4 resultados para Assisted arthroscopy
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Type 1 neurofibromatosis is a relatively common inherited disease of the nervous system, with a frequency of almost 1 in 3000. It is associated with neurofibromas of various sites. Our case report is about the surgical management of a giant neurofibroma of the right gluteal fold in a 46-year-old male with NF1. The patient presented with increasing edema and accelerated growth of the mass; he underwent percutaneous embolization of lesion vessels that induced necrosis of the neurofibroma. The patient was taken to the operating room, where surgical resection of the bulk of the lesion was undertaken. The postoperative course was complicated by delayed wound closure managed with antibiotics and vacuum-assisted wound closure. Giant neurofibromas similar to this tumor require complex preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative management strategies. Surgical debulk is best managed with preoperative percutaneous embolization that help to avoid surgical bleeding. Postoperative delayed wound closure was managed with the application of negative pressure in a closed environment that triggers granulation and tissue formation.
The Authors discuss on a laparoscopic-assisted approach for excision of a sessile villous adenomatous polyp of the cecum, unresectable by endoscopy. Because of the large implant of the polyp, endoscopic polypectomy was considered at high risk and a surgical laparoscopic procedure was scheduled for removal of the lesion. After right colon mobilization, an intraoperative endoscopy confirmed the location of th polyp in the posterior wall of the cecum, closed to the ileo-cecal valve. A small 10 cm laparotomy, through which the cecum was pulled out the abdominal cavity, was performed. Then, a minimal colotomy along the intestinal taenia was carried out to allow a safe and complete excision of the polyp. This laparoscopic approach differs from the other laparoscopic-assisted methods reported in the Literature since it provides at the same time the postoperative advantages associated with minimal access surgery and a safe oncological removal of the polyp with low risks of complications. .
Objective. Minimally invasive video-assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT) is a technically demanding procedure and requires a surgical team skilled in both endocrine and endoscopic surgery. A time consuming learning and training period is mandatory at the beginning of the experience. The aim of our report is to focus some aspects of the learning curve of the surgeon who practices video-assisted thyroid procedures for the first time, through the analysis of our preliminary series of 36 cases. Patients and methods. From September 2004 to April 2005 we selected 36 patients for minimally invasive video-assisted surgery of the thyroid. The patients were considered eligible if they presented with a nodule not exceeding 35mm in maximum diameter; total thyroid volume within normal range; absence of biochemical and echographic signs of thyroiditis. We analyzed surgical results, conversion rate, operating time, post-operative complications, hospital stay, cosmetic outcome of the series. Results. We performed 36 total thyroidectomy. The procedure was successfully carried out in 33/36 cases. Post-operative complications included 3 transient recurrent nerve palsies and 2 transient hypocalcemias; no definitive hypoparathyroidism was registered. All patients were discharged 2 days after operation. The cosmetic result was considered excellent by most patients. Conclusions. Advances in skills and technology have enabled surgeons to reproduce most open surgical techniques with video-assistance or laparoscopically. Training is essential to acquire any new surgical technique and it should be organized in detail to exploit it completely.
Negative-pressure therapy or vacuum-assisted closure (VAC) has been used in clinical applications since the 1940’s and has increased in popularity over the past decade. This dressing technique consists of an open cell foam dressing put into the wound cavity, a vacuum pump produces a negative pressure and an adhesive drape. A controlled sub atmospheric pressure from 75 to 150 mmHg is applied. The vacuum-assisted closure has been applied by many clinicians to chronic wounds in humans; however it cannot be used as a replacement for surgical debridement. The initial treatment for every contaminated wound should be the necrosectomy. The VAC therapy has a complementary function and the range of its indications includes pressure sores, stasis ulcers, chronic wounds such as diabetic foot ulcers, post traumatic and post operative wounds, infected wounds such as necrotizing fasciitis or sternal wounds, soft-tissue injuries, bone exposed injuries, abdominal open wounds and for securing a skin graft. We describe our experience with the VAC dressing used to manage acute and chronic wounds in a series of 135 patients, with excellent results together with satisfaction of the patients.