41 resultados para Astronomical spectroscopy


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We present a direct measurement of the low-energy Li-8(p, alpha)He-5 cross section, using a radioactive Li-8 beam impinging on a thick target. With four beam energies, we cover the energy range between E-c.m. = 0.2 and 2.1 MeV. An R-matrix analysis of the data is performed and suggests the existence of two broad overlapping resonances (5/2(+) at E-c.m. = 1.69 MeV and 7/2(+) at E-c.m. = 1.76 MeV). At low energies our data are sensitive to the properties of a subthreshold state (E-x = 16.67 MeV) and of two resonances above threshold. These resonances were observed in previous experiments. The R-matrix fit confirms spin assignments, and provides partial widths. We propose a new Li-8(p, alpha)He-5 reaction rate and briefly discuss its influence in nuclear astrophysics. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevC.86.064321


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Sodium monofluoroacetate was first identified in Dichapetalum cymosum, a South African plant that can cause livestock poisoning and death. After, several other plants also showed to contain this toxin, which leads to the "sudden death". Mascagnia rigida, a well identified poisonous plant, commonly found in northeast of Brazil also cause sudden death in cattle, which shows clinical signs similar to those produced by the ingestion of plants that contain monofluoroacetate. Our aim was to identify the toxic compound present in the aqueous extract of M. rigida. For this purpose, the dried and milled plant was extracted; the extract was lyophilized and submitted to successive chromatographic process, until the desired purity of the active compound was achieved. The study of this material by planar chromatography and by infrared spectrometry indicated that the toxin can be a mixture of mono, di and trifluoroacetate. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective: Raman spectroscopy has been employed to discriminate between malignant (basal cell carcinoma [BCC] and melanoma [MEL]) and normal (N) skin tissues in vitro, aimed at developing a method for cancer diagnosis. Background data: Raman spectroscopy is an analytical tool that could be used to diagnose skin cancer rapidly and noninvasively. Methods: Skin biopsy fragments of similar to 2 mm(2) from excisional surgeries were scanned through a Raman spectrometer (830 nm excitation wavelength, 50 to 200 mW of power, and 20 sec exposure time) coupled to a fiber optic Raman probe. Principal component analysis (PCA) and Euclidean distance were employed to develop a discrimination model to classify samples according to histopathology. In this model, we used a set of 145 spectra from N (30 spectra), BCC (96 spectra), and MEL (19 spectra) skin tissues. Results: We demonstrated that principal components (PCs) 1 to 4 accounted for 95.4% of all spectral variation. These PCs have been spectrally correlated to the biochemicals present in tissues, such as proteins, lipids, and melanin. The scores of PC2 and PC3 revealed statistically significant differences among N, BCC, and MEL (ANOVA, p < 0.05) and were used in the discrimination model. A total of 28 out of 30 spectra were correctly diagnosed as N, 93 out of 96 as BCC, and 13 out of 19 as MEL, with an overall accuracy of 92.4%. Conclusions: This discrimination model based on PCA and Euclidean distance could differentiate N from malignant (BCC and MEL) with high sensitivity and specificity.


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The yrast level structure of Rn-215 has been studied by means of in-beam spectroscopy alpha-gamma-gamma coincidence techniques through the Pb-207(O-18,2 alpha 2n) reaction at 93 MeV bombarding energy, using the 8 pi GASP-ISIS spectrometer at Legnaro. New spectroscopic information has been obtained. The deduced low-lying level scheme of Rn-215 does not exhibit the alternating parity structure observed in the heavier known isotones Fr-216, Ra-217, Ac-218, and Th-219. From this result, the lightest nucleus showing evidence for octupole collectivity is Fr-216, defining the lowest-mass corner for this kind of phenomenon as N >= 129 and Z >= 87.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is a recessive X-linked form of muscular dystrophy characterized by progressive and irreversible degeneration of the muscles. The mdx mouse is the classical animal model for DMD, showing similar molecular and protein defects. The mdx mouse, however, does not show significant muscle weakness, and the diaphragm muscle is significantly more degenerated than skeletal muscles. In this work, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) was used to study the metabolic profile of quadriceps and diaphragm muscles from mdx and control mice. Using principal components analysis (PCA), the animals were separated into groups according to age and lineages. The classification was compared to histopathological analysis. Among the 24 metabolites identified from the nuclear MR spectra, only 19 were used by the PCA program for classification purposes. These can be important key biomarkers associated with the progression of degeneration in mdx muscles and with natural aging in control mice. Glutamate, glutamine, succinate, isoleucine, acetate, alanine and glycerol were increased in mdx samples as compared to control mice, in contrast to carnosine, taurine, glycine, methionine and creatine that were decreased. These results suggest that MRS associated with pattern recognition analysis can be a reliable tool to assess the degree of pathological and metabolic alterations in the dystrophic tissue, thereby affording the possibility of evaluation of beneficial effects of putative therapies. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Ionic liquids based on 1-alkyl-3-methylimidazolium cations and the hydrogen sulfate (or bisulfate) anion, HSO4-, are much more viscous than ionic liquids with alkyl sulfates, RSO4-. The structural origin of the high viscosity of HSO4- ionic liquids is unraveled from detailed comparison of the anion Raman bands in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hydrogen sulfate with available data for simple HSO(4)(-) salts in crystalline phase, molten phase, and aqueous solution. Two Raman bands at 1046 and 1010 cm(-1) have been assigned as symmetric stretching modes nu(s)(S = O) of HSO4-, the latter being characteristic of chains of hydrogen-bonded anions. The intensity of this component increases in the supercooled liquid phase. For comparison purposes, Raman spectra of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium ethyl sulfate and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium methyl sulfate have been also obtained. There is no indication of difference in the strength of hydrogen bond interactions of imidazolium cations with HSO4- or RSO4- anions. Raman spectra at high pressures, up to 2.6 GPa, are also discussed. Raman spectroscopy provides evidence that hydrogen-bonded anions resulting in anion-anion interaction is the reason for the high viscosity of imidazolium ionic liquids with HSO4-. If the ionic liquid is exposed to moisture, these structures are disrupted upon absorption of water from the atmosphere.


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In this paper we discuss the detection of glucose and triglycerides using information visualization methods to process impedance spectroscopy data. The sensing units contained either lipase or glucose oxidase immobilized in layer-by-layer (LbL) films deposited onto interdigitated electrodes. The optimization consisted in identifying which part of the electrical response and combination of sensing units yielded the best distinguishing ability. It is shown that complete separation can be obtained for a range of concentrations of glucose and triglyceride when the interactive document map (IDMAP) technique is used to project the data into a two-dimensional plot. Most importantly, the optimization procedure can be extended to other types of biosensors, thus increasing the versatility of analysis provided by tailored molecular architectures exploited with various detection principles. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Topical glucocorticoid (GC) therapy has been successfully used in the treatment of several common cutaneous diseases in clinical practice for a long time, and skin atrophy is one of the most typical cutaneous side effects of this therapy. The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential of noninvasive fluorescence spectroscopy (FS) technique in the detection and classification of GC-induced skin atrophy. A total of 20 male Wistar rats were used in the experimental protocol under controlled environmental conditions and with free access to food. One group received topical application of clobetasol propionate 0.05% for 14 days to induce cutaneous atrophy (atrophic group) and the other (control) group received only vehicle application following the same protocol and schedule. Histological analyses and FS measurements with laser excitation at both 532 nm and 408 nm were obtained on days 1 and 15. The FS results were classified as "normal" or "atrophic" according by histological analysis. Fluorescence spectra obtained with excitation at 408 nm allowed a clear distinction between the control and atrophic groups, and were more informative than the those obtained at 532 nm. Our results reveal that, if correctly applied, FS allows noninvasive evaluation of corticosteroid-induced skin atrophy, and thus represents an important step towards better monitoring of undesirable side effects of cutaneous therapy.


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A new tri-electrode probe is presented and applied to local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS) measurements. As opposed to two-probe systems, the three-probe one allows measurement not only of normal, but also of radial contributions of local current densities to the local impedance values. The results concerning the cases of the blocking electrode and the electrode with faradaic reaction are discussed from the theoretical point of view for a disk electrode. Numerical simulations and experimental results are compared for the case of the ferri/ferrocyanide electrode reaction at the Pt working electrode disk. At the centre of the disk, the impedance taking into account both normal and radial contributions was in good agreement with the local impedance measured in terms of only the normal contribution. At the periphery of the electrode, the impedance taking into account both normal and radial contributions differed significantly from the local impedance measured in terms of only the normal contribution. The radial impedance results at the periphery of the electrode are in good agreement with the usual explanation that the associated larger current density is attributed to the geometry of the electrode, which exhibits a greater accessibility at the electrode edge. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glasses in the system xGeO(2)-(1-x)NaPO3 (0 <= x <= 0.50) were prepared by conventional melting quenching and characterized by thermal analysis, Raman spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), and P-31 nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR) techniques. The deconvolution of the latter spectra was aided by homonuclear J-resolved and refocused INADEQUATE techniques. The combined analyses of P-31 MAS NMR and O-1s XPS lineshapes, taking charge and mass balance considerations into account, yield the detailed quantitative speciations of the phosphorus, germanium, and oxygen atoms and their respective connectivities. An internally consistent description is possible without invoking the formation of higher-coordinated germanium species in these glasses, in agreement with experimental evidence in the literature. The structure can be regarded, to a first approximation, as a network consisting of P-(2) and P-(3) tetrahedra linked via four-coordinate germanium. As implied by the appearance of P-(3) units, there is a moderate extent of network modifier sharing between phosphate and germanate network formers, as expressed by the formal melt reaction P-(2) + Ge-(4) -> P-(3) + Ge-(3). The equilibrium constant of this reaction is estimated as K = 0.52 +/- 0.11, indicating a preferential attraction of network modifier by the phosphorus component. These conclusions are qualitatively supported by Raman spectroscopy as well as P-31{Na-23} and P-31{Na-23} rotational echo double resonance (REDOR) NMR results. The combined interpretation of O-1s XPS and P-31 MAS NMR spectra shows further that there are clear deviations from a random connectivity scenario: heteroatomic P-O-Ge linkages are favored over homoatomic P-O-P and Ge-O-Ge linkages.


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An electronic and vibrational spectroscopic analysis of p-coumaric acid (HCou) and its deprotonated species was performed by UV-vis and Raman, respectively, and the results were supported by density functional theory (OFT) calculations. Electronic UV-vis spectral data of HCou solutions show that the deprotonation of the carboxyl group (Cou(-)) leads to a blue shift of the lowest energy electronic transition in comparison to the neutral species, whereas the subsequent deprotonation of the phenolic moiety (Cou(2-)) carries out to a more delocalized chromophore. The DFT geometric parameters calculations suggest that the variation in the electronic delocalization for the three organic species is due to different contribution of a quinoid structure that is significantly distorted in the case of Cou(2-). The Raman data of HCou and its sodium salts show that the main spectral features that allow to differentiate the three organic species are those involving the styrene nu(C=C)(sty) vibration at 1600cm(-1) region. Even though the Raman spectra of the sodium salts of Cou(-) and Cou(2-) anions show subtle differences, the appearing of a band at ca. 1598cm(-1) in the Na(2)Cou spectrum, assigned to a mode involving the carboxylate asymmetric stretching, nu(as)(COO), and the styrene stretching, nu(C=C)(sty), is quite characteristic, as confirmed by the theoretical Raman spectrum. Considering that p-coumaric acid is an archetypical phenolic compound with several biological activities that essentially depend upon the medium pH, Raman spectroscopy results reported in this work can provide a proper way to characterize such important phytochemical compound in different protonation states. In order to complement the characterization of the sodium salts, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and thermal analysis were performed. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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This study aimed to evaluate the chemical interaction of collagen with some substances usually applied in dental treatments to increase the durability of adhesive restorations to dentin. Initially, the similarity between human dentin collagen and type I collagen obtained from commercial bovine membranes of Achilles deep tendon was compared by the Attenuated Total Reflectance technique of Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy. Finally, the effects of application of 35% phosphoric acid, 0.1M ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), 2% chlorhexidine, and 6.5% proanthocyanidin solution on microstructure of collagen and in the integrity of its triple helix were also evaluated by ATR-FTIR. It was observed that the commercial type I collagen can be used as an efficient substitute for demineralized human dentin in studies that use spectroscopy analysis. The 35% phosphoric acid significantly altered the organic content of amides, proline and hydroxyproline of type I collagen. The surface treatment with 0.1M EDTA, 2% chlorhexidine, or 6.5% proanthocyanidin did not promote deleterious structural changes to the collagen triple helix. The application of 6.5% proanthocyanidin on collagen promoted hydrogen bond formation. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part B: Appl Biomater, 2012.


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The effects of laser focusing and fluence on LIBS analysis of pellets of plant leaves was evaluated. A Q-switched Nd:YAG laser (5ns, 10Hz, 1064nm) was used and the emission signals were collected by lenses into an optical fiber coupled to a spectrometer with Echelle optics and ICCD. Data were acquired from the accumulation of 20 laser pulses at 2.0 mu s delay and 5.0 mu s integration time gate. The emission signal intensities increased with both laser fluence and spot size. Higher sensitivities for Ca, K, Mg, P, Al, B, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn determinations were observed for fluences in the range from 25 to 60Jcm(-2). Coefficients of variation of site-to-site measurements were generally lower than 10% (n=30 sites, 20 laser pulses/site) for a fluence of 50Jcm(-2) and 750 mu m spot size. For most elements, there is an indication that accuracy is improved with higher fluences. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The electronic interactions between the [Cu(opba)]2- anions (where opba is orthophenylenebis (oxamato)) and single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) were investigated by resonance Raman spectroscopy. The opba can form molecular magnets, and the interactions of opba with SWCNTs can produce materials with very different magnetic/electronic properties. It is observed that the electronic interaction shows a dependence on the SWCNT diameter independent of whether they are metallic or semiconducting, although the interaction is stronger for metallic tubes. The interaction also is dependent on the amount of complex that is probably adsorbed on the carbon surface of the SWCNTs. Some charge transfer can be also occurring between the metallic complex and the SWCNTs. Copyright (c) 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Herein, it was investigated for the first time the electro-oxidation of ethanol on Pt and PtRu electrodeposits in acidic media by using in situ surface enhanced infrared absorption spectroscopy with attenuated total reflection (ATR-SEIRAS). The experimental setup circumvents the weak absorbance signals related to adsorbed species, usually observed for rough, electrodeposited surfaces, and allows a full description of the CO coverage with the potential for both catalysts. The dynamics of adsorption-oxidation of CO was accessed by ATR-SEIRAS experiments (involving four ethanol concentrations) and correlated with expressions derived from a simple kinetic model. Kinetic analysis suggests that the growing of the CO adsorbed layer is nor influenced by the presence of Ru neither by the concentration of ethanol. The results suggest that the C-C scission is not related to the presence of Ru and probably happens at Pt sites.