67 resultados para Bypass cardiopulmonar


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Objective: Cardiopulmonary bypass is associated with ischemia-reperfusion injury to multiple organs. We aimed to evaluate whether remote ischemic preconditioning performed the day before surgery for congenital heart disease with cardiopulmonary bypass attenuates the postoperative inflammatory response and myocardial dysfunction. Methods: This was a prospective, randomized, single-blind, controlled trial. Children allocated to remote ischemic preconditioning underwent 4 periods of 5 minutes of lower limb ischemia by a blood pressure cuff intercalated with 5 minutes of reperfusion. Blood samples were collected 4, 12, 24, and 48 hours after cardiopulmonary bypass to evaluate nuclear factor kappa B activation in leukocytes by quantification of mRNA of I kappa B alpha by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction and for interleukin-8 and 10 plasma concentration measurements by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Myocardial dysfunction was assessed by N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide and cardiac troponin I plasma concentrations, measured by chemiluminescence, and clinical parameters of low cardiac output syndrome. Results: Twelve children were allocated to remote ischemic preconditioning, and 10 children were allocated to the control group. Demographic data and Risk Adjustment for Congenital Heart Surgery 1 classification were comparable in both groups. Remote ischemic preconditioning group had lower postoperative values of N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide, but cardiac troponin I levels were not significantly different between groups. Interleukin-8 and 10 concentrations and I kappa B alpha gene expression were similar in both groups. Postoperative morbidity was similar in both groups; there were no postoperative deaths in either group. Conclusions: Late remote ischemic preconditioning did not provide clinically relevant cardioprotection to children undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass. (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2012;144:178-83)


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Abstract Background Measurement of vital capacity (VC) by spirometry is the most widely used technique for lung function evaluation, however, this form of assessment is costly and further investigation of other reliable methods at lower cost is necessary. Objective: To analyze the correlation between direct vital capacity measured with ventilometer and with incentive inspirometer in patients in pre and post cardiac surgery. Methodology Cross-sectional comparative study with patients undergoing cardiac surgery. Respiratory parameters were evaluated through the measurement of VC performed by ventilometer and inspirometer. To analyze data normality the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was applied, for correlation the Pearson correlation coefficient was used and for comparison of variables in pre and post operative period Student's t test was adopted. We established a level of ignificance of 5%. Data was presented as an average, standard deviation and relative frequency when needed. The significance level was set at 5%. Results We studied 52 patients undergoing cardiac surgery, 20 patients in preoperative with VC-ventilometer: 32.95 ± 11.4 ml/kg and VC-inspirometer: 28.9 ± 11 ml/Kg, r = 0.7 p < 0.001. In the post operatory, 32 patients were evaluated with VC-ventilometer: 28.27 ± 12.48 ml/kg and VC-inspirometer: 26.98 ± 11 ml/Kg, r = 0.95 p < 0.001. Presenting a very high correlation between the evaluation forms studied. Conclusion There was a high correlation between DVC measures with ventilometer and incentive spirometer in pre and post CABG surgery. Despite this, arises the necessity of further studies to evaluate the repercussion of this method in lowering costs at hospitals.


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Abstract Background The PEEP-ZEEP technique is previously described as a lung inflation through a positive pressure enhancement at the end of expiration (PEEP), followed by rapid lung deflation with an abrupt reduction in the PEEP to 0 cmH2O (ZEEP), associated to a manual bilateral thoracic compression. Aim To analyze PEEP-ZEEP technique's repercussions on the cardio-respiratory system in immediate postoperative artery graft bypass patients. Methods 15 patients submitted to a coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) were enrolled prospectively, before, 10 minutes and 30 minutes after the technique. Patients were curarized, intubated, and mechanically ventilated. To perform PEEP-ZEEP technique, saline solution was instilled into their orotracheal tube than the patient was reconnected to the ventilator. Afterwards, the PEEP was increased to 15 cmH2O throughout 5 ventilatory cycles and than the PEEP was rapidly reduced to 0 cmH2O along with manual bilateral thoracic compression. At the end of the procedure, tracheal suction was accomplished. Results The inspiratory peak and plateau pressures increased during the procedure (p < 0.001) compared with other pressures during the assessment periods; however, they were within lung safe limits. The expiratory flow before the procedure were 33 ± 7.87 L/min, increasing significantly during the procedure to 60 ± 6.54 L/min (p < 0.001), diminishing to 35 ± 8.17 L/min at 10 minutes and to 36 ± 8.48 L/min at 30 minutes. Hemodynamic and oxygenation variables were not altered. Conclusion The PEEP-ZEEP technique seems to be safe, without alterations on hemodynamic variables, produces elevated expiratory flow and seems to be an alternative technique for the removal of bronchial secretions in patients submitted to a CABG.


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INTRODUCTION: Thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance is a marker of oxidative stress and has cytotoxic and genotoxic actions. C- reactive protein is used to evaluate the acute phase of inflammatory response. OBJECTIVES: To assess the thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance and C-reactive protein levels during extracorporeal circulation in patients submitted to cardiopulmonary bypass. METHODS: Twenty-five consecutive surgical patients (16 men and nine women; mean age 61.2 ± 9.7 years) with severe coronary artery disease diagnosed by angiography scheduled for myocardial revascularization surgery with extracorporeal circulation were selected. Blood samples were collected immediately before initializing extracorporeal circulation, T0; in 10 minutes, T10; and in 30 minutes, T30. RESULTS: The thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance levels increased after extracorporeal circulation (P=0.001), with average values in T0=1.5 ± 0.07; in T10=5.54 ± 0.35; and in T30=3.36 ± 0.29 mmoles/mg of serum protein. The C-reactive protein levels in T0 were negative in all samples; in T10 average was 0.96 ± 0.7 mg/dl; and in T30 average was 0.99 ± 0.76 mg/dl. There were no significant differences between the dosages in T10 and T30 (P=0.83). CONCLUSIONS: C-reactive protein and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance plasma levels progressively increased during extracorporeal circulation, with maximum values of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substance at 10 min and of Creactive protein at 30 min. It suggests that there are an inflammatory response and oxidative stress during extracorporeal circulation.


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Estudo transversal que avaliou a qualidade dos registros de enfermagem sobre ressuscitação cardiopulmonar. Foram revisados 42 prontuários de pacientes em uma unidade de terapia intensiva, utilizando o protocolo Utstein. Houve predomínio de homens (54,8%), idade de 21 a 70 anos (38,1%), correção de cardiopatias adquiridas (42,7%), com mais de um dispositivo pré-existente (147). Como causa imediata de parada cardiorrespiratória, predominou hipotensão (48,3%) e como ritmo inicial, bradicardia (37,5%). Apenas a hora do óbito e hora da parada foram registradas em 100% da amostra. Não foi registrado treinamento dos profissionais em Suporte Avançado de Vida. As causas da parada e ritmo inicial foram registrados em 69% e 76,2% da amostra. Compressões torácicas, obtenção de vias aéreas pérvias e desfibrilação foram registradas em menos de 16%. Os registros foram considerados de baixa qualidade, podendo incorrer em sanções legais aos profissionais e não permitindo a comparação da efetividade das manobras com outros centros.


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Objectives: To assess QoL of obese patients in the Brazilian public healthcare system, before and after bariatric surgery, and to determine the appropriateness of the Moorehead-Ardelt Questionnaire II (M-A-QoLQII) compared with the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36). Subjects and methods: Forty-one severe obese patients in a waiting-list, and 84 patients who underwent bariatric surgery were included. Correlations were tested and reliability determined by the Cronbach's coefficient. Results: BMI differed between the pre- and post-surgery groups (52.3 +/- 8.3 kg/m(2) vs. 32.5 +/- 6.4 kg/m(2), p < 0.001). The latter showed better scores in the SF-36 domains than in the pre-surgery. SF-36 and M-A-QoLQII categories were correlated (r = 0.53, 0.49 and 0.47, for vitality, mental health, and general health domains, p < 0.001). In the logistic regression, age, previous BMI, and loss of excess weight were associated with functional capacity. Conclusions:The outcomes of bariatric surgery obtained in a Brazilian public healthcare center were successful. M-A-QoLII represents a useful tool to assess surgery outcomes, including QoL. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(1):33-8


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Introduction: The increasing number of reports on the relation between transfusion of stored red blood cells (RBCs) and adverse patient outcome has sparked an intense debate on the benefits and risks of blood transfusions. Meanwhile, the pathophysiological mechanisms underlying this postulated relation remain unclear. The development of hemolysis during storage might contribute to this mechanism by release of free hemoglobin (fHb), a potent nitric oxide (NO) scavenger, which may impair vasodilation and microcirculatory perfusion after transfusion. The objective of this prospective observational pilot study was to establish whether RBC transfusion results in increased circulating fHb levels and plasma NO consumption. In addition, the relation between increased fHb values and circulating haptoglobin, its natural scavenger, was studied. Methods: Thirty patients electively received 1 stored packed RBC unit (n = 8) or 2 stored packed RBC units (n = 22). Blood samples were drawn to analyze plasma levels of fHb, haptoglobin, and NO consumption prior to transfusion, and 15, 30, 60 and 120 minutes and 24 hours after transfusion. Differences were compared using Pearson's chi-square test or Fisher's exact test for dichotomous variables, or an independent-sample t test or Mann-Whitney U test for continuous data. Continuous, multiple-timepoint data were analyzed using repeated one-way analysis of variance or the Kruskall-Wallis test. Correlations were analyzed using Spearman or Pearson correlation. Results: Storage duration correlated significantly with fHb concentrations and NO consumption within the storage medium (r = 0.51, P < 0.001 and r = 0.62, P = 0.002). fHb also significantly correlated with NO consumption directly (r = 0.61, P = 0.002). Transfusion of 2 RBC units significantly increased circulating fHb and NO consumption in the recipient (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively), in contrast to transfusion of 1 stored RBC unit. Storage duration of the blood products did not correlate with changes in fHb and NO consumption in the recipient. In contrast, pre-transfusion recipient plasma haptoglobin levels inversely influenced post-transfusion fHb concentrations. Conclusion: These data suggest that RBC transfusion can significantly increase post-transfusion plasma fHb levels and plasma NO consumption in the recipient. This finding may contribute to the potential pathophysiological mechanism underlying the much-discussed adverse relation between blood transfusions and patient outcome. This observation may be of particular importance for patients with substantial transfusion requirements.


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The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-operative mediastinitis with the purpose to contribute to nursing care knowledge. To do this, an analysis was performed on 896 medical records of patients who underwent heart surgery involving sternotomy at the Cardiology Emergency Room of Recife-PE, in the period between June 2007 and June 2009. The following variables were considered: gender, age, type of surgery, personal history, length of stay, use of antibiotics, and culture of the surgical wound. A high death rate from mediastinitis was observed (33.3%). Several risk factors were identified, including: systemic arterial hypertension (80.9%); smoking (61.9%); diabetes mellitus (42.8%); and obesity (33.3%), most of which (76.2%) were identified in patients who underwent surgery for myocardial revascularization. It is concluded that mediastinitis is a serious infection that needs continuous nursing supervision and preventive measures to assure an early diagnosis and, thus, reduce mortality.


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Background and objectives: Extracorporeal circulation (ECC) may change drug pharmacokinetics as well as brain function. The objectives of this study are to compare emergence time and postoperative sedation intensity assessed by the bispectral index (BIS) and the Ramsay sedation scale in patients undergoing myocardial revascularization (MR) with or without ECC. Method: Ten patients undergoing MR with ECC (ECC group) and 10 with no ECC (no-ECC group) were administered with sufentanyl, propofol 2.0 mu g.mL(-1) and pancuronium target controlled infusion. After surgery, propofol infusion was reduced to 1 mu g.mL(-1) and suspended when extubation was indicated. Patients BIS, Ramsay scale and time to wake up were assessed. Results: The ECC group showed lower BIS values beginning at 60 minutes after surgery (no-ECC = 66 +/- 13 and ECC = 53 +/- 14, p = 0.01) until 120 minutes after infusion (no-ECC = 85 +/- 8 and ECC = 73 +/- 12, p = 0.02). Sedation level measured by the Ramsay scale was higher in the ECC group at 30 minutes after the end of the surgery (no-ECC = 5 +/- 1 and ECC = 6 +/- 0, p = 0.021), at the end of infusion (no-ECC = 5 +/- 1 and ECC = 6 +/- 1, p = 0.012) and 5 minutes after the end of infusion (no-ECC = 4 +/- 1 and ECC = 5 +/- 0.42, p = 0.039). Emergence from anesthesia time was higher in the ECC group (no-ECC = 217 +/- 81 and ECC = 319 +/- 118, p = 0.038). Conclusions: There was a higher intensity of sedation after the end of surgery and a longer wake up time in ECC group, suggesting changes in the pharmacokinetics of propofol or effects of ECC on central nervous system.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of the laparoscopic ileal interposition into the jejunum (JII-SG) or into the duodenum (DII-SG) associated with sleeve gastrectomy for type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients with BMI below 35. The procedures were performed on 202 consecutive patients. Mean age was 52.2 +/- 7.5. Mean duration of T2DM was 9.8 +/- 5.2 years. Insulin therapy was used by 41.1%. Dyslipidemia was observed in 78.2%, hypertension in 67.3%, nephropathy in 49.5%, retinopathy in 31.2%, coronary heart disease in 11.9%, and other cardiovascular events in 12.9%. Mean follow-up was 39.1 months (range, 25-61). Early and late mortality was 0.99% and 1.0%, respectively. Early reoperation was performed in 2.5%. Early and late major complications were 8.4% and 3.5%. Early most frequent complications were pneumonia and ileus. Intestinal obstruction was diagnosed in 1.5%. Mean BMI decreased from 29.7 to 23.5 kg/m(2), mean fasting glucose from 202.1 to 112.2 mg/dl, and mean postprandial glucose from 263.3 to 130 mg/dl. Triglycerides diminished from a mean of 273.4 to 110.3 mg/dl and cholesterol from a mean of 204.7 to 160.1 mg/dl. Hypertension was resolved in 87.5%. Mean hemoglobin A(1c) (HbA(1c)) decreased from 8.7 to 6.2% after the JII-SG and to 5.9% following the DII-SG. HbA(1c) below 7% was seen in 89.9% of the patients and below 6.5% in 78.3%. Overall, 86.4% of patients were off antidiabetic medications. Both JII-SG and DII-SG demonstrated to be safe, effective, and long-lasting alternatives for the treatment of T2DM patients with BMI < 35. Beyond glycemic control, other benefits were achieved.


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Background: Although the release of cardiac biomarkers after percutaneous (PCI) or surgical revascularization (CABG) is common, its prognostic significance is not known. Questions remain about the mechanisms and degree of correlation between the release, the volume of myocardial tissue loss, and the long-term significance. Delayed-enhancement of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) consistently quantifies areas of irreversible myocardial injury. To investigate the quantitative relationship between irreversible injury and cardiac biomarkers, we will evaluate the extent of irreversible injury in patients undergoing PCI and CABG and relate it to postprocedural modifications in cardiac biomarkers and long-term prognosis. Methods/Design: The study will include 150 patients with multivessel coronary artery disease (CAD) with left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF) and a formal indication for CABG; 50 patients will undergo CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB); 50 patients with the same arterial and ventricular condition indicated for myocardial revascularization will undergo CABG without CPB; and another 50 patients with CAD and preserved ventricular function will undergo PCI using stents. All patients will undergo CMR before and after surgery or PCI. We will also evaluate the release of cardiac markers of necrosis immediately before and after each procedure. Primary outcome considered is overall death in a 5-year follow-up. Secondary outcomes are levels of CK-MB isoenzyme and I-Troponin in association with presence of myocardial fibrosis and systolic left ventricle dysfunction assessed by CMR. Discussion: The MASS-V Trial aims to establish reliable values for parameters of enzyme markers of myocardial necrosis in the absence of manifest myocardial infarction after mechanical interventions. The establishments of these indices have diagnostic value and clinical prognosis and therefore require relevant and different therapeutic measures. In daily practice, the inappropriate use of these necrosis markers has led to misdiagnosis and therefore wrong treatment. The appearance of a more sensitive tool such as CMR provides an unprecedented diagnostic accuracy of myocardial damage when correlated with necrosis enzyme markers. We aim to correlate laboratory data with imaging, thereby establishing more refined data on the presence or absence of irreversible myocardial injury after the procedure, either percutaneous or surgical, and this, with or without the use of cardiopulmonary bypass.


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Objective: The objective of this study was to determine whether constant daily vitamin supplementation would be sufficient to prevent possible vitamin deficiencies in obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery. Methods: The study was conducted on 58 men and women (mean age 41 +/- 10 y) who underwent Roux-en-Y gastric bypass RYGB and were assessed preoperatively and at 3, 6, and 12 mo after surgery. During the postoperative period, the patients received a multivitamin-mineral supplement on a daily basis. Results: Serum beta-carotene and vitamin C were lower starting from the third postoperative month and continued to be low after 12 mo, and vitamin A was decreased by the sixth month and increased by 12 mo. Vitamin B12 levels were stable up to 6 mo but were decreased by 12 mo. Folic acid levels increased from the third month and remained higher throughout follow-up. One year after surgery there were 19% and 21% increases in the number of patients with vitamin A and vitamin C deficiency, respectively, and a 4% decreased of patients with folic acid deficiency. Conclusion: Weight loss and improvement in patients' general condition followed surgery, but serum levels of some vitamins were decreased despite the use of a vitamin-mineral supplement. These patients need continuous follow-up and individualized prescription of supplementation after the surgical procedure to prevent and treat vitamin deficiencies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.