6 resultados para Señales acústicas
em Repositorio Institucional Universidad EAFIT - Medelin - Colombia
The work presented in this thesis is concerned with the dynamical behavior of a CBandola's acoustical box at low resonances -- Two models consisting of two and three coupled oscillators are proposed in order to analyse the response at the first two and three resonances, respectively -- These models describe the first resonances in a bandola as a combination of the lowest modes of vibration of enclosed air, top and back plates -- Physically, the coupling between these elements is caused by the fluid-structure interaction that gives rise to coupled modes of vibration for the assembled resonance box -- In this sense, the coupling in the models is expressed in terms of the ratio of effective areas and masses of the elements which is an useful parameter to control the coupling -- Numerical models are developed for the analysis of modal coupling which is performed using the Finite Element Method -- First, it is analysed the modal behavior of separate elements: enclosed air, top plate and back plate -- This step is important to identify participating modes in the coupling -- Then, a numerical model of the resonance box is used to compute the coupled modes -- The computation of normal modes of vibration was executed in the frequency range of 0-800Hz -- Although the introduced models of coupled oscillators only predict maximum the first three resonances, they also allow to study qualitatively the coupling between the rest of the computed modes in the range -- Considering that dynamic response of a structure can be described in terms of the modal parameters, this work represents, in a good approach, the basic behavior of a CBandola, although experimental measurements are suggested as further work to verify the obtained results and get more information about some characteristics of the coupled modes, for instance, the phase of vibration of the air mode and the radiation e ciency
In this work, we perform a first approach to emotion recognition from EEG single channel signals extracted in four (4) mother-child dyads experiment in developmental psychology -- Single channel EEG signals are analyzed and processed using several window sizes by performing a statistical analysis over features in the time and frequency domains -- Finally, a neural network obtained an average accuracy rate of 99% of classification in two emotional states such as happiness and sadness
A simple but efficient voice activity detector based on the Hilbert transform and a dynamic threshold is presented to be used on the pre-processing of audio signals -- The algorithm to define the dynamic threshold is a modification of a convex combination found in literature -- This scheme allows the detection of prosodic and silence segments on a speech in presence of non-ideal conditions like a spectral overlapped noise -- The present work shows preliminary results over a database built with some political speech -- The tests were performed adding artificial noise to natural noises over the audio signals, and some algorithms are compared -- Results will be extrapolated to the field of adaptive filtering on monophonic signals and the analysis of speech pathologies on futures works
We propose a study of the mathematical properties of voice as an audio signal -- This work includes signals in which the channel conditions are not ideal for emotion recognition -- Multiresolution analysis- discrete wavelet transform – was performed through the use of Daubechies Wavelet Family (Db1-Haar, Db6, Db8, Db10) allowing the decomposition of the initial audio signal into sets of coefficients on which a set of features was extracted and analyzed statistically in order to differentiate emotional states -- ANNs proved to be a system that allows an appropriate classification of such states -- This study shows that the extracted features using wavelet decomposition are enough to analyze and extract emotional content in audio signals presenting a high accuracy rate in classification of emotional states without the need to use other kinds of classical frequency-time features -- Accordingly, this paper seeks to characterize mathematically the six basic emotions in humans: boredom, disgust, happiness, anxiety, anger and sadness, also included the neutrality, for a total of seven states to identify
We propose a novel analysis alternative, based on two Fourier Transforms for emotion recognition from speech -- Fourier analysis allows for display and synthesizes different signals, in terms of power spectral density distributions -- A spectrogram of the voice signal is obtained performing a short time Fourier Transform with Gaussian windows, this spectrogram portraits frequency related features, such as vocal tract resonances and quasi-periodic excitations during voiced sounds -- Emotions induce such characteristics in speech, which become apparent in spectrogram time-frequency distributions -- Later, the signal time-frequency representation from spectrogram is considered an image, and processed through a 2-dimensional Fourier Transform in order to perform the spatial Fourier analysis from it -- Finally features related with emotions in voiced speech are extracted and presented
La tendencia mundial de administrar y operar a distancia las centrales hidroeléctricas está obligando a los expertos a replantear los estrategias de monitoreo y diagnóstico de sus máquinas -- Esto ha conducido también, a reducir el personal experto que reside in-situ y que se encarga de operar y mantener los sistemas técnicos, y además de atender cualquier eventualidad que pueda ocurrir -- Por eso, desde hace ya varios años se han venido desarrollando sistemas expertos que puedan suplir las deficiencias del recurso humano -- Pero aunque tales sistemas han alcanzado niveles interesantes de independencia, aún requieren del acompañamiento de un experto que pueda interpretar las evidencias, emitir un diagnóstico y tomar una decisión -- Un ejemplo de los aspectos que aún se deben perfeccionar, es el se las falsas alarmas que llegan a producir el efecto “cry wolf” y que terminan por inactivar el sistema -- Otra forma de enfrentar esta nueva dinámica de operación es la de subcontratar el servicio de diagnóstico técnico, que puede dar resultados aceptables, pero no siempre en el caso de centrales hidroeléctricas -- Las centrales por lo general se encuentran en sitios remotos y en ocasiones blindadas por condiciones geográficas y climatológicas por lo que no es posible reaccionar rápidamente para atender una eventualidad cuando el experto y sus instrumentos no están cerca -- Una solución que resulta conveniente es de hecho, la centralización de la experticia para los servicios de monitoreo y diagnóstico técnico, soportados por una plataforma portátil e idealmente no-invasiva, que permanezca siempre junto a las máquinas y que pueda ser consultada on-line -- De este modo una cantidad reducida de expertos tendrán acceso permanente a las variables o síntomas que definen el estado técnico de la maquinaria; ellos se encargarán de analizar las señales sintomáticas, evaluar los resultados, emitir juicios y elaborar reportes ejecutivos que finalmente llegarán a manos del administrador o persona encargada de la operación -- Esta alternativa aliviará molestias relacionadas con los procesos de monitoreo y diagnóstico: instrumentación/sensórica, cableado, acondicionamiento de señales, adquisición digital de datos, procesamiento de señales, administración y gestión de equipos, reporte de resultados, recomendaciones, etc. -- Este proyecto propone en dos etapas, el diseño de una plataforma tecnológica que pueda soportar la alternativa mencionada -- En detalle, el diseño de un sistema integrado de adquisición de datos que además de ser portátil, modular y escalable, adecuado para monitoreo de las principales variables de diagnóstico de una central hidroeléctrica; que aunque no incorpore un sistema experto, si ofrece las herramientas de análisis, diagnóstico y toma de decisiones del estado del arte