64 resultados para bladder tumor-associated antigen


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Abstract Background The prostate stroma is a key mediator of epithelial differentiation and development, and potentially plays a role in the initiation and progression of prostate cancer. The tumor-associated stroma is marked by increased expression of CD90/THY1. Isolation and characterization of these stromal cells could provide valuable insight into the biology of the tumor microenvironment. Methods Prostate CD90+ stromal fibromuscular cells from tumor specimens were isolated by cell-sorting and analyzed by DNA microarray. Dataset analysis was used to compare gene expression between histologically normal and tumor-associated stromal cells. For comparison, stromal cells were also isolated and analyzed from the urinary bladder. Results The tumor-associated stromal cells were found to have decreased expression of genes involved in smooth muscle differentiation, and those detected in prostate but not bladder. Other differential expression between the stromal cell types included that of the CXC-chemokine genes. Conclusion CD90+ prostate tumor-associated stromal cells differed from their normal counterpart in expression of multiple genes, some of which are potentially involved in organ development.


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Chemical agents used in cancer therapy are associated with cell cycle arrest, activation or deactivation of mechanisms associated to DNA repair and apoptosis. However, due to the complexity of biological systems, the molecular mechanisms responsible for these activities are not fully understood. Thus, studies about gene and protein expression have shown promising results for understanding the mechanisms related to cellular responses and regression of cancer after chemotherapy. This study aimed to evaluate the gene and protein expression profiling in bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC) with different TP53 status after gemcitabine (1.56 μM) treatment. The RT4 (grade 1, TP53 wild type), 5637 (grade 2, TP53 mutated) and T24 (grade 3, TP53 mutated) cell lines were used. PCR arrays and mass spectrometry were used to analyze gene and protein expression, respectively. Morphological alterations were observed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The results of PCR array showed that gemcitabine activity was mainly related to CDKN1A, GADD45A and SERTDA1 overexpression, and BAX overexpression only in the wild type TP53 cells. Mass spectrometry demonstrated that gemcitabine modulated the protein expression, especially those from genes related to apoptosis, transport of vesicles and stress response. Analyses using SEM and TEM showed changes in cell morphology independently on the cell line studied. The observed decreased number of microvillus suggests low contact among the cells and between cell and extracellular matrix; irregular forms might indicate actin cytoskeleton deregulation; and the reduction in the amount of organelles and core size might indicate reduced cellular metabolism. In conclusion, independently on TP53 status or grade of bladder tumor, gemcitabine modulated genes related to the cell cycle and apoptosis, that reflected in morphological changes indicative of future cell death.


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Many cell types have no known functional attributes. In the bladder and prostate, basal epithelial and stromal cells appear similar in cytomorphology and share several cell surface markers. Their total gene expression (transcriptome) should provide a clear measure of the extent to which they are alike functionally. Since urologic stromal cells are known to mediate organ-specific tissue formation, these cells in cancers might exhibit aberrant gene expression affecting their function. For transcriptomes, cluster designation (CD) antigens have been identified for cell sorting. The sorted cell populations can be analyzed by DNA microarrays. Various bladder cell types have unique complements of CD molecules. CD9(+) urothelial, CD104(+) basal and CD13(+) stromal cells of the lamina propria were therefore analyzed, as were CD9(+) cancer and CD13(+) cancer-associated stromal cells. The transcriptome datasets were compared by principal components analysis for relatedness between cell types; those with similarity in gene expression indicated similar function. Although bladder and prostate basal cells shared CD markers such as CD104, CD44 and CD49f, they differed in overall gene expression. Basal cells also lacked stem cell gene expression. The bladder luminal and stromal transcriptomes were distinct from their prostate counterparts. In bladder cancer, not only the urothelial but also the stromal cells showed gene expression alteration. The cancer process in both might thus involve defective stromal signaling. These cell-type transcriptomes provide a means to monitor in vitro models in which various CD-isolated cell types can be combined to study bladder differentiation and bladder tumor development based on cell-cell interaction.


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The morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in sea catfishes (Siluriformes: Ariidae) is studied. The most simple gas bladder, exclusive to Galeichthys Valenciennes, is apple-shaped with weakly developed internal trabeculae, has smooth walls externally and a short Mullerian window associated with a broad, short Mullerian ramus that is firmly attached to Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Most genera of Ariidae have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae, smooth walls externally, an elongate Mullerian window and an elongate Mullerian ramus with an acute tip that is free from the Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Sciades proops (Valenciennes) and S. parkeri (Traill) have a similar gas bladder but with a well-developed secondary chamber. Other genera of Ariidae also have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae and elongate Mullerian window, but with lateral diverticula present as shallow rounded bulges or blister-like swellings along the peripheral margins of the bladder. The degree of development of lateral diverticula varies among and within species, with Osteogeneiosus Bleeker having the most highly-developed diverticula. Bagre pinnimaculatus (Steindachner) and Bagre bagre (Linnaeus) have unusual depressed gas bladders with complex network of internal trabeculae. The implications of gas bladder morphology for the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the family are discussed.


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The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and compared for representatives of all valid genera of Pseudopimelodidae (Siluriformes). Cephalosilurus albomarginatus and species of Batrochoglanis, and Microglanis have the most basic form: a large, cordiform gas bladder with a simple internal T-shaped septum. Cephalosilurus apurensis, C. fowleri, and C. nigricauda also have a large, cordiform gas bladder, but they have well-developed trabeculae associated with the internal T-shaped septum, and a pair of well-developed constrictor muscles inserted on the external wall; the latter feature is present in most species of Pimelodidae, but absent in all other catfishes. The monotypic Lophiosilurus alexandri also has well-developed constrictor muscles, and its gas bladder is moderately sized. The species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis have a diminutive gas bladder partially divided into two lateral sacs without internal communication, and lack constrictor muscles. The parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is a wide and long shelf connected to the dorsal surface of the gas bladder in most pseudopimelodid genera. However, in the species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis the parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is shorter and has its anterior ramus folded back, partially covering the gas bladder anteroventrally; and the tympanic opening is smaller than in species of the other genera. Five phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Pseudopimelodidae, and the evolution of those characters in the family is discussed. J. Morphol. 272:890-896, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and illustrated for representatives of most species and all valid genera of the Auchenipteridae (Siluriformes). Although, a simple cordiform gas bladder is present in some species of the family, others are characterized by their distinctive gas-bladder shape and diverticula disposition. An acute posterior end of the gas bladder characterizes Centromochlus heckelii and C. macracanthus, and is variably present in specimens of Auchenipterus. Tocantinsia piresi and Asterophysus batrachus have distinctive gas bladders differing in number of diverticula (two or many). The two species of Trachycorystes are diagnosed based on their gas bladder morphology: T. menezesi has a simple cordiform bladder, whereas T. trachycorystes has a pair of lateral diverticulum and, usually, a well-developed terminal diverticulum. Species of Auchenipterichthys are characterized by having a secondary bladder with simple chamber. Short or elongate and divergent terminal diverticula are exclusive to most cis-andine species of Trachelyopterus. Tetranematichthys and trans-andine species of Trachelyopterus share a well-developed secondary chamber or terminal diverticula ventrally or dorsally connected to the posterior chambers. The small-sized species of Ageneiosus have well-developed gas bladders with a pair of posterior diverticula, whereas large-sized species have a reduced gas bladder with tunica externa varying from non-, partially, or completely ossified. Eight phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Auchenipteridae, and the evolution of those characters in the family discussed. J. Morphol., 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Abstract Background Human Papillomavirus, HPV, is the main etiological factor for cervical cancer. Different studies show that in women infected with HPV there is a positive correlation between lesion grade and number of infiltrating macrophages, as well as with IL-10 higher expression. Using a HPV16 associated tumor model in mice, TC-1, our laboratory has demonstrated that tumor infiltrating macrophages are M2-like, induce T cell regulatory phenotype and play an important role in tumor growth. M2 macrophages secrete several cytokines, among them IL-10, which has been shown to play a role in T cell suppression by tumor macrophages in other tumor models. In this work, we sought to establish if IL-10 is part of the mechanism by which HPV tumor associated macrophages induce T cell regulatory phenotype, inhibiting anti-tumor activity and facilitating tumor growth. Results TC-1 tumor cells do not express or respond to IL-10, but recruit leukocytes which, within the tumor environment, produce this cytokine. Using IL-10 deficient mice or blocking IL-10 signaling with neutralizing antibodies, we observed a significant reduction in tumor growth, an increase in tumor infiltration by HPV16 E7 specific CD8 lymphocytes, including a population positive for Granzyme B and Perforin expression, and a decrease in the percentage of HPV specific regulatory T cells in the lymph nodes. Conclusions Our data shows that in the HPV16 TC-1 tumor mouse model, IL-10 produced by tumor macrophages induce regulatory phenotype on T cells, an immune escape mechanism that facilitates tumor growth. Our results point to a possible mechanism behind the epidemiologic data that correlates higher IL-10 expression with risk of cervical cancer development in HPV infected women.


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Tumores miofibroblásticos inflamatórios raramente acometem vias urinárias ou crianças, comumente mimetizando neoplasias malignas nos exames de imagem. Foram descritos apenas 35 casos desses tumores na bexiga de crianças, segundo a literatura recente. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma criança com um tumor miofibroblástico vesical que evoluiu favoravelmente após ressecção cirúrgica completa.


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The diagnosis of vascular dementia (VaD) describes a group of various vessel disorders with different types of vascular lesions that finally contribute to the development of dementia. Most common forms of VaD in the elderly brain are subcortical vascular encephalopathy, strategic infarct dementia, and the multi infarct encephalopathy. Hereditary forms of VaD are rare. Most common is the cerebral autosomal dominant arteriopathy with subcortical infarcts and leukoencephalopathy (CADASIL). Sporadic forms of VaD are caused by degenerative vessel disorders such as atherosclerosis, small vessel disease (SVD) including small vessel arteriosclerosis, arteriolosclerosis, and lipohyalinosis, and cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA). Less frequently inflammatory vessel disorders and tumor-associated vessel lesions (e. g. angiocentric T-cell or angiotropic large cell lymphoma) can cause symptoms of dementia. Here, we review and discuss the impact of vessel disorders to distinct vascular brain tissue lesions and to the development of dementia in elderly individuals. The impact of coexisting neurodegenerative pathology in the elderly brain to VaD as well as the correlation between SVD and CAA expansion in the brain parenchyma with that of Alzheimer's disease (AD)-related pathology is highlighted. We conclude that "pure" VaD is rare and most frequently caused by infarctions. However, there is a significant contribution of vascular lesions and vessel pathology to the development of dementia that may go beyond tissue damage due to vascular lesions. Insufficient blood blow and alterations of the perivascular drainage mechanisms of the brain may also lead to a reduced protein clearance from extracellular space and subsequent increase of proteins in the brain parenchyma, such as the amyloid beta-protein, and foster, thereby, the development of AD-related neurodegeneration. As such, it seems to be important for clinical practice to consider treatment of potentially coexisting AD pathology in cognitively impaired patients with vascular lesions. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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One of the greatest challenges in urological oncology is renal cell carcinoma (RCC), which is the third leading cause of death in genitourinary cancers. RCCs are highly vascularized and respond positively to antiangiogenic therapy. Endostatin (ES) is a fragment of collagen XVIII that possesses antiangiogenic activity. In this study, we examined the potential of ES-based antiangiogenic therapy to activate tumor-associated endothelial cells in metastatic RCC (mRCC). Balb/c-bearing Renca cells were treated with NIH/3T3-LendSN or, as a control, with NIH/3T3-LXSN cells. The T-cell subsets and lymphocyte populations of tumors, mediastinal lymph nodes and the spleen were assessed by flow cytometry. The expression of intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) and vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) was assessed by real-time PCR, flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry analysis. ES gene therapy led to an increase in the percentage of infiltrating CD4-interferon (IFN)-gamma cells (P<0.05), CD8-IFN-gamma cells (P<0.01) and CD49b-tumor necrosis factor-alpha cells (P<0.01). In addition, ES therapy caused an increase at the mRNA level of ICAM-1 (1.4-fold; P<0.01) and VCAM-1 (1.5-fold) (control vs treated group; P<0.001). Through flow cytometry, we found a significant increase in the CD34/ICAM-1 cells (8.1-fold; P<0.001) and CD34/VCAM-1 cells (1.6-fold; P<0.05). ES gene therapy induced a significant increase in both T CD4 and CD8 cells in the lymph nodes and the spleen, suggesting that ES therapy may facilitate cell survival or clonal expansion. CD49b cells were also present in increased quantities in all of these organs. In this study, we demonstrate an antitumor inflammatory effect of ES in an mRCC model, and this effect is mediated by an increase in ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 expression in tumor-associated endothelial cells.


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Objective The aim of this study was to investigate whether tumor-associated tissue eosinophilia (TATE) in early oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) would aid in predicting occult lymph node metastasis. Patients and methods Seventy-one patients undergoing elective neck dissection for T1 and T2 OSCC were evaluated for clinical features, prognosis, and TATE. The degree of TATE in OSCC was statistically analyzed in relation to the clinicopathological features, tumor invasion, occult lymph node metastasis, and survival using chi (2) test and Kaplan-Meier method. Results Statistical analysis revealed that intense TATE was a significant feature (p = 0.004) to predict occult lymph node metastasis in patients with early OSCC. All regional recurrences of the OSCC occurred in patients showing intense TATE. Conclusions These results suggest that intense TATE can be clinically used as a predictive factor for occult lymph node metastasis. Clinical relevance The presence of intense TATE is an adjunctive histopathological marker to reinforce the indication of elective neck dissection of the patients with early OSCC.


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The objective of this study was to determine the frequencies of autoantibodies to heterogeneous islet-cell cytoplasmic antigens (ICA), glutamic acid decarboxylase(65) (GAD(65)A), insulinoma-associated antigen-2 (IA-2A) and insulin (IAA)-and human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II markers (HLA-DR and -DQ) in first degree relatives of heterogeneous Brazilian patients with type I diabetes(T1DM). A major focus of this study was to determine the influence of age, gender, proband characteristics and ancestry on the prevalence of autoantibodies and HLA-DR and -DQ alleles on disease progression and genetic predisposition to T1DM among the first-degree relatives. IAA, ICA, GAD(65)A, IA-2A and HLA- class II alleles were determined in 546 first-degree-relatives, 244 siblings, 55 offspring and 233 parents of 178 Brazilian patients with T1DM. Overall, 8.9% of the relatives were positive for one or more autoantibodies. IAA was the only antibody detected in parents. GAD(65) was the most prevalent antibody in offspring and siblings as compared to parents and it was the sole antibody detected in offspring. Five siblings were positive for the IA-2 antibody. A significant number (62.1%) of siblings had 1 or 2 high risk HLA haplotypes. During a 4-year follow-up study, 5 siblings (expressing HLA-DR3 or -DR4 alleles) and 1 offspring positive for GAD(65)A progressed to diabetes. The data indicated that the GAD(65) and IA-2 antibodies were the strongest predictors of T1DM in our study population. The high risk HLA haplotypes alone were not predictive of progression to overt diabetes.


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Cervical cancer is the third most common cancer in women worldwide. Persistent infection with high-risk HPV types, principally HPV16 and 18 is the main risk factor for the development of this malignancy. However, the onset of invasive tumor occurs many years after initial exposure in a minority of infected women. This suggests that other factors beyond viral infection are necessary for tumor establishment and progression. Tumor progression is characterized by an increase in secretion and activation of matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) produced by either the tumor cells themselves or tumor-associated fibroblasts or macrophages. Increased MMPs expression, including MMP-2, MMP-9 and MT1-MMP, has been observed during cervical carcinoma progression. These proteins have been associated with degradation of ECM components, tumor invasion, metastasis and recurrence. However, few studies have evaluated the interplay between HPV infection and the expression and activity of MMPs and their regulators in cervical cancer. We analyzed the effect of HPV16 oncoproteins on the expression and activity of MMP-2, MMP-9, MT1-MMP, and their inhibitors TIMP-2 and RECK in cultures of human keratinocytes. We observed that E7 expression is associated with increased pro-MMP-9 activity in the epithelial component of organotypic cultures, while E6 and E7 oncoproteins co-expression down-regulates RECK and TIMP-2 levels in organotypic and monolayers cultures. Finally, a study conducted in human cervical tissues showed a decrease in RECK expression levels in precancer and cancer lesions. Our results indicate that HPV oncoproteins promote MMPs/ RECK-TIMP-2 imbalance which may be involved in HPV-associated lesions outcome.


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Objective: Extracellular matrix homeostasis is strictly maintained by a coordinated balance between the expression of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their regulators. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether MMP-2 and its specific regulators, TIMP-2, MT1-MMP and IL-8, are expressed in a reproducible, specific pattern and if the profiles are related to prognosis and clinical outcome of prostate cancer (PCa). Materials and Methods: MMP-2, TIMP-2, MT1-MMP and IL-8 expression levels were analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) in freshly frozen malignant and benign tissue specimens collected from 79 patients with clinically localized PCa who underwent radical prostatectomies. The control group consisted of 11 patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH). The expression profile of the MMP-2 and its regulators were compared using Gleason scores, pathological stage, pre-operative PSA levels and the final outcome of the PCa. Results: The analysis of 79 specimens of PCa revealed that MMP-2, TIMP-2, MT1-MMP and IL-8 were underexpressed at 60.0%, 72.2%, 62.0% and 65.8%, respectively, in malignant prostatic tissue in relation to BPH samples. Considering the prognostic parameters, we demonstrated that high Gleason score tumors (>= 7) over-expressed MMP-2 (p = 0.048) and TIMP-2 (p = 0.021), compared to low Gleason score tumors (< 7). Conclusion: We have demonstrated that MMP-2 and its regulators are underexpressed in PCa. Alternatively, overexpression of MMP-2 and TIMP-2 was related to higher Gleason score tumors. We postulate that alterations in metalloproteinase expression may be important in the control of tissue homeostasis related to prostate carcinogenesis and tumor behavior.


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Oral Diseases (2012) 18, 673679 Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between podoplanin expression and proliferative activity of ameloblastomas and remnants of the odontogenic epithelium from dental follicles (DF) of unerupted teeth. Subjects and methods: Thirty-three paraffin-embedded ameloblastomas and thirty-two DF obtained of unerupted teeth were analyzed by immunohistochemistry using anti-human podoplanin and anti-Ki-67 antibodies. Podoplanin expression in odontogenic epithelial cells was evaluated using a scoring method, and the Ki-67 labeling index was determined by the percentage of positive odontogenic cells. Results: All ameloblastomas displayed podoplanin expression in ameloblast-like cells of the epithelial islands. Membranous expression of podoplanin in ameloblastomas was stronger than in the remnants of odontogenic epithelium (P = 0.001). Statistically significant difference was observed between the cytoplasmic and membranous expression of podoplanin in the remnants of odontogenic epithelium (P = 0.001). The index of epithelial odontogenic proliferative activity, verified by Ki-67 expression, was higher in ameloblastomas vs remnants of odontogenic epithelium (P < 0.001). No statistically significant correlation was identified between podoplanin and the cellular odontogenic proliferative activity in ameloblastomas and DF (P > 0.05). Conclusions: These results provide evidence that there is no connection between podoplanin immunostaining and odontogenic cellular proliferative activity and suggest a role for membranous podoplanin expression in the local invasion of ameloblastomas.