6 resultados para Filosofia de la tecnologia

em Scientific Open-access Literature Archive and Repository


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Tooth loss is a common result of a variety of oral diseases due to physiological causes, trauma, genetic disorders, and aging and can lead to physical and mental suffering that markedly lowers the individual’s quality of life. Tooth is a complex organ that is composed of mineralized tissues and soft connective tissues. Dentin is the most voluminous tissue of the tooth and its formation (dentinogenesis) is a highly regulated process displaying several similarities with osteogenesis. In this study, gelatin, thermally denatured collagen, was used as a promising low-cost material to develop scaffolds for hard tissue engineering. We synthetized dentin-like scaffolds using gelatin biomineralized with magnesium-doped hydroxyapatite and blended it with alginate. With a controlled freeze-drying process and alginate cross-linking, it is possible to obtain scaffolds with microscopic aligned channels suitable for tissue engineering. 3D cell culture with mesenchymal stem cells showed the promising properties of the new scaffolds for tooth regeneration. In detail, the chemical–physical features of the scaffolds, mimicking those of natural tissue, facilitate the cell adhesion, and the porosity is suitable for long-term cell colonization and fine cell–material interactions.


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Modern medicine began in the last half of the nineteenth century when doctors started practising the scientific method at the bedside. However, in his presidential address to the Association of American Physicians in 1979 James Wyngaarden postulated that the clinical scientist was an endangered species. Several reasons for this have been suggested, including “the seductive incomes that now derive from procedure-based specialty medicine”. Others have suggested that it is simply because the things left to be discovered at bedside have become exhausted, and that all the big medical advances will now be made by high-powered institutions.


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Multimorbidity, the co-occurrence of multiple chronic conditions in an individual, and the frequently associated multimedication is a health issue mostly dealt with in primary care consultations.


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L'assenzio è un distillato ad alta gradazione alcolica 60-70° all'aroma di anice, generalmente dalla colorazione verde smeraldo o verde chiaro, derivato da erbe quali i fiori e le foglie dell’Artemisia absinthium L. dal quale prende il nome. Le proprietà officinali della pianta sono conosciute ed utilizzate fin dall’antichità dal momento che la pianta e le sue applicazioni terapeutiche sono addirittura citate in un papiro egiziano del 1500 a.C. Tale distillato conobbe una diffusione eccezionale nell’800, e divenne particolarmente noto alla fine del secolo, grazie alla fama che ebbe tra gli artisti e gli scrittori di Parigi. Il successo dell’assenzio in Europa fu clamoroso, ma altrettanto rapido fu poi il suo declino. Infatti, scomparve da tutti i mercati d’Europa e d’oltre oceano in poco più di un decennio. Attualmente l’assenzio, ritornato in voga, trova applicazione durante la celebrazione di numerose ritualità magico-esoteriche dove lo si celebra come capace di ridurre la carica aggressiva, sviluppare la calma e fortificare corpo e mente. Siti internet di matrice magico-occultista riportano il suo consumo durante lo svolgimento di vari rituali. Questo utilizzo “nascosto” ma diffuso ha posto le basi per indagarne il suo reale consumo voluttuario tra i giovani, in considerazione della sua facile reperibilità e dei suoi effetti farmaco-tossicologici.


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This text is taken from the postgraduate thesis, which one of the authors (A.B.) developed for the degree of Medical Physicist in the School on Medical Physics of the University of Florence. The text explores the feasibility of quantitative Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy as a tool for daily clinical routine use. The results and analysis comes from two types of hyper spectral images: the first set are hyper spectral images coming from a standard phantom (reference images); and hyper spectral images obtained from a group of patients who have undergone MRI examinations at the Santa Maria Nuova Hospital. This interdisciplinary work stems from the IFAC-CNR know how in terms of data analysis and nanomedicine, and the clinical expertise of Radiologists and Medical Physicists. The results reported here, which were the subject of the thesis, are original, unpublished, and represent independent work.


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Scopo del presente lavoro è la presentazione del codice di calcolo semplificato adoperato nella sezione “Simulatore fotovoltaico” presente sul portale www.energia.cnr.it del progetto CNR ENERGY+. Utilizzando i valori reali di radiazione solare misurati dalle stazioni meteorologiche installate presso alcune sedi del CNR il codice, con appropriati algoritmi, generala scomposizione della radiazione sul piano orizzontale e su superfici inclinate e variamente orientate, in modo da pervenire alla potenza prodotta da un ipotetico impianto fotovoltaico posto sullo stesso sito di ubicazione della stazione.