9 resultados para case history

em Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository


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Situs viscerum inversus totalis is a rare defect with a genetic predisposition, which can present difficulties in the management of abdominal pathology, especially in laparoscopic surgery (mirror-image anatomy). We report the case of a 52-year-old female with situs viscerum inversus totalis, known from pediatric age, with a medical history of colic pain in the epigastrium radiating to the right abdominal quadrant. Laparoscopic cholecistectomy was safely performed with a three trocar technique. To the best of our knowledge this is the first time that laparoscopic cholecistectomy by three trocars was performed in a patient with situs viscerum inversus. We also review the relevant literature concerning this issue.


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Introduction. Intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia (Masson's hemangioma or Masson’s tumor) is a benign vascular disease with an exuberant endothelial proliferation in normal blood vessels. Although relatively uncommon, its correct diagnosis is important because it can clinically be like both benign lesions and malignant neoplasms. We present a case of intravascular proliferative endothelial hyperplasia simulating a tendon cyst both clinically and on ultrasound. Case report. A 74-year old Caucasian female presented with a 4-month history of soreness and swelling in the fourth finger of the right hand. Ultrasound showed an oval mass with fluid content, referred to a tendon cyst. A wide surgical excision was subsequently performed. The final histological diagnosis was Masson’s tumor. Discussion. The pathogenesis of intravascular papillary endothelial hyperplasia is still unclear but the exuberant endothelial cell proliferation might be stimulated by an autocrine loop of endothelial basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) secretion. There are three types of papillary endothelial hyperplasia: primary, or intravascular; secondary, or mixed; and extravascular. The main differential diagnosis is against pyogenic granuloma, Kaposi sarcoma, hemangioma, and angiosarcoma. Conclusions. Masson's tumor can be like both benign lesions and malignant neoplasms clinically and on ultrasound. For this reason, the right diagnosis can be made only by histology, which reveals a papillary growth composed of hyperplastic endothelial cells supported by delicate fibrous stalks entirely confined within the vascular lumen.


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Aim. We report a case of ulnar and palmar arch artery aneurysm in a 77 years old man without history of any occupational or recreational trauma, vasculitis, infections or congenital anatomic abnormalities. We also performed a computed search of literature in PUBMED using the keywords “ulnar artery aneurysm” and “palmar arch aneurysm”. Case report. A 77 years old male patient was admitted to hospital with a pulsing mass at distal right ulnar artery and deep palmar arch; at ultrasound and CT examination a saccular aneurysm of 35 millimeters at right ulnar artery and a 15 millimeters dilatation at deep palmar arch were detected. He was asymptomatic for distal embolization and pain. In local anesthesia ulnar artery and deep palmar arch dilatations were resected. Reconstruction of vessels was performed through an end-to-end microvascular repair. Histological examination confirmed the absence of vasculitis and collagenopaties. In postoperative period there were no clinical signs of peripheral ischemia, Allen’s test and ultrasound examination were normal. At follow-up of six months, the patient was still asymptomatic with a normal Allen test, no signs of distal digital ischemia and patency of treated vessel with normal flow at duplex ultrasound. Conclusion. True spontaneous aneurysms of ulnar artery and palmar arch are rare and can be successfully treated with resection and microvascular reconstruction.


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Introduction. Acute intestinal obstruction in pregnancy is a rare, but life-threatening complication associated with high fetal and maternal mortality. Case report. A 20-year old gravida presented with a 24 hour history of several episodes of vomiting, complete constipation and severe crampy abdominal pain. The patient was admitted with the diagnosis of acute abdomen associated with septic shock. On examination echography showed distended intestinal loops and presence of free peritoneal fluid. Abdominal X-ray with shielding of the fetus revealed colonic air-fluid levels. The obstetrician consult diagnosed dead fetus in utero and was decided to operate immediately. On laparotomy was found complete cecal volvulus with gangrene of cecum, part of ascending colon and terminal ileum. A right hemicolectomy was performed with side to side ileotransverse anastomosis. Afterwards a lower segment cesarean section was made and a stillborn fetus was delivered. The patient made an uneventful recovery and was discharged on 9th postoperative day. Conclusion. Cecal volvulus during pregnancy is a rare, but serious surgical problem. Correct diagnosis may be difficult until exploratory laparotomy is performed. Undue delay in diagnosis and surgical treatment can increase the maternal and fetal mortality.


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Giant cell-rich osteolytic lesions may have overlapping clinical, radiologic, and histopathologic features, with an important degree of difficulty of diagnosis and treatment. We report a case of double osteolytic lesion at the middle-finger in a young man without previous history of hand trauma. He underwent en-bloc resection of the bone lesions and reconstruction by graft of hydroxyapatite, resulting in a good morpho-functional result. Histological diagnosis was giant cell reparative granuloma (GCRG), although several features were considered atypical, including the appearance of the giant cells and the areas of the stroma that more closely resembled a giant cell tumor. GCRG is a benign rare intraosseous lesion and the true nature is controversial and unknown. The theories are that it could be a reactive lesion, a developmental anomaly or a benign neoplasm. It appears as an osteolytic lesion that must be considered in the differential diagnosis of other “critical” bone lesions similar in clinical, as well as radiologic and pathological appearance. Further characterization studies are helpful and necessary for the proper management.


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We report a rare case of a 50 year old man with renal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) who first came to our attention with renal colic and fever not responding to antibiotic or analgesic treatment. He had a long history of kidney stones, but had not undergone any imaging in the last 5 years. Physical examination revealed tenderness and a palpable mass in the right flank and lumbar region. A whole body CT scan was performed, revealing an 11 cm mass in the right kidney infiltrating the inferior vena cava. There were areas of calcification within the mass and multiple stones within the renal pelvis. The tumor was considered unsuitable for resection according to radiological and clinical criteria. The mass was biopsied percutaneously under CT guidance and histological examination revealed squamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis. The patient was treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy and embolization of the renal artery. He died one month after diagnosis. To our knowledge this is the second reported case in the world of renal SCC infiltrating the inferior vena cava and with kidney stones.


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This is a case of a 43-year-old primigravida primipara woman who presented in our Department in 36 weeks gestational age and underwent caesarean section due to preeclampsia. From her history, it was known that her pregnancy was an in vitro fertilization (IVF) result. She also received low molecular weight heparin because of thrombophilia (protein S insufficiency). We present this case of postpartum thrombocytosis and discuss the differential diagnosis of this condition through the presentation of its management.


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Background. Giant Condyloma Acuminatum (GCA) is a rare, slow growing, large cauliflower tumor of the penile foreskin and perianal region with benign histologic appearance but high propensity for local invasion and recurrences. GCA is associated with Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) types 6 and 11 and it also has considerable risk of neoplastic transformation into fully invasive squamous cell carcinoma into about 5 years. Objective. Because of the rarity of perianal GCA, to date there is no general agreement on the best method for treatment. We wanted to know if surgical approach only was a good method to treat our case. Case report. A 28 years old man, HIV-negative, with a 4 years history of perianal GCA quickly growing underwent full tickness local excision at least 0,7 cm margin of normal tissue with skin grafting taken from the thighs. Fecal contamination was avoided by diet and loperamide per os. At two years follow-up no recurrence was detected. Conclusion. Surgical approach with full tickness excision and immediate skin-grafting and regular follow-up demonstrated effective to treat GCA and to minimize disease recurrence.


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Malignant neoplasms are associated with a wide range of paraneoplastic rheumatological syndromes. These can be defined as remote effects of cancer, which are not caused by the tumor and its metastasis. The authors describe the case of an 82-year-old man, who presented with a one-month history of pain, stiffness, and functional limitation of the scapular and pelvic girdles. Blood tests showed raised levels of inflammatory markers. He was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rheumatica, but the lack of response to corticosteroids led to the suspicion of an alternative diagnosis, like, for example, an occult neoplasm. Although patient evaluation was initially normal, five months later he developed macroscopic haematuria and was diagnosed with bladder and prostate carcinomas. After surgical treatment, the patient fully recovered from his rheumatological syndrome.