15 resultados para complaint
em Harvard University
One draft of a letter.
One draft of a complaint regarding noisy neighbors.
President Edward Holyoke and Tutors Henry Flynt, Joseph Mayhew, and Thomas Marsh accused Prince of "sundry crimes & misdemeanors" and "sundry evil actions," including weakening and undermining the College government, showing contempt towards his fellow Tutors and towards Hollis Professor John Winthrop (who he claimed "knew no more of Philosophy than a Brute"), and making insulting remarks on numerous occasions. Prince was accused of calling others "Fool, Rogue, Rascal, Puppy &c." and of calling Col. Brattle "a Devilish Lyar." He was also accused of "appearing often times, to be what is commonly stil'd the worse for Drink" and of neglecting his duties towards his students.
Praul and seven others were accused of trespassing on the land of Daniel Larrew.
One-page handwritten copy of the vote of the Boston Selectmen responding to Croswell's complaint, as usher of the South Grammar School of Boston, against a parent.
Brief note with a complaint about the servant of Levi Frisbie, Harvard Professor of Natural History.
Draft of a complaint against the boys in Croswell's neighborhood.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster with a story about a wealthy young Englishman named Francis who discovers that money is not the source of happiness. The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint." Buckminster's essay begins, "Francis was the son of a rich English nobleman."
Four-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on the consequences of procrastination. The essay begins, "Moralists of every age & nation, from wise, proverbial Solomon to 'poor Richard' of our own times, have united in recommending industry, as one of the most necessary virtues." The essay is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem, "The Complaint," and ends with two lines from Horace beginning, "Est modus in rebus ; sunt certi denique fines..."
One-page report signed by Hollis Professor Samuel Williams and Tutor William Bentley examining the complaint made by "Kendall" (probably Samuel Kendal, a member of the Class of 1782) of a "great abuse he received after Commons" on May 9, 1780 from Fortescue Vernon (Class of 1780) and Edward Sohier (Class of 1781). The report finds Vernon guilty and recommends a light punishment. Williams and Bentley then propose six regulations intended to keep order after breakfast and dinner service in the dining hall.
This is a manuscript copy of meeting minutes concerning fellow Tutor Joseph Mayhew's complaints against Nathan Prince. The minutes are written in a small paper-bound volume whose cover bears these inscriptions: "Oct. 31, 1740. Mr. Mayhew's complaint vs. Mr. Prince to the President and Tutors, Recd 14 Sept. 1741 of a Freshman, seal'd up;" "Acco of Mr. Mayhew's complaint of Mr. Prince contained in the Pres't & Tut's Book;" and "To the Honble Mr. Foxcroft, Chairman of the Committee of the Honble & Revd. the Overseers of Harvard College in Cambridge." Among other complaints, Mayhew was upset that Prince had called him "a Rascall & a rascally Fellow." The minutes also indicate that Prince left two meetings of the President and Tutors without permission, in spite of President Holyoke's having entreated him "Won't you stay?"
Handwritten essay about procrastination and a poem celebrating spring composed by Washington Allston while he was an undergraduate at Harvard. The essay uses a story about a young Italian named Bernardo to discuss the consequences of procrastination. The essay is labeled “Allston Novem. ’99" and is titled with a quote from Edward Young's poem "The Complaint," “Procrastination is Theif [sic] of time.” Allston’s poem celebrates spring and incorporates Phillida and Corydon, two characters from Nicholas Breton’s poem “Phillida and Cordion.” The poem is titled with the verses, “Chief, lovely spring, in thee, and thy soft scenes, / The smiling God is seen” from James Thompson's poem “Spring.” The poem is labeled "Allston July 10, 1799."
One letter of complaint against Commodore John Creighton by Lincoln, a midshipman.
One octavo-sized leaf containing a brief one-page handwritten letter from Winthrop to Bentley with a complaint about not receiving the Salem Gazette.