9 resultados para Homosexual Adolescent
em Université de Montréal
Ce mémoire présente les résultats d’une synthèse systématique (SS) des écrits traitant des instruments d’évaluation multidimensionnelle des troubles concomitants qui peuvent être présentés par les adolescent(e)s. La SS a permis d’identifier 11 instruments en mesure d’évaluer les troubles comorbides de l’Axe I du DSM-IV, incluant chaque fois les troubles liés à l’utilisation de substances psychoactives (TUS). Une fois les instruments répertoriés, une seconde recherche fut effectuée afin identifier les études les ayant mis à l’épreuve du point de vue de leur validité et de leur fidélité diagnostique : 57 études furent identifiées. La robustesse méthodologique de ces études fut analysée à l’aide de la grille du QUADAS-2 et 47 études furent retenues pour l’échantillon final. Les résultats sont présentés par diagnostics (troubles liés à l’utilisation des substances (TUS) (obligatoire), trouble d’anxiété généralisée (TAG), épisode dépressif majeur (ÉDM), troubles des conduites (TC), trouble du déficit de l’attention /hyperactivité (TDA/H), état de stress post-traumatique (ÉSPT) et par instrument retenu. Suite à l’analyse des données recueillies, il s’avère difficile de comparer les instruments les uns aux autres, étant donnée la très grande diversité des échelles qu’ils contiennent, ainsi que les devis fort différents des études qui les ont mis à l’épreuve. Par contre, deux instruments se distinguent par la robustesse méthodologique des études à leur sujet, ainsi que leur excellente performance globale. Il s’agit du ChIPS et du K-SADS.
Background: Questions remain regarding the consequences of illicit drug use on adolescent adjustment and the nature of mechanisms that may explain these consequences. In this study, we examined whether early-onset illicit drug use predicts subsequent academic and psychosocial adjustment and whether associations are socially-mediated by decreased school engagement and increased peer deviancy. Method: 4885 adolescents were followed throughout secondary school. We used regressions to determine whether illicit drug use in grade 7 predicted academic achievement, school dropout, depressive symptoms, and conduct problems in grades 10–11, adjusting for potential confounders. We used path analysis to test whether significant associations were mediated by school engagement and peer deviancy in grade 8. Results: Illicit drug use predicted conduct problems and school dropout, but not academic achievement and depressive symptoms. The association between illicit drug use and conduct problems was fully mediated by increased peer deviancy. The association between illicit drug use and school dropout was partially mediated by increased peer deviancy, but remained mostly direct. No indirect association via decreased school engagement was found. Examination of reverse pathways revealed that conduct problems and academic achievement in grade 7 predicted drug use in grades 10–11. These associations were mediated by peer deviancy and school engagement (conduct problems only). Conclusion: Adolescent illicit drug use influences the risk of school dropout and conduct problems in part by contributing to deviant peer affiliation. Reciprocal social mediation characterizes the association between drug use and conduct problems. A reverse mechanism best explains the association with academic achievement.
Purpose: Increasing evidence suggests the existence of heterogeneity in the development of depressive symptoms during adolescence, but little remains known regarding the implications of this heterogeneity for the development of commonly co-occurring problems. In this study, we derived trajectories of depressive symptoms in adolescents and examined the codevelopment of multiple behavioral and academic problems in these trajectories. Methods: Participants were 6,910 students from secondary schools primarily located in disadvantaged areas of Quebec (Canada) who were assessed annually from the age 12 to 16 years. Trajectories were identified using growth mixture modeling. The course of behavioral (delinquency, substance use) and academic adjustment (school liking, academic achievement) in trajectories was examined by deriving latent growth curves for each covariate conditional on trajectory membership. Results: We identified five trajectories of stable-low (68.1%), increasing (12.1%), decreasing (8.7%), transient (8.7%), and stable-high (2.4%) depressive symptoms. Examination of conditional latent growth curves revealed that the course of behavioral and academic problems closely mirrored the course of depressive symptoms in each trajectory. Conclusions: This pattern of results suggests that the course of depressive symptoms and other adjustment problems over time is likely to involve an important contribution of shared underlying developmental process(es).
Background: Adolescent suicide attempts are disproportionally prevalent and frequently of low severity, raising questions regarding their long-term prognostic implications. In this study, we examined whether adolescent attempts were asso- ciated with impairments related to suicidality, psychopathology, and psychosocial functioning in adulthood (objective 1) and whether these impairments were better accounted for by concurrent adolescent confounders (objective 2). Method: Eight hundred and sixteen adolescents were assessed using interviews and question- naires at four time points from adolescence to adulthood. We examined whether lifetime suicide attempts in adolescence (by T2, mean age 17) predicted adult out- comes (by T4, mean age 30) using linear and logistic regressions in unadjusted models (objective 1) and adjusting for sociodemographic background, adolescent psychopathology, and family risk factors (objective 2). Results: In unadjusted analyses, adolescent suicide attempts predicted poorer adjustment on all outcomes, except those related to social role status. After adjustment, adolescent attempts remained predictive of axis I and II psychopathology (anxiety disorder, antisocial and borderline personality disorder symptoms), global and social adjustment, risky sex, and psychiatric treatment utilization. However, adolescent attempts no longer predicted most adult outcomes, notably suicide attempts and major depressive disorder. Secondary analyses indicated that associations did not differ by sex and attempt characteristics (intent, lethality, recurrence). Conclusions: Adolescent suicide attempters are at high risk of protracted and wide-ranging im- pairments, regardless of the characteristics of their attempt. Although attempts specifically predict (and possibly influence) several outcomes, results suggest that most impairments reflect the confounding contributions of other individual and family problems or vulnerabilites in adolescent attempters.
Background: Adolescent depression prevention research has focused on mean intervention outcomes, but has not considered heterogeneity in symptom course. Here, we empirically identify subgroups with distinct trajectories of depressive symptom change among adolescents enrolled in two indicated depression preven- tion trials and examine how cognitive-behavioral (CB) interventions and baseline predictors relate to trajectory membership. Methods: Six hundred thirty-one participants were assigned to one of three conditions: CB group intervention, CB bibliotherapy, and brochure control. We used group-based trajectory modeling to identify trajectories of depressive symptoms from pretest to 2-year follow-up. We examined associations between class membership and conditions using chi- square tests and baseline predictors using multinomial regressions. Results: We identified four trajectories in the full sample. Qualitatively similar trajectories were found in each condition separately. Two trajectories of positive symptom course (low-declining, high-declining) had declining symptoms and were dis- tinguished by baseline symptom severity. Two trajectories of negative course (high-persistent, resurging), respectively, showed no decline in symptoms or de- cline followed by symptom reappearance. Participants in the brochure control condition were significantly more likely to populate the high-persistent trajectory relative to either CB condition and were significantly less likely to populate the low-declining trajectory relative to CB group. Several baseline factors predicted trajectory classes, but gender was the most informative prognostic factor, with males having increased odds of membership in a high-persistent trajectory rel- ative to other trajectories. Conclusions: Findings suggest that CB preventive interventions do not alter the nature of trajectories, but reduce the risk that adolescents follow a trajectory of chronically elevated symptoms.
Essai doctoral d'intégration présenté à la Faculté des Études Supérieures et Postdoctorales en vue de l'obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), en psychologie clinique
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.