48 resultados para Human supervisory control


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Abstract Background Plasma lipases and lipid transfer proteins are involved in the generation and speciation of high density lipoproteins. In this study we have examined the influence of plasma lipases and lipid transfer protein activities on the transfer of free cholesterol (FC) and phospholipids (PL) from lipid emulsion to human, rat and mouse lipoproteins. The effect of the lipases was verified by incubation of labeled (3H-FC,14C-PL) triglyceride rich emulsion with human plasma (control, post-heparin and post-heparin plus lipase inhibitor), rat plasma (control and post-heparin) and by the injection of the labeled lipid emulsion into control and heparinized functionally hepatectomized rats. Results In vitro, the lipase enriched plasma stimulated significantly the transfer of 14C-PL from emulsion to high density lipoprotein (p<0.001) but did not modify the transfer of 3H-FC. In hepatectomized rats, heparin stimulation of intravascular lipolysis increased the plasma removal of 14C-PL and the amount of 14C-PL found in the low density lipoprotein density fraction but not in the high density lipoprotein density fraction. The in vitro and in vivo experiments showed that free cholesterol and phospholipids were transferred from lipid emulsion to plasma lipoproteins independently from each other. The incubation of human plasma, control and control plus monoclonal antibody anti-cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP), with 14C-PL emulsion showed that CETP increases 14C-PL transfer to human HDL, since its partial inhibition by the anti-CETP antibody reduced significantly the 14C-PL transfer (p<0.05). However, comparing the nontransgenic (no CETP activity) with the CETP transgenic mouse plasma, no effect of CETP on the 14C-PL distribution in mice lipoproteins was observed. Conclusions It is concluded that: 1-intravascular lipases stimulate phospholipid transfer protein mediated phospholipid transfer, but not free cholesterol, from triglyceride rich particles to human high density lipoproteins and rat low density lipoproteins and high density lipoproteins; 2-free cholesterol and phospholipids are transferred from triglyceride rich particles to plasma lipoproteins by distinct mechanisms, and 3 - CETP also contributes to phospholipid transfer activity in human plasma but not in transgenic mice plasma, a species which has high levels of the specific phospholipid transfer protein activity.


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Across the Americas and the Caribbean, nearly 561,000 slide-confirmed malaria infections were reported officially in 2008. The nine Amazonian countries accounted for 89% of these infections; Brazil and Peru alone contributed 56% and 7% of them, respectively. Local populations of the relatively neglected parasite Plasmodium vivax, which currently accounts for 77% of the regional malaria burden, are extremely diverse genetically and geographically structured. At a time when malaria elimination is placed on the public health agenda of several endemic countries, it remains unclear why malaria proved so difficult to control in areas of relatively low levels of transmission such as the Amazon Basin. We hypothesize that asymptomatic parasite carriage and massive environmental changes that affect vector abundance and behavior are major contributors to malaria transmission in epidemiologically diverse areas across the Amazon Basin. Here we review available data supporting this hypothesis and discuss their implications for current and future malaria intervention policies in the region. Given that locally generated scientific evidence is urgently required to support malaria control interventions in Amazonia, we briefly describe the aims of our current field-oriented malaria research in rural villages and gold-mining enclaves in Peru and a recently opened agricultural settlement in Brazil. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Abstract Background Pituitary tumor transforming gene (pttg) is a novel oncogene that is expressed at higher level in most of the tumors analyzed to date compared to normal tissues. Nevertheless, its expression in prolactinomas and its relation with the pituitary dopamine receptor 2 (D2R) are not well defined. We sought to determine the pituitary level of pttg in three different experimental models of prolactinomas with altered dopaminergic control of the pituitary: the dopaminergic D2R knockout female mouse, the estrogen-treated rat, and the senescent female rat. These three models shared the characteristics of increased pituitary weight, hyperprolactinemia, lactotrope hyperplasia and reduced or absent dopaminergic action at the pituitary level. We also studied samples from human macroprolactinomas, which were characterized as responsive or resistant to dopamine agonist therapy. Results When compared to female wild-type mice, pituitaries from female D2R knockout mice had decreased PTTG concentration, while no difference in pttg mRNA level was found. In senescent rats no difference in pituitary PTTG protein expression was found when compared to young rats. But, in young female rats treated with a synthetic estrogen (Diethylstylbestrol, 20 mg) PTTG protein expression was enhanced (P = 0.029). Therefore, in the three experimental models of prolactinomas, pituitary size was increased and there was hyperprolactinemia, but PTTG levels followed different patterns. Patients with macroprolactinomas were divided in those in which dopaminergic therapy normalized or failed to normalize prolactin levels (responsive and resistant, respectively). When pituitary pttg mRNA level was analyzed in these macroprolactinomas, no differences were found. We next analyzed estrogen action at the pituitary by measuring pituitary estrogen receptor α levels. The D2R knockout female mice have low estrogen levels and in accordance, pituitary estrogen receptors were increased (P = 0.047). On the other hand, in senescent rats estrogen levels were slightly though not significantly higher, and estrogen receptors were similar between groups. The estrogen-treated rats had high pharmacological levels of the synthetic estrogen, and estrogen receptors were markedly lower than in controls (P < 0.0001). Finally, in patients with dopamine resistant or responsive prolactinomas no significant differences in estrogen receptor α levels were found. Therefore, pituitary PTTG was increased only if estrogen action was increased, which correlated with a decrease in pituitary estrogen receptor level. Conclusion We conclude that PTTG does not correlate with prolactin levels or tumor size in animal models of prolactinoma, and its pituitary content is not related to a decrease in dopaminergic control of the lactotrope, but may be influenced by estrogen action at the pituitary level. Therefore it is increased only in prolactinomas generated by estrogen treatment, and not in prolactinomas arising from deficient dopamine control, or in dopamine resistant compared with dopamine responsive human prolactinomas. These results are important in the search for reliable prognostic indicators for patients with pituitary adenomas which will make tumor-specific therapy possible, and help to elucidate the poorly understood phenomenon of pituitary tumorigenesis.


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Restricted stimulus control refers to discrimination learning with atypical limitations in the range of controlling stimuli or stimulus features In the study reported here 4 normally capable individuals and 10 individuals with Intellectual disabilities (ID) performed two-sample delayed matching to sample Sample stimulus observing was recorded with an eye tracking apparatus High accuracy scores indicated stimulus control by both sample stimuli for the 4 nondisabled participants and 4 participants with ID and eye tracking data showed reliable observing of all stimuli Intermediate accuracy scores indicated restricted stimulus control for the remaining 6 participants Their eye tracking data showed that errors were related to failures to observe sample stimuli and relatively brief observing durations Five of these participants were then given interventions designed to improve observing behavior For 4 participants the interventions resulted initially in elimination of observing failures increased observing durations and Increased accuracy For 2 of these participants contingencies sufficient to maintain adequate observing were not always sufficient to maintain high accuracy subsequent procedure modifications restored It however For the 5th participant initial improvements in observing were not accompanied by improved accuracy in apparent Instance of observing without attending accuracy improved only after an additional intervention that imposed contingencies on observing behavior Thus interventions that control observing behavior seem necessary but may not always be sufficient for the remediation of restricted stimulus control


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PURPOSE. To better understand the relative contributions of rod, cone, and melanopsin to the human pupillary light reflex (PLR) and to determine the optimal conditions for assessing the health of the rod, cone, and melanopsin pathways with a relatively brief clinical protocol. METHODS. PLR was measured with an eye tracker, and stimuli were controlled with a Ganzfeld system. In experiment 1, 2.5 log cd/m(2) red (640 +/- 10 nm) and blue (467 +/- 17 nm) stimuli of various durations were presented after dark adaptation. In experiments 2 and 3, 1-second red and blue stimuli were presented at different intensity levels in the dark (experiment 2) or on a 0.78 log cd/m(2) blue background (experiment 3). Based on the results of experiments 1 to 3, a clinical protocol was designed and tested on healthy control subjects and patients with retinitis pigmentosa and Leber`s congenital amaurosis. RESULTS. The duration for producing the optimal melanopsin-driven sustained pupil response after termination of an intense blue stimulus was 1 second. PLR rod-and melanopsin-driven components are best studied with low-and high-intensity flashes, respectively, presented in the dark (experiment 2). A blue background suppressed rod and melanopsin responses, making it easy to assess the cone contribution with a red flash (experiment 3). With the clinical protocol, robust melanopsin responses could be seen in patients with few or no contributions from the rods and cones. CONCLUSIONS. It is possible to assess the rod, cone, and melanopsin contributions to the PLR with blue flashes at two or three intensity levels in the dark and one red flash on a blue background. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2011; 52: 6624-6635) DOI: 10.1167/iovs.11-7586


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Objectives: Limbal stem cells (LSC) are self-renewing, highly proliferative cells in vitro, which express a set of specific markers and in vivo have the capacity to reconstruct the entire corneal epithelium in cases of ocular surface injury. Currently, LSC transplantation is a commonly used procedure in patients with either uni- or bilateral total limbal stem cells deficiency (TLSCD). Although LSC transplantation holds great promise for patients, several problems need to be overcome. In order to find an alternative source of cells that can partially substitute LSC in cornea epithelium reconstruction, we aimed at investigating whether human immature dental pulp stem cells (hIDPSC) would present similar key characteristics as LSC and whether they could be used for corneal surface reconstruction in a rabbit TLSCD model. Materials: We used hIDPSC, which co-express mesenchymal and embryonic stem cell markers and present the capacity to differentiate into derivative cells of the three germinal layers. TLSCD was induced by chemical burn in one eye of rabbits. After 30 days, the opaque tissue formed was removed by superficial keratectomy. Experimental group received undifferentiated hIDPSC, while control group only received amniotic membrane (AM). Both groups were sacrificed after 3 months. Results and conclusions: We have demonstrated, using immunohistochemistry and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction, that hIDPSCs express markers in common with LSC, such as ABCG2, integrin beta 1, vimentin, p63, connexin 43 and cytokeratins 3/12. They were also capable of reconstructing the eye surface after induction of unilateral TLSCD in rabbits, as shown by morphological and immunohistochemical analysis using human-specific antibodies against limbal and corneal epithelium. Our data suggest that hIDPSCs share similar characteristics with LSC and might be used as a potential alternative source of cells for corneal reconstruction.


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Background: The Amazon represents an area of 61% of Brazilian territory and is undergoing major changes resulting from disorderly economic development, especially the advance of agribusiness. Composition of the atmosphere is controlled by several natural and anthropogenic processes, and emission from biomass burning is one with the major impact on human health. The aim of this study was to evaluate genotoxic potential of air pollutants generated by biomass burning through micronucleus assay in exfoliated buccal cells of schoolchildren in the Brazilian Amazon region. Methods: The study was conducted during the dry seasons in two regions of the Brazilian Amazon. The assay was carried out on buccal epithelial cells of 574 schoolchildren between 6-16 years old. Results: The results show a significant difference between micronucleus frequencies in children exposed to biomass burning compared to those in a control area. Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that in situ biomonitoring using a sensitive and low cost assay (buccal micronucleus assay) may be an important tool for monitoring air quality in remote regions. It is difficult to attribute the increase in micronuclei frequency observed in our study to any specific toxic element integrated in the particulate matters. However, the contribution of the present study lies in the evidence that increased exposure to fine particulate matter generates an increased micronuclei frequency in oral epithelial cells of schoolchildren.


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Loss of Y-chromosome has been correlated with older age in males. Furthermore, current evidence indicates that Y-chromosome loss also occurs in several human tumors, including head and neck carcinomas. However, the association between Y nullisomy and the occurrence of neoplasias in elderly men has not been well established. In the present study, the association between Y-chromosome loss and head and neck carcinomas was evaluated by comparison to cells from peripheral blood lymphocytes and normal mucosa of cancer-free individuals matched for age using dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization. Twenty-one patients ranging in age from 28 to 68 years were divided into five-year groups for comparison with 16 cancer-free individuals matched for age. The medical records of all patients were examined to obtain clinical and histopathological data. None of the patients had undergone radiotherapy or chemotherapy before surgery. In all groups, the frequency of Y-chromosome loss was higher among patients than among normal reference subjects (P < 0.0001) and was not age-dependent. These data suggest that Y-chromosome loss is a tumor-specific alteration not associated with advanced age in head and neck carcinomas.


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Purpose: To investigate the laboratory effect of Er:YAG laser on ablation rate and morphological changes in human enamel and dentin with varying water flow. Methods: 23 human third molars were sectioned in mesio-distal and buccal-lingual directions. The slabs were flattened and weighted on an analytical laboratory balance (control). A 4-mm(2) area was demarcated and the samples were randomly assigned into three groups according to water flow employed during the laser irradiation (1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 mL/minute). An Er:YAG laser was used to ablate enamel (80.22-J/cm(2), 300 mJ/4Hz) and dentin (96.26-J/cm(2), 250 mJ/4Hz). After irradiation, the samples were immersed in distilled water for 1 hour and then weighted again. The final mass was obtained and laser-irradiated substrate mass loss was calculated by the difference between the initial and final mass. Afterwards, specimens were prepared for SEM. Results: Data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test (P< 0.05). It was observed that the 2.0 mL/minute resulted in a higher mass loss, 1.0 mL/minute showed a lower mass loss, and 1.5 mL/minute demonstrated intermediate results (P< 0.05). The increase of water flow promoted less melting areas and cracks. Furthermore, dentin was more ablated than enamel. It may be concluded that the water flow of Er:YAG laser and the substrates affected the ablation rate. Among the tested parameters, 2.0 mL/minute improved the ability of ablation in enamel and dentin, with less morphologic surface alteration. (Am J Dent 20 12;25:332-336).


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An optimal control strategy for the highly active antiretroviral therapy associated to the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome should be designed regarding a comprehensive analysis of the drug chemotherapy behavior in the host tissues, from major viral replication sites to viral sanctuary compartments. Such approach is critical in order to efficiently explore synergistic, competitive and prohibitive relationships among drugs and, hence, therapy costs and side-effect minimization. In this paper, a novel mathematical model for HIV-1 drug chemotherapy dynamics in distinct host anatomic compartments is proposed and theoretically evaluated on fifteen conventional anti-retroviral drugs. Rather than interdependence between drug type and its concentration profile in a host tissue, simulated results suggest that such profile is importantly correlated with the host tissue under consideration. Furthermore, the drug accumulative dynamics are drastically affected by low patient compliance with pharmacotherapy, even when a single dose lacks. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Cell therapy is a therapeutic strategy used to replace or repair damaged tissue. The epithelium transplantation of cultivated keratinocytes has been applied to several modalities of reconstruction, like oral, urethra and ocular surface. Life and death signals work coordinately to ensure cellular quality control and the viability of an organism. The aim of this study is to verify that culture conditions did not induce genetic mutations through the analysis of the key genes: pAKT, Pten, p53 and MDM2 and investigate the presence of the related proteins in human oral keratinocytes obtained by primary culture and in vitro cultivated. Formalin fixed and paraffin embedded tissues from the oral cavity were utilized as control for normal expression of the related markers and two oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines provided the expression pattern of the proposed markers in the event of cellular transformation. Akt, PTEN, p53 and MDM2 immunohistochemistry and Western-Blotting analyzes were performed. The results showed the expression levels and intracellular localizations of the four proteins evaluated. These analyzes confirmed that the produced in vitro epithelium is bio-compatible for its utilization as reconstruction and reparatory tissue, however further analyses and additional research on other biomarkers should be performed to analyse the long term engraftment of transplantable primary culture of oral keratinocytes and the long term resistance to cellular transformation.


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Metabolic disturbances are quite common in critically ill patients. Glycemic control appears to be an important adjuvant therapy in such patients. In addition, disorders of lipid metabolism are associated with worse prognoses. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects that two different glycemic control protocols have on lipid profile and metabolism. We evaluated 63 patients hospitalized for severe sepsis or septic shock, over the first 72 h of intensive care. Patients were randomly allocated to receive conservative glycemic control (target range 140-180 mg/dl) or intensive glycemic control (target range 80-110 mg/dl). Serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, triglycerides, total cholesterol, free fatty acids, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were determined. In both groups, serum levels of low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein, and total cholesterol were below normal, whereas those of free fatty acids, triglycerides, and oxidized low-density lipoprotein were above normal. At 4 h after admission, free fatty acid levels were higher in the conservative group than in the intensive group, progressively decreasing in both groups until hour 48 and continuing to decrease until hour 72 only in the intensive group. Oxidized low-density lipoprotein levels were elevated in both groups throughout the study period. Free fatty acids respond to intensive glycemic control and, because of their high toxicity, can be a therapeutic target in patients with sepsis.


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Background: A promising therapeutic strategy for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is the use of cell-based therapies that can protect motor neurons and thereby retard disease progression. We recently showed that a single large dose (25x10(6) cells) of mononuclear cells from human umbilical cord blood (MNC hUCB) administered intravenously to pre-symptomatic G93A SOD1 mice is optimal in delaying disease progression and increasing lifespan. However, this single high cell dose is impractical for clinical use. The aim of the present pre-clinical translation study was therefore to evaluate the effects of multiple low dose systemic injections of MNC hUCB cell into G93A SOD1 mice at different disease stages. Methodology/Principal Findings: Mice received weekly intravenous injections of MNC hUCB or media. Symptomatic mice received 10(6) or 2.5x10(6) cells from 13 weeks of age. A third, pre-symptomatic, group received 10(6) cells from 9 weeks of age. Control groups were media-injected G93A and mice carrying the normal hSOD1 gene. Motor function tests and various assays determined cell effects. Administered cell distribution, motor neuron counts, and glial cell densities were analyzed in mouse spinal cords. Results showed that mice receiving 10(6) cells pre-symptomatically or 2.5x10(6) cells symptomatically significantly delayed functional deterioration, increased lifespan and had higher motor neuron counts than media mice. Astrocytes and microglia were significantly reduced in all cell-treated groups. Conclusions/Significance: These results demonstrate that multiple injections of MNC hUCB cells, even beginning at the symptomatic disease stage, could benefit disease outcomes by protecting motor neurons from inflammatory effectors. This multiple cell infusion approach may promote future clinical studies.


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Hemophilia A is the most common X-linked bleeding disorder; it is caused by deficiency of coagulation factor VIII (FVIII). Replacement therapy with rFVIII produced from human cell line is a major goal for treating hemophilia patients. We prepared a full-length recombinant FVIII (FVIII-FL), using the pMFG-P140K retroviral vector. The IRES DNA fragment was cloned upstream to the P140K gene, providing a 9.34-kb bicistronic vector. FVIII-FL cDNA was then cloned upstream to IRES, resulting in a 16.6-kb construct. In parallel, an eGFP control vector was generated, resulting in a 10.1-kb construct. The 293T cells were transfected with these constructs, generating the 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K and 293T-eGFP/P140K cell lines. In 293T-FVIII-FL/P140K cells, FVIII and P140K mRNAs levels were 4,410 (+/- 931.7)- and 295,400 (+/- 75,769)-fold higher than in virgin cells. In 293T-eGFP/P140K cells, the eGFP and P140K mRNAs levels were 1,501,000 (+/- 493,700)- and 308,000 (+/- 139,300)-fold higher than in virgin cells. The amount of FVIII-FL was 0.2 IU/mL and 45 ng/mL FVIII cells or 4.4 IU/mu g protein. These data demonstrate the efficacy of the bicistronic retroviral vector expressing FVIII-FL and MGMT(P140K), showing that it could be used for producing the FVIII-FL protein in a human cell line.


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The DOK1 gene is a putative tumour suppressor gene located on the human chromosome 2p13 which is frequently rearranged in leukaemia and other human tumours. We previously reported that the DOK1 gene can be mutated and its expression down-regulated in human malignancies. However, the mechanism underlying DOK1 silencing remains largely unknown. We show here that unscheduled silencing of DOK1 expression through aberrant hypermethylation is a frequent event in a variety of human malignancies. DOK1 was found to be silenced in nine head and neck cancer (HNC) cell lines studied and DOK1 CpG hypermethylation correlated with loss of gene expression in these cells. DOK1 expression could be restored via demethylating treatment using 5-aza-2'deoxycytidine. In addition, transduction of cancer cell lines with DOK1 impaired their proliferation, consistent with the critical role of epigenetic silencing of DOK1 in the development and maintenance of malignant cells. We further observed that DOK1 hypermethylation occurs frequently in a variety of primary human neoplasm including solid tumours (93% in HNC, 81% in lung cancer) and haematopoietic malignancy (64% in Burkitt's lymphoma). Control blood samples and exfoliated mouth epithelial cells from healthy individuals showed a low level of DOK1 methylation, suggesting that DOK1 hypermethylation is a tumour specific event. Finally, an inverse correlation was observed between the level of DOK1 gene methylation and its expression in tumour and adjacent non tumour tissues. Thus, hypermethylation of DOK1 is a potentially critical event in human carcinogenesis, and may be a potential cancer biomarker and an attractive target for epigenetic-based therapy.