 cadmium and attenuated the effects of 20 mg kg-1 cadmium. Body weight and absolute testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicle weight were decreased by the higher cadmium dose, and testosterone supplementation did not reverse these effects. Serum testosterone levels were unaffected by both cadmium doses. No histological changes were detected in all organs analyzed. Maternal cadmium exposure effects in sexual parameters of male rat offspring were explained by the altered masculinization of the hypothalamus. We suggest that cadmium damaged cerebral sexual differentiation by its actions as an endocrine disruptor and supported by the changes discretely observed from early life during sexual development to adult life, reflected by sexual behavior. Testosterone supplementation after birth reversed some crucial parameters directly related to sexual behavior.


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This study tested whether chronic systemic administration of 5-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-β-D-ribofuranoside (AICAR) could attenuate hyperphagia, reduce lean and fat mass losses, and improve whole-body energy homeostasis in insulin-deficient rats. Male Wistar rats were first rendered diabetic through streptozotocin (STZ) administration and then intraperitoneally injected with AICAR for 7 consecutive days. Food and water intake, ambulatory activity, and energy expenditure were assessed at the end of the AICAR-treatment period. Blood was collected for circulating leptin measurement and the hypothalami were extracted for the determination of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (SOCS3) content, as well as the content and phosphorylation of AMP-kinase (AMPK), acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), and the signal transducer and activator of transcription 3 (STAT3). Rats were thoroughly dissected for adiposity and lean body mass (LBM) determinations. In non-diabetic rats, despite reducing adiposity, AICAR increased (∼1.7-fold) circulating leptin and reduced hypothalamic SOCS3 content and food intake by 67% and 25%, respectively. The anorexic effect of AICAR was lost in diabetic rats, even though hypothalamic AMPK and ACC phosphorylation markedly decreased in these animals. Importantly, hypothalamic SOCS3 and STAT3 levels remained elevated and reduced, respectively, after treatment of insulin-deficient rats with AICAR. Diabetic rats were lethargic and displayed marked losses of fat and LBM. AICAR treatment increased ambulatory activity and whole-body energy expenditure while also attenuating diabetes-induced fat and LBM losses. In conclusion, AICAR did not reverse hyperphagia, but it promoted anti-catabolic effects on skeletal muscle and fat, enhanced spontaneous physical activity, and improved the ability of rats to cope with the diabetes-induced dysfunctional alterations in glucose metabolism and whole-body energy homeostasis.