19 resultados para Carbohydrates in human nutrition.


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Carvedilol is an antihypertensive drug available as a racemic mixture. (-)-(S)-carvedilol is responsible for the nonselective beta-blocker activity but both enantiomers present similar activity on a1-adrenergic receptor. To our knowledge, this is the first study of carvedilol enantiomers in human plasma using a chiral stationary phase column and liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry. The method involves plasma extraction with diisopropyl ether using metoprolol as internal standard and direct separation of the carvedilol enantiomers on a Chirobiotic T (R) (Teicoplanin) column. Protonated ions [M + H]+ and their respective ion products were monitored at transitions of 407 > 100 for the carvedilol enantiomers and 268 > 116 for the internal standard. The quantification limit was 0.2 ng ml-1 for both enantiomers in plasma. The method was applied to study enantioselectivity in the pharmacokinetics of carvedilol administered as a single dose of 25 mg to a hypertensive patient. The results showed a higher plasma concentration of (+)-(R)-carvedilol (AUC08 205.52 vs. 82.61 (ng h) ml-1), with an enantiomer ratio of 2.48. Chirality, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Disrupted circadian rhythms are associated with obesity and metabolic alterations, but little is known about the participation of peripheral circadian clock machinery in these processes. The aim of the present study was to analyze RNA expression of clock genes in subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral (VAT) adipose tissues of male and female subjects in AM (morning) and PM (afternoon) periods, and its interactions with body mass index (BMI). Ninety-one subjects (41 +/- 11 yrs of age) presenting a wide range of BMI (21.4 to 48.6 kg/m(2)) were included. SAT and VAT biopsies were obtained from patients undergoing abdominal surgeries. Clock genes expressions were evaluated by qRT-PCR. The only clock gene that showed higher expression (p < .0001) in SAT in comparison to VAT was PER1 of female (372%) and male (326%) subjects. Different patterns of expression between the AM and PM periods were observed, in particular REV-ERBa, which was reduced (p < .05) at the PM period in SAT and VAT of both women and men (women: similar to 53% lower; men: similar to 78% lower), whereas CLOCK expression was not altered. Relationships between clock genes were different in SAT vs. VAT. BMI was negatively correlated with SATPER1 (r = -.549; p = .001) and SATPER2 (r = -.613; p = .0001) and positively with VATCLOCK (r = .541; p = .001) and VATBMAL1 (r = .468; p = .007) only in women. These data suggest that the circadian clock machinery of adipose tissue depots differs between female and male subjects, with a sex-specific effect observed for some genes. BMI correlated with clock genes, but at this moment it is not possible to establish the cause-effect relationship. (Author correspondence: mzanquetta@gmail.com)


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Medulloblastoma (MB) is the most common malignant brain tumor in children and occurs mainly in the cerebellum. Important intracellular signaling molecules, such those present in the Sonic Hedgehog and Wnt pathways, are involved in its development and can also be employed to determine tumor grade and prognosis. Ectonucleotidases, particularly ecto-5'NT/CD73, are important enzymes in the malignant process of different tumor types regulating extracellular ATP and adenosine levels. Here, we investigated the activity of ectonucleotidases in three malignant human cell lines: Daoy and ONS76, being representative of primary MB, and the D283 cell line, derived from a metastatic MB. All cell lines secreted ATP into the extracellular medium while hydrolyze poorly this nucleotide, which is in agreement with the low expression and activity of pyrophosphate/phosphodiesterase, NTPDases and alkaline phosphatase. The analysis of AMP hydrolysis showed that Daoy and ONS76 completely hydrolyzed AMP, with parallel adenosine production (Daoy) and inosine accumulation (ONS76). On the other hand, D283 cell line did not hydrolyze AMP. Moreover, primary MB tumor cells, Daoy and ONS76 express the ecto-5'NT/CD73 while D283 representative of a metastatic tumor, revealed poor expression of this enzyme, while the ecto-adenosine deaminase showed higher expression in D283 compared to Daoy and ONS76 cells. Nuclear beta-catenin has been suggested as a marker for MB prognosis. Further it can promotes expression of ecto-5'NT/CD73 and suppression of adenosine deaminase. It was observed that Daoy and ONS76 showed greater nuclear beta-catenin immunoreactivity than D283, which presented mainly cytoplasmic immunoreactivity. In summary, the absence of ecto-5'NT/CD73 in the D283 cell line, a metastatic MB phenotype, suggests that high expression levels of this ectonucleotidase could be correlated with a poor prognosis in patients with MB.


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A simple and sensitive method using solid phase microextraction (SPME) and liquid chromatography (LC) with heated online desorption (SPME-LC) was developed and validated to analyze anticonvulsants (AEDs) in human plasma samples. A heated lab-made interface chamber was used in the desorption procedure, which allowed the transference of the whole extracted sample. The SPME conditions were optimized by applying an experimental design. Important factors are discussed such as fiber coating types, pH, extraction time and desorption conditions. The drugs were analyzed by LC, using a C18 column (150 mm x 4.6 mm x 5 mm); and 50 mmol L-1, pH 5.50 ammonium acetate buffer : acetonitrile : methanol (55 : 22 : 23 v/v) as the mobile phase with a flow rate of 0.8 mL min(-1). The suggested method presented precision (intra-assay and inter-assay), linearity and limit of quantification (LOQ) all adequate for the therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) of AEDs in plasma.