132 resultados para 571.1 Animali (Classificare qui la Fisiologia comparata)
Il numero di nuove sostanze psicoattive (NSP) acquistabile in internet e le informazioni relative alla loro modalità di assunzione a scopi curativi, ricreazionali e spirituali, stanno aumentando costantemente. Nomi come “legal highs”, “herbal highs” e “etno-drugs”, inducono i consumatori a credere che questi prodotti siano sicuri e naturali, sottostimandone o volutamente trascurandone le loro potenzialità farmaco-tossicologiche. Oltre a questo, l’impiego di sostanze naturali tradizionalmente impiegate all’interno di un rituale ben definito in etnie specifiche, in nuovi contesti ricreativi, porta spesso all’abuso delle stesse sostanze (Marti, 2013; 2015). Infatti, mentre l’uso tradizionale/etnico di queste sostanze naturali, non sembra essere associato a dipendenza, intossicazioni o problemi legati alla salute, una volta raggiunto il mercato mondiale, si assiste invece ad una escalation di problematiche ed intossicazioni. Queste derivano soprattutto dal fatto che uscendo da un contesto tradizionale per accedere in uno prettamente ricreazionale, cambiano numerosi fattori fondamentali tra cui: la via di somministrazione, la quantità assunta, l’assunzione di sostanze pure e la co-somministrazione con altre sostanze psicoattive.
The geological evolution of coastal and marine environments offshore the Cilento Promontory through marine geological mapping is discussed here. The marine geological map n. 502 “Agropoli,” located offshore the Cilento Promontory (southern Italy), is described and put in regional geologic setting. The study area covers water depths ranging between 30 and 200 m isobaths. The geologic map has been constructed in the frame of a research program financed by the National Geological Survey of Italy (CARG Project), finalized to the construction of an up-to-date cartography of the Campania region. Geological and geophysical data on the continental shelf and slope offshore the southern Campania region have been acquired in an area bounded northward by the Gulf of Salerno and southward by the Gulf of Policastro. A high-resolution multibeam bathymetry has permitted the construction of a digital elevation model (DEM). Sidescan sonar profiles have also been collected and interpreted, and their merging with bathymetric data has allowed for the realization of the base for the marine geologic cartography. The calibration of geophysical data has been attempted through sea-bottom samples. The morpho-structures and the seismic sequences overlying the outcrops of acoustic basement reported in the cartographic representation have been studied in detail using single-channel seismics. The interpretation of seismic profiles has been a support for the reconstruction of the stratigraphic and structural setting of the Quaternary continental shelf successions and the outcrops of rocky acoustic basement in correspondence to the Licosa Cape morphostructural high. These areas result from the seaward prolongation of the stratigraphic and structural units, widely cropping out in the surrounding emerged sector of the Cilento Promontory. The cartographic approach is based on the recognition of laterally coeval depositional systems, interpreted in the frame of system tracts of the Late Quaternary depositional sequence.
Laccases (LCs) are multicopper oxidases that find application as versatile biocatalysts for the green bioremediation of environmental pollutants and xenobiotics. In this study we elucidate the degrading activity of Lac2 pure enzyme form Pleurotus pulmonarius towards aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and M1 (AFM1). LC enzyme was purified using three chromatographic steps and identified as Lac2 through zymogram and LC-MS/MS. The degradation assays were performed in vitro at 25 °C for 72 h in buffer solution. AFB1 degradation by Lac2 direct oxidation was 23%. Toxin degradation was also investigated in the presence of three redox mediators, (2,2′-azino-bis-[3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid]) (ABTS) and two naturally-occurring phenols, acetosyringone (AS) and syringaldehyde (SA). The direct effect of the enzyme and the mediated action of Lac2 with redox mediators univocally proved the correlation between Lac2 activity and aflatoxins degradation. The degradation of AFB1 was enhanced by the addition of all mediators at 10 mM, with AS being the most effective (90% of degradation). AFM1 was completely degraded by Lac2 with all mediators at 10 mM. The novelty of this study relies on the identification of a pure enzyme as capable of degrading AFB1 and, for the first time, AFM1, and on the evidence that the mechanism of an effective degradation occurs via the mediation of natural phenolic compounds. These results opened new perspective for Lac2 application in the food and feed supply chains as a biotransforming agent of AFB1 and AFM1.
The paper analyzes the development of the first experiences of the sixteenth century cultural policy in Italy until the beginning of the twenty-first century with the institutional reform initiated by the Minister Dario Franceschini. In the pre-unification State it has been many important contributions of several local rulers who imposed conservation policies to prevent the dispersal of works of art. After the unification of Italy (1861) the laws of protection of the national heritage have helped to initiate the first important initiatives that have developed in practice only at the end of the twentieth century. Great institutional innovations and regulatory activated in the twenty-first century and of which this paper provides some important insights and deepening.
It's very difficult in traditional Japanese culture separate the landscape from the architecture. The Japanese architectural culture has its roots in China but soon this culture has developed its own culture and an aesthetic that was the result of a long isolation from the rest of the world. Zen Buddhism and the constant relationship with nature define the main characteristics of Japanese architecture: minimalism and simplicity. The architecture is a perfect balance of harmony, proportion and purity. This paper aims to analyze the cultural roots of the relationship between architecture and landscape in Japan and where the characteristics previously defined are very important for to know the significance of the Japanese architectural thinking.
La presente relazione tecnica si propone di illustrare l’attività svolta dal Gruppo di Lavoro “Gestione e monitoraggio PON 2007/2013”, dalla data di costituzione (18 marzo 2013) alla data odierna rappresentando le esigenze che hanno portato alla sua costituzione, le criticità riscontrate e il rapporto analitico sulla gestione dei PON 7° PQ, concludendo con una proposta organizzativa per il DIITET, finalizzata al proseguimento delle attività di gestione dei progetti, che possa essere valida sia per la prosecuzione, a compimento, di tutte le fattispecie connesse al settimo Programma Quadro in chiusura, che per successivo Horizon 2020.
Questa relazione tecnica viene redatta per la Giunta dei Direttori che si terrà il giorno 19/01/2010 su richiesta del Direttore, per riassumere lo stato di avanzamento dei progetti ammessi al finanziamento insieme alle criticità emerse in fase di avvio rendicontazione. La relazione si compone di una prima parte con riferimenti normativi e di riepilogo sui progetti totali presentati a livello nazionale, come CNR e come Dipartimento nelle tre Aree Tecnologiche di riferimento: Efficienza Energetica, Mobilità Sostenibile, Made in Italy. Una seconda parte riguarda la rendicontazione, la metodologia applicata e una descrizione delle criticità di due progetti PIACE - MILD. Verranno, inoltre, illustrate in riunione delle schede tecniche (v. all. 1 Ind.)riepilogative dei progetti presentati nelle aree Efficienza Energetica e Mobilità Sostenibile, realizzate in collaborazione della Sig.ra Silvia Presello.
La progettualità legata ai Bandi PON costituisce una parte consistente delle attività del Dipartimento. Attualmente sono 53 i progetti, legati al VII Programma Quadro, gestiti dal Dipartimento.
The book analyzes the history of Japanese Architecture between Nara Period (710-784) and Meiji Period (1867-1912). The book is organized in two part: "The History" and "The Cultural Heritage" with a reflexion about the restoration of the Temples and Shrines. The book is the result of an international research work at the Kyoto University.
Introduction: The incidence of vertebral artery (VA) injury during cervical spine surgery is rare. Even though tamponade is effective in many cases, early consultation of an endovascular team is recommended if bleeding cannot be controlled. We report a case of emergent endovascular embolisation of left VA due to iatrogenic injury during anterior cervical disc removal and fusion. Case: A 47-year-old woman was admitted to our emergency department with serious arterial bleeding from the neck only hours after undergoing anterior cervical disc removal and fusion surgery. She was intubated and mechanically ventilated, however hemorrhage could not be successfully controlled by packing with surgical hemostatic agents. Cranial computed tomography, computed tomography of the cervical spine and CT angiography confirmed the suspected diagnosis of injury to the VA. Emergent endovascular embolisation successfully stopped the bleeding. Occlusion of the vessel was achieved by vascular plugging. The patient was discharged from our hospital 14 days after the intervention, receiving a revision surgery of the cervical spine on the day of embolisation. At the date of discharge she presented without any focal neurological deficit. Conclusion: Pre-operative radiographic imaging of the cervical spine should be used routinely to identify anatomic abnormalities of the vertebral arteries. Endovascular embolisation appears to be effective in treating acute iatrogenic dissection of the vertebral arteries.
Parlare di KeyCrime significa rapportarsi con un software che si fonda prioritariamente su di un metodo scientifico che fa proprio il ragionamento conclusivo (conclusive reasoning), applicato al decison making , pertanto all’intelligence investigativa e alla predictive policing. Potremmo pensare a KeyCrime come un paradigma operativo che si pone in sinergia tra la filosofia, il cognitivismo giuridico e le scienze applicate (Romeo F., 2006). Quando analisi e decision making trovano in un unico contesto il terreno fertile dove svilupparsi, ma ancor più, creare presupposti di ragionamento, ecco che da queste è facile comprendere da quale altra condizione sono nate, attivate e soprattutto utilizzate ai fini di un risultato: questa non è altro che “l’osservazione”; se ben fatta, profonda e scientifica offre una sistematica quanto utile predisposizione alle indagini, specialmente di carattere preventivo per l’anticrimine e la sicurezza.
The book collects the Papers (from Europe, Asia and Latin America) presented at the Workshop organized by the ICOMOS International Committee in Historic Towns and Villages (CIVVIH) and by ICOMOS Italy in Palazzo Coppini (branch of Fondazione Romualdo del Bianco) in Florence (March 3-4, 2016) and focus on the comparison of different propositions of digital urban signage to realize a good quality of the “visit experience” in the historical towns, not only as urban marketing, but of a authenticity genuine culture. The urban culture founded on the identity and authenticity of every historical towns and their multilayered history must be the objective of an tourism of culture for the inhabitants and the visitors. The book focused its interest on the outstanding existing urban assets in Europe, Asia and Latin America, and heritage not sufficiently promoted.