27 resultados para Neotropical region.


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Two new species of Hudsonimyia Roback, 1979 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) are described and illustrated as male, pupa and larva. The generic diagnosis of pupa is emended and keys to males, pupae and larvae of known species are provided. The different life stages for one of the described species were associated by DNA barcodes.


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Currently the genus Corynoneura Winnertz comprises 10 species already cited or described for the Neotropical region. In the present paper 15 new species are described for the Neotropics: 12 new species are described from Brazil, five of them are described as male, female, pupa and larva, Corynoneura canchim sp. n., C. diogo sp. n., C. espraiado sp. n., C. humbertoi sp. n., C. salviniatilis sp. n.; three as male, pupa and larva, C. franciscoi sp. n.; C. longiantenna sp. n. and C. renata sp. n.; the species C. sisbiota sp. n. as male, female and pupa; C. bodoquena sp. n. as male and pupa and C. boraceiasp. n. and C. vidiapodeme sp. n. as males. Corynoneura trondi sp. n. is described from Chile (male, pupa), C. guanacaste sp. n. from Costa Rica (male) and C. zempoala sp. n. from Mexico (male). The knowledge of the distribution of Corynoneura fortispicula, C. sertaodaquina, C. septadentata and C. unicapsulata all species described by Wiedenbrug and Trivinho-Strixino (2011) as well as Corynoneura ferelobata Sublette et Sasa is extended. A larval morphotype is also included. Keys for males, females, pupae and larvae to known species of the Neotropical Corynoneura are given.


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This is a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Orthognathotermes Holmgren, 1910 (Termitidae, Termitinae), previously with nine species: O. aduncus, O. brevipilosus, O. gibberorum, O. heberi, O. humilis, O. insignis, O. macrocephalus, O. orthognathus and O. wheeleri. We redescribe these species and describe six new species: O. longilamina sp. nov., O. mirim sp. nov., O. okeyma sp. nov., O. pilosus sp. nov., O. tubesauassu sp. nov., and O. uncimandibularis sp. nov., based on soldiers and, when possible, imago castes along with the first description of imagos of O. wheeleri and O. heberi. We present a key for soldier identification and distribution maps for all species.


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Abstract Background The family Accipitridae (hawks, eagles and Old World vultures) represents a large radiation of predatory birds with an almost global distribution, although most species of this family occur in the Neotropics. Despite great morphological and ecological diversity, the evolutionary relationships in the family have been poorly explored at all taxonomic levels. Using sequences from four mitochondrial genes (12S, ATP8, ATP6, and ND6), we reconstructed the phylogeny of the Neotropical forest hawk genus Leucopternis and most of the allied genera of Neotropical buteonines. Our goals were to infer the evolutionary relationships among species of Leucopternis, estimate their relationships to other buteonine genera, evaluate the phylogenetic significance of the white and black plumage patterns common to most Leucopternis species, and assess general patterns of diversification of the group with respect to species' affiliations with Neotropical regions and habitats. Results Our molecular phylogeny for the genus Leucopternis and its allies disagrees sharply with traditional taxonomic arrangements for the group, and we present new hypotheses of relationships for a number of species. The mtDNA phylogenetic trees derived from analysis of the combined data posit a polyphyletic relationship among species of Leucopternis, Buteogallus and Buteo. Three highly supported clades containing Leucopternis species were recovered in our phylogenetic reconstructions. The first clade consisted of the sister pairs L. lacernulatus and Buteogallus meridionalis, and Buteogallus urubitinga and Harpyhaliaetus coronatus, in addition to L. schistaceus and L. plumbeus. The second clade included the sister pair Leucopternis albicollis and L. occidentalis as well as L. polionotus. The third lineage comprised the sister pair L. melanops and L. kuhli, in addition to L. semiplumbeus and Buteo buteo. According to our results, the white and black plumage patterns have evolved at least twice in the group. Furthermore, species found to the east and west of the Andes (cis-Andean and trans-Andean, respectively) are not reciprocally monophyletic, nor are forest and non-forest species. Conclusion The polyphyly of Leucopternis, Buteogallus and Buteo establishes a lack of concordance of current Accipitridae taxonomy with the mtDNA phylogeny for the group, and points to the need for further phylogenetic analysis at all taxonomic levels in the family as also suggested by other recent analyses. Habitat shifts, as well as cis- and trans-Andean disjunctions, took place more than once during buteonine diversification in the Neotropical region. Overemphasis of the black and white plumage patterns has led to questionable conclusions regarding the relationships of Leucopternis species, and suggests more generally that plumage characters should be used with considerable caution in the taxonomic evaluation of the Accipitridae.


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An identification key based on characters of the soldier caste is provided for species of Angularitermes. Soldiers of previously described species in the genus, A. clypeatus, A. nasutissimus, A. orestes, A. pinocchio and A. tiguassu, are illustrated along with a new species, Angularitermes coninasus, n. sp., that is described and illustrated from soldier and worker castes. Samples of the new species were collected from epigeal nests at the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. The soldier of A. coninasus, n. sp. is distinguished from its congeners by having a short conical frontal tube, much wider at its base.


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Larvae of Potamophilops cinereus (Blanchard, 1841) from Brazil, Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Grande (Fazenda Intervales, Rio Carmo) are described for the first time and illustrated. The larvae were found associated with adults. The larva of P. cinereus is most similar to larvae of species of the Mexican and Central American genera Disersus Sharp and Hispaniolara Brown, but can be easily distinguished chiefly by the head being not visible when seen from above, due to being concealed by the anterior projection of the pronotum. Comparisons of the three genera are presented. Photographs of the adult habitus of P. cinereus are also furnished. A key to the larvae of the genera of Larainae of Brazil is included.


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Phallobrycon adenacanthus, is described as a new genus and species belonging to Clade A characids of Malabarba & Weitzman (2003). The new taxon is the only characid possessing two developed spines on unbranched portions of fifth, sixth and seventh anal-fin rays associated with intumescent glandular tissue on the anterior portion of the anal fin of sexually mature males. Other non-exclusive diagnostic features of the new genus (observed in male specimens) are: urogenital papilla modified into a copulatory organ, absence of pelvic-fin hooks and glandular tissue not organized into an organ. The presence of these features in members of Clade A and other characids is discussed in order to hypothesize the relationships of Phallobrycon.


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Three new species of Triplonychus Candeze, T. cruspinosus sp. nov., T. crassifemoris sp. nov. and T. tibialatus sp. nov., and a new species of Globothorax Fleutiaux, G. latidens sp. nov., from Brazil are described. Illustrations, photographic and SEM images are presented. A review of the diagnostic generic characters and a key to the species of Triplonychus and Globothorax from Brazil are also given.


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The freshwater prawns of the genus Macrobrachium Spence Bate, 1868 are widely distributed in rivers of tropical and subtropical regions and represent an interesting group with controversial taxonomy. The morphological characters traditionally used to separate species have shown a high intraspecific variation. Doubts about the status of M. birai Lobao, Melo & Fernandes, 1986, M. holthuisi Genofre & Lobao, 1978 and M. petronioi Melo, Lobao & Fernandes, 1986 have been arisen due to the high resemblance of the former two species with M. olfersi (Wiegmann, 1836), and the latter one with M. potiuna (Muller, 1880). Therefore, we performed a detailed morphological analysis of these species, including new characters not usually used in the species recognition. The present results here with molecular data lead us to conclude that M. birai and M. holthuisi are junior synonyms of M. olfersi, and M. petronioi is a junior synonym of M. potiuna. Considering these synonymies, 17 valid species are now reported for the Brazilian territory.


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Mature larva and pupa of Macrolygistopterus subparallelus Pic are described and compared to known Calochromini immatures. Larvae were collected alive inside dead trunk in the Atlantic Forest at Estacao Biologica de Boraceia, Salesopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil. They were maintained in laboratory conditions, and the pupal period was 12 days (one observation). The pupa of this genus is described for the first time. This larva differs from known Calochromini larvae mainly because of its almost cylindrical campodeiform body and longer urogomphi.


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(Gyllenhal) is a common firefly in the Southeastern region of Brazil. Adults and larvae were collected in the municipality of Campinas, state of So Paulo, Brazil, and the immature stages were described and reared in the laboratory. Four generations were reproduced in the laboratory, and a method for its rearing was established. The life cycle usually lasts 6 months, but under optimal laboratory conditions, it lasted from 2 to 4 months. Larvae were fed with and snails since the beginning of the larval stage. This species was found to be easily adapted to environments under anthropic influence, such as urban areas and farms.


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Five species of Ctenus from the Amazon basin are redescribed: C. delesserti (Caporiacco, 1947), C. falconensis Schenkel, 1953, C. nigritus F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897, C. serratipes F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897 and C. sigma (Schenkel, 1953). Three new synonymies are proposed: Ctenus fulvipes Caporiacco, 1947, C. itatiayaeformis Caporiacco, 1955 and C. scenicus Caporiacco, 1947 with C. serratipes. The female of Ctenus nigritus is described for the first time. The distributional ranges of Ctenus nigritus and C. serratipes are extended. We also present distributional maps of the five redescribed species.


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We describe a new species of pimelodid catfish of the genus Iheringichthys from the upper Parana basin, Brazil Iheringichthys syi n. sp. is distinguished by the comparatively fine serration along the anterior margin of the pectoral-fin spine, an adpressed dorsal-fin remote from the adipose-fin origin, a large eye (23.2-31.2% of head length), narrow interorbital (16.2-23.0% of head length), long snout (42.0-51.0% of head length), long postorbital length (30.6-34.0% of head length), low adipose fin (4.8-7.8% of standard length), eye diameter 97.0-140.0% of interorbital length, and body with numerous, small dots irregularly scattered on flanks, especially marked on anterior half of flank.


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The Characiformes are distributed throughout large portions of the freshwaters of Africa and America. About 90% of the almost 2000 characiform species inhabit the American rivers, with their greatest diversity occurring in the Neotropical region. As in most other groups of fishes, the current knowledge about characiform myology is extremely poor. This study presents the results of a survey of the mandibular, hyopalatine, and opercular musculature of 65 species representing all the 18 traditionally recognized characiform families, including the 14 subfamilies and several genera incertae sedis of the Characidae, the most speciose family of the order. The morphological variation of these muscles across the order is documented in detail and the homologies of the characiform adductor mandibulae divisions are clarified. Accordingly, the mistaken nomenclature previously applied to these divisions in some characiform taxa is herein corrected. Contradicting some previous studies, we found that none of the examined characiforms lacks an A3 section of the adductor mandibulae, but instead some taxa have an A3 continuous with A2. Derived myological features are identified as new putative synapomorphies for: the Characoidei; the clade composed of the Alestidae, Characidae, Gasteropelecidae, Cynodontoidea, and Erythrinoidea; the clade Cynodontoidea plus Erythrinoidea; the clade formed by Ctenoluciidae and Erythrinidae; the Serrasalminae; and the Triportheinae. Additionally, new myological data seems to indicate that the Agoniatinae might be more closely related to cynodontoids and erythrinoids than to other characids. (C) 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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Immatures of the Phelypera schuppeli (Boheman, 1834) (Curculionidae; Hyperinae; Cepurini) are described, illustrated and compared with available descriptions of larvae and pupae of Hyperini. Immatures and adults from midwest (Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul; Pirenopolis, Goias) and southeast Brazil (Bauru, Sao Paulo) were found on leaves of the host plant, Pachira aquatica Aubl. (Malvaceae, formerly Bombacaceae), a tree used as an ornamental plant in many Brazilian frost-free cities. Larvae of P. schuppeli are exophytic, brightly colored, eruciform and possess abdominal ambulatory ampullae, resembling larvae of Lepidoptera. Mature larvae can spin globular lattice-like cocoons where pupation takes place. Data in the field and under laboratory conditions confirmed previously published biological observations on P. schuppeli. Additional information about defensive behaviors, process of cocoon construction and natural enemies, such as the larval predator Supputius cinticeps (Stal, 1860) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) and the prepupal and pupal parasitoid Jaliscoa nudipennis Boucek, 1993 (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae), are reported.