10 resultados para lot sizing and scheduling
em Harvard University
Printed quarter bill for Samuel Abbot (Harvard AB 1785) with sizing and punishment totals, and handwritten credits, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Printed quarter bill for Timothy Bigelow (Harvard AB 1786) with sizing and punishment totals. Handwritten text of name, date, and bill totals is faded.
Four printed quarter bills for Stephen Moody (Harvard AB 1790) with sizing and punishment totals, each signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Fourteen printed quarter bills for Daniel Marrett (Harvard AB 1790) with sizing and punishment totals, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
Four printed quarter bills for Nathaniel Thayer (Harvard AB 1789) with sizing and punishment totals, signed by Steward Caleb Gannett.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Fac simile of Reed's map : to the honourable House of Representatives of the freemen of Pennsylvania this map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia with the catalogue of purchasers is humbly dedicated by their most obedient humble servant, Iohn Reed, James Smither sculp. Facsimile of a map originally published in 1774. Republished by Charles L. Warner in 1870. Scale [1:23,760]. Covers portions of Philadelphia, Pa. This layer is image 1 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the eastern portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Pennsylvania South State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 3702). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. Cadastral map showing property boundaries, areas, lot numbers, and names of landowers. Includes features such as roads, drainage, and more. Includes inset: A ground plan of the city of Philadelphia. Also includes extensive text and index of landowners. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Fac simile of Reed's map : to the honourable House of Representatives of the freemen of Pennsylvania this map of the city and liberties of Philadelphia with the catalogue of purchasers is humbly dedicated by their most obedient humble servant, Iohn Reed, James Smither sculp. Facsimile of a map originally published in 1774. Republished by Charles L. Warner in 1870. Scale [1:23,760]. Covers portions of Philadelphia, Pa. This layer is image 2 of 2 total images of the two sheet source map, representing the western portion of the map. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Pennsylvania South State Plane Coordinate System NAD83 (in Feet) (Fipszone 3702). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, index maps, legends, or other information associated with the principal map. Cadastral map showing property boundaries, areas, lot numbers, and names of landowers. Includes features such as roads, drainage, and more. Includes inset: A ground plan of the city of Philadelphia. Also includes extensive text and index of landowners. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps from The Harvard Map Collection as part of the Imaging the Urban Environment project. Maps selected for this project represent major urban areas and cities of the world, at various time periods. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features at a large scale. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates, scales, and purposes.
This layer is a georeferenced raster image of the historic paper map entitled: Plan of burnt district (by fire of Nov. 9th and 10th, 1872) : showing street improvements as adopted by Board of Street Commissioners and City Council, 1873, Thos. W. Davis, city surveyor ; presented by the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. It was published in 1876. Shows street improvements, property lots, lot ownership, and square footage of lots affected by the fire of 1872. Covers area bounded by Washington St. to Oliver St., State St. to Summer St. and Atlantic Ave., Boston, Massachusetts. The image inside the map neatline is georeferenced to the surface of the earth and fit to the Massachusetts State Plane Coordinate System, Mainland Zone (in Feet) (Fipszone 2001). All map collar and inset information is also available as part of the raster image, including any inset maps, profiles, statistical tables, directories, text, illustrations, or other information associated with the principal map. This layer is part of a selection of digitally scanned and georeferenced historic maps of Massachusetts from the Harvard Map Collection. These maps typically portray both natural and manmade features. The selection represents a range of regions, originators, ground condition dates (1755-1922), scales, and purposes. The digitized selection includes maps of: the state, Massachusetts counties, town surveys, coastal features, real property, parks, cemeteries, railroads, roads, public works projects, etc.
Known as the Bulfinch view, this proposed site plan of the College grounds by Charles Bulfinch depicts University Hall at the center of the drawing surrounded by Massachusetts, Harvard, Hollis, Stoughton, and Holworthy Halls. Several unlabeled buildings are displayed in the plan.