41 resultados para Case reports


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To describe a new method for iris fixation of intraocular lens in the absence of capsular support during penetrating keratoplasty. Its a new technique of iris fixation of intraocular lens without capsular support during penetrating keratoplasty. This technique is used in cases with a healthy iris and partial or total absence of capsular support during penetrating keratoplasty. Tied Out Open Sky is a technique easy to perform for iris fixation of intraocular lens during penetrating keratoplasty. The big advantage is being able to tie off the intraocular lens off the eye and fasten it securely.


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Background: Hormonal contraceptive pills are the most used reversible method for familiar planning in Brazil. The combined pill, with synthetic analogs of estrogen and progestin, is employed by 25% of Brazilian female population. Its use provokes an increase of blood pressure levels, takes patient to a hipercoagulability state and predisposes her to thromboembolic events. Purposes: We aimed to describe mechanisms of hypercoagulability promoted by oral combined contraceptives, to analyze the relative risk of cardiovascular events within users and to list the most common circulatory pathologies in these patients. Methods: Three virtual medical databases were surveyed (Pubmed/Medline, BVS/LILACS and Scielo). Twelve studies were selected: clinical trials, case reports and articles of indexed medical periodic originally published in Portuguese and English about synthetic hormones, oral contraception, coagulation disorders and cardiovascular morbimortality. Results: Synthetic estrogen promotes an increase of some clotting factors' levels (VII, VIII, IX, X, XII, XIII and fibrinogen), such as a reduction of their inhibitors (S protein and antithrombin). Because of this, etinilestradiol is the component most related to venous thrombosis and ischemic diseases of brain and heart. It also improves the releasing of hepatic angiotensinogen, taking to a increase of blood pressure levels. Conclusions: The prescription of oral combined contraceptives needs criteria, notably due to adverse effects of etinilestradiol. It is recommended to avoid the administration of these drugs for patients elder than 35 year-old or with risk factors. For these patients, the use of progestagen-only pills seems to be safer.


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Mesiodens is the most frequent type of supernumerary tooth and may occur in several forms, causing different local disorders, such as impaction of the anterior permanent teeth. High-resolution three-dimensional (3D) images have improved the diagnosis and treatment plan of patients with impacted and supernumerary teeth. The purpose of this paper was to report a case of two mesiodens in monozygotic twin boys with appropriate 3D diagnostic and treatment plan


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Abstract Background Cannabis intoxication is related to a number of physical and mental health risks with ensuing social costs. However, little attention has been given to the investigation of possible pharmacological interactions in this condition. Objective To review the available scientific literature concerning pharmacological interventions for the treatment of the acute effects of cannabis. Methods A search was performed on the Pubmed, Lilacs, and Scielo online databases by combining the terms cannabis, intoxication, psychosis, anxiety, and treatment. The articles selected from this search had their reference lists checked for additional publications related to the topic of the review. Results The reviewed articles consisted of case reports and controlled clinical trials and are presented according to interventions targeting the physiological, psychiatric, and cognitive symptoms provoked by cannabis. The pharmacological interventions reported in these studies include: beta-blockers, antiarrhythmic agents, antagonists of CB-1 and GABA-benzodiazepine receptors, antipsychotics, and cannabidiol. Conclusion Although scarce, the evidence on pharmacological interventions for the management of cannabis intoxication suggests that propanolol and rimonabant are the most effective compounds currently available to treat the physiological and subjective effects of the drug. Further studies are necessary to establish the real effectiveness of these two medications, as well as the effectiveness of other candidate compounds to counteract the effects of cannabis intoxication, such as cannabidiol and flumazenil.


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Os autores relatam um caso de nevo de Reed, lesão que apresenta aspecto histológico de malignidade, mas tem evolução benigna. Paciente de 48 anos, masculino, cor parda, apresentava pterígio nasal no olho direito, associado a uma lesão pequena e pouco pigmentada localizada na cabeça do mesmo. Realizou-se exérese de ambos, sem intercorrências, sem sinais de recidiva. O exame histopatológico revelou lesão com bordas definidas, restrita ao epitélio, constituída por células fusiformes perpendiculares à superfície, com pigmentação melânica esparsa. O diagnóstico inicial foi nevo de Spitz, mas, posteriormente, chegou-se à conclusão que se tratava do nevo de células fusiformes de Reed. O presente relato é o segundo na literatura mundial e o primeiro no Brasil.


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A síndrome ocular isquêmica (SOI) ocorre devido à hipoperfusão ocular crônica secundária à obstrução da artéria carótida. O quadro clínico inclui, entre outros, retinopatia proliferativa similar a retinopatia diabética. A SOI deve ser considerada principalmente nas retinopatias proliferativas unilaterais ou muito assimétricas e nos casos refratários ao tratamento por fotocoagulação. A indicação da endarterectomia nos pacientes com SOI isolada não é bem definida. Este trabalho relata uma paciente com SOI simulando retinopatia diabética proliferativa unilateral e tratada por endarterectomia.


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Os autores descrevem a aplicação de terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (Metivix®) em uma paciente com carcinoma basocelular padrão misto (nodular e infiltrativo) em pálpebra inferior de olho direito. Os efeitos colaterais sobre o olho foram avaliados semanalmente. Foi submetida à biòpsia incisional com punch de 2 mm para controle de cura após 12 semanas de tratamento. O anátomopatológico revelou ausência de neoplasia. O tratamento padrão ouro reconhecido mundialmente é a exérese da lesão, porém a terapia fotodinâmica com cloridrato de aminolevulinato de metila (MAL) surge como uma opção terapêutica à cirurgia.


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This article characterizes hypersensitivity reactions during anesthetic-surgical procedures. This integrative literature review was conducted in the LILACS, CINAHL, COCHRANE and MEDLINE databases including papers published from 1966 to September 2011. A total of 17 case reports, two prevalence studies and one cohort study were identified. Latex reactions were mainly type III and the primary source of intraoperative reaction was latex gloves. The average time for clinical manifestation was 59.8 minutes after anesthetic induction; 44.4% of patients reported a reaction to latex at the pre-anesthetic evaluation. It was determined that the history of allergic reactions to latex obtained in the pre-anesthetic evaluation does not ensure the safety of patients if the staff is inattentive to the severity of the issue. There is also a tendency to initially attribute the anaphylactic event to the anesthetic drugs.


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We report a case of a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the upper airways with unfavorable evolution. The clinical recovery was only possible after the administration of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent. This case report describes a child with meningoencephalitis of atypical etiology. The patient developed the disease after an infection in the superior airways with negative evolution. The clinical recovery was possible only after the introduction of adequate antibiotic therapy for the etiological agent.


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The authors report a case of a 13-year old child who was submitted to a laparoscopic appendectomy and developed, during the postoperative period, an intestinal obstruction caused by small bowel volvulus in the absence of a congenital malrotation.


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O tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante normalmente se manifesta como uma massa indolor, de crescimento lento, que acomete tanto a maxila como a mandíbula, tendo predileção pelo segmento anterior (área dos incisivos e caninos). Geralmente, ocorre em adultos jovens, na terceira a quarta década de vida, sem preferência por gênero. Imagens de tomografia computadorizada revelaram características importantes não detectadas na radiografia panorâmica, tais como fenestração, calcificação e estruturas dentiformes. A característica microscópica típica dessa lesão é a presença de células epiteliais aberrantes anucleadas, em quantidades variáveis, denominadas "células fantasmas". Também se pode encontrar dentina displásica e, ocasionalmente, os cistos estão associados a tecido dentário duro, semelhante ao odontoma. O tratamento do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante incluiu simples enucleação e curetagem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi mostrar duas manifestações diferentes do tumor odontogênico cístico calcificante, em que a tomografia computadorizada, associada às características clínicas, foi ferramenta importante para o diagnóstico, o planejamento cirúrgico e o acompanhamento dos pacientes.


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Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disease characterized by proliferation of Langerhans-type cells that express CD1a, Langerin (CD207) and S100 protein. Birbeck granules are a hallmark by ultrastructural examination. LCH presents with a wide clinical spectrum, ranging from solitary lesions of a single site (usually bone or skin) to multiple or disseminated multisystemic lesions, which can lead to severe organ dysfunction. Most cases occur in children. Gastrointestinal tract involvement is rare and has been associated with systemic illness and poor prognosis especially in children under the age of 2 years. Adult gastrointestinal LCH is very rare. We report a case of a previously healthy, nonsmoking 48-year-old male who was referred for routine screening colonoscopy. Two sessile, smooth, firm and yellowish LCH polyps measuring 0.2 cm and 0.3 cm were detected in the sigmoid colon. Fifteen months later a second colonoscopy found two histologically confirmed hyperplastic polyps at the sigmoid colon. No other LCH lesions were seen. A third colonoscopy after 28 months of follow-up found a submucosal 0.5 cm infiltrated and ulcerated LCH polyp in the cecum, close to the ostium of the appendix. The patient had been asymptomatic for all this period. Imaging investigation for systemic or multiorgan disease did not find any sign of extracolonic involvement. On histology all lesions showed typical LCH features and immunohistochemical analysis showed strong and diffuse staining for CD1a and CD207. This case illustrates two distinct clinicopathologic features not previously reported in this particular clinical setting: metachronous colonic involvement and positivity for CD207.


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Although infective endocarditis (IE) has been described in reports dating from the Renaissance, the diagnosis still challenges and the outcome often surprises. In the course of time, diagnostic criteria have been updated and validated to reduce misdiagnosis. Some risk factors and epidemiology have shown dynamic changes since degenerative valvular disease became more predominant in developed countries, and the mean age of the affected population increased. Despite streptococci have been being well known as etiologic agents, some groups, although rare, have been increasingly reported (e.g., Streptococcus milleri.) Intracardiac complications of IE are common and have a worse prognosis, frequently requiring surgical treatment. We report a case of a middle-aged diabetic man who presented with prolonged fever, weight loss, and ultimately severe dyspnea. IE was diagnosed based on a new valvular regurgitation murmur, a positive blood culture for Streptococcus anginosus, an echocardiographic finding of an aortic valve vegetation, fever, and pulmonary thromboembolism. Despite an appropriate antibiotic regimen, the patient died. Autopsy findings showed vegetation attached to a bicuspid aortic valve with an associated septal abscess and left ventricle and aortic root fistula connecting with the pulmonary artery. A large thrombus was adherent to the pulmonary artery trunk and a pulmonary septic thromboemboli were also identified.


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Primary lung lymphoma is a rare entity accounting for approximately 0.3% of all primary neoplasia of the lung and includes diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL) and lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG). Considering that clinical features may be similar, whereas epidemiology, morphology, and radiological features are different, the authors report a case of a middle-aged man who presented multiple pulmonary nodules in the lower lobes and groundglass opacities scattered bilaterally on computed tomography. Clinically, he presented a consumptive syndrome with respiratory failure and pleurisy, which progressed until death. The autopsy findings were consistent with lymphomatoid granulomatosis (LYG) grade 3/ diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBL). The authors call attention to the difficulty of establishing an accurate diagnosis, mainly when the demonstration of EBV-infected atypical B-cells fails.


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The umbilical cord is a structure that provides vascular flow between the fetus and the placenta. It contains two arteries and one vein, which are surrounded and supported by gelatinous tissue known as Wharton’s jelly. There are many umbilical cord abnormalities that are related to the prognosis of fetus survival and birth weight. The authors report a case of umbilical cord constriction due to the localized absence of Wharton’s jelly, which was undiagnosed antenatally and had a fatal outcome. A review of the association between the absence of Wharton’s jelly and an unfavorable pregnancy outcome was undertaken.