22 resultados para BITE FORCE


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O tratamento da má oclusão de Classe II sem extrações dentárias vem ganhando popularidade na comunidade ortodôntica já há três décadas. Aparelhos funcionais fixos vêm sendo utilizados por profissionais, de maneira crescente, para promover compensações dentoalveolares e corrigir a má oclusão de Classe II. Os efeitos mais significativos são observados em pacientes com padrão de crescimento horizontal. Um caso clínico será relatado com o uso do aparelho fixo Twin Force Bite Corrector em uma paciente do sexo feminino, para a correção da Classe II. Esse dispositivo de ancoragem fixa dispensa o uso de aparelhos funcionais removíveis e não necessita da cooperação do paciente.


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Background: High-frequency trains of electrical stimulation applied over the human muscles can generate forces higher than would be expected by direct activation of motor axons, as evidenced by an unexpected relation between the stimuli and the evoked contractions, originating what has been called “extra forces”. This phenomenon has been thought to reflect nonlinear input/output neural properties such as plateau potential activation in motoneurons. However, more recent evidence has indicated that extra forces generated during electrical stimulation are mediated primarily, if not exclusively, by an intrinsic muscle property, and not from a central mechanism as previously thought. Given the inherent differences between electrical and vibratory stimuli, this study aimed to investigate: (a) whether the generation of vibration-induced muscle forces results in an unexpected relation between the stimuli and the evoked contractions (i.e. extra forces generation) and (b) whether these extra forces are accompanied by signs of a centrally-mediated mechanism or whether intrinsic muscle properties are the redominant mechanisms. Methods: Six subjects had their Achilles tendon stimulated by 100 Hz vibratory stimuli that linearly increased in amplitude (with a peak-to-peak displacement varying from 0 to 5 mm) for 10 seconds and then linearly decreased to zero for the next 10 seconds. As a measure of motoneuron excitability taken at different times during the vibratory stimulation, short-latency compound muscle action potentials (V/F-waves) were recorded in the soleus muscle in response to supramaximal nerve stimulation. Results: Plantar flexion torque and soleus V/F-wave amplitudes were increased in the second half of the stimulation in comparison with the first half. Conclusion: The present findings provide evidence that vibratory stimuli may trigger a centrally-mediated mechanism that contributes to the generation of extra torques. The vibration-induced increased motoneuron excitability (leading to increased torque generation) presumably activates spinal motoneurons following the size principle, which is a desirable feature for stimulation paradigms involved in rehabilitation programs and exercise training.


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Open bite has fascinated Orthodontics due to the difficulties regarding its treatment and maintenance of results. This anomaly has distinct characteristics that, in addition to the complexity of multiple etiological factors, have aesthetic and functional consequences. Within this etiological context, several types of mechanics have been used in open bite treatment, such as palatal crib, orthopedic forces, occlusal adjustment, orthodontic camouflage with or without extraction, orthodontic intervention using mini-implants or mini-plates, and even orthognathic surgery. An accurate diagnosis and etiological determination are always the best guides to establish the objectives and the ideal treatment plan for such a malocclusion. This report describes two cases of open bite. At the end of the treatment, both patients had their canines and molars in Class I occlusion, normal overjet and overbite, and stability during the posttreatment period.


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Reinforced concrete beam elements are submitted to applicable loads along their life cycle that cause shear and torsion. These elements may be subject to only shear, pure torsion or both, torsion and shear combined. The Brazilian Standard Code ABNT NBR 6118:2007 [1] fixes conditions to calculate the transverse reinforcement area in beam reinforced concrete elements, using two design models, based on the strut and tie analogy model, first studied by Mörsch [2]. The strut angle θ (theta) can be considered constant and equal to 45º (Model I), or varying between 30º and 45º (Model II). In the case of transversal ties (stirrups), the variation of angle α (alpha) is between 45º and 90º. When the equilibrium torsion is required, a resistant model based on space truss with hollow section is considered. The space truss admits an inclination angle θ between 30º and 45º, in accordance with beam elements subjected to shear. This paper presents a theoretical study of models I and II for combined shear and torsion, in which ranges the geometry and intensity of action in reinforced concrete beams, aimed to verify the consumption of transverse reinforcement in accordance with the calculation model adopted As the strut angle on model II ranges from 30º to 45º, transverse reinforcement area (Asw) decreases, and total reinforcement area, which includes longitudinal torsion reinforcement (Asℓ), increases. It appears that, when considering model II with strut angle above 40º, under shear only, transverse reinforcement area increases 22% compared to values obtained using model I.


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OBJECTIVE: Assess the association between nonnutritive sucking habits and anterior open bite in the deciduous dentition of Japanese-Brazilian children. METHODS: 410 children of Japanese origin were assessed, 206 boys and 204 girls, between 2 and 6 years of age, in schools in São Paulo State, Brazil. Questionnaires concerning their nonnutritive sucking habits were sent to their legal guardians. Chi-square tests (p<0.05) were applied to assess the association between nonnutritive sucking habits and anterior open bite, and the logistic regression test to obtain the relative risk. RESULTS: The prevalence of sucking habits found in the sample was of 44.6% and for the anterior open bite, 4.4%. There was a statistically significant association between anterior open bite and sucking habits (O.R.=10.77), persistence of sucking habits from 2 to 4 years old (O.R.=22.06), and the persistence of sucking habits from 4 to 6 years old (O.R.=17.31). As for the interruption period of the habit, the group that had interrupted the habit for a period equal or inferior to six months showed an increased prevalence of open bite compared to the group without this habit or in which the habit was interrupted for more than six months. CONCLUSION: Japanese-Brazilian children that had sucking habits have greater chance of acquiring anterior open bite in the deciduous dentition.


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OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate the cephalometric effects promoted by the orthodontic treatment of Class II malocclusion patients with the use of the 10-Hour Force Theory, that consists in the use of fixed appliances with 8 hours a day using a cervical headgear appliance and 16 hours a day using Class II elastics, 8 hours on the first mandibular molar and 8 hours in the second mandibular molar. METHODS: Sample comprised 31 patients with mean initial age of 14.90 years, final mean age of 17.25 years and mean treatment time of 2.35 years. The lateral cephalograms in pre-treatment and post-treatment stages were evaluated. Evaluation of cephalometric changes between initial and final treatment phases was performed by paired t test. RESULTS: The cases treated with the 10-Hour Force Theory presented a slight restriction of anterior displacement of the maxilla, increase in the effective length of the mandible, significant improvement of the maxillomandibular relationship, significant increase in anterior lower face height, distal tipping of the maxillary premolar crowns, extrusion and distal tipping of the roots of maxillary molars, significant proclination and protrusion of mandibular incisors, significant extrusion and mesialization of mandibular molars, besides a significant correction of the molar relationship, overjet and overbite. CONCLUSION: The use of the 10-Hour Force Theory in treatment of Class II malocclusion provided satisfactory results.


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OBJECTIVE: The aim of this prospective study was to cephalometrically analyze the stability of dentoalveolar and skeletal changes produced by a removable appliance with palatal crib associated to high-pull chincup in individuals with anterior open bite treated for 12 months, and compare them to individuals with similar malocclusion and age, not submitted to orthodontic treatment, also followed for the same period. METHODS: Nineteen children with a mean age of 9.78 years old treated for 12 months with a removable appliance with palatal crib associated with chincup therapy were evaluated after 15 months (post-treatment period) and compared with a control group of 19 subjects with mean age of 9.10 years with the same malocclusion that was followed-up for the same period. Seventy-six lateral cephalograms were evaluated at T1 (after correction) and T2 (follow-up) and cephalometric variables were analyzed by statistical tests. RESULTS: The results did not show significant skeletal, soft tissue or maxillary dentoalveolar changes. Overall, treatment effects on the experimental group were maintained at T2 evaluation with an increase of 0.56 mm in overbite. Overjet and maxillary incisors/molars position (vertical and sagittal) remained essentially unchanged during the study period. Only mandibular incisors showed significant changes (labial inclination and protrusion) compared to control group. CONCLUSIONS: Thus, it can be concluded that the early open bite treatment with a removable appliance and palatal crib associated with high-pull chincup therapy provided stability of 95%.