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L'identificazione dei prodotti ittici è uno dei temi chiave in materia di sicurezza alimentare. L’errata etichettatura dei prodotti alimentari e la sostituzione di alcuni ingredienti rappresentano questioni emergenti in termini di qualità e sicurezza alimentare e nutrizionale. L'autenticazione e la tracciabilità dei prodotti alimentari, gli studi di tassonomia e di genetica di popolazione, così come l'analisi delle abitudini alimentari degli animali e la selezione delle prede, si basano su analisi genetiche tra cui la metodica molecolare del DNA barcoding, che consiste nell’amplificazione e nel sequenziamento di una specifica regione del gene mitocondriale chiamata COI. Questa tecnica biomolecolare è utilizzata per fronteggiare la richiesta di determinazione specifica e/o la reale provenienza dei prodotti commercializzati, nonché per smascherare errori di etichettatura e sostituzioni fraudolente, difficile da rilevare soprattutto nei prodotti ittici trasformati. Sul mercato sono disponibili differenti kit per l'estrazione del DNA da campioni freschi e conservati; l’impiego dei kit, aumenta drasticamente il costo dei progetti di caratterizzazione e di genotipizzazione dei campioni da analizzare. In questo scenario è stato messo a punto un metodo veloce di estrazione del DNA. Esso non prevede nessuna fase di purificazione per i prodotti ittici freschi e trasformati e si presta a qualsiasi analisi che preveda l’utilizzo della tecnica PCR. Il protocollo consente l'amplificazione efficiente del DNA da qualsiasi scarto industriale proveniente dalla lavorazione del pesce, indipendentemente dal metodo di conservazione del campione. L’applicazione di questo metodo di estrazione del DNA, combinato al successo e alla robustezza della amplificazione PCR (secondo protocollo barcode) ha permesso di ottenere, in tempi brevissimi e con costi minimi, il sequenziamento del DNA.
The description of all the species present in nature is a vast task to be fulfilled by using the classical approach of morphological description of the organisms. In recent years, the traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa and inconsistencies with the genetic data. Furthermore, the increasing need to get a true estimate of biodiversity has led Zoological Taxonomy to seek new approaches and methodologies to support the traditional methods. The classification procedure has added modern criteriasuch as the evolutionary relationships and the genetic, biochemical and morphological characteristics of the organisms.Until now the Linnean binomial was the only abbreviated code associated with the description of the morphology of a species. The new technologies aim to achieve a short nucleotide sequence of the DNA to be used as an unique and solely label for a particular species, a specific genetic barcode. For both morphological and genetic approaches, skills and experience are required. Taxonomy is one of zoological disciplines that has been benefited from the achievements reached by modern molecular biotechnology. Using a molecular approach it is possible to identify cryptic species, to establish a family relationship between species and their membership of taxonomic categories or to reconstruct the evolutionary history of a taxon.
Development of a simple and fast “DNA extraction kit” for sea food identification and marine species
Seafood products fraud, the misrepresentation of them, have been discovered all around the world in different forms as false labeling, species substitution, short-weighting or over glazing in order to hide the correct identity, origin or weight of the seafood products. Due to the value of seafood products such as canned tuna, swordfish or grouper, these species are the subject of the commercial fraud is mainly there placement of valuable species with other little or no value species. A similar situation occurs with the shelled shrimp or shellfish that are reduced into pieces for the commercialization. Food fraud by species substitution is an emerging risk given the increasingly global food supply chain and the potential food safety issues. Economic food fraud is committed when food is deliberately placed on the market, for financial gain deceiving consumers (Woolfe, M. & Primrose, S. 2004). As a result of the increased demand and the globalization of the seafood supply, more fish species are encountered in the market. In this scenary, it becomes essential to unequivocally identify the species. The traditional taxonomy, based primarily on identification keys of species, has shown a number of limitations in the use of the distinctive features in many animal taxa, amplified when fish, crustacean or shellfish are commercially transformed. Many fish species show a similar texture, thus the certification of fish products is particularly important when fishes have undergone procedures which affect the overall anatomical structure, such as heading, slicing or filleting (Marko et al., 2004). The absence of morphological traits, a main characteristic usually used to identify animal species, represents a challenge and molecular identification methods are required. Among them, DNA-based methods are more frequently employed for food authentication (Lockley & Bardsley, 2000). In addition to food authentication and traceability, studies of taxonomy, population and conservation genetics as well as analysis of dietary habits and prey selection, also rely on genetic analyses including the DNA barcoding technology (Arroyave & Stiassny, 2014; Galimberti et al., 2013; Mafra, Ferreira, & Oliveira, 2008; Nicolé et al., 2012; Rasmussen & Morrissey, 2008), consisting in PCR amplification and sequencing of a COI mitochondrial gene specific region. The system proposed by P. Hebert et al. (2003) locates inside the mitochondrial COI gene (cytochrome oxidase subunit I) the bioidentification system useful in taxonomic identification of species (Lo Brutto et al., 2007). The COI region, used for genetic identification - DNA barcode - is short enough to allow, with the current technology, to decode sequence (the pairs of nucleotide bases) in a single step. Despite, this region only represents a tiny fraction of the mitochondrial DNA content in each cell, the COI region has sufficient variability to distinguish the majority of species among them (Biondo et al. 2016). This technique has been already employed to address the demand of assessing the actual identity and/or provenance of marketed products, as well as to unmask mislabelling and fraudulent substitutions, difficult to detect especially in manufactured seafood (Barbuto et al., 2010; Galimberti et al., 2013; Filonzi, Chiesa, Vaghi, & Nonnis Marzano, 2010). Nowadays,the research concerns the use of genetic markers to identify not only the species and/or varieties of fish, but also to identify molecular characters able to trace the origin and to provide an effective control tool forproducers and consumers as a supply chain in agreementwith local regulations.