11 resultados para Futurismo russo

em Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository


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Early identification of spontaneous pneumomediastinum in an Emergency Department is possible with thoracic ultrasound. We report two cases of spontaneous pneumomediastinum, diagnosed in a 26-year old man with chronic asthma and a 19-year old athlete, and discuss the role of thoracic US alongside conventional X-ray and thoracic CT in emergency medicine. The patients were transferred to an Emergency Department, where conservative treatment produced a good outcome. The greater sensitivity and specificity of thoracic US over conventional supine X-ray in the detection of occult pneumothorax is ever more appreciated. However, training in the diagnosis of pneumomediastinum is required.


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Land take is a phenomenon of great concern nowadays because of the large number of its negative impacts regarding biological, economic and social balance. In Italy, the development of urban and other artificial land has been irreversibly transforming a nonrenewable resource such as soil, regardless the almost constant population rate, with different speed depending of the region considered. The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon in the metropolitan area of Naples, which is an area highly affected by territorial aggression of human matrix. The data used are both by the Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) Report 2015 on the usage of the land and by ISTAT relating to the resident population up to the 1st of January 2015 and the extension of land for agricultural use (Census 2010). The mathematical combination of this data creates a new indicator that can be referred to as “residual land”; this residual area is of great extension with many different characteristics and it could represent the area where the phenomenon of land take most occurs. The identification, measurement and analysis of “residual land” provide new insights on the evolution of land take and this new indicator can represent a critical element to work on to prevent future land transformation and protect natural and agricultural areas within the Italian context.


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Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always remaining in the groove of rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. During the last two years a particular attention has been paid on the Smart Cities theme and on the different meanings that come with it. The last section of the journal is formed by the Review Pages. They have different aims: to inform on the problems, trends and evolutionary processes; to investigate on the paths by highlighting the advanced relationships among apparently distant disciplinary fields; to explore the interaction’s areas, experiences and potential applications; to underline interactions, disciplinary developments but also, if present, defeats and setbacks. Inside the journal the Review Pages have the task of stimulating as much as possible the circulation of ideas and the discovery of new points of view. For this reason the section is founded on a series of basic’s references, required for the identification of new and more advanced interactions. These references are the research, the planning acts, the actions and the applications, analysed and investigated both for their ability to give a systematic response to questions concerning the urban and territorial planning, and for their attention to aspects such as the environmental sustainability and the innovation in the practices. For this purpose the Review Pages are formed by five sections (Web Resources; Books; Laws; Urban Practices; News and Events), each of which examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage of interest for TeMA.


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L’informazione in campo ambientale assume un’importanza fondamentale in relazione all’obiettivo di accrescere il livello di consapevolezza e di sensibilità in relazione al concetto di ambiente, sia al fine di promuovere comportamenti coerenti con il principio di sviluppo sostenibile, sia per contribuire allo sviluppo di una responsabilità individuale e collettiva. Le tecnologie mobili nascono e si evolvono a partire dalla necessità dell’uomo di espandere i propri limiti e dall’esigenza di avere la possibilità di comunicare e accedere alle informazioni in maniera diretta e immediata. L'utilizzo di dispositivi mobili, quali smartphone e tablet, è in netta crescita in tutte le categorie di utenza e nei differenti contesti sociali. Possedere un dispositivo mobile dotato di accesso alla rete internet permette di avere il sapere a portata di mano e di comunicare con utenti in tutto il modo senza barriere fisiche e temporali. Inoltre, possono essere strumenti di grande aiuto, sia nel campo lavorativo che nel tempo libero, grazie all’utilizzo di innumerevoli applicazioni create ad hoc per l'acquisizione di informazioni e la loro fruizione. L’aspirazione del progetto, inserito nel Sistema di Comunicazione, Informazione e Diffusione dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità della Sicilia, è la realizzazione di una applicazione che permetta ai visitatori di approfondire e consolidare i luoghi e forme della conoscenza offerti, durante la visita dell’Osservatorio della Biodiversità Regione Sicilia, dal personale qualificato rivestito dalle figure di ricercatori e tecnologi dell’IAMC CNR della sede di Capo Granitola. Gli scopi principali sono la comunicazione, l’informazione e l’educazione per lo sviluppo di conoscenze e sensibilità sul tema della Biodiversità per spronare gli utenti alla salvaguardia del territorio, rendendo facilmente accessibile l’approfondimento dei concetti riguardanti numerose specie e habitat del nostro territorio, attraverso una dimensione scientifica di stampo ludico.


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Tra le più importanti risorse alieutiche di molte regioni del Mar Mediterraneo vi sonole acciughe (Engraulisencrasicolus, Linnaeus, 1758), piccoli pesci pelagici appartenenti alle famiglie degli Engraulidae. Dati IREPA del 2009, hanno di fatto reso noto che in Italia, la pesca di E. encrasicolusha rappresentano in media il 26% circa del pescato totale. Questa specie viene continuamente monitorata e grazie a tali programmi è stato evidenziato che vi sono delle fluttuazioni inter-annuali molto pronunciate (Cergoleet al., 2002; Cingolani, 2004), le cui cause possono essere molteplici, da fattori antropicicome l’elevato sforzo di pesca a fattori naturali (Borjia et al., 1996). Va però posta molta attenzione sulle dinamiche biologiche ed ambientali che influiscono sulla sopravvivenza dei primi stadi di vita di questa specie, che ricadendo sul successivo reclutamento, possono essere una delle cause fondamentali delle contrazioni e degli incrementi annuali dello stock adulto (Thikonova et al., 2000; James et al., 2003; Cuttitta et al., 2003, 2006).Lo studio delle fasi ittioplanctoniche e delle sue relazioni con l’ambiente e gli altri organismi, risulta quindi di primaria importanza nell’ambito delle conoscenze necessarie per il corretto sfruttamento delle risorse alieutiche.


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The volume contains the results of the research project "Governance Analysis Project (GAP) for the Smart Energy City. The actualization of Smart Cities in the Metropolitan Areas of Europe and Italy” conducted within the PON “Smart Energy Master for the energy management of the territory” at the University Federico II of Naples (TeMA Lab of the Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering). Smart Cities have gained increasing relevance in the scientific debate and in the national and international operational practice, emerging as one of the opportunities to rethink cities and, more generally, the life of urban communities. First reflections, researches and projects on the issue seem to converge towards the idea that a “smart” urban development should not only be a result of the yet necessary and unavoidable infrastructural endowment (physical capital) and of its continuing innovation, but also of the quality of human, social and environmental capital, conceived as strategic factors for development. A “smart” city is, primarily, a city able to effectively satisfy the needs of its citizens respecting the rules imposed by the environmental context. It is in such a debate that the project GAP fits with the aim to address Smart Cities in light of the administrative reorganization of Italian large cities as a consequence of the Law 56/2014. With a scientific approach, the volume provides a comprehensive and updated framework of how Italian and European Metropolitan cities are declining the Smart City issue and this thanks to the collection of a wide-ranging screening represented by more than 1.000 initiatives including researches, projects, interventions, technologies, etc. Furthermore, one original element of this research is that after an analysis conducted through indirect sources, a phase of dialogue with “stakeholders” was carried out (and of this there is a wide picture in the volume in which, by the way, are reported long excerpts of the interviews). This has enabled to give a clearer framework of what is now experimenting in Italian and European cities, avoiding being totally naïve for interventions and projects labelled as “smart”, but often lacking of innovative methods and contents.


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Objectives: To contribute to current knowledge on the vascular risk of oestrogens. Materials and methods: A 44-year-old woman received a 11.25 mg Leuprolide exteneded release injection to control bleeding from a 7 cm uterine fibroid tumour; 45 days later, she had a stroke due to right frontal lobe ischaemia. Thrombolysis induced complete remission. Three years previously, while taking a birth control pill, the patient had suffered from a stroke that involved her left temporal lobe. She was heterozygous for Factor V R2 H1299R locus and homozygous for the 4G/4G mutation of the PAI-1 gene. Even though her homocysteine level was normal, the patient was homozygous for the MTHFR C677T mutation and although she had never had severe bleeding, she was also homozygous for Factor XIII V34L. Results and conclusion: This patient’s prothrombotic condition could have been enhanced by leuprolide since its stimulatory effect on oestrogen production would still have been minimally present at the time of cerebral thrombosis.


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A 61-year-old man presented with high fever, and severe back and abdominal pain following transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-guided prostate biopsy. Diagnosis of spondylodiscitis and psoas abscesses was made based on MRI images of the lumbar tract of the spine. Six-month broad-spectrum antibiotic treatment and immobilization with a girdle overcame the disease without any relapse at the 1-year follow-up. Spondylodiscitis after TRUS-guided prostate biopsy is a rare event, which is not yet included as a major complication of the procedure. It is probably due to the presence of fluoroquinolone-resistant bacteria in faeces. It is, therefore, important to highlight this possibility and to stress the use of targeted antibiotic prophylaxis after rectal flora swabbing with selected antibiotics at sufficient concentrations to be effective.


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The study of ichthyio-plankton stages and its relations with the environment and other organisms is therefore crucial for a correct use of fishery resources. In this context, the extraction and the analysis of the content of the digestive tract, is a key method for the identification of the diet in early larval stages, the determination of the resources they rely on and possibly a comparison with the diet of other species. Additionally this approach could be useful in determination on occurrence of species competition. This technique is preceded by the analysis of morphometric data (Blackith & Reyment, 1971; Marcus, 1990), that is the acquisition of quantitative variables measured from the morphology of the object of study. They are linear distances, count, angles and ratios. The subsequent application of multivariate statistical methods, aims to quantify the changes in morphological measures between and within groups, relating them to the type and size of prey and evaluate if some changes appear in food choices along the larvae growth.


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Starting from the relationship between urban planning and mobility management, TeMA has gradually expanded the view of the covered topics, always remaining in the groove of rigorous scientific in-depth analysis. During the last two years a particular attention has been paid on the Smart Cities theme and on the different meanings that come with it. The last section of the journal is formed by the Review Pages. They have different aims: to inform on the problems, trends and evolutionary processes; to investigate on the paths by highlighting the advanced relationships among apparently distant disciplinary fields; to explore the interaction’s areas, experiences and potential applications; to underline interactions, disciplinary developments but also, if present, defeats and setbacks. Inside the journal the Review Pages have the task of stimulating as much as possible the circulation of ideas and the discovery of new points of view. For this reason the section is founded on a series of basic’s references, required for the identification of new and more advanced interactions. These references are the research, the planning acts, the actions and the applications, analysed and investigated both for their ability to give a systematic response to questions concerning the urban and territorial planning, and for their attention to aspects such as the environmental sustainability and the innovation in the practices. For this purpose the Review Pages are formed by five sections (Web Resources; Books; Laws; Urban Practices; News and Events), each of which examines a specific aspect of the broader information storage of interest for TeMA.