29 resultados para Lateral hypothalamus


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Fructose consumption causes insulin resistance and favors hepatic gluconeogenesis through mechanisms that are not completely understood. Recent studies demonstrated that the activation of hypothalamic 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) controls dynamic fluctuations in hepatic glucose production. Thus, the present study was designed to investigate whether hypothalamic AMPK activation by fructose would mediate increased gluconeogenesis. Both ip and intracerebroventricular (icv) fructose treatment stimulated hypothalamic AMPK and acetyl-CoA carboxylase phosphorylation, in parallel with increased hepatic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxy kinase (PEPCK) and gluconeogenesis. An increase in AMPK phosphorylation by icv fructose was observed in the lateral hypothalamus as well as in the paraventricular nucleus and the arcuate nucleus. These effects were mimicked by icv 5-amino-imidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribofuranoside treatment. Hypothalamic AMPK inhibition with icv injection of compound C or with injection of a small interfering RNA targeted to AMPK alpha 2 in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MBH) suppressed the hepatic effects of ip fructose. We also found that fructose increased corticosterone levels through a mechanism that is dependent on hypothalamic AMPK activation. Concomitantly, fructose-stimulated gluconeogenesis, hepatic PEPCK expression, and glucocorticoid receptor binding to the PEPCK gene were suppressed by pharmacological glucocorticoid receptor blockage. Altogether the data presented herein support the hypothesis that fructose-induced hypothalamic AMPK activation stimulates hepatic gluconeogenesis by increasing corticosterone levels. (Endocrinology 153: 3633-3645, 2012)


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During exercise, intense brain activity orchestrates an increase in muscle tension. Additionally, there is an increase in cardiac output and ventilation to compensate the increased metabolic demand of muscle activity and to facilitate the removal of CO2 from and the delivery of O-2 to tissues. Here we tested the hypothesis that a subset of pontomedullary and hypothalamic neurons could be activated during dynamic acute exercise. Male Wistar rats (250-350 g) were divided into an exercise group (n = 12) that ran on a treadmill and a no-exercise group (n = 7). Immunohistochemistry of pontomedullary and hypothalamic sections to identify activation (c-Fos expression) of cardiorespiratory areas showed that the no-exercise rats exhibited minimal Fos expression. In contrast, there was intense activation of the nucleus of the solitary tract, the ventrolateral medulla (including the presumed central chemoreceptor neurons in the retrotrapezoid/parafacial region), the lateral parabrachial nucleus, the Kolliker-Fuse region, the perifornical region, which includes the perifornical area and the lateral hypothalamus, the dorsal medial hypothalamus, and the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus after running exercise. Additionally, we observed Fos immunoreactivity in catecholaminergic neurons within the ventrolateral medulla (C1 region) without Fos expression in the A2, A5 and A7 neurons. In summary, we show for the first time that after acute exercise there is an intense activation of brain areas crucial for cardiorespiratory control. Possible involvement of the central command mechanism should be considered. Our results suggest whole brain-specific mobilization to correct and compensate the homeostatic changes produced by acute exercise. (c) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We previously showed that short-term hypo- and hyperthyroidism induce changes in neuropeptide glutamic-acid-isoleucine-amide (NEI) concentrations in discrete brain areas in male rats. To investigate the possible effects of hypo- and hyperthyroidism on NEI concentrations mainly in hypothalamic areas related to reproduction and behavior, female rats were sacrificed at different days of the estrous cycle. Circulating luteinizing hormone (LH), estradiol and progesterone concentrations were measured in control, hypothyroid (hypoT, treated with PTU during 7-9 days) and hyperthyroid (hyperT, l-T4 during 4-7 days) animals. Both treatments blunted the LH surge. Hypo- and hyperthyroidism increased estradiol concentrations during proestrus afternoon (P-PM), although hypoT rats showed lower values compared to control during proestrus morning (P-AM). Progesterone levels were higher in all groups at P-PM and in the hyperT during diestrus morning (D2). NEI concentrations were lower in hypoT rats during the estrous cycle except in estrus (E) in the peduncular part of the lateral hypothalamus (PLH). They were also reduced by both treatments in the perifornical part of the lateral hypothalamus (PeFLH) during P-PM. Hypothyroidism led to higher NEI concentrations during P-PM in the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis and anteroventral periventricular nucleus (OVLT+AVPV). The present results indicate that NEI concentration is regulated in a complex manner by hypo- and hyperthyroidism in the different areas studied, suggesting a correlation between NEI values and the variations of gonadal steroid levels during estrous cycle. These changes could be, in part, responsible for the alterations observed in the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis in these pathologies.


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The medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA) is a part of the limbic system and is involved in cardiovascular modulation. We previously reported that microinjection of noradrenaline (NA) into the MeA of unanesthetized rats caused pressor and bradycardiac responses, which were mediated by acute vasopressin release into the systemic circulation. In the present study, we tested the possible involvement of magnocellular neurons of the paraventricular (PVN) and/or supraoptic (SON) of the hypothalamus that synthesize vasopressin in the cardiovascular pathway activated by the microinjection of NA into the MeA. Pressor and bradycardiac responses to the microinjection of NA (27 nmol/100 nL) into the MeA were blocked by pretreatment of either the PVN or the SON with cobalt chloride (CoCl2, 1 mM/100 nL), thus indicating that both hypothalamic nuclei mediate the cardiovascular responses evoked by microinjection of NA Into the MeA. Our results suggest that the pressor and bradycardiac response caused by the microinjection of NA into the MeA is mediated by magnocellular neurons in both the PVN and SON. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have previously reported that noradrenaline (NA) microinjected into the lateral septal area (LSA) caused pressor and bradicardic responses that were mediated by vasopressin release into the circulation through the paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (PVN). Although PVN is the final structure involved in the cardiovascular responses caused by NA in the LSA, there is no evidence of direct connections between these areas, suggesting that some structures could be links in this pathway. In the present study, we verified the effect of reversible synaptic inactivation of the medial amygdaloid nucleus (MeA), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) or diagonal band of Broca (DBB) with Cobalt Chloride (CoCl2) on the cardiovascular response to NA microinjection into the LSA of unanesthetized rats. Male Wistar rats had guide cannulae implanted into the LSA and the MeA, BNST or DBB for drug administration, and a femoral catheter for blood pressure and heart rate recordings. Local microinjection of CoCl2 (1 mm in 100 nL) into the MeA significantly reduced the pressor and bradycardic responses caused by NA microinjection (21 nmol in 200 nL) into the LSA. In contrast, microinjection of CoCl2 into the BNST or DBB did not change the cardiovascular responses to NA into the LSA. The results indicate that synapses within the MeA, but not in BNST or DBB, are involved in the cardiovascular pathway activated by NA microinjection into the LSA.


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We investigated the cardiovascular effects of the microinjection of L-proline (L-Pro) into the third ventricle (3V) and its peripheral mechanisms. Different doses of L-Pro into the 3V caused dose-related pressor and bradycardiac responses. The pressor response to L-Pro injected into the 3V was potentiated by intravenous pretreatment with the ganglion blocker pentolinium (5 mg/kg), thus excluding any significant involvement of the sympathetic nervous system. Because the response to the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V was blocked by intravenous pretreatment with the V1-vasopressin receptor antagonist dTyr(CH2)5(Me)AVP (50 mu g/kg), it is suggested that these cardiovascular responses are mediated by a vasopressin release. The pressor response to the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V was found to be mediated by circulating vasopressin, so, given that the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) is readily accessible from the 3V, we investigated whether the PVN could be a site of action for the L-Pro microinjected in the 3V. The microinjection of L-Pro (0.033 mu moles/0.1 mu l) into the PVN caused cardiovascular responses similar to those of injection of the 3V and were also shown to be mediated by vasopressin release. In conclusion, these results show that the microinjection of L-Pro into the 3V causes pressor and bradycardiac responses that could involve stimulation of the magnocellular cells of the PVN and release of vasopressin into the systemic circulation. Also, because the microinjection of L-Pro into the PVN caused a pressor response, this is the first evidence of cardiovascular effects caused by its injection in a supramedullary structure. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The deactivation of the inhibitory mechanisms with injections of moxonidine (alpha(2)-adrenoceptor/imidazoline receptor agonist) into the lateral parabrachial nucleus (LPBN) increases hypertonic NaCl intake by intra- or extracellular dehydrated rats. In the present study, we investigated the changes in the urinary sodium and volume, sodium balance, and plasma vasopressin and oxytocin in rats treated with intragastric (i.g.) 2 M NaCl load (2 ml/rat) combined with injections of moxonidine into the LPBN. Male Holtzman rats (n=5-12/group) with stainless steel cannulas implanted bilaterally into LPBN were used. Bilateral injections of moxonidine (0.5 nmol/0.2 mu l) into the LPBN decreased i.g. 2 M NaCIinduced diuresis (4.6 +/- 0.7 vs. vehicle: 7.4 +/- 0.6 ml/120 min) and natriuresis (1.65 +/- 0.29 vs. vehicle: 2.53 +/- 0.17 mEq/120 min), whereas the previous injection of the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist RX 821002 (10 nmol/0.2 mu l) into the LPBN abolished the effects of moxonidline. Moxonidine injected into the LPBN reduced i.g. 2 M NaCl-induced increase in plasma oxytocin and vasopressin (14.6 +/- 2.8 and 2.2 +/- 0.3 vs. vehicle: 25.7 +/- 7 and 4.3 +/- 0.7 pg/ml, respectively). Moxonidine injected into the LPBN combined with i.g. 2 M NaCl also increased 0.3 M NaCl intake (7.5 +/- 1.7 vs. vehicle: 0.5 +/- 0.2 mEq/2 h) and produced positive sodium balance (2.3 +/- 1.4 vs. vehicle: -1.2 +/- 0.4 mEq/2 h) in rats that had access to water and NaCl. The present results show that LPBN alpha(2)-adrenoceptor activation reduces renal and hormonal responses to intracellular dehydration and increases sodium and water intake, which facilitates sodium retention and body fluid volume expansion. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Glucocorticoid deficiency is associated with a decrease of food intake. Orexigenic peptides, neuropeptide Y (NPY) and agouti related protein (AgRP), and the anorexigenic peptide proopiomelanocortin (POMC), expressed in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus (ARC), are regulated by meal-induced signals. Orexigenic neuropeptides, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) and orexin, expressed in the lateral hypothalamic area (LHA), also control food intake. Thus, the present study was designed to test the hypothesis that glucocorticoids are required for changes in the expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides induced by feeding. Male Wistar rats (230-280 g) were subjected to ADX or sham surgery. ADX animals received 0.9% NaCl in the drinking water, and half of them received corticosterone in the drinking water (B: 25 mg/L, ADX + B). Six days after surgery, animals were fasted for 16 h and they were decapitated before or 2 h after refeeding for brain tissue and blood collections. Adrenalectomy decreased NPY/AgRP and POMC expression in the ARC in fasted and refed animals, respectively. Refeeding decreased NPY/AgRP and increased POMC mRNA expression in the ARC of sham and ADX + B groups, with no effects in ADX animals. The expression of MCH and orexin mRNA expression in the LHA was increased in ADX and ADX + B groups in fasted condition, however there was no effect of refeeding on the expression of MCH and orexin in the LHA in the three experimental groups. Refeeding increased plasma leptin and insulin levels in sham and ADX + B animals, with no changes in leptin concentrations in ADX group, and insulin response to feeding was lower in this group. Taken together, these data demonstrated that circulating glucocorticoids are required for meal-induced changes in NPY, AgRP and POMC mRNA expression in the ARC. The lower leptin and insulin responses to feeding may contribute to the altered hypothalamic neuropeptide expression after adrenalectomy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND: There are several techniques for screw insertion in upper cervical spine surgery, and the use of the 3.5-mm screw is usually the standard. However, there is no consensus regarding the feasibility of using these screws in the pediatric population. OBJECTIVE: To determine the measurement of the lamina angle, lamina and pedicle length and thickness, and lateral mass length of the topographic axial view of the axis vertebra of 2- to 10-year-old children to guide the use of surgical screws. METHODS: Seventy-five computed tomography scans from 24- to 120-month-old patients were studied. Measurements were taken in an axial view of C2 and correlated with 2 age groups and both sexes. Statistical analysis was performed with the Student t test. RESULTS: In the 24- to 48-month age group, only 5.5% of the lamina and 8.3% of the pedicles had thicknesses < 3.5 mm. In the 49- to 120-month age group, there were no lamina thickness values < 3.5 mm, and 1.2% of pedicle thicknesses were < 3.5 mm. Both age groups had no lamina and pedicle lengths < 12 mm and no lateral mass lengths > 12 mm. CONCLUSION: In the majority of cases, the use of 3.5-mm lamina and pedicle screws in children is feasible. A base value of 45 degrees for the spinolaminar angle can be adopted as a reference for insertion of screws in the C2 lamina. This information can be particularly useful for decision making during preoperative planning for C1-C2 or craniocervical arthrodesis in children.


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Purpose: The present article sought to evaluate the effectiveness of a piezoelectric surgical unit for maxillary sinus augmentation surgeries in avoiding perforation of the sinus membrane and other possible procedural complications in patients with anatomical variations of the sinus. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five patients presenting sinus anatomical variations, who were indicated for a total of 40 sinus grafting procedures performed by the lateral window approach with a piezoelectric device, were analyzed. After 6 months of healing, implants were placed. Information collected included clinical and computed tomographic information on anatomical variations in the sinus bone walls, in the size of the sinus, and in the thickness of the sinus membrane. Occurrence of sinus membrane perforation and computed tomographic measurements of the amount of bone height gained with the grafting procedures were also recorded. Results: Only two patients presented a small perforation (less than 5 mm in diameter) of the sinus membrane, which occurred only after osteotomies of the lateral windows and did not compromise the surgical outcome. No implants were lost during a mean follow-up period of 19 months. Conclusion: The use of piezoelectric surgery allowed for the accomplishment of all rehabilitation treatments within the follow-up period of this study. INT J ORAL MAXILLOFAC IMPLANTS 2012;27:1211-1215


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A wealth of evidence indicates that the dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) is not a homogenous structure, but an aggregate of distinctive populations of neurons that may differ anatomically, neurochemically and functionally. Other findings suggest that serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal and caudal part of the DR are involved in anxiety processing while those within the lateral wings (IwDR) and ventrolateral periaqueductal gray (vIPAG) are responsive to panic-evoking stimuli/situations. However, no study to date has directly compared the activity of 5-HT and non-5HT neurons within different subnuclei of the DR following the expression of anxiety- and panic-related defensive responses. In the present investigation, the number of doubly immunostained cells for Fos protein and tryptophan hydroxylase, a marker of serotonergic neurons, was assessed within the rat DR, median raphe nucleus (MRN) and PAG following inhibitory avoidance and escape performance in the elevated T-maze, behaviors associated with anxiety and panic, respectively. Inhibitory avoidance, but not escape, significantly increased the number of Fos-expressing serotonergic neurons within the mid-caudal part of the dorsal subnucleus, caudal and interfascicular subnuclei of the DR and in the MRN. Escape, on the other hand, caused a marked increase in the activity of non-5HT cells within the IwDR, vIPAG, dorsolateral and dorsomedial columns of the PAG. These results strongly corroborate the view that different subsets of neurons in the DR are activated by anxiety- and panic-relevant stimuli/situations, with important implications for the understanding of the pathophysiology of generalized anxiety and panic disorders. (C) 2012 IBRO. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Aim: To evaluate the effect of a space-maintaining device fixed to the lateral wall of the maxillary sinus after the elevation of the sinus mucosa on bone filling of the sinus cavity. Material and methods: Immediately after the elevation of the maxillary sinus Schneiderian membrane accomplished through lateral antrostomy in four monkeys, a titanium device was affixed to the lateral sinus wall protruding into the sinus cavity to maintain the mucosa elevated without the use of grafting material. The healing of the tissue around the implants was evaluated after 3 and 6 months. Ground sections were prepared and analyzed histologically. Results: The void under the elevated sinus membrane, originally filled with the blood clot, was reduced after 3 as well as after 6 months of healing of about 56% and 40.5%, respectively. In seven out of eight cases, the devices had perforated the sinus mucosa. The formation of mineralized bone and bone marrow amounted to about 42% and 69% after 3 and 6 months, respectively. The connective tissue represented about 53% and 23% of the newly formed tissue after 3 and 6 months, respectively. Conclusions: New bone formation was found below the devices. However, shrinkage of the newly formed tissue was observed both after 3 and 6 months of healing. Hence, the space-maintaining function of the devices used in the present study has to be questioned.


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The mesopontine rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) is a mostly ?-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic structure believed to be a node for signaling aversive events to dopamine (DA) neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The RMTg receives glutamatergic inputs from the lateral habenula (LHb) and sends substantial GABAergic projections to the VTA, which also receives direct projections from the LHb. To further specify the topography of LHb projections to the RMTg and VTA, small focal injections of the anterograde tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin were aimed at different subdivisions of the LHb. The subnuclear origin of LHb inputs to the VTA and RMTg was then confirmed by injections of the retrograde tracer cholera toxin subunit b into the VTA or RMTg. Furthermore, we compared the topographic position of retrogradely labeled neurons in the RMTg resulting from VTA injections with that of anterogradely labeled axons emerging from the LHb. As revealed by anterograde and retrograde tracing, LHb projections were organized in a strikingly topographic manner, with inputs to the RMTg mostly arising from the lateral division of the LHb (LHbL), whereas inputs to the VTA mainly emerged from the medial division of the LHb (LHbM). In the RMTg, profusely branched LHb axons were found in close register with VTA projecting neurons and were frequently apposed to the latter. Overall, our findings demonstrate that LHb inputs to the RMTg and VTA arise from different divisions of the LHb and provide direct evidence for a disynaptic pathway that links the LHbL to the VTA via the RMTg. J. Comp. Neurol. 520:12781300, 2012. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus (PVN) is a well known site of integration for autonomic and cardiovascular responses, and the glutamate neurotransmitter plays an important role. The aim of our study was to evaluate the cardiovascular parameters and autonomic modulation by means of spectral analysis after ionotropic glutamate receptor inhibition in the PVN in conscious sedentary (S) or swimming trained (ST) rats. After exercise training protocol, adult male Wistar rats, instrumented with guide cannulae to PVN and artery and vein catheters were submitted to mean arterial pressure (MAP) and heart rate (HR) recording. At baseline, physical training induced a resting bradycardia (S: 379 +/- 3, ST: 349 +/- 2 bpm, P<0.05) and promoted adaptations in HRV characterized by an increase of HF in normalized values and a decrease of LF in absolute and normalized units compared with the sedentary group. Microinjection of kynurenic acid (KYNA) in the PVN of sedentary and trained rats promoted decreases in MAP and HR, but the decrease in HR was smaller in the trained animals (Delta HRS: -48 +/- 7, ST: -28 +/- 4 bpm, P<0.05). Furthermore, the differences in baseline parameters of pulse interval, found between sedentary and trained animals, disappeared after KYNA microinjection in the PVN. Our data suggest that the cardiovascular and autonomic adaptations to the heart induced by exercise training may involve glutamatergic mechanisms in the PVN. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective: To test the null hypothesis: Subjects with isolated complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) show no differences in overall frequency of tooth agenesis (hypodontia), comparing a subsample with cleft-side maxillary lateral incisor (MxI2) agenesis to a subsample without cleftside MxI2 agenesis. Findings could clarify the origins of cleft-side MxI2 agenesis. Materials and Methods: Tooth agenesis was identified from dental radiographs of 141 subjects with UCLP. The UCLP cohort was segregated into four categories according to the status and location of MxI2 in the region of the unilateral cleft: group M: subjects with one tooth, located on the mesial side of the alveolar cleft; group D: subjects with one tooth, located on the distal side of the alveolar cleft; group MD: subjects with two teeth present, one mesial and one distal to the cleft; and group ABS: subjects with lateral incisor absent (agenesis) in the cleft area. Results: The null hypothesis was rejected. Among UCLP subjects, there was a twofold increase (P < .0008) in overall frequency of tooth agenesis outside the cleft region in a subsample with cleftside MxI2 agenesis (ABS), compared to a subsample presenting with no agenesis of the cleft-side MxI2 (M+D+MD). Conclusions: Cleft-side MxI2 agenesis in CLP subjects appears to be largely a genetically controlled anomaly associated with cleft development, rather than a collateral environmental consequence of the adjacent cleft defect, since increased hypodontia involving multiple missing teeth observed remote from a cleft clearly has a significant genetic basis. (Angle Orthod. 2012;82:959-963.)