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Background. The aim of this paper was to clarify if previously established prognostic factors explain the different mortality, rates observed in ICU septic patients around the world. Methods. This is a sub-study from the PROGRESS study, which was an international, prospective, observational registry of ICU patients with severe sepsis. For this study we included 10930 patients from 24 countries that enrolled more than 100 patients in the PROGRESS. The effect of potential prognostic factors on in-hospital mortality was examined using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. The complete set of data was available for 7022 patients, who were considered in the multivariate analysis. Countries were classified according to country, income, development status, and in-hospital mortality terciles. The relationship between countries' characteristics and hospital mortality mortality was evaluated using linear regression. Results. Mean in-hospital mortality was 49.2%. Severe sepsis in-hospital mortality varied widely in different countries, ranging from 30.6% in New Zealand to 80.4% in Algeria. Classification as developed or developing country was not associated with in-hospital mortality (P=0.16), nor were levels of gross national product per capita (P=0.15). Patients in the group of countries with higher in-hospital mortality, had a crude OR for in-hospital death of 2.8 (95% CI 2.5-3.1) in comparison to those in the lower risk group. After adjustments were made for all other independent variables, the OR changed to 2.9 (95% CI 2.5-3.3). Conclusion. Severe sepsis mortality varies widely, in different countries. All known markers of disease severity and prognosis do not fully, explain the international differences in mortality,. Country, income does not explain this disparity, either. Further studies should be developed to verify if other organizational or structural factors account for disparities in patient care and outcomes. (Minerva Anestesiol 2012;78:1215-25)
Manipulation of follicle development to ensure optimal oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle
Over the last several decades, a number of therapies have been developed that manipulate ovarian follicle growth to improve oocyte quality and conception rates in cattle. Various strategies have been proposed to improve the responses to reproductive biotechnologies following timed artificial insemination (TAI), superovulation (SOV) or ovum pickup (OPU) programmes. During TAI protocols, final follicular growth and size of the ovulatory follicle are key factors that may significantly influence oocyte quality, ovulation, the uterine environment and consequently pregnancy outcomes. Progesterone concentrations during SOV protocols influence follicular growth, oocyte quality and embryo quality; therefore, several adjustments to SOV protocols have been proposed depending on the animal category and breed. In addition, the success of in vitro embryo production is directly related to the number and quality of cumulus oocyte complexes harvested by OPU. Control of follicle development has a significant impact on the OPU outcome. This article discusses a number of key points related to the manipulation of ovarian follicular growth to maximize oocyte quality and improve conception rates following TAI and embryo transfer of in vivo-and in vitro-derived embryos in cattle.
We examine the impact of Brazil's Bolsa Escola/Familia program on Brazilian children's education outcomes. Bolsa provides cash payments to poor households if their children (ages 6 to 15) are enrolled in school. Using school census data to compare changes in enrollment, dropping out and grade promotion across schools that adopted Bolsa at different times, we estimate that the program has: increased enrollment by about 5.5% (6.5%) in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8); lowered dropout rates by 0.5 (0.4) percentage points in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8); and raised grade promotion rates by 0.9 (0.3) percentage points in grades 1-4 (grades 5-8). About one third of Brazil's children participate in Bolsa, so assuming no spillover effects onto non-participants implies that Bolsa's impacts are three times higher than these estimates. However, simple calculations using enrollment impacts suggest that Bolsa's benefits in terms of increased wages may not exceed its costs. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Palhano H.B., Jesus V.L.T., Abidu-Figueiredo M., Baldrighi J.M. & Mello M.R.B. [Effect of nAellore cows ciclicity on conception and pregnant rates after synchronization protocols for fixed timed artificial insemination]. Efeito da ciclicidade de vacas Nelore sobre as taxas de concepcao e de prenhez apos protocolos de sincronizacao para inseminacao artificial em tempo fixo. Revista Brasileira de Medicina Veterinaria, 34(1):63-68, 2012. Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, BR 465 km 7, Seropedica, RJ 23890-000, Brasil. Email: hbpalhano@gmail.com The present study evaluated the effect on conception and pregnancy rates of Nellore cows selected for Fixed Timed Artificial Insemination (FTAI) program, submitted to four synchronization protocols. Four hundred and ninety lactating females were used and assigned to eight groups: I-OvSynch, n=68, with selection of cycling cows; II-OvSynch + progesterone (P-4), n=67, after selection of non-cycling animals; III-OvSynch, without selection, n=68; IV-OvSynch + P-4, without selection, n=67; V-Co-Synch, n=55, with selection of cycling cows; VI-Co-Synch + P-4, n=55, with selection non-cycling cows; VII- Co-Synch without selection, n=55; VIII- Co-Synch + P-4, without selection, n=55. The conception and pregnancy rates were, respectively, 45.6%, 27.9% and 82.4%, 48.5% for groups I and III; 61.2%, 37.3% and 85.1%, 58.2% for groups II and IV; 43.6%, 25.5% and 80%, 41.8% for groups V and VII; 52.7%, 32.7% and 83.6%, 50.9% for groups VI and VIII. When compared these rates, the results after chi-square test showed significant difference (P < 0.05) among protocols with or without selection. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between OvSynch and Co-Synch protocols, with or without P-4 and with selection, considering Co-Synch a viable option for optimization of FTAI. In conclusion, the selection of cows before FTAI program contributed significantly to improve the conception and pregnancy rates.
The paleoclimate version of the National Center for Atmospheric Research Community Climate System Model version 3 (NCAR-CCSM3) is used to analyze changes in the water formation rates in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans for the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), mid-Holocene (MH) and pre-industrial (PI) control climate. During the MH, CCSM3 exhibits a north-south asymmetric response of intermediate water subduction changes in the Atlantic Ocean, with a reduction of 2 Sv in the North Atlantic and an increase of 2 Sv in the South Atlantic relative to PI. During the LGM, there is increased formation of intermediate water and a more stagnant deep ocean in the North Pacific. The production of North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) is significantly weakened. The NADW is replaced in large extent by enhanced Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), Glacial North Atlantic Intermediate Water (GNAIW), and also by an intensified of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW), with the latter being a response to the enhanced salinity and ice formation around Antarctica. Most of the LGM intermediate/mode water is formed at 27.4 < sigma(theta) < 29.0 kg/m(3), while for the MH and PI most of the subduction transport occurs at 26.5 < sigma(theta) < 27.4 kg/m(3). The simulated LGM Southern Hemisphere winds are more intense by 0.2-0.4 dyne/cm(2). Consequently, increased Ekman transport drives the production of intermediate water (low salinity) at a larger rate and at higher densities when compared to the other climatic periods.
Background: In a classical study, Durkheim noted a direct relation between suicide rates and wealth in the XIX century France. Since that time, several studies have verified this relationship. It is known that suicide rates are associated with income, although the direction of this association varies worldwide. Brazil presents a heterogeneous distribution of income and suicide across its territory; however, evaluation for an association between these variables has shown mixed results. We aimed to evaluate the relationship between suicide rates and income in Brazil, State of Sao Paulo (SP), and City of SP, considering geographical area and temporal trends. Methods: Data were extracted from the National and State official statistics departments. Three socioeconomic areas were considered according to income, from the wealthiest (area 1) to the poorest (area 3). We also considered three regions: country-wide (27 Brazilian States and 558 Brazilian micro-regions), state-wide (645 counties of SP State), and city-wide (96 districts of SP city). Relative risks (RR) were calculated among areas 1, 2, and 3 for all regions, in a cross-sectional approach. Then, we used Joinpoint analysis to explore the temporal trends of suicide rates and SaTScan to investigate geographical clusters of high/low suicide rates across the territory. Results: Suicide rates in Brazil, the State of SP, and the city of SP were 6.2, 6.6, and 5.4 per 100,000, respectively. Taking suicide rates of the poorest area (3) as reference, the RR for the wealthiest area was 1.64, 0.88, and 1.65 for Brazil, State of SP, and city of SP, respectively (p for trend <0.05 for all analyses). Spatial cluster of high suicide rates were identified at Brazilian southern (RR = 2.37), state of SP western (RR = 1.32), and city of SP central (RR = 1.65) regions. A direct association between income and suicide were found for Brazil (OR = 2.59) and the city of SP (OR = 1.07), and an inverse association for the state of SP (OR = 0.49). Conclusions: Temporospatial analyses revealed higher suicide rates in wealthier areas in Brazil and the city of SP and in poorer areas in the State of SP. We further discuss the role of socioeconomic characteristics for explaining these discrepancies and the importance of our findings in public health policies. Similar studies in other Brazilian States and developing countries are warranted.
In the present study, the daily relative growth rates (DRGR, in percent per day) of the red macroalga Gracilaria domingensis in synthetic seawater was investigated for the combined influence of five factors, i.e., light (L), temperature (T), nitrate (N), phosphate (P), and molybdate (M), using a statistical design method. The ranges of the experimental cultivation conditions were T, 18-26A degrees C; L, 74-162 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1); N, 40-80 mu mol L-1; P, 8-16 mu mol L-1; and M, 1-5 nmol L-1. The optimal conditions, which resulted in a maximum growth rate of a parts per thousand yen6.4% d(-1) from 7 to 10 days of cultivation, were determined by analysis of variance (ANOVA) multivariate factorial analysis (with a 2(5) full factorial design) to be L, 74 mu mol photons m(-2) s(-1); T, 26A degrees C; N, 80 mu mol L-1; P, 8 mu mol L-1; and M, 1 nmol L-1. In additional, these growth rate values are close to the growth rate values in natural medium (von Stosch medium), i.e., 6.5-7.0% d(-1). The results analyzed by the ANOVA indicate that the factors N and T are highly significant linear terms, X (L), (alpha = 0.05). On the other hand, the only significant quadratic term (X (Q)) was that for L. Statistically significant interactions between two different factors were found between T vs. L and N vs. T. Finally, a two-way (linear/quadratic interaction) model provided a quite reasonable correlation between the experimental and predicted DRGR values (R (adjusted) (2) = 0.9540).
Purpose: Few reports have evaluated cumulative survival rates of extraoral rehabilitation and peri-implant soft tissue reaction at long-term follow-up. The objective of this study was to evaluate implant and prosthesis survival rates and the soft tissue reactions around the extraoral implants used to support craniofacial prostheses. Materials and Methods: A retrospective study was performed of patients who received implants for craniofacial rehabilitation from 2003 to 2010. Two outcome variables were considered: implant and prosthetic success. The following predictor variables were recorded: gender, age, implant placement location, number and size of implants, irradiation status in the treated field, date of prosthesis delivery, soft tissue response, and date of last follow-up. A statistical model was used to estimate survival rates and associated confidence intervals. We randomly selected 1 implant per patient for analysis. Data were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier method and log-rank test to compare survival curves. Results: A total of 150 titanium implants were placed in 56 patients. The 2-year overall implant survival rates were 94.1% for auricular implants, 90.9% for nasal implants, 100% for orbital implants, and 100% for complex midfacial implants (P = .585). The implant survival rates were 100% for implants placed in irradiated patients and 94.4% for those placed in nonirradiated patients (P = .324). The 2-year overall prosthesis survival rates were 100% for auricular implants, 90.0% for nasal implants, 92.3% for orbital implants, and 100% for complex midfacial implants (P = .363). The evaluation of the peri-implant soft tissue response showed that 15 patients (26.7%) had a grade 0 soft tissue reaction, 30 (53.5%) had grade 1, 6 (10.7%) had grade 2, and 5 (8.9%) had grade 3. Conclusions: From this study, it was concluded that craniofacial rehabilitation with extraoral implants is a safe, reliable, and predictable method to restore the patient's normal appearance. (C) 2012 American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons J Oral Maxillofac Surg 70:1551-1557, 2012
Tridacnid clams are conspicuous inhabitants of Indo-Pacific coral reefs and are traded and cultivated for the aquarium and food industries. In the present study, daily growth rates of larvae of the giant clam Tridacna crocea were determined in the laboratory during the first week of life. Adults were induced to spawn via intra-gonadal serotonin injection through the byssal orifice. After spawning oocytes were collected, fertilized and kept in 3 L glass beakers and raceways treated with antibiotics to avoid culture contamination. Larvae were fed twice with the microalga Isochrysis galbana and zooxanthellae were also offered twice during the veliger stage (days 4 and 6). Larval length was measured using a digitizing tablet coupled to a microcomputer. Larval mortality was exponential during the first 48 hours of life declining significantly afterwards. Mean growth rate was 11.3 mu m day-1, increasing after addition of symbionts to 18.0 mu m day-1. Survival increased to ca. 75% after the addition of zooxanthellae. The results describe the growth curve for T. crocea larvae and suggest that the acquisition of symbionts by larvae may be useful for larval growth and survival even before larvae have attained metamorphosis.
Few studies have addressed early cerebrovascular lethality in Brazil. Objective: To evaluate 10 and 28-day stroke case-fatality rates in three hospitals in three Brazilian cities. Methods: We described the stroke registries in Sao Paulo, Joao Pessoa, and Natal. Results: Out of a total of 962 first-ever events (mean age, 68.1 years-old; 53% men), 83.6% (804 cases) were classified as ischemic and 16.4% (158) as hemorrhagic stroke. Overall, the case-fatality rates and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI) for hemorrhagic stroke events were higher than for ischemic events, both at 10 (12.3%; 95% CI 7.2-17.4 versus 7.0%; 95% CI 5.3-8.8) and at 28 days (19.8%; 95% CI 13.6-26.0 versus 11.1%; 95% CI 8.9-13.3). Conclusions: We did not find any substantial differences in early case-fatality rates according to stroke subtypes, when comparing the three centers.
Chronic tonsillar diseases are an important health problem, leading to large numbers of surgical procedures worldwide. Little is known about pathogenesis of these diseases. In order to investigate the role of respiratory viruses in chronic adenotonsillar diseases, we developed a cross-sectional study to determine the rates of viral detections of common respiratory viruses detected by TaqMan real time PCR (qPCR) in nasopharyngeal secretions, tonsillar tissues and peripheral blood from 121 children with chronic tonsillar diseases, without symptoms of acute respiratory infections. At least one respiratory virus was detected in 97.5% of patients. The viral co-infection rate was 69.5%. The most frequently detected viruses were human adenovirus in 47.1%, human enterovirus in 40.5%, human rhinovirus in 38%, human bocavirus in 29.8%, human metapneumovirus in 17.4% and human respiratory syncytial virus in 15.7%. Results of qPCR varied widely between sample sites: human adenovirus, human bocavirus and human enterovirus were predominantly detected in tissues, while human rhinovirus was more frequently detected in secretions. Rates of virus detection were remarkably high in tonsil tissues: over 85% in adenoids and close to 70% in palatine tonsils. In addition, overall virus detection rates were higher in more hypertrophic than in smaller adenoids (p = 0.05), and in the particular case of human enteroviruses, they were detected more frequently (p = 0.05) in larger palatine tonsils than in smaller ones. While persistence/latency of DNA viruses in tonsillar tissues has been documented, such is not the case of RNA viruses. Respiratory viruses are highly prevalent in adenoids and palatine tonsils of patients with chronic tonsillar diseases, and persistence of these viruses in tonsils may stimulate chronic inflammation and play a role in the pathogenesis of these diseases.
OBJECTIVES: A number of complications exist with invasive mechanical ventilation and with the use of and withdrawal from prolonged ventilator support. The use of protocols that enable the systematic identification of patients eligible for an interruption in mechanical ventilation can significantly reduce the number of complications. This study describes the application of a weaning protocol and its results. METHODS: Patients who required invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours were included and assessed daily to identify individuals who were ready to begin the weaning process. RESULTS: We studied 252 patients with a median mechanical ventilation time of 3.7 days (interquartile range of 1 to 23 days), a rapid shallow breathing index value of 48 (median), a maximum inspiratory pressure of 40 cmH2O, and a maximum expiratory pressure of 40 cm H2O (median). Of these 252 patients, 32 (12.7%) had to be reintubated, which represented weaning failure. Noninvasive ventilation was used postextubation in 170 (73%) patients, and 15% of these patients were reintubated, which also represented weaning failure. The mortality rate of the 252 patients studied was 8.73% (22), and there was no significant difference in the age, gender, mechanical ventilation time, and maximum inspiratory pressure between the survivors and nonsurvivors. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a specific weaning protocol resulted in a lower mechanical ventilation time and an acceptable reintubation rate. This protocol can be used as a comparative index in hospitals to improve the weaning system, its monitoring and the informative reporting of patient outcomes and may represent a future tool and source of quality markers for patient care.
Leprosy in children is correlated with community-level factors, including the recent presence of disease and active foci of transmission in the community. We performed clinical and serological examinations of 1,592 randomly selected school children (SC) in a cross-sectional study of eight hyperendemic municipalities in the Brazilian Amazon Region. Sixty-three (4%) SC, with a mean age of 13.3 years (standard deviation = 2.6), were diagnosed with leprosy and 777 (48.8%) were seropositive for anti-phenolic glycolipid-I (PGL-I). Additionally, we evaluated 256 household contacts (HHCs) of the students diagnosed with leprosy; 24 (9.4%) HHC were also diagnosed with leprosy and 107 (41.8%) were seropositive. The seroprevalence of anti-PGL-I was significantly higher amongst girls, students from urban areas and students from public schools (p < 0.0001). Forty-five (71.4%) new cases detected amongst SC were classified as paucibacillary and 59 (93.6%) patients did not demonstrate any degree of physical disability at diagnosis. The results of this study suggest that there is a high rate of undiagnosed leprosy and subclinical infection amongst children in the Amazon Region. The advantages of school surveys in hyperendemic areas include identifying leprosy patients at an early stage when they show no physical disabilities, preventing the spread of the infection in the community and breaking the chain of transmission.
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare disorder that can affect almost any organ, including bone. Treatment options include local corticosteroid infiltration in isolated bone lesions and oral corticosteroids and chemotherapy in multifocal bone lesions. Several studies show local corticosteroid injection in unifocal bone lesions heal in more than 75% of patients with minimal side effects. Therefore, it is unclear whether chemotherapy adds materially to the healing rate. We therefore compared overall survival, remission rate, and recurrence rate in patients with bone LCH treated with chemotherapy and corticosteroids or corticosteroids alone. We retrospectively reviewed the records of 198 patients with LCH since 1950. Median age at diagnosis was 5 years, male-to-female ratio was 1.33, and the most frequent symptom was local pain (95%). We recorded the disease presentation, demographics, treatment, and clinical evolution of each patient. Minimum followup was 4 months (median, 24 months; range, 4-360 months). The survival rate of the systemic disease group was 76.5% (65 of 85) while the survival rate in the unifocal and multifocal bone involvement groups was 100% at a median 5-year followup. All patients with unifocal bone involvement and 40 of 43 (93%) with multifocal bone involvement had complete remission. One of 30 patients with multifocal bone involvement treated with chemotherapy and oral corticosteroids did not achieve remission whereas two of six receiving only corticosteroids did not achieve remission. Our observations suggest intralesional corticosteroid injection without adjunctive chemotherapy achieves remission in unifocal bone LCH but may not do so in multifocal single-system bone involvement. Larger series would be required to confirm this observation. Level IV, therapeutic study. See Guidelines for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
We study the effects of spin accumulation (inside reservoirs) on electronic transport with tunneling and reflections at the gates of a quantum dot. Within the stub model, the calculations focus on the current-current correlation function for the flux of electrons injected into the quantum dot. The linear response theory used allows us to obtain the noise power in the regime of thermal crossover as a function of parameters that reveal the spin polarization at the reservoirs. The calculation is performed employing diagrammatic integration within the universal groups (ensembles of Dyson) for a nonideal, nonequilibrium chaotic quantum dot. We show that changes in the spin distribution determine significant alterations in noise behavior at values of the tunneling rates close to zero, in the regime of strong reflection at the gates.