20 resultados para Labels.


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High intake of saturated fat from meats has been associated with cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, and others diseases. In this paper, we are introducing a simple, high-throughput, and non-destructive low-resolution nuclear magnetic resonance method that has the potential to analyze the intramuscular fat content (IMF) in more than 1,000 beef portions per hour. The results can be used in nutritional fact labels, replacing the currently used average value. The method is based on longitudinal (T(1)) and transverse (T(2)) relaxation time information obtained by a continuous wave-free precession (CWFP) sequence. CWFP yields a higher correlation coefficient (r=0.9) than the conventional Carr-Purcell-Meiboom- Gill (CPMG) method (r=-0.25) for IMF in beef and is just as fast and a simpler pulse sequence than CPMG. The method can also be applied to other meat products.


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As a consequence of domestication, dogs have a special readiness for communication with humans. We here investigate whether a dog might be able to acquire and consistently produce a set of arbitrary signs in her communication with humans, as was demonstrated in ""linguistic"" individuals of several species. A female mongrel dog was submitted to a training schedule in which, after basic command training and after acquiring the verbal labels of rewarding objects or activities, she learned to ask for such objects or activities by selecting lexigrams and pressing keys on a keyboard. Systematic records taken during spontaneous interaction with one of the experimenters showed that lexigrams were used in an appropriate, intentional way, in accordance with the immediate motivational context. The dog only utilized the keyboard in the experimenter`s presence and gazed to him more frequently after key pressing than before, an indication that lexigram use did have communicative content. Results suggest that dogs may be able to learn a conventional system of signs associated to specific objects and activities, functionally analogous to spontaneous soliciting behaviors and point to the potential fruitfulness of the keyboard/lexigram procedure for studying dog communication and cognition. This is the first report to systematically analyze the learning of arbitrary sign production in dogs.


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Semi-supervised learning is one of the important topics in machine learning, concerning with pattern classification where only a small subset of data is labeled. In this paper, a new network-based (or graph-based) semi-supervised classification model is proposed. It employs a combined random-greedy walk of particles, with competition and cooperation mechanisms, to propagate class labels to the whole network. Due to the competition mechanism, the proposed model has a local label spreading fashion, i.e., each particle only visits a portion of nodes potentially belonging to it, while it is not allowed to visit those nodes definitely occupied by particles of other classes. In this way, a "divide-and-conquer" effect is naturally embedded in the model. As a result, the proposed model can achieve a good classification rate while exhibiting low computational complexity order in comparison to other network-based semi-supervised algorithms. Computer simulations carried out for synthetic and real-world data sets provide a numeric quantification of the performance of the method.


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A new betadiketonate ligand displaying a trimethoxysilyl group as grafting function and a diketone moiety as complexing site (TTA-Si = 4,4,4-trifluoro-2-(3-trimethoxysilyl)propyl)-1-3-butanedione (C4H3S)COCH[(CH2)(3)Si(OCH3)(3)]COCF3) and its highly luminescent europium(III) complex [Eu(TTA-Si)(3)] have been synthesized and fully characterized. Luminescent silica-based hybrids have been prepared as well with this new complex grafted on the surface of dense silica nanoparticles (28 +/- 3 nm) or on mesoporous silica particles. The covalent bonding of Eu(TTA-Si)(3) inside the core of uniform silica nanoparticles (40 +/- 5 nm) was also achieved. Luminescence properties are discussed in relation to the europium chemical environment involved in each of the three hybrids. The general methodology proposed allowed high grafting ratios and overcame chelate release and tendency to agglomeration, and it could be applied to any silica matrix (in the core or at the surface, nanosized or not, dense or mesoporous) and therefore numerous applications such as luminescent markers and luminophors could be foreseen.


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An annotated list of the type specimens of Lygistorrhinidae and Mycetophilidae (Diptera: Bibionomorpha) at the KwaZulu-Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa is provided. Information on 54 type specimens, three lygistorrhinids and 51 mycetophilids, with details of labels and actual preservation of the specimens is furnished. Locality data are georeferenced and habitus images of type specimens are provided.


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OBJECTIVE: Glucose intolerance is frequently associated with an altered plasma lipid profile and increased cardiovascular disease risk. Nonetheless, lipid metabolism is scarcely studied in normolipidemic glucose-intolerant patients. The aim of this study was to investigate whether important lipid metabolic parameters, such as the kinetics of LDL free and esterified cholesterol and the transfer of lipids to HDL, are altered in glucose-intolerant patients with normal plasma lipids. METHODS: Fourteen glucose-intolerant patients and 15 control patients were studied; none of the patients had cardiovascular disease manifestations, and they were paired for age, sex, race and co-morbidities. A nanoemulsion resembling a LDL lipid composition (LDE) labeled with C-14-cholesteryl ester and H-3-free cholesterol was intravenously injected, and blood samples were collected over a 24-h period to determine the fractional clearance rate of the labels by compartmental analysis. The transfer of free and esterified cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids from the LDE to HDL was measured by the incubation of the LDE with plasma and radioactivity counting of the supernatant after chemical precipitation of non-HDL fractions. RESULTS: The levels of LDL, non-HDL and HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, apo A1 and apo B were equal in both groups. The 14 C-esterified cholesterol fractional clearance rate was not different between glucose-intolerant and control patients, but the H-3-free- cholesterol fractional clearance rate was greater in glucose-intolerant patients than in control patients. The lipid transfer to HDL was equal in both groups. CONCLUSION: In these glucose-intolerant patients with normal plasma lipids, a faster removal of LDE free cholesterol was the only lipid metabolic alteration detected in our study. This finding suggests that the dissociation of free cholesterol from lipoprotein particles occurs in normolipidemic glucose intolerance and may participate in atherogenic signaling.


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Semi-supervised learning techniques have gained increasing attention in the machine learning community, as a result of two main factors: (1) the available data is exponentially increasing; (2) the task of data labeling is cumbersome and expensive, involving human experts in the process. In this paper, we propose a network-based semi-supervised learning method inspired by the modularity greedy algorithm, which was originally applied for unsupervised learning. Changes have been made in the process of modularity maximization in a way to adapt the model to propagate labels throughout the network. Furthermore, a network reduction technique is introduced, as well as an extensive analysis of its impact on the network. Computer simulations are performed for artificial and real-world databases, providing a numerical quantitative basis for the performance of the proposed method.


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A recent addition to the arsenal of tools for glycome analysis is the use of metabolic labels that allow covalent tagging of glycans with imaging probes. In this work we show that N-azidoglucosamine was successfully incorporated into glycolipidic structures of Plasmodium falciparum intraerythrocytic stages. The ability to tag glycoconjugates selectively with a fluorescent reporter group permits TLC detection of the glycolipids providing a new method to quantify dynamic changes in the glycosylation pattern and facilitating direct mass spectrometry analyses. Presence of glycosylphosphatidylinositol and glycosphingolipid structures was determined in the different extracts. Furthermore, the fluorescent tag was used as internal matrix for the MALDI experiment making even easier the analysis. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Liposomes have been an excellent option as drug delivery systems, since they are able of incorporating lipophobic and/or lipophilic drugs, reduce drug side effects, increase drug targeting, and control delivery. Also, in the last years, their use reached the field of gene therapy, as non-viral vectors for DNA delivery. As a strategy to increase system stability, the use of polymerizable phospholipids has been proposed in liposomal formulations. In this work, through differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and electron spin resonance (ESR) of spin labels incorporated into the bilayers, we structurally characterize liposomes formed by a mixture of the polymerizable lipid diacetylenic phosphatidylcholine 1,2-bis(10,12-tricosadiynoyl)-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DC8,9PC) and the zwitterionic lipid 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC), in a 1:1 molar ratio. It is shown here that the polymerization efficiency of the mixture (c.a. 60%) is much higher than that of pure DC8,9PC bilayers (c.a. 20%). Cationic amphiphiles (CA) were added, in a final molar ratio of 1:1:0.2 (DC8,9PC:DMPC:CA), to make the liposomes possible carriers for genetic material, due to their electrostatic interaction with negatively charged DNA. Three amphiphiles were tested, 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimetylammonium-propane (DOTAP), stearylamine (SA) and trimetyl (2-miristoyloxietyl) ammonium chloride (MCL), and the systems were studied before and after UV irradiation. Interestingly, the presence of the cationic amphiphiles increased liposomes polymerization. MCL displaying the strongest effect. Considering the different structural effects the three cationic amphiphiles cause in DC8,9PC bilayers, there seem to be a correlation between the degree of DC8,9PC polymerization and the packing of the membrane at the temperature it is irradiated (gel phase). Moreover, at higher temperatures, in the bilayer fluid phase, more polymerized membranes are significantly more rigid. Considering that the structure and stability of liposomes at different temperatures can be crucial for DNA binding and delivery, we expect the study presented here contributes to the production of new carrier systems with potential applications in gene therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study analyzed the position of the Federal (Brazil), State (Sao Paulo), and municipal (Bauru, Sao Paulo) governments, civil society representatives, the regulated sector, and research associations concerning issues with fluoride content in foods. Analysis of the interviews (N = 15) used a qualitative methodology (collective subject discourse theory). Various central ideas were identified, including the need for stronger health surveillance in monitoring and controlling fluoride levels, educational measures, and more research in the area. The study concludes that the health surveillance approach to fluoride levels in foods is necessary, but still incipient. There is a mismatch between research output and surveillance. Regulation alone does not suffice to solve all the issues. Health risk communication and health education measures need to be implemented. Issues with fluoride on food labels need further research for the intervention to be effective.


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Aqueous dispersions of dimyristoyl phosphatidylglycerol (DMPG), at low ionic strength, display uncommon thermal behavior. Models for such behavior need to assign a form to the lipid aggregate. Although most studies accept the presence of lipid vesicles in the lipid gel and fluid phases, this is still controversial. With electron spin resonance (ESR) spectra of spin labels incorporated into DMPG aggregates, quantification of [C-14]sucrose entrapped by the aggregates, and viscosity measurements, we demonstrate the existence of leaky vesicles in dispersions of DMPG at low ionic strength, in both gel and fluid phases of the lipid. As a control system, the ubiquitous lipid dimyristoyl phosphatidylcholine (DMPC) was used. For DMPG in the gel phase, spin labeling only indicated the presence of lipid bilayers, strongly suggesting that DMPG molecules are organized as vesicles and not micelles or bilayer fragments (bicelles), as the latter has a non-bilayer structure at the edges. Quantification of [C-14]sucrose entrapping by DMPG aggregates revealed the presence of highly leaky vesicles. Due to the short hydrocarbon chains (C-14 atoms), DMPC vesicles were also found to be partially permeable to sucrose, but not as much as DMPG vesicles. Viscosity measurements, with the calculation of the intrinsic viscosiiy of the lipid aggregate, showed that DMPG vesicles are rather similar in the gel and fluid phases, and quite different from aggregates observed along the gel-fluid transition. Taken together, our data strongly supports that DMPG forms leaky vesicles at both gel and fluid phases. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Semisupervised learning is a machine learning approach that is able to employ both labeled and unlabeled samples in the training process. In this paper, we propose a semisupervised data classification model based on a combined random-preferential walk of particles in a network (graph) constructed from the input dataset. The particles of the same class cooperate among themselves, while the particles of different classes compete with each other to propagate class labels to the whole network. A rigorous model definition is provided via a nonlinear stochastic dynamical system and a mathematical analysis of its behavior is carried out. A numerical validation presented in this paper confirms the theoretical predictions. An interesting feature brought by the competitive-cooperative mechanism is that the proposed model can achieve good classification rates while exhibiting low computational complexity order in comparison to other network-based semisupervised algorithms. Computer simulations conducted on synthetic and real-world datasets reveal the effectiveness of the model.


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Studies investigating factors that influence tone recognition generally use recognition tests, whereas the majority of the studies on verbal material use self-generated responses in the form of serial recall tests. In the present study we intended to investigate whether tonal and verbal materials share the same cognitive mechanisms, by presenting an experimental instrument that evaluates short-term and working memories for tones, using self-generated sung responses that may be compared to verbal tests. This paradigm was designed according to the same structure of the forward and backward digit span tests, but using digits, pseudowords, and tones as stimuli. The profile of amateur singers and professional singers in these tests was compared in forward and backward digit, pseudoword, tone, and contour spans. In addition, an absolute pitch experimental group was included, in order to observe the possible use of verbal labels in tone memorization tasks. In general, we observed that musical schooling has a slight positive influence on the recall of tones, as opposed to verbal material, which is not influenced by musical schooling. Furthermore, the ability to reproduce melodic contours (up and down patterns) is generally higher than the ability to reproduce exact tone sequences. However, backward spans were lower than forward spans for all stimuli (digits, pseudowords, tones, contour). Curiously, backward spans were disproportionately lower for tones than for verbal material-that is, the requirement to recall sequences in backward rather than forward order seems to differentially affect tonal stimuli. This difference does not vary according to musical expertise.


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Rationale and aim: This paper has the object to present the impact of nuts' and seeds' injuries withdrawing data from the Susy Safe registry, highlighting that as for other foreign bodies the main item efficiently and substantially susceptible to changes to decrease the accidents' rates is the education of adults and children, that can be shared with parents both from pediatricians and general practitioners. Indeed labeling and age related warnings have also a fundamental relevance in prevention. Methods: The present study draws its data from the Susy Safe registry. Details on injuries are entered in the Susy Safe Web-registry through a standardized case report form, that includes information regarding: children age and gender, features of the object, circumstances of injury (presence of parents and activity) and hospitalization's details (lasting, complications and removal details). Cases are prospectively collected using the Susy Safe system from 06/2005; moreover, also information regarding past consecutive cases available in each centre adhering to the project have been entered in the Susy Safe registry. Results: Nuts and seeds are one of the most common food item retrieved in foreign bodies injuries in children. In Susy Safe registry they represent the 38% in food group, and almost the 10% in general cases. Trachea, bronchi and lungs were the main location of FB's retrieval, showing an incidence of 68%. Hospitalization occurred in 83% of cases, showing the major frequency for foreign bodies located in trachea. This location was also the principal site of complications, with a frequency of 68%. There were no significant associations between these outcomes and the age class of the children. The most common complications seen (22.4%) was bronchitis, followed by pneumonia (19.7%). Adult presence was recorded as positive in 71.2% of cases, showing an association (p value 0.009) between the adult supervision and the hospitalization outcome. On the contrary there was a non significant association between adult presence and the occurrence of complications. In 80.7% of cases, the incident happened while the child was eating. Among those cases, 88.6% interested trachea, lungs and bronchi. Conclusions: Food-related aspiration injuries are common events for young children, particularly under 4 years of age, and may lead to severe complication. There is a need to study in more depth specific characteristics of foreign bodies associated with increased hazard, such as size, shape, hardness or firmness, lubricity, pliability and elasticity, in order to better identify risky foods, and more precisely described the pathogenetic pathway. Parents are not adequately conscious and aware toward this risk; therefore, the number and severity of the injuries could be reduced by educating parents and children. Information about food safety should be included in all visits to pediatricians in order to make parents able to understand, select, and identify key characteristics of hazardous foods and better control the hazard level of various foods. Finally, preventive measures including warning labels on high-risk foods could be implemented. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In multi-label classification, examples can be associated with multiple labels simultaneously. The task of learning from multi-label data can be addressed by methods that transform the multi-label classification problem into several single-label classification problems. The binary relevance approach is one of these methods, where the multi-label learning task is decomposed into several independent binary classification problems, one for each label in the set of labels, and the final labels for each example are determined by aggregating the predictions from all binary classifiers. However, this approach fails to consider any dependency among the labels. Aiming to accurately predict label combinations, in this paper we propose a simple approach that enables the binary classifiers to discover existing label dependency by themselves. An experimental study using decision trees, a kernel method as well as Naive Bayes as base-learning techniques shows the potential of the proposed approach to improve the multi-label classification performance.