20 resultados para UTI neonatal
Objective: To evaluate the association between Apgar scores of less than seven at five minutes (AS(5min) < 7) and antenatal factors and postnatal outcomes. Methods: A retrospective cohort and case-control study of 27,252 consecutive term newborns in a low risk obstetrical population between January 2003 and December 2010. Maternal and infant databases were reviewed from all cases with AS(5min) < 7 (n = 121; 0.4%) and 363 cases with AS(5min) >= 7 at 5 minutes who were randomly selected by a computer program. The main outcomes were neonatal death, newborn respiratory distress, need for orotracheal intubation and neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy. Results: After multiple regression analysis, repeated late decelerations on cardiotocography (OR: 2.4; 95% CI: 1.4-4.1) and prolonged second stage of labor (OR: 3.3; 95% CI: 1.3-8.3) were associated with AS(5min) < 7, as well as neonatal respiratory distress (OR: 3.0; 95% CI: 1.3-6.9), orotracheal intubation (OR: 2.5; 95% CI: 1.2-4.8), need for NICU (OR: 9.5; 95% CI: 6.7-16.8), and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy (OR: 14.1; 95% CI: 3.6-54.7). No other antenatal factors were associated with AS(5min) < 7 (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Repeated late decelerations and prolonged second stage of labor in the low-risk population are predictors of AS(5min) < 7, a situation associated with increased risk of neonatal respiratory distress, need for mechanical ventilatory support and NICU, and hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy.
In order to provide adequate medical assistance to neonates, the extent of vitality impairment has to be investigated through complementary exams, as well as clinical assessment. This investigation aimed to identify the physiological changes that occur during neonatal adaptation and to develop a clinical approach that can be performed during the first hour of life in neonatal lambs born through vaginal eutocic labor. The neonatal vitality of 14 Santa Ines lambs was verified using the Apgar system and rectal temperature at birth and after 5 and 60 min after birth. From the total number of neonates, 7 lambs were randomly selected for blood gas analysis and glucose immediately at birth and 1 h after birth. The lambs had hypoglycemia immediately after birth, as well as acidosis due to metabolic and respiratory causes. Given their hypoxemia at birth, lambs immediately exhibit tachycardia and tachypnea. However, neonatal lambs reached Apgar score superior than 7 after 5 min of birth. Ovine neonates are relatively mature at birth, with adequate thermoregulation and active mechanisms to compensate for physiological acid-base imbalances. In conclusion, a systematic clinical examination of newborn sheep should include the implementation of the Apgar score coupled with the confirmation of any acid-base imbalances. Further research should evaluate neonatal adaptation to this critical period over a longer period of time. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Monosodium glutamate neonatal treatment induces cardiovascular autonomic function changes in rodents
OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate cardiovascular autonomic function in a rodent obesity model induced by monosodium glutamate injections during the first seven days of life. METHOD: The animals were assigned to control (control, n = 10) and monosodium glutamate (monosodium glutamate, n = 13) groups. Thirty-three weeks after birth, arterial and venous catheters were implanted for arterial pressure measurements, drug administration, and blood sampling. Baroreflex sensitivity was evaluated according to the tachycardic and bradycardic responses induced by sodium nitroprusside and phenylephrine infusion, respectively. Sympathetic and vagal effects were determined by administering methylatropine and propranolol. RESULTS: Body weight, Lee index, and epididymal white adipose tissue values were higher in the monosodium glutamate group in comparison to the control group. The monosodium glutamate-treated rats displayed insulin resistance, as shown by a reduced glucose/insulin index (-62.5%), an increased area under the curve of total insulin secretion during glucose overload (39.3%), and basal hyperinsulinemia. The mean arterial pressure values were higher in the monosodium glutamate rats, whereas heart rate variability (>7 times), bradycardic responses (>4 times), and vagal (similar to 38%) and sympathetic effects (similar to 36%) were reduced as compared to the control group. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that obesity induced by neonatal monosodium glutamate treatment impairs cardiac autonomic function and most likely contributes to increased arterial pressure and insulin resistance.
Background: Low birth weight affects child growth and development, requiring the intensive use of health services. There are conversely proportional associations between prematurity and academic performance around the world. In this study we evaluated factors involved in weight and neuropsychomotor profile in one and two years old discharged from Intensive Care Units (ICU). Methods/Design: We investigated 203 children from the ICU who were followed for 24 +/- 4 months. The research was conducted by collecting data from medical records of patients in a Follow-up program. We investigated the following variables: inadequate weight at one year old; inadequate weight at two years old and a severe neurological disorder at two years old. Results: We observed increase of almost 20% in the proportion of children which weighted between the 10th and 90th percentiles and decrease of around 40% of children below the 15th percentile, from one to two years old. In almost 60% of the cases neuropsychomotor development was normal at 2 years old, less than 15% of children presented abnormal development. Variables that remained influential for clinical outcome at 1 and 2 years old were related to birth weight and gestational age, except for hypoglycemia. Neurological examination was the most influential variable for severe neurological disturbance. Conclusion: Hypoglycemia was considered a new fact to explain inadequate weight. The results, new in Brazil and difficult in terms of comparison, could be used to identify risk factors and for a better approach of newborn discharged from ICUs.
This study evaluated the impact of a participatory program to reduce noise in a neonatal intermediate care unit of a university hospital. A time-series quasi-experimental design was used, in which sound pressure levels were measured before and after the intervention was implemented using the Quest-400 dosimeter. Non-parametric statistical tests were used to compare noise with the level of significance fixed at 5%. Results showed significant reduction of sound pressure levels in the neonatal unit after the intervention program was implemented (p<0.0001). The average Leq before the intervention was 62.5dBA and was reduced to 58.8dBA after the intervention. A reduction of 7.1dBA in the average Lmax(from 104.8 to 87.7dBA) and of 30.6dBA in the average Lpeak(from 138.1 to 107.5dBA) was observed. The program was proven to be effective in significantly reducing noise levels in the neonatal unit, although levels were still more intense than recommended.
This study investigated the role of neonatal sex steroids in rats on sexual dimorphism in bone, as well as on leptin and corticosterone concentrations throughout the lifespan. Castration of males and androgenization of females were used as models to investigate the role of sex steroids shortly after birth. Newborn Wistar rats were divided into four groups, two male groups and two female groups. Male pups were cryoanesthetized and submitted to castration or sham-operation procedures within 24 h after birth. Female pups received a subcutaneous dose of testosterone propionate (100 mu g) or vehicle. Rats were euthanized at 20, 40, or 120 postnatal days. Body weight was also measured at 20, 40, and 120 days of age, and blood samples and femurs were collected. The length and thickness of the femurs were measured and the areal bone mineral density (areal BMD) was determined by dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Biomechanical three-point bending testing was used to evaluate bone breaking strength, energy to fracture, and extrinsic stiffness. Blood samples were submitted to a biochemical assay to estimate calcium, phosphorus, alkaline phosphatase, leptin, and corticosterone levels. Weight gain, areal BMD and bone biomechanical properties increased rapidly with respect to age in all groups. In control animals, skeletal sexual dimorphism, leptin concentration, and dimorphic corticosterone concentration patterns were evident after puberty. However, androgen treatment induced changes in growth, areal BMD, and bone mass properties in neonatal animals. In addition, neonatally-castrated males had bone development and mechanical properties similar to those of control females. These results suggest that the exposure to neonatal androgens may represent at least one covariate that mediates dimorphic variation in leptin and corticosterone secretions. The study indicates that manipulation of the androgen environment during the critical period of sexual differentiation of the brain causes long-lasting changes in bone development, as well as serum leptin and corticosterone concentrations. In addition, this study provides useful models for the investigation of bone disorders induced by hypothalamic hypogonadism. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background: The biobehavioural pain reactivity and recovery of preterm infants in the neonatal period may reflect the capacity of the central nervous system to regulate neurobiological development. Objective: The aim of the present study was to analyse the influence of the neonatal clinical risk for illness severity on biobehavioural pain reactivity in preterm infants. Methods: Fifty-two preterm infants were allocated into two groups according to neonatal severity of illness, as measured by the Clinical Risk Index for Babies (CRIB). The low clinical risk (LCr) group included 30 neonates with CRIB scores <4, and the high clinical risk (HCr) group included 22 neonates with CRIB scores >= 4. Pain reactivity was assessed during a blood collection, which was divided into five phases (baseline, antisepsis, puncture, recovery-dressing and recovery-resting). Behavioral pain reactivity was measured using the scores, and magnitude of responses in Neonatal Facial Coding System (NFCS) and Sleep-Wake States Scale (SWS). The heart rate was continuously recorded. Results: The HCr demonstrated a higher magnitude of response on the SWS score from the baseline to the puncture phase than the LCr. Also, the HCr exhibited a higher mean heart rate and minimum heart rate than the LCr in the recovery-resting phase. In addition, the HCr exhibited a higher minimum heart rate from the baseline to the recovery-resting phase than the LCr. Conclusion: The infants exhibiting a high neonatal clinical risk showed high arousal during the puncture procedure and higher physiological reactivity in the recovery phase.
Objectives To evaluate the accuracy and probabilities of different fetal ultrasound parameters to predict neonatal outcome in isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods Between January 2004 and December 2010, we evaluated prospectively 108 fetuses with isolated CDH (82 left-sided and 26 right-sided). The following parameters were evaluated: gestational age at diagnosis, side of the diaphragmatic defect, presence of polyhydramnios, presence of liver herniated into the fetal thorax (liver-up), lung-to-head ratio (LHR) and observed/expected LHR (o/e-LHR), observed/expected contralateral and total fetal lung volume (o/e-ContFLV and o/e-TotFLV) ratios, ultrasonographic fetal lung volume/fetal weight ratio (US-FLW), observed/expected contralateral and main pulmonary artery diameter (o/e-ContPA and o/eMPA) ratios and the contralateral vascularization index (Cont-VI). The outcomes were neonatal death and severe postnatal pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Results Neonatal mortality was 64.8% (70/108). Severe PAH was diagnosed in 68 (63.0%) cases, of which 63 died neonatally (92.6%) (P < 0.001). Gestational age at diagnosis, side of the defect and polyhydramnios were not associated with poor outcome (P > 0.05). LHR, o/eLHR, liver-up, o/e-ContFLV, o/e-TotFLV, US-FLW, o/eContPA, o/e-MPA and Cont-VI were associated with both neonatal death and severe postnatal PAH (P < 0.001). Receiver-operating characteristics curves indicated that measuring total lung volumes (o/e-TotFLV and US-FLW) was more accurate than was considering only the contralateral lung sizes (LHR, o/e-LHR and o/e-ContFLV; P < 0.05), and Cont-VI was the most accurate ultrasound parameter to predict neonatal death and severe PAH (P < 0.001). Conclusions Evaluating total lung volumes is more accurate than is measuring only the contralateral lung size. Evaluating pulmonary vascularization (Cont-VI) is the most accurate predictor of neonatal outcome. Estimating the probability of survival and severe PAH allows classification of cases according to prognosis. Copyright (C) 2011 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Contents Among the modifications that occur during the neonatal period, pulmonary development is the most critical. The neonate's lungs must be able to perform adequate gas exchange, which was previously accomplished by the placenta. Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome is defined as insufficient surfactant production or pulmonary structural immaturity and is specifically relevant to preterm newborns. Prenatal maternal betamethasone treatment of bitches at 55days of gestation leads to structural changes in the neonatal lung parenchyma and consequently an improvement in the preterm neonatal respiratory condition, but not to an increase in pulmonary surfactant production. Parturition represents an important challenge to neonatal adaptation, as the uterine and abdominal contractions during labour provoke intermittent hypoxia. Immediately after birth, puppies present venous mixed acidosis (low blood pH and high dioxide carbon saturation) and low but satisfactory Apgar scores. Thus, the combination of physiological hypoxia during birth and the initial effort of filling the pulmonary alveoli with oxygen results in anaerobiosis. As a neonatal adaptation follow-up, the Apgar analysis indicates a tachypnoea response after 1h of life, which leads to a shift in the blood acidbase status to metabolic acidosis. One hour is sufficient for canine neonates to achieve an ideal Apgar score; however, a haemogasometric imbalance persists. Dystocia promotes a long-lasting bradycardia effect, slows down Apgar score progression and aggravates metabolic acidosis and stress. The latest data reinforce the need to accurately intervene during canine parturition and offer adequate medical treatment to puppies that underwent a pathological labour.
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the use of vaginal progesterone in asymptomatic women with a sonographic short cervix (<= 25 mm) in the midtrimester reduces the risk of preterm birth and improves neonatal morbidity and mortality. STUDY DESIGN: Individual patient data metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. RESULTS: Five trials of high quality were included with a total of 775 women and 827 infants. Treatment with vaginal progesterone was associated with a significant reduction in the rate of preterm birth <33 weeks (relative risk [RR], 0.58; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.42-0.80), <35 weeks (RR, 0.69; 95% CI, 0.55-0.88), and <28 weeks (RR, 0.50; 95% CI, 0.30-0.81); respiratory distress syndrome (RR, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.30-0.76); composite neonatal morbidity and mortality (RR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.40-0.81); birthweight <1500 g (RR, 0.55; 95% CI, 0.38-0.80); admission to neonatal intensive care unit (RR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.59-0.94); and requirement for mechanical ventilation (RR, 0.66; 95% CI, 0.44-0.98). There were no significant differences between the vaginal progesterone and placebo groups in the rate of adverse maternal events or congenital anomalies. CONCLUSION: Vaginal progesterone administration to asymptomatic women with a sonographic short cervix reduces the risk of preterm birth and neonatal morbidity and mortality.
The innate and adaptive immune responses in neonates are usually functionally impaired when compared with their adult counterparts. The qualitative and quantitative differences in the neonatal immune response put them at risk for the development of bacterial and viral infections, resulting in increased mortality. Newborns often exhibit decreased production of Th1-polarizing cytokines and are biased toward Th2-type responses. Studies aimed at understanding the plasticity of the immune response in the neonatal and early infant periods or that seek to improve neonatal innate immune function with adjuvants or special formulations are crucial for preventing the infectious disease burden in this susceptible group. Considerable studies focused on identifying potential immunomodulatory therapies have been performed in murine models. This article highlights the strategies used in the emerging field of immunomodulation in bacterial and viral pathogens, focusing on preclinical studies carried out in animal models with particular emphasis on neonatal-specific immune deficits.
Abstract Background Preconception allergen immunization prevents neonatal allergen sensitization in mice by a complex interaction between regulatory cells/factors and antibodies. The present study assessed the influence of maternal immunization with ovalbumin (OVA) on the immune response of 3 day-old and 3 week-old offspring immunized or non-immunized with OVA and evaluated the effect of IgG treatment during fetal development or neonatal period. Results Maternal immunization with OVA showed increased levels of FcγRIIb expression in splenic B cells of neonates, which were maintained for up to 3 weeks and not affected by additional postnatal OVA immunization. Maternal immunization also exerted a down-modulatory effect on both IL-4 and IFN-γ-secreting T cells and IL-4 and IL-12- secreting B cells. Furthermore, immunized neonates from immunized mothers showed a marked inhibition of antigen-specifc IgE Ab production and lowered Th2/Th1 cytokine levels, whereas displaying enhanced FcγRIIb expression on B cells. These offspring also showed reduced antigen-specific proliferative response and lowered B cell responsiveness. Moreover, in vitro evaluation revealed an impairment of B cell activation upon engagement of B cell antigen receptor by IgG from OVA-immunized mice. Finally, in vivo IgG transference during pregnancy or breastfeeding revealed that maternal Ab transference was able to increase regulatory cytokines, such as IL-10, in the prenatal stage; yet only the postnatal treatment prevented neonatal sensitization. None of the IgG treatments induced immunological changes in the offspring, as it was observed for those from OVA-immunized mothers. Conclusion Maternal immunization upregulates the inhibitory FcγRIIb expression on offspring B cells, avoiding skewed Th2 response and development of allergy. These findings contribute to the advancement of prophylactic strategies to prevent allergic diseases in early life.
O gerenciamento de custos de materiais de consumo hospitalar é um tema atual em pesquisa, principalmente em unidades de saúde especializadas. Os enfermeiros são destacados como os principais gestores do consumo e custo de materiais hospitalares. Neste estudo, objetivou-se caracterizar unidades pediátricas semi-intensivas e intensivas de um hospital de ensino e verificar o consumo e os custos de materiais utilizados na assistência a pacientes internados nessas unidades. Estudo descritivo, exploratório, retrospectivo, com abordagem quantitativa; os dados foram obtidos do Sistema de Informação Hospitalar; analisados com base na classificação ABC. O gasto médio foi semelhante entre as UTIs cardiológica e neonatal e menor nas UTI e semi-intensiva pediátricas; houve variação significativa de consumo mensal de materiais; os materiais de maior custo tiveram mais impacto no orçamento das unidades estudadas. Os dados obtidos revelaram a importância do uso de método sistêmico de análise de consumo e gastos de materiais em unidades pediátricas e subsidiam ações administrativas de economia.
O presente trabalho trata-se de revisão sistemática, referente ao período de 2004 a 2009, sobre o tema mortalidade pós-neonatal. Teve o objetivo de identificar como se colocam na literatura, as causas da morte e a relação com as condições socioeconômicas. Foram selecionados 27 artigos, 74,4% publicados em periódicos da área da Saúde Pública e 66,7%, de desenho do tipo ecológico. Quase a totalidade versava sobre grupos de causas e seus componentes (66,7%), seguidos pelo terço restante, sobre a identificação dos fatores determinantes dos óbitos. A região Sudeste produziu mais de 37% dos estudos. Na maioria dos municípios e estados brasileiros, a redução superou 50% no final da década de 1990. Dentre os grupos de causas de óbitos, predominou o grupamento diarreia-pneumonia, seguido pelas malformações congênitas. As condições de vida segundo indicadores socioeconômicos - moradia, saneamento básico, educação e acesso à saúde - foram determinantes para os maiores índices de mortalidade pós-neonatal por causas passíveis de redução.
Estudo de abordagem quantitativa que teve como objetivo implantar a Visita de Enfermagem na UTI adulta e verificar e atender as principais necessidades de informação e acolhimento verbalizadas pelas famílias. Após autorização do CEP do HU-USP foi questionado aos familiares se gostariam de receber alguma informação por parte da Enfermagem. Todos os familiares quiseram receber informações do enfermeiro nas três visitas realizadas com cada família. Os temas de maior dúvida entre os familiares foram o Estado Clínico do paciente e a Alta da UTI. Verificamos que o número médio de dúvidas diminuiu da primeira para a terceira visita. A Visita de Enfermagem atendeu as principais necessidades dos familiares de informação e acolhimento, respondendo suas questões sobre o cuidado de Enfermagem prestado para o paciente. Também foi observado que as dúvidas e ansiedades dos familiares diminuíram no decorrer dos dias, enfatizando a necessidade desse contato de Enfermeiros e Familiares.