6 resultados para rocca, Modigliana, restauro

em Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository


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The archaeological study took into account a very important part of Castiglione del Lago urban unit, where the presence of stratification, probably from the Classical period, had been pointed out, on which military and religious units were over-lapped. More specifically, the area with a small church inside the arms courtyard of the castle, could have suggested the presence of archaeological realities,especially from the sporadic finding of Etruscan pottery. The archaeological investigation was first launched in the area of the small chapel, where at least two construction phases were highlighted, although with no appreciable result regarding Classical period phases. The excavation led to the discovery of underground structures, a number of Renaissance tombs placed around the church, and the identification of other structures related to military use over a cistern-well. At the end of the excavation, the structures were consolidated and protected before the backfilling; the materials recovered during the investigation have been registered at the Municipality of Castiglione del Lago, after bein examined by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologi dell’Umbria and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storico, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici dell’Umbria.


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The paper analyzes the development of the first experiences of the sixteenth century cultural policy in Italy until the beginning of the twenty-first century with the institutional reform initiated by the Minister Dario Franceschini. In the pre-unification State it has been many important contributions of several local rulers who imposed conservation policies to prevent the dispersal of works of art. After the unification of Italy (1861) the laws of protection of the national heritage have helped to initiate the first important initiatives that have developed in practice only at the end of the twentieth century. Great institutional innovations and regulatory activated in the twenty-first century and of which this paper provides some important insights and deepening.


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It's very difficult in traditional Japanese culture separate the landscape from the architecture. The Japanese architectural culture has its roots in China but soon this culture has developed its own culture and an aesthetic that was the result of a long isolation from the rest of the world. Zen Buddhism and the constant relationship with nature define the main characteristics of Japanese architecture: minimalism and simplicity. The architecture is a perfect balance of harmony, proportion and purity. This paper aims to analyze the cultural roots of the relationship between architecture and landscape in Japan and where the characteristics previously defined are very important for to know the significance of the Japanese architectural thinking.


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Nel periodo compreso tra la primavera del 2007 e l'estate del 2010, presso la Canonica di San Salvatore a Barzanò, unitamente ai lavori di ristrutturazione e restauro, sono stati effettuati diversi interventi di assistenza e di scavo archeologico, inizialmente nelle aree esterne limitrofe e in un secondo tempo all'interno dell'edificio, nell’ambito di un piano di riqualificazione e di restauro del monumento commissionato dal Comune di Barzanò . La cripta e la sagrestia sono state indagate completamente, mentre all'interno dell'aula e della torre campanaria è stato effettuato uno scavo parziale fino a una quota mediamente di m -0.50 dal piano pavimentale: ciononostante, è stato possibile delineare complessivamente nove fasi archeologiche, sette delle quali definiscono le principali sequenze dell'evoluzione strutturale dell'edificio della Canonica.


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The book analyzes the history of Japanese Architecture between Nara Period (710-784) and Meiji Period (1867-1912). The book is organized in two part: "The History" and "The Cultural Heritage" with a reflexion about the restoration of the Temples and Shrines. The book is the result of an international research work at the Kyoto University.


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The book collects the Papers (from Europe, Asia and Latin America) presented at the Workshop organized by the ICOMOS International Committee in Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and by ICOMOS Italy in Palazzo Coppini (branch of Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco) in Florence (March 3-4, 2016) and focus on the comparison of different propositions of digital urban signage to realize a good quality of the “visit experience” in the historical towns, not only as urban marketing, but of a authenticity genuine culture. The urban culture founded on the identity and authenticity of every historical towns and their multilayered history must be the objective of an tourism of culture for the inhabitants and the visitors. The book focused its interest on the outstanding existing urban assets in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and heritage not sufficiently promoted.