17 resultados para Abyssogena kaikoi, height of valve
The watermelon is traditionally cultivated horizontally on the ground. The cultivars of small fruits (1 to 3 kg), which reach better market prices, are also being grown in a greenhouse, where the plants are trained upward on vertical supports, with branches pruning and fruits thinning. These practices make possible an increase of the plant density, fruit quality and yield compared to the traditional growth system. The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the influence of three training heights (1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m) and two planting densities (3.17 and 4.76 plants m-2) over the productive and qualitative characteristics of mini watermelon "Smile" cultivated in greenhouse. The pruning was done at 43, 55 and 66 days after transplanting (DAT), when the plant height reached 1.7, 2.2 and 2.7 m, respectively. The dry mass of branches, petioles, leaves and total were affected by the training height, where the highest values were obtained by the plants pruned at 2.2 and 2.7 m. Leaf area, specific leaf area and leaf area index were not affected by the height of the plants. The training height of 2.7 m raised the total yield, however, marketable yield, average fruit mass and all the quality characteristics did not differ significantly from those obtained by the training height of 2.2 m. Regarding to plant density, the best option was 4.76 plants m-2, due to the increasing of marketable yield in 37.4% without reducing the average weight of fruits.
Wild bearded capuchins (Cebus libidinosus, quadrupedal, medium-sized monkeys) crack nuts using large stones. We examined the kinematics and energetics of the nut-cracking action of two adult males and two adult females. From a bipedal stance, the monkeys raised a heavy hammer stone (1.46 and 1.32 kg, from 33 to 77% of their body weight) to an average height of 0.33 m, 60% of body length. Then, they rapidly lowered the stone by flexing the lower extremities and the trunk until the stone contacted the nut. A hit consisting of an upward phase and a downward phase averaged 0.74 s in duration. The upward phase lasted 69% of hit duration. All subjects added discernable energy to the stone in the downward phase. The monkeys exhibited individualized kinematic strategies, similar to those of human weight lifters. Capuchins illustrate that human-like bipedal stance and large body size are unnecessary to break tough objects from a bipedal position. The phenomenon of bipedal nut-cracking by capuchins provides a new comparative reference point for discussions of percussive tool use and bipedality in primates. Am J Phys Anthropol 138:210-220, 2009. (C) 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Polymorphisms in the VDR gene were reported to be associated with variations in intrauterine and postnatal growth and with adult height, but also with other traits that are strongly correlated such as the BMI, insulin sensitivity, insulin secretion and hyperglycemia. Here, we assessed the impact of VDR polymorphisms on body height and its interactions with obesity- and glucose tolerance-related traits in obese children and adolescents. We studied 173 prepubertal (Tanner's stage 1) and 146 pubertal (Tanner's stages 2-5) obese children who were referred for a weight-loss program. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms were genotyped: rs1544410 (BsmI), rs7975232 (ApaI) and rs731236 (TaqI). BsmI and TaqI genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal children, but the associations did not reach statistical significance in prepubertal children. In stepwise regression analyses, the lean body mass, insulin secretion, BsmI or TaqI genotypes and the father's and the mother's height were independently and positively associated with height in pubertal children. These covariables accounted for 46% of the trait variance. The height of homozygous carriers of the minor allele of BsmI was 0.65 z-scores (4 cm) higher than the height of homozygous carriers of the major allele (P=.0006). Haplotype analyses confirmed the associations of the minor alleles of BsmI and TaqI with increased height. In conclusion, VDR genotypes were significantly associated with height in pubertal obese children. The associations were independent from the effects of confounding traits, such as the body fat mass, insulin secretion, insulin sensitivity and glucose tolerance. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This study analyzed the effects of unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy on facial growth in young rats. Thirty one-month-old Wistar rats were distributed into three groups: detachment, coronoidotomy and sham-operated. Under general anesthesia, unilateral detachment of the temporal muscle was performed for the detachment group, unilateral coronoidotomy was performed for the coronoidotomy group, and only surgical access was performed for the sham-operated group. The animals were sacrificed at three months of age. Their soft tissues were removed, and the mandible was disarticulated. Radiographic projections-axial views of the skulls and lateral views of hemimandibles-were taken. Cephalometric evaluations were performed, and the values obtained were submitted to statistical analyses. There was a significant homolateral difference in the length of the premaxilla, height of the mandibular ramus and body, and the length of the mandible in all three groups. However, comparisons among the groups revealed no significant differences between the detachment and coronoidotomy groups for most measurements. It was concluded that both experimental detachment of the temporal muscle and coronoidotomy during the growth period in rats induced asymmetry of the mandible and affected the premaxilla.
The chemiluminescent reactions of bis(2,4,6-trichlorophenyl)oxalate (TCPO) and bis(2-nitrophenyl)oxalate (2-NPO) with hydrogen peroxide in acetonitrile/water micellar systems (anionic, cationic, and non-ionic) and gamma-cyclodextrin were studied in the presence of fluoranthene or 9,10-diphenylanthracene, imidazole, and two buffer solutions, HTRIS+/TRIS and H2PO4-/HPO42-. The relative chemiluminenscence (CL) intensity is higher in the presence of the cationic (DDAB, CTAC, DODAC, and OTAC), anionic (SDS), and non-ionic (Tween 80) surfactants. In the presence of some non-ionic surfactants (Brij 35, Brij 76, and Tween 20), the CL intensity was partially quenched compared with the reaction with no surfactant. The sensitivity for hydrogen peroxide determination in the range 0.01 x 10(-4) to 1.0 x 10(-4) mol L-1, considering the slope of the calibration curves (maximum peak height of CL vs. concentration), improved with the introduction of DDAH, CTAB, and SDS in HTRIS+/TRIS buffer.
The objective of the current study was to assess the outcome of the alveolar bone grafting (ABG) in patients with cleft palate. Thirty-one patients with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate were prospectively divided into 2 groups according to the timing of surgery: (1) secondary ABG (SABG), undertaken during mixed dentition (n = 16); and (2) tertiary ABG (TABG), undertaken during permanent dentition (n = 15). Septum height was assessed using cone beam computed tomography in 3 views (buccal, intermediate, palatal) and classified according to the modified Bergland Index, which scores the results into 5 types according to the height of the neoformed bone septum (excellent: septum with a normal height; good: septum with minor deficiency; regular: marginal defect of >25% of the root length; bad: bone deficiency on the nasal aspect; and failure). In the SABG group, 6 to 12 months postoperatively, 75% of the patients were classified as having excellent/good conditions and 25% as having regular/bad conditions. No patients were observed as having failure conditions. In the TABG group, 53% of the patients were classified as having excellent/good, 21% were classified as having regular/bad conditions, and 26% were classified as having failure conditions. Significantly better outcomes were observed for the SABG group when compared with the TABG group. In conclusion, the age at which ABG is performed is a factor that impacts on the surgical outcome. Specifically, increasing age is associated with worse outcomes.
The herbicide propanil has long been used in rice production in southern Brazil. Bacteria isolated from contaminated soils in Massaranduba, Santa Catarina, Brazil, were found to be able to grow in the presence of propanil, using this compound as a carbon source. Thirty strains were identified as Pseudomonas (86.7%), Serratia (10.0%), and Acinetobacter (3.3%), based on phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA. Little genetic diversity was found within species, more than 95% homology, suggesting that there is selective pressure to metabolize propanil in the microbial community. Two strains of Pseudomonas (AF7 and AF1) were selected in bioreactor containing chemotactic growth medium, with the highest degradation activity of propanil exhibited by strain AF7, followed by AF1 (60 and 40%, respectively). These strains when encapsulated in alginate exhibited a high survival rate and were able to colonize the rice root surfaces. Inoculation with Pseudomonas strains AF7 and AF1 significantly improved the plant height of rice. Most of the Pseudomonas strains produced indoleacetic acid, soluble mineral phosphate, and fixed nitrogen. These bacterial strains could potentially be used for the bioremediation of propanil-contaminated soils and the promotion of plant growth.
Banana is one of the most economically important fruit, explored almost exclusively by small producers as a continuous source of food and income. Although Brazil is one of the main banana producers, the national banana production is undergoing serious problems especially in the phases of production and post-harvest limiting its participation in the international market. One of the main factors leading to great production losses is the toppling over due to the tall height of plants of main commercial cultivars. A strategy to solve this problem is reducing height by inducing mutation. The objective of the present work was to characterize irradiated Prata type banana mutants (cvs. Pacovan and Preciosa) during two production cycles in order to select short plants in height with good agronomic characteristics. In vitro plants of both cultivars were irradiated with gamma rays in the doses of 20 Gy ('Pacovan', 200 plants) and 30 Gy ( 'Preciosa', 200 plants) subcultivated four times and afterwards evaluated in the field during two production cycles. Four possible mutants were selected from each cultivar with height smaller than the average height of the controls after two evaluation cycles. It was observed that some of these mutants presented greater precocity and bunch weight compared to the controls. From the results obtained it is possible to select mutant plants with superior agronomic characteristics for 'Pacovan' as well as 'Preciosa' submitted to gamma radiation.
Using Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching, we investigate the Brownian motion of DNA rod-like fragments in two distinct anisotropic phases with a local nematic symmetry. The height of the measurement volume ensures the averaging of the anisotropy of the in-plane diffusive motion parallel or perpendicular to the local nematic director in aligned domains. Still, as shown in using a model specifically designed to handle such a situation and predicting a non-Gaussian shape for the bleached spot as fluorescence recovery proceeds, the two distinct diffusion coefficients of the DNA particles can be retrieved from data analysis. In the first system investigated (a ternary DNA-lipid lamellar complex), the magnitude and anisotropy of the diffusion coefficient of the DNA fragments confined by the lipid bilayers are obtained for the first time. In the second, binary DNA-solvent system, the magnitude of the diffusion coefficient is found to decrease markedly as DNA concentration is increased from isotropic to cholesteric phase. In addition, the diffusion coefficient anisotropy measured within cholesteric domains in the phase coexistence region increases with concentration, and eventually reaches a high value in the cholesteric phase.
The aim of this study was to estimate the stock of biomass and organic carbon in a montane mixed shade forest located near General Carneiro, PR. 20 plots of 12 m x 12 m were installed, in which all trees with a CBH (Circumference at Breast Height) >= 31.4 cm were felled. From these the following information was obtained: total height, commercial height (agreed as being the morphological inversion point in the natural forest and the height of the first live branch), CBH, identification and collection of herbarium specimens. For the quantification of biomass in the understory and roots, three subunits 1 m x 1 m in each sampling unit were installed (12 m x 12 m) arranged in the lower left corner, center and diagonal upper right corner. To quantify accumulated litter at random, eight samples in each sampling unit were collected (12 m x 12 m), using a metal device measuring 0.25 m x 0.25 m. The montane mixed shade forest has more than 85% of its total biomass and total organic carbon stored in above ground plant structures. The total stock of organic carbon found in this study (104.7 Mg ha(-1)) demonstrates the importance of maintaining and preserving natural ecosystems as a way of maintaining this stock of organic carbon fixed in plant biomass.
The effects of the compaction step on the (micro)structural features and aging behavior of polymer coated NdFeB-based bonded magnets is reported. Due to the fracture of the material during pressing, it is estimated an increase of at least 14% in the particles' area which is not coated. Such uncoated surfaces, when exposed to the environment, reduce the magnetic performance of the magnets aged/cured in air by 19% in the conditions evaluated in this investigation. Furthermore, XRD results interpreted by Rietveld analyses show a lattice parameter change in the tetragonal structure of the hard magnetic phase after pressing. Such change varies as a function of the height of the compacted part and it is ascribed to macro-elastic stress arising from the pressure distribution in the magnet. An aging/curing step during 24 h is able to relief such macro-elastic stress. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Context: There is great interindividual variability in the response to recombinant human (rh) GH therapy in patients with Turner syndrome (TS). Ascertaining genetic factors can improve the accuracy of growth response predictions. Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the individual and combined influence of GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 polymorphisms on the short-and long-term outcomes of rhGH therapy in patients with TS. Design and Patients: GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 genotyping (rs2854744) was correlated with height data of 112 patients with TS who remained prepubertal during the first year of rhGH therapy and 65 patients who reached adult height after 5 +/- 2.5 yr of rhGH treatment. Main Outcome Measures: First-year growth velocity and adult height were measured. Results: Patients carrying at least one GHR-d3 or -202 A-IGFBP3 allele presented higher mean first-year growth velocity and achieved taller adult heights than those homozygous for GHR-fl or -202 C-IGFBP3 alleles, respectively. The combined analysis of GHR-exon 3 and -202 A/C IGFBP3 genotypes showed a clear nonadditive epistatic influence on adult height of patients with TS treated with rhGH (GHR-exon 3 alone, R-2 = 0.27; -202 A/C IGFBP3, R-2 = 0.24; the combined genotypes, R-2 = 0.37 at multiple linear regression). Together with clinical factors, these genotypes accounted for 61% of the variability in adult height of patients with TS after rhGH therapy. Conclusion: Homozygosity for the GHR-exon3 full-length allele and/or the -202C-IGFBP3 allele are associated with less favorable short-and long-term growth outcomes after rhGH treatment in patients with TS. (J Clin Endocrinol Metab 97: E671-E677, 2012)
Objective: To evaluate the aesthetics of an implant-supported denture at the cleft area, comparing the peri-implant tissues and prosthetic crown with the contralateral tooth. Settings: Hospital for Rehabilitation of Craniofacial Anomalies, Bauru, São Paolo, Brazil. Patients: A total of 39 individuals of both genders, with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate, who received secondary alveolar bone graft and were rehabilitated with single implant-supported dentures at the area of the missing maxillary lateral incisor after completion of orthodontic treatment. Interventions: The following parameters were analyzed in follow-up sessions: length and width of prosthetic crown and contralateral tooth, characteristics of implants, filling of interproximal space by the papilla, and smile height of the patients. Results: The implant-supported prosthetic crowns were longer than the contralateral tooth (p < .001). Among the 78 papillae analyzed, 29 (37.17%) received a score of 3; 32 (41.02%) papillae had a score of 2; and 17 (21.79%) received a score of 1. Concerning the smile height, among the 39 patients analyzed, 23 (56.41%) had a medium smile, 15 (38.46%) had a high smile, and two (5.12%) presented a low smile. Conclusion: The use of dental implants to rehabilitate the edentulous cleft area is an excellent option. However, adequate evaluation of the bone quantity and quality, positioning and shape of adjacent teeth, smile height, and patient expectations should be considered to achieve success and avoid aesthetic deformities such as elongated teeth and absence of gingival papillae.
Smokers have small root coverage which is associated with bad vascularity of periodontal tissues. This study evaluated a technique that can increase the blood supply to the periodontal tissues compared with a traditional technique. Twenty heavy smokers (10 males and 10 females) with two bilateral Miller class I gingival recessions received coronally positioned flaps in one side (Control group)and extended flap technique in the other side (Test group). Clinical measurements (probing pocket depth, clinical attachment level, bleeding on probing, gingival recession height, gingival recession width, amount of keratinized tissue, and width and height of the papillae adjacent to the recession) were determined at baseline, 3 and 6 months postoperatively. Salivary cotinina samples were taken as an indicator of the nicotine exposure level. No statistically significant differences (p>0.05) were detected for the clinical measurements or smoke exposure. Both techniques promoted low root coverage (Control group: 43.18% and Test group: 44.52%). In conclusion, no difference was found in root coverage between the techniques. Root coverage is possible and uneventful even, if rather low, in heavy smoker patients with low plaque and bleeding indices.
The objective of this research was to assess morphogenetic and structural characteristics of tillers of guinea grass cv. Tanzania at different ages. The pastures of guinea grass were managed in six pasture conditions related to the combination of three frequencies (90, 95, and 99% light interception) and two post-grazing heights (25 and 50 cm). In these six pastures conditions, three tiller ages were evaluated (young, mature, and old). The design was of completely randomized block with three replications. Young tillers exhibited higher leaf appearance rate and leaf elongation rate and, consequently, higher final leaf length and number of live leaves than mature and old tillers, regardless of the pasture condition. On pastures managed with 90 or 95% light interception associated with a post-grazing height of 25 cm, old tillers presented longer leaf lifespan than young and mature ones. There is a progressive reduction in the vigor of growth of pastures of guinea grass cv. Tanzania with advancing tiller age.