29 resultados para Anatomy taxonomy


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Neurocrania of three species of angelsharks from the south-western Atlantic Ocean, occurring off south-eastern and southern Brazil, are described. A detailed morphological description is provided of the neurocranium of Squatina guggenheim and compared with S. argentina and S. occulta. Despite being generally conservative, the neurocranium of Squatina presents significant differences among these species which aid in their identification, which is otherwise problematical. The main distinctions were found in rostral projections, anterior fontanellae, supraorbital crests, upper and lower postorbital processes, otic capsules, suborbital crests, and pterotic processes. Squatina guggenheim and S. occulta share more neurocranial characters when compared to S. argentina. No basal angle was found, but we confirm the presence of a very much reduced and barely noticeable basioccipital fovea in Squatina; systematic implications within elasmobranchs of these and other features are discussed.


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Neritina zebra is a common brackish water gastropod living on muddy bottoms with poorly known morphological characters. The morphology, including the variety of colour and pattern of shells, and the anatomy are described. We mainly analyzed the animals collected in the estuary of the Ceara river, Ceara, Brazil, from "Parque Estadual do rio Coco", and specimens from other places deposited in institutional collections, from French Guyana (topotypes) to Sao Paulo. A complete anatomical description is performed, including illustration and discussion ninth concerned to systematics. Amongst the more important anatomical data are: heart diotocardian; kidneys solid; anterior esophagus with pair of ventral esophageal pouches; odontophore with 4 cartilages and 2 horizontal muscles (m6, m6a); males with penis dorsal-right to snout, bearing a terminal papilla; pallial oviduct triaulic, possessing 3 pallial apertures.


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The pantropical family Eriocaulaceae includes ten genera and c. 1,400 species, with diversity concentrated in the New World. The last complete revision of the family was published more than 100 years ago, and until recently the generic and infrageneric relationships were poorly resolved. However, a multi-disciplinary approach over the last 30 years, using morphological and anatomical characters, has been supplemented with additional data from palynology, chemistry, embryology, population genetics, cytology and, more recently, molecular phylogenetic studies. This led to a reassessment of phylogenetic relationships within the family. In this paper we present new data for the ITS and trnL-F regions, analysed separately and in combination, using maximum parsimony and Bayesian inference. The data confirm previous results, and show that many characters traditionally used for differentiating and circumscribing the genera within the family are homoplasious. A new generic key with characters from various sources and reflecting the current taxonomic changes is presented.


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This is a taxonomic revision of the Neotropical genus Orthognathotermes Holmgren, 1910 (Termitidae, Termitinae), previously with nine species: O. aduncus, O. brevipilosus, O. gibberorum, O. heberi, O. humilis, O. insignis, O. macrocephalus, O. orthognathus and O. wheeleri. We redescribe these species and describe six new species: O. longilamina sp. nov., O. mirim sp. nov., O. okeyma sp. nov., O. pilosus sp. nov., O. tubesauassu sp. nov., and O. uncimandibularis sp. nov., based on soldiers and, when possible, imago castes along with the first description of imagos of O. wheeleri and O. heberi. We present a key for soldier identification and distribution maps for all species.


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Najash rionegrina Apesteguia & Zaher, 2006, a terrestrial fossil snake from the Upper Cretaceous of Argentina, represents the first known snake with a sacrum associated with robust, well-developed hind limbs. Najash rionegrina documents an important gap in the evolutionary development towards limblessness, because its phylogenetic affinities suggest that it is the sister group of all modern snakes, including the limbed Tethyan snakes Pachyrhachis, Haasiophis, and Eupodophis. The latter three limbed marine fossil snakes are shown to be more derived morphologically, because they lack a sacrum, but have articulated lymphapophyses, and their appendicular skeleton is enclosed by the rib cage, as in modern snakes.


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The species Sporophila bouvreuil comprises four subspecies: S. b. bouvreuil, S. b. pileata, S. b. saturata and S. b. crypta. The males of each subspecies differ in plumage whereas the females and juveniles are very similar and difficult to identify to subspecies. Here we use external morphological characters, mostly plumage, to examine the validity of the subspecies. A total of 209 specimens was examined (131 S. b. bouvreuil, 29 S. b. crypta, 43 S. b. pileata and 6 S. b. saturata). Although morphological measurements did not separate any taxa, plumage patterns support recognition of two taxonomic units, one of birds having reddish brown male plumage and the other of birds with grayish to white male plumage. Discrete diagnostic characters and sympatry in SE Brazil allow separation of Sporophila pileata (Sclater 1864) from S. bouvreuil (Muller 1776). On the other hand, S. b. saturata Hellmayr 1904 and S. b. crypta Sick 1968 should be considered synonyms of S. bouvreuil.


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The type specimen of Malacorhynchus speluncae was described and illustrated as being ""mouse gray with a bluish luster"" on the upperparts and as having a ""lighter color on the lower side of the body"" which ""becomes whitish towards the middle of the throat and breast"". It represents a taxon presently placed in the genus Scytalopus. Since 1907, the name Scytalopus speluncae has been attributed to the predominantly dark-gray species from the southeastern coastal Brazilian mountains. Recently, it was suggested that the name S. speluncae should be applied to a species that is light-gray with whitish belly and extensive barring on the flanks and that occurs predominantly in the Espinhaco Range, Minas Gerais state, to the west of the range of the dark-gray taxon. As a consequence, the dark-gray species, presumably without any available name, was described as a new species, S. notorius. However, on the basis of a critical analysis of the available information on the type specimen of S. speluncae, including the original description and illustration (Menetries 1835), and our examination of large series of museum specimens, we demonstrate that the type of S. speluncae falls within the known plumage variation of the dark-gray species and that it does not show the diagnostic characters of the light-gray form. Thus, we propose that the name S. speluncae be applied only to the dark-gray species. Consequently, S. notorius must be regarded a junior-synonym of S. speluncae. Because of problems related to the exact collecting sites of Menetries, and taking into consideration the distribution of the dark-gray species, we suggest ""Serra dos Orgaos"", in Rio de Janeiro state, as the type-locality of S. speluncae.


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An anatomical description of the solenid Solen cf. exiguus DUNKER 1862, collected in the Gulf of Thailand, is provided. The anatomical features include high antero-posterior elongation; mantle lobes widely fused with each other; powerful pallial muscles; fused siphons with capacity of autotomy; wide and partially hollow foot; complete separation between gastric style sac and adjacent portion of intestine; all possible common characters of the family. Some so far exclusive attributes include short anterior pallial tentacles; pair of muscular valves at base of siphons; and arrangement of tentacles at siphonal tip. A short discussion on the taxonomy of the Solen exiguus/leanus complex is also included.


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The morphology and anatomy of Vitularia salebrosa, a muricid ectoparasitic on other mollusks, are investigated based on study of specimens from western Panama. Distinctive characters of this species include the small size of the buccal mass and radular apparatus, simplification of the odontophore muscles and diminished lateral teeth of the radula; all elongated, narrow proboscis; narrow digestive tract and a differentiable glandular region at the beginning of the posterior esophagus. These traits are consistent with adaptive specialization for an ectoparasitic life history.


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The morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in sea catfishes (Siluriformes: Ariidae) is studied. The most simple gas bladder, exclusive to Galeichthys Valenciennes, is apple-shaped with weakly developed internal trabeculae, has smooth walls externally and a short Mullerian window associated with a broad, short Mullerian ramus that is firmly attached to Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Most genera of Ariidae have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae, smooth walls externally, an elongate Mullerian window and an elongate Mullerian ramus with an acute tip that is free from the Baudelot`s ligament and supracleithrum. Sciades proops (Valenciennes) and S. parkeri (Traill) have a similar gas bladder but with a well-developed secondary chamber. Other genera of Ariidae also have a cordiform bladder with well-developed trabeculae and elongate Mullerian window, but with lateral diverticula present as shallow rounded bulges or blister-like swellings along the peripheral margins of the bladder. The degree of development of lateral diverticula varies among and within species, with Osteogeneiosus Bleeker having the most highly-developed diverticula. Bagre pinnimaculatus (Steindachner) and Bagre bagre (Linnaeus) have unusual depressed gas bladders with complex network of internal trabeculae. The implications of gas bladder morphology for the taxonomy and phylogenetic relationships of the family are discussed.


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The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and compared for representatives of all valid genera of Pseudopimelodidae (Siluriformes). Cephalosilurus albomarginatus and species of Batrochoglanis, and Microglanis have the most basic form: a large, cordiform gas bladder with a simple internal T-shaped septum. Cephalosilurus apurensis, C. fowleri, and C. nigricauda also have a large, cordiform gas bladder, but they have well-developed trabeculae associated with the internal T-shaped septum, and a pair of well-developed constrictor muscles inserted on the external wall; the latter feature is present in most species of Pimelodidae, but absent in all other catfishes. The monotypic Lophiosilurus alexandri also has well-developed constrictor muscles, and its gas bladder is moderately sized. The species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis have a diminutive gas bladder partially divided into two lateral sacs without internal communication, and lack constrictor muscles. The parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is a wide and long shelf connected to the dorsal surface of the gas bladder in most pseudopimelodid genera. However, in the species of Pseudopimelodus and Cruciglanis the parapophysis of the fourth vertebra is shorter and has its anterior ramus folded back, partially covering the gas bladder anteroventrally; and the tympanic opening is smaller than in species of the other genera. Five phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Pseudopimelodidae, and the evolution of those characters in the family is discussed. J. Morphol. 272:890-896, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Analysis of Brazilian fishers` classifications of 24 marine (Atlantic coast) and 24 freshwater (Amazon) fish species reveals that fishers from the Atlantic coast identify fish mainly through generic names (primary lexemes), while riverine Amazonian fishers typically identify them through binomials. The similarity of Amazonian fish species seems to contribute to the detailed folk taxonomy used by riverine fishers. High-ranking groups called ""relatives"" or ""cousins"" are sorted by fishers in terms of similarities of habitat, diet, and morphology and, secondarily, behavior. The general correspondence between the folk and scientific taxonomies reinforces the reality of both the supracategories used by these fishers and the biological groups as discontinuities in nature. Given the urgency of biological inventories and the lack of knowledge of high-biodiversity environments such as the Atlantic Forest and the Amazon, these results suggest that fisher knowledge and experience could contribute to scientific research.


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Calliostoma tupinamba is a new species from Southeastern Brazil, ranging from southern Rio de Janeiro to northern Sao Paulo, and found only on coastal islands, on rocks and sessile invertebrates at 3 to 5 meters of depth. Shell and soft part morphology is described here in detail. Calliostoma tupinamba is mainly characterized by a depressed trochoid shell; eight slightly convex whorls; a sharply suprasutural carina starting on the third whorl and forming a peripheral rounded keel; and a whitish, funnel-shaped and deep umbilicus, measuring about 5%-10% of maximum shell width. Calliostoma tupinamba resembles C. bullisi Clench & Turner, 1960 in shape, but differs from it in being taller and wider, having a smaller umbilicus and lacking a strong and large innermost spiral cord at its base. Finally, an identification key of Brazilian Calliostoma species is presented.


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A taxonomic study on the South American dwarf boas of the genus Tropidophis revealed the existence of two new species in the Atlantic Forest bionic. As a result, we recognize five mainland species, three in the Atlantic Forest and two in northwestern South America. Based on general distribution and morphological orientation, the type locality of T. paucisquamis is restricted to Estacao Biologica de Boraceia (EBB), municipality of Salesopolis, state of Sao Paulo, Brazil; furthermore, a lectotype for T. taczanowskyi is designated. We provide data on the hemipenial morphology of two South American Tropidophis, showing that the quadrifurcate condition described for West Indian taxa also occurs in mainland congeners. The distributions of the three Atlantic Forest species are congruent with patterns of diversification of other vertebrate taxa associated with cold climates prevalent at high elevations. Refugial isolation and riverine barriers may account for such speciation events.


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The gross morphology of the gas bladder is described and illustrated for representatives of most species and all valid genera of the Auchenipteridae (Siluriformes). Although, a simple cordiform gas bladder is present in some species of the family, others are characterized by their distinctive gas-bladder shape and diverticula disposition. An acute posterior end of the gas bladder characterizes Centromochlus heckelii and C. macracanthus, and is variably present in specimens of Auchenipterus. Tocantinsia piresi and Asterophysus batrachus have distinctive gas bladders differing in number of diverticula (two or many). The two species of Trachycorystes are diagnosed based on their gas bladder morphology: T. menezesi has a simple cordiform bladder, whereas T. trachycorystes has a pair of lateral diverticulum and, usually, a well-developed terminal diverticulum. Species of Auchenipterichthys are characterized by having a secondary bladder with simple chamber. Short or elongate and divergent terminal diverticula are exclusive to most cis-andine species of Trachelyopterus. Tetranematichthys and trans-andine species of Trachelyopterus share a well-developed secondary chamber or terminal diverticula ventrally or dorsally connected to the posterior chambers. The small-sized species of Ageneiosus have well-developed gas bladders with a pair of posterior diverticula, whereas large-sized species have a reduced gas bladder with tunica externa varying from non-, partially, or completely ossified. Eight phylogenetic characters are proposed based on the morphology of the gas bladder and associated structures in species of Auchenipteridae, and the evolution of those characters in the family discussed. J. Morphol., 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.