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Neuroimaging studies suggest anterior-limbic structural brain abnormalities in patients with bipolar disorder (BD), but few studies have shown these abnormalities in unaffected but genetically liable family members. In this study, we report morphometric correlates of genetic risk for BD using voxel-based morphometry. In 35 BD type I (BD-I) patients, 20 unaffected first-degree relatives (UAR) of BD patients and 40 healthy control subjects underwent 3 T magnetic resonance scanner imaging. Preprocessing of images used DARTEL (diffeomorphic anatomical registration through exponentiated lie algebra) for voxel-based morphometry in SPM8 (Wellcome Department of Imaging Neuroscience, London, UK). The whole-brain analysis revealed that the gray matter (GM) volumes of the left anterior insula and right inferior frontal gyrus showed a significant main effect of diagnosis. Multiple comparison analysis showed that the BD-I patients and the UAR subjects had smaller left anterior insular GM volumes compared with the healthy subjects, the BD-I patients had smaller right inferior frontal gyrus compared with the healthy subjects. For white matter (WM) volumes, there was a significant main effect of diagnosis for medial frontal gyrus. The UAR subjects had smaller right medial frontal WM volumes compared with the healthy subjects. These findings suggest that morphometric brain abnormalities of the anterior-limbic neural substrate are associated with family history of BD, which may give insight into the pathophysiology of BD, and be a potential candidate as a morphological endophenotype of BD. Molecular Psychiatry (2012) 17, 412-420; doi: 10.1038/mp.2011.3; published online 15 February 2011
Fabrication of microstructures containing active compounds, such as fluorescent dyes and nanoparticles have been exploited in the last few years, aiming at applications from photonics to biology. Here we fabricate, using two-photon polymerization, microstructures containing the fluorescent dyes Stilbene 420, Disodium Fluorescein and Rhodamine B. The produced microstructures, containing dyes at specific sites, present good structural integrity and a broad fluorescence spectrum, from about 350 nm until 700 nm. Such spectrum can be tuned by using different excitation wavelengths and selecting the excitation position in the microstructure. These results are interesting for designing multi-doped structures, presenting tunable and broad fluorescence spectrum. (C)2012 Optical Society of America
Carlosbarbosaite, ideally (UO2)(2)Nb2O6(OH)(2)center dot 2H(2)O, is a new mineral which occurs as a late cavity filling in albite in the Jaguaracu pegmatite, Jaguaracu municipality, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The name honours Carlos do Prado Barbosa (1917-2003). Carlosbarbosaite forms long flattened lath-like crystals with a very simple orthorhombic morphology. The crystals are elongated along [001] and flattened on (100); they are up to 120 mu m long and 2-5 mu m thick. The colour is cream to pale yellow, the streak yellowish white and the lustre vitreous. The mineral is transparent (as individual crystals) to translucent (massive). It is not fluorescent under either long-wave or short-wave ultraviolet radiation. Carlosbarbosaite is biaxial(+) with alpha = 1.760(5), beta = 1.775(5), gamma = 1.795(5), 2V(meas) = 70(1)degrees, 2V(calc) = 83 degrees. The orientation is X parallel to a, Y parallel to b, Z parallel to c. Pleochroism is weak, in yellowish green shades, which are most intense in the Z direction. Two samples were analysed. For sample I, the composition is: UO3 54.52, CaO 2.07, Ce2O3 0.33, Nd2O3 0.49, Nb2O5 14.11, Ta2O5 15.25, TiO2 2.20, SiO2 2.14, Fe2O3 1.08, Al2O3 0.73, H2O (calc.) 11.49, total 104.41 wt.%; the empirical formula is (square 0.68Ca0.28Nd0.02Ce0.02)(Sigma=1.00)[U-1.44 square O-0.56(2.88)(H2O)(1.12)](Nb0.80Ta0.52Si0.27Ti0.21Al0.11Fe0.10)(Sigma=2.01) O-4.72(OH)(3.20)(H2O)(2.08). For sample 2, the composition is: UO3 41.83, CaO 2.10, Ce2O3 0.31, Nd2O3 1.12, Nb2O5 14.64, Ta2O5 16.34, TiO2 0.95, SiO2 3.55, Fe2O3 0.89, Al2O3 0.71, H2O (calc.) 14.99, total 97.43 wt.%; the empirical formula is (square 0.67Ca0.27Nd0.05Ce0.01)(Sigma=1.00)[U-1.04 square O-0.96(2.08)(H2O)(1.92)] (Nb0.79Ta0.53Si0.42Ti0.08Al0.10Fe0.08)(Sigma=2.00)O-4.00(OH)(3.96)(H2O)(2.04). The ideal endmember formula is (UO2)(2)Nb2O6(OH)(2)center dot 2H(2)O. Calculated densities are 4.713 g cm(-3) (sample 1) and 4.172 g cm(-3) (sample 2). Infrared spectra show that both (OH) and H2O are present. The strongest eight X-ray powder-diffraction lines [listed as d in angstrom(I)(hkl)] are: 8.405(8)(110), 7.081(10)(200), 4.201(9)(220), 3.333(6)(202), 3.053(8)(022), 2.931(7)(420), 2.803(6)(222) and 2.589(5)(040,402). The crystal structure was solved using single-crystal X-ray diffraction (R = 0.037) which gave the following data: orthorhombic, Cmem, a = 14.150(6), b = 10.395(4), c = 7.529(3) angstrom, V = 1107(1) angstrom(3), Z = 4. The crystal structure contains a single U site with an appreciable deficiency in electron scattering, which is populated by U atoms and vacancies. The U site is surrounded by seven 0 atoms in a pentagonal bipyramidal arrangemet. The Nb site is coordinated by four 0 atoms and two OH groups in an octahedral arrangement. The half-occupied tunnel Ca site is coordinated by four 0 atoms and four H2O groups. Octahedrally coordinated Nb polyhedra share edges and comers to form Nb2O6(OH)(2) double chains, and edge-sharing pentagonal bipyramidal U polyhedra form UO5 chains. The Nb2O6(OH)(2) and UO5 chains share edges to form an open U-Nb-phi framework with tunnels along [001] that contain Ca(H2O)(4) clusters. Carlosbarbosaite is closely related to a family of synthetic U-Nb-O framework tunnel structures, it differs in that is has an (OH)-bearing framework and Ca(H2O)(4) tunnel occupant. The structure of carlosbarbosaite resembles that of holfertite.
The combination of semiconducting oxides and polyaniline in the nanoscale range may result in hybrid materials having enhanced properties, such as electrochromism and charge capacity. This paper reports the spectroscopic, morphological and electrochromic characterization of hybrid films made up of hexaniobate one-dimensional (1D) nanoscrolls and polyaniline prepared by the layer-by-layer assembly technique (LbL). Secondary electron imaging and backscattered electron imaging techniques performed using a scanning electron microscope showed that polyaniline is adsorbed on the hexaniobate nanoscrolls, which confirms the combination of the components in the nanoscale domain. UV-VIS-NIR electronic spectra of the LbL hybrid films showed the absorption tail in the NIR region, assigned to delocalized polarons of the polyaniline. Resonance Raman spectra in the 1000-1700 cm(-1) range indicated that hybrid films present a higher relative intensity of polaron bands at 1337 and 1508 cm(-1) than pristine polyaniline in the emeraldine salt form. These results suggest that hexaniobate nanoscrolls induce a secondary doping of polyaniline. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) data for the hybrid film showed a specific capacity of 870 C cm(-3). According to CV results, the synergistic effect on charge storage properties of the hybrid material is attributed to the enhanced electroactivity of the hexaniobate component in the LbL film. Spectroelectrochemical experiments showed that the electrochromic efficiencies at 420 nm are ca. -41 and 24 cm(2) C-1 as the potential changes from 0.8 to -0.9 V and from -0.9 to -1.8 V, respectively, whereas at 800 nm the efficiencies are ca. -55 and 8 cm(2) C-1 for the same potential ranges. The electrochromic efficiencies and multi-colour character of the LbL film of hexaniobate nanoscrolls and polyaniline indicate that this novel hybrid material is an interesting modified electrode for electrochromic devices.
Este estudo teve por objetivo identificar e analisar as ações educativas realizadas por um Programa de Agentes Comunitários de Saúde de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo, considerando as concepções pedagógicas e os aspectos intervenientes que aproximam e afastam a equipe da mudança de prática pretendida pelo programa. É uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa do tipo estudo de caso. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com análise de conteúdo, modalidade temática. O estudo evidenciou que a concepção pedagógica predominante é a da transmissão de informações voltada para prevenção de doenças, embora existam algumas ações próximas da pedagogia participativa. A organização do trabalho e o vínculo com a população também interferem no trabalho educativo. Conclui-se que as ações educativas ainda são alicerçadas no preventivismo com desafios para promoção da saúde e carecem de investimentos em formação e na organização da rede assistencial.
This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Química. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Kotz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of X-rays in identifying fissures in artificially dried rice seeds and the relationship between damage and seed performance in the germination test. Irrigated rice seeds of the IRGA 417 and IRGA 420 cultivars were harvested with 23.3 and 24.5% water content respectively and submitted to stationary drying treatments at 32, 38, 44 and 50 °C. X-rays were taken of subsamples of 100 seeds for each treatment, using an MX-20 X-ray equipment. The X-rayed seeds were classified from 1 to 3, where 1 corresponded to seeds without fissures, 2 to seeds with non-severe fissures and 3 to seeds with severe fissures. The same X-rayed seeds were planted and on the seventh day the seedlings (normal or abnormal) and dead seeds were photographed and evaluated to verify any relationship between the fissures and physiological potential. Higher drying temperature increased the percentage of fissures in the two cultivars, which can adversely affect their germination. Seeds with fissures can be identified using X-rays.
This article characterizes hypersensitivity reactions during anesthetic-surgical procedures. This integrative literature review was conducted in the LILACS, CINAHL, COCHRANE and MEDLINE databases including papers published from 1966 to September 2011. A total of 17 case reports, two prevalence studies and one cohort study were identified. Latex reactions were mainly type III and the primary source of intraoperative reaction was latex gloves. The average time for clinical manifestation was 59.8 minutes after anesthetic induction; 44.4% of patients reported a reaction to latex at the pre-anesthetic evaluation. It was determined that the history of allergic reactions to latex obtained in the pre-anesthetic evaluation does not ensure the safety of patients if the staff is inattentive to the severity of the issue. There is also a tendency to initially attribute the anaphylactic event to the anesthetic drugs.
Two experiments were carried out with twenty-four male weaned Holstein calves to verify the influence of different dietary cation-anion concentrate and roughage proportions on calves metabolism. In the first experiment, calves were fed rations with -100, +200 and +400 mEq cation-anion balance/kg of dry matter, containing 60% of roughage and 40% of concentrate. In the second experiment, calves (117.6±20.8 kg average weight) received rations with similar dietary cation-anion balance but in diets of 40% roughage and 60% concentrate. As the dietary cation-anion balance became more positive, there was a quadratic response of blood pH in both diets with 60 and 40% roughage. A linear increase following increased dietary cation-anion balance was observed on bicarbonate concentration, carbon dioxide tension, carbon dioxide partial pressure and urine pH on both experiments, while anion gap decreased linearly. Blood urea nitrogen and base excess increased quadratically according to increased dietary cation-anion balance on 60% roughage, whereas those same parameters showed a linear increase on 40% roughage. Growing ruminant metabolism both in cationic and anionic diets was modified when the roughage:concentrate ratio was altered.