4 resultados para Font del Vilar (Avinyonet de Puigventós, Catalonia: Archaeological site)

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The archaeological excavations carried out in 2013 in the hut n. 16 of the protohistoric settlement of Brunku ’e s’Omu (central-western Sardinia) returned some metal products. The morpho-metric and functional study of these artifacts al-lowed the identification of two mending strips and other remains related to Bronze Age (late II millennium BC) ceramic vessels reparing. Some uncertainly dated slags and metal fragments were also identified. Visual examination and archaeometric investigation carried out by means of portable energy dispersive X-ray fluores-cence spectrometry (pXRF) were performed on these metals. The analyses were able to relate some remains to iron manufacturing and highlighted the lead composition of the other ones. The chosen approach further clarified some as-pects of nuragic metallurgists’ behaviour in selecting and processing metalliferous geo-materials.


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The archaeological study took into account a very important part of Castiglione del Lago urban unit, where the presence of stratification, probably from the Classical period, had been pointed out, on which military and religious units were over-lapped. More specifically, the area with a small church inside the arms courtyard of the castle, could have suggested the presence of archaeological realities,especially from the sporadic finding of Etruscan pottery. The archaeological investigation was first launched in the area of the small chapel, where at least two construction phases were highlighted, although with no appreciable result regarding Classical period phases. The excavation led to the discovery of underground structures, a number of Renaissance tombs placed around the church, and the identification of other structures related to military use over a cistern-well. At the end of the excavation, the structures were consolidated and protected before the backfilling; the materials recovered during the investigation have been registered at the Municipality of Castiglione del Lago, after bein examined by the Soprintendenza per i Beni Archeologi dell’Umbria and the Soprintendenza per i Beni Storico, Artistici ed Etnoantropologici dell’Umbria.


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This paper attempts to demonstrate the importance of the archaeological area of Copio, in province of Terni (Italy). Discovered for the first time in the 1980 by the local historian then mentioned in 2001 and in 2003 in two different archaeological publications, the site of Copio started to arouse interest for its position, lying on a hilltop above one of the most interesting pre-Roman necropolis of Umbria (Vallone di San Lorenzo). The link between the well-known necropolis and Copio is today well-accepted. The aim of this paper, based on a field-walking survey and the analisys of the archaeological finds, is to demonstrate the importance of this area during the pre-Roman period as a commercial bridgehead linked to Volsinii. Strategically lying only one km to east from the Tiber, it should have enjoyed this important and commercial path for the local trade moving goods in incoming and outcoming.


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The Telesia Archaeological Project is an initiative that will make a significant contribution to thi historical and archaeological knowledge of the urban area of the Roman city of Telesia, located near Benevento (S. Salvatore Telesino). The first and second season of the Telesia Archaeological Project (2014-2015), conducted under the supervision of the Archaeological Superintendence, and thanks to the indispensable collaboration of a private landowner, provided results of great scientific interest. There was the possibility to investigate part of a significant building of imperial age, richly decorated, identified with the basilica of the city. It was possible to establish, in addition, that this large building (36 by 21 m ca) was opened, through a great brick colonnade, to the forum, localized in summer 2015 with certainty for the first time. The extraordinary large double colonnade (porticus duplex), 9 meters wide, covering the entire façade of that public building, was erased in the fifth century AD, probably after two earthquakes that seriously damaged the city in 346 and 375 AD.