23 resultados para Isola di calore, Ray-tracing, Pianificazione urbanistica

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E' stato eseguito uno studio geologico del comprensorio Centane-Panoramica (Isola di Procida, Golfo di Napoli) finalizzato alla determinazione delle caratteristiche tecniche dei terreni e della granulometria nelle aree lato mare che caratterizzano la falesia costiera tufacea tra Punta Pizzaco e Punta Solchiaro. Sono state eseguite prove penetrometriche dinamiche i cui risultati sono stati elaborati unitamente alle curve granulometriche dei terreni. I risultati ottenuti hanno consentito di definire il grado di dissesto geomorfologico e la natura dei terreni in aree sub-pianeggianti poste alla sommità della falesia costiera.


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Nel presente rapporto tecnico viene illustrato uno studio del dissesto geomorfologico in due aree selezionate dell’Isola di Procida, rispettivamente ubicate nella zona storica di Procida (borgo medievale di Terra Murata lungo la Via Salita Castello-altezza Via S. Domenico) e nell’area costiera che raccorda Punta Pizzaco con Punta Solchiaro (comprensorio Centane-Panoramica). In generale le finalità del rapporto tecnico sono quelle di fornire un inquadramento di queste due zone da un punto di vista geologico, che si differenziano negli aspetti particolari. Infatti, nella zona di Terra Murata, sia nella zona alta del borgo medievale (piazzale oltre le mura) che lungo il costone tufaceo antistante la Marina Corricella (salita Castello all’altezza di Via S. Domenico) sono documentate copiose perdite d’acqua attraverso i terreni vulcanici di natura tufacea e pozzolanica che affiorano nell’area. Tali perdite d’acqua attraverso i terreni interessano anche numerose abitazioni, creando disagi che rendono necessario l’ulteriore accertamento tecnico al fine di individuare, anche tentativamente, le cause di tali dissesti e di proporre soluzioni tecnicamente soddisfacenti a tali problematiche attraverso uno studio approfondito.


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The interactions between Late Quaternary volcanic and sedimentary processes in the Naples Bay, Southern Tyrrhenian sea, are here discussed through the results of the marine geological survey at the scale 1:25.000. The example of the geological map n. 465 “Isola di Procida”, herein presented, has put in evidence the stratigraphy of marine Quaternary deposits and related volcanic seismic units. The volcanic deposits cropping out in the Procida island have been explained as the result of eruptions of local eruptive centres. The geological survey carried out onshore indicates the occurrence of several pyroclastic units linked to the eruptive activity of the Ischian and Phlegrean volcanic complexes, interstratified with the products erupted by local volcanic centres. The occurrence in the pyroclastic sequences of Ischia and Procida islands of several marker horizons and their stratigraphic correlations have allowed to reconstruct the volcanological evolution of the two islands and the interactions with sedimentary processes at the scale of the whole Tyrrhenian margin. Four geological maps at the scale 1:25.000 covering the whole Naples Bay have been reconstructed based on the interpretation of marine geological and geophysical data. The stratigraphic relationships between the seismic units and the eruptive deposits have testified the activity of several monogenetic volcanic centers, whose products are interstratified with marine and continental deposits of the Late Quaternary depositional sequence.


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Nel mito, quindi, bene e male si stringono nel fuoco, in un abbraccio fatale. Nonostante esso abbia per sempre cambiato in meglio le sorti dell’umanità, racchiude in se il mistero: fonte di calore e di luce, elemento dalla materialità domestica, resta però inafferrabile agli uomini, a volte irrefrenabile, spesso temibile e altrettanto seducente. È da ricercare perciò in questa sua dualità il fascino che il fuoco provoca negli uomini: esso divora, con la sua fiamma distruttiva, tutto quello che incontra nel suo passaggio, lasciando dietro di sé terreni ristorati, nutriti dalla decomposizione dei vegetali. Con la sua luce e calore permettel’esistenza, ma nel contempo ha la possibilità di distruggerla per sempre. Proprietà che hanno fatto del fuoco un potente simbolo rappresentativo sia della vita che della morte, introducendolo di conseguenza nel “mondo del soprannaturale”, come facoltà e prerogativa degli Dei entrando così a far parte dei miti, delle credenze e delle tradizioni di molti popoli.


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Il contenuto di questo volume non vuole rappresentare un testo didattico per lo studio in generale della vulcanologia in quanto in esso si tratta unicamente quell’a-spetto della disciplina che riguarda il vulcanismo esplosivo. In tal senso l’autore ritiene che questo testo possa essere utile per gli studenti di Scienze Geologiche che, vivendo nelle aree vulcaniche italiane di età quaternaria ed anche attive, possano, da laureati, svolgere attività professionali mirate alla individuazione e definizione di Pericolosità, Vulnerabilità e Rischio Vulcanico. Trattare gli argomenti che seguono non è stato facile e forse si poteva, in alcuni casi, renderli più semplici, ma talvolta la semplicità non sempre è sinonimo di precisione; inoltre, per descrivere certi aspetti non quantitativi si è costretti ad utilizzare un linguaggio quanto più possibile “ad hoc”. L’autore ha svolto la propria attività di ricerca in aree vulcaniche, sia in Italia che all’estero. Le ricerche in Italia sono state da sempre concentrate nelle aree di vulcanismo attivo in cui l’attività del vulcanologo è finalizzata fondamentalmente alla definizione della Pericolosità Vulcanica supporto indispensabile per la definizione dell’aree a Rischio Vulcanico, intendendo per Rischio il prodotto della Pericolosità per il Danno in termini, questo, di numero di vite umane ovvero di valore monetario dei beni a rischio nell’area vulcanica attiva. Le ricerche svolte dall’autore in Africa Orientale (Etiopia e Somalia) e nello Yemen hanno contribuito ad assimilare i concetti di vulcanologia regionale, rappresentata dall’ampia diffusione del vulcanismo di plateau, variabile per spessore dai 1500 ai 3000 metri, fra i quali si inseriscono, nella depressione dell’Afar, catene vulcaniche inquadrabili, dal punto di vista geodinamico, come “oceaniche” alcune delle quali attive e che si sviluppano per decine/centinaia di chilometri. Nelle aree vulcaniche italiane le difficoltà che sorgono durante il rilevamento risiedono nella scarsa continuità di affioramenti, talvolta incompleti per la descrizione delle variazioni di facies piroclastiche, non disgiunta dalla fitta vegetazione ovvero ur banizzazione specialmente nelle aree di vulcanismo attivo. Il rilevamento vulcanologico richiede competenze e l’adozione di scale adatte a poter cartografare le variazioni di facies piroclastiche che, a differenza dalle assise sedimentarie, in un’area vulcanica possono essere diffuse arealmente soltanto per alcune centinaia di metri. I metodi di studio delle rocce piroclastiche sono del tutto simili a quelli che si usano per le rocce clastiche, cioè dall’analisi delle strutture e delle tessiture alla litologica fino a quella meccanica; su questi clasti inoltre le determinazioni della densità, della mineralogia e della geochimica (Elementi in tracce e Terre Rare), ottenute sulla frazione vetrosa, rappresentano parametri talvolta identificativi di un’area vulcanica sorgente. Non esistono testi nei quali venga descritto come si debba operare nelle aree vulcaniche per le quali l’unica certezza unificante è rappresentata dall’evidenza che, nelle sequenze stratigrafiche, il termine al top rappresenta quello più relativamente recente mentre quello alla base indica il termine relativo più vecchio. Quanto viene riportato in questo testo nasce dall’esperienza che è stata acquisita nel tempo attraverso una costante azione di rilevamento che rappresenta l’uni- ca sorgente di informazione che un vulcanologo deve ricavare attraverso un attento esame dei depositi vulcanici (dalla litologia alla mineralogia, alla tessitura, etc.) la cui distribuzione, talvolta, può assumere un carattere interegionale in Italia nell’ambito dell’Olocene. Soltanto l’esperienza acquisita con il rilevamento produce, in un’area di vulcanismo attivo, risultati positivi per la definizione della Pericolosità, sapendo però che le aree vulcaniche italiane presentano caratteristiche ampiamente differenti e di conseguenza il modo di operare non può essere sempre lo stesso. Un esempio? Immaginate di eseguire un rilevamento vulcanico prima al Somma-Vesuvio e poi nei Campi Flegrei: sono mondi completamente differenti. L’autore desidera ribadire che questo testo si basa sulla esperienza acquisita sia come geologo sia come docente di Vulcanologia; pertanto il libro potrà forse risultare più o meno bilanciato, in forza dell’argomento trattato, in quanto durante l’attività di ricerca l’autore, come tutti, ha affrontato alcuni argomenti più di altri. Questo approccio può essere considerato valido per chiunque voglia scrivere un libro in maniera autonoma e originale, non limitandosi, come molte volte avviene, a tradurre in italiano un libro su tematiche analoghe diffuso, ad esempio, nel mondo anglosassone.Diversamente, si sarebbe potuto concepire un libro come un collage di capitoli scritti da vari autori, che magari avevano esperienza più specifica nei singoli argomenti, ma in tal senso si sarebbe snaturato lo spirito con cui si è impostato il progetto. L’autore, infine, ha fatto ricorso al contributo di altri autorevoli colleghi solo per temi importantissimi, ma in qualche modo complementari rispetto al corpus costitutivo del Vulcanismo Esplosivo.


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The volume contains the results of the research project "Governance Analysis Project (GAP) for the Smart Energy City. The actualization of Smart Cities in the Metropolitan Areas of Europe and Italy” conducted within the PON “Smart Energy Master for the energy management of the territory” at the University Federico II of Naples (TeMA Lab of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering). Smart Cities have gained increasing relevance in the scientific debate and in the national and international operational practice, emerging as one of the opportunities to rethink cities and, more generally, the life of urban communities. First reflections, researches and projects on the issue seem to converge towards the idea that a “smart” urban development should not only be a result of the yet necessary and unavoidable infrastructural endowment (physical capital) and of its continuing innovation, but also of the quality of human, social and environmental capital, conceived as strategic factors for development. A “smart” city is, primarily, a city able to effectively satisfy the needs of its citizens respecting the rules imposed by the environmental context. It is in such a debate that the project GAP fits with the aim to address Smart Cities in light of the administrative reorganization of Italian large cities as a consequence of the Law 56/2014. With a scientific approach, the volume provides a comprehensive and updated framework of how Italian and European Metropolitan cities are declining the Smart City issue and this thanks to the collection of a wide-ranging screening represented by more than 1.000 initiatives including researches, projects, interventions, technologies, etc. Furthermore, one original element of this research is that after an analysis conducted through indirect sources, a phase of dialogue with “stakeholders” was carried out (and of this there is a wide picture in the volume in which, by the way, are reported long excerpts of the interviews). This has enabled to give a clearer framework of what is now experimenting in Italian and European cities, avoiding being totally naïve for interventions and projects labelled as “smart”, but often lacking of innovative methods and contents.


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The book collects the Papers (from Europe, Asia and Latin America) presented at the Workshop organized by the ICOMOS International Committee in Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and by ICOMOS Italy in Palazzo Coppini (branch of Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco) in Florence (March 3-4, 2016) and focus on the comparison of different propositions of digital urban signage to realize a good quality of the “visit experience” in the historical towns, not only as urban marketing, but of a authenticity genuine culture. The urban culture founded on the identity and authenticity of every historical towns and their multilayered history must be the objective of an tourism of culture for the inhabitants and the visitors. The book focused its interest on the outstanding existing urban assets in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and heritage not sufficiently promoted.


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One of the main challenges urban areas, and more particularly the compact ones, are facing is their adaptation to climate change. In recent years, is had been recognized that a more ecosystem approach to spatial planning can play a critical role in meeting these challenges. Green Infrastructure (GI) and its integration in spatial planning emerges as one of the most appropriate and effective ways to improve microclimate and tackle the impacts of climate change and mainly the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect. This paper initially attempts to clarify the term GI and portrays its benefits and its role as an important spatial planning tool to fulfill different environmental, social and economic needs of urban areas. Then, the paper proceeds to an empirical evaluation of the role of GI in reducing the vulnerability to UHI effect in a compact urban area of the city of Thessaloniki. For this reason, a simple methodology is developed with a twofold purpose: to recognize the risks posed by climate change and especially UHI and to assess the potential offered by available in a compact area GI assets as well as by their redesign in order to maximize their contribution to climate change adaptation.


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By providing a wide literature review, post-hurricane Katrina uneven urban regeneration in New Orleans is presented here by framing it within a historical perspective in order to underline how environmental threats too often seem to be not so much “natural” but rather man-made as well as to highlight both the reasons and the ways in which, in post-disaster reconstruction, competitive growth has been valued over equity, by directly benefiting those who were already the most advantaged. The aim is to highlight how environmental disasters can be considered as socially constructed phenomena, as they cannot be seen as a single event but rather as a process made by a series of progressive steps occurring within different spheres, which do not necessarily concern the environment only.


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Italy and its urban systems are under high seismic and hydrogeological risks. The awareness about the role of human activities in the genesis of disasters is achieved in the scientific debate, as well as the role of urban and regional planning in reducing risks. The paper reviews the state of Italian major cities referred to hydrogeological and seismic risk by: 1) extrapolating data and maps about seismic hazard and landslide risk concerning cities with more than 50.000 inhabitants and metropolitan contexts, and 2) outlining how risk reduction is framed in Italian planning system (at national and regional levels). The analyses of available data and the review of the normative framework highlight the existing gaps in addressing risk reduction: nevertheless a wide knowledge about natural risks afflicting Italian territory and an articulated regulatory framework, the available data about risks are not exhaustive, and risk reduction policies and multidisciplinary pro-active approaches are only partially fostered and applied.


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The urban heat island effect is often associated with large metropolises. However, in the Netherlands even small cities will be affected by the phenomenon in the future (Hove et al., 2011), due to the dispersed or mosaic urbanisation patterns in particularly the southern part of the country: the province of North Brabant. This study analyses the average night time land surface temperature (LST) of 21 North-Brabant urban areas through 22 satellite images retrieved by Modis 11A1 during the 2006 heat wave and uses Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper to map albedo and normalized difference temperature index (NDVI) values. Albedo, NDVI and imperviousness are found to play the most relevant role in the increase of nighttime LST. The surface cover cluster analysis of these three parameters reveals that the 12 “urban living environment” categories used in the region of North Brabant can actually be reduced to 7 categories, which simplifies the design guidelines to improve the surface thermal behaviour of the different neighbourhoods thus reducing the Urban Heat Island (UHI) effect in existing medium size cities and future developments adjacent to those cities.


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Land take is a phenomenon of great concern nowadays because of the large number of its negative impacts regarding biological, economic and social balance. In Italy, the development of urban and other artificial land has been irreversibly transforming a nonrenewable resource such as soil, regardless the almost constant population rate, with different speed depending of the region considered. The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Naples, which is an area highly affected by territorial aggression of human matrix. The data used are both by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) Report 2015 on the usage of the land and by ISTAT relating to the resident population up to the 1st of January 2015 and the extension of land for agricultural use (Census 2010). The mathematical combination of this data creates a new indicator that can be referred to as “residual land”; this residual area is of great extension with many different characteristics and it could represent the area where the phenomenon of land take most occurs. The identification, measurement and analysis of “residual land” provide new insights on the evolution of land take and this new indicator can represent a critical element to work on to prevent future land transformation and protect natural and agricultural areas within the Italian context.


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Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always remaining in the groove of rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. During the last two years a particular attention has been paid on the Smart Cities theme and on the different meanings that come with it. The last section of the journal is formed by the Review Pages. They have different aims: to inform on the problems, trends and evolutionary processes; to investigate on the paths by highlighting the advanced relationships among apparently distant disciplinary fields; to explore the interaction’s areas, experiences and potential applications; to underline interactions, disciplinary developments but also, if present, defeats and setbacks. Inside the journal the Review Pages have the task of stimulating as much as possible the circulation of ideas and the discovery of new points of view. For this reason the section is founded on a series of basic’s references, required for the identification of new and more advanced interactions. These references are the research, the planning acts, the actions and the applications, analysed and investigated both for their ability to give a systematic response to questions concerning the urban and territorial planning, and for their attention to aspects such as the environmental sustainability and the innovation in the practices. For this purpose the Review Pages are formed by five sections (Web Resources; Books; Laws; Urban Practices; News and Events), each of which examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage of interest for TeMA.


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The archaeological excavations carried out in 2013 in the hut n. 16 of the protohistoric settlement of Brunku ’e s’Omu (central-western Sardinia) returned some metal products. The morpho-metric and functional study of these artifacts al-lowed the identification of two mending strips and other remains related to Bronze Age (late II millennium BC) ceramic vessels reparing. Some uncertainly dated slags and metal fragments were also identified. Visual examination and archaeometric investigation carried out by means of portable energy dispersive X-ray fluores-cence spectrometry (pXRF) were performed on these metals. The analyses were able to relate some remains to iron manufacturing and highlighted the lead composition of the other ones. The chosen approach further clarified some as-pects of nuragic metallurgists’ behaviour in selecting and processing metalliferous geo-materials.