23 resultados para Reed, John, 1781-1860.
em Harvard University
Benjamin Welles wrote these six letters to his friend and classmate, John Henry Tudor, between 1799 and 1801. Four of the letters are dated, and the dates of the other two can be deduced from their contents. Welles wrote Tudor four times in September 1799, at the onset of their senior year at Harvard, in an attempt to clear up hurt feelings and false rumors that he believed had caused a chill in their friendship. The cause of the rift is never fully explained, though Welles alludes to "a viper" and "villainous hypocrite" who apparently spread rumors and fueled discord between the two friends. In one letter, Welles asserts that "College is a rascal's Elysium - or the feeling man's hell." In another he writes: "College, Tudor, is a furnace to the phlegmatic, & a Greenland to thee feeling man; it has an atmosphere which breathes contagion to the soul [...] Villains fatten here. College is the embryo of hell." Whatever their discord, the wounds were apparently eventually healed; in a letter written June 26, 1800, Welles writes to ask Tudor about his impending speech at Commencement exercises. In an October 29, 1801 letter, Welles writes to Tudor in Philadelphia (where he appears to have traveled in attempts to recover his failing health) and expresses strong wishes for his friend's recovery and return to Boston. This letter also contains news of their classmate Washington Allston's meeting with painters Henry Fuseli and Benjamin West.
In this small paper-bound catalog, Benjamin Welles (1781-1860) listed books in the Harvard College Library which he wished to read. He presumably compiled the list by consulting the Library's 1790 printed catalog, as the works are categorized according to subjects outlined in that catalog (Antiquities, Astronomy, Ancient Authors, Biography, Sacred Criticism, Ethics, Geography, Geometry, History, Nature, Travels / Voyages, Natural Law, Logic, Metaphysics, Miscellaneous Works, Dramatic, Phililogy, Natural Philosophy, Poetry, Rhetoric, and Theology). The final pages of Welles' catalog, which he titles "Another Selection," list additional volumes he wished to read. These are listed alphabetically, A - G. Some titles throughout the catalog have been marked with a "+" perhaps to indicate that Welles had read them.
Four leaves containing a four-and-a-half-page letter in the hand of Professor Edward Wigglesworth to John Lowell dated January 3, 1781. In the letter, Professor Wigglesworth describes the issues related to the deprecating value of paper money and the salaries of Harvard officers, and he provides recommendations for the General Court's grants to the College.
Two leaves containing a two-page handwritten copy of the letter from Professor Edward Wigglesworth to John Lowell dated January 3, 1781 (HUM 86 Box 1, Folder 1), and a one-page handwritten copy of the letter from Professor Samuel William to John Lowell dated October [14], 1782 (HUM 86 Box 1, Folder 2).
Manuscript volume. The first thirty-nine pages include diary entries from Page's years as an undergraduate student at Harvard College. Dated July 1757 through March 1761, entries includes short notes about daily activities. Topics covered include expenses, academics, clothing, and travel to and from Cambridge. Twenty-two pages covering 1764 through 1781 contain brief listings of items, generally foodstuffs, received from male and female Danville parishioners identified by name in Danville. The final twenty-six pages contain notes listing area deaths, as well as his own thoughts on topics such as "of light" and "jealousy." The concluding pages include rules "Concerning Grammar."
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Phillips Payson for use by his son, signed by Charles Chauncey, John Clarke, James Thwing, and Jonathan Williams.
This half-page slip contains receipts for two Harvard College Library books received by Harvard College Tutors John Mellen (1752-1828; Harvard AB 1770) and William Bentley (1759-1819; Harvard AB 1777).
In this brief petition of John Wyeth to the Harvard Corporation, he requests the ability to borrow books from the "Publick Library" of the College.
Request from Tutor John Mellen (Harvard College Class of 1770) for an abatement of his commons for his absence from the College due to illness and request from Eleazer James (Harvard College Class of 1778) for an abatement of his commons due to absence from the College.
Two leaves containing a one-and-a-half page letter in the hand of Professor Samuel Williams to John Lowell briefly describing his current financial situation. The second leaf containing the address information is a fragment.
Two leaves containing two one-page handwritten copies of letters from Harvard College Treasurer Ebenezer Storer both dated October 31, 1782. The first letter outlines the salaries of several College officers and their funding sources. The second letter details the portion of the salaries received from the rents of the College and the assessments on students. The verso of the second leaf contains a note about the document written by one of John Lowell's sons.
This letter summarizes the activities of the Committee to View Stoughton House including the Committee's recent visit to the dormitory. The letter is signed by "Leverett in the name of the Committee."
Harvard president John Leverett informs treasurer John White that the Harvard Corporation has voted to allocate funds for repairs to Stoughton College. Also includes a separate receipt for nails purchased in Boston for repairs in Stoughton College dated the same day.
Paper-covered notebook with a handwritten copy of John Davis's 1781 Commencement poem. Cover inscription: “John Simpkin[s's] Property.” Inside front cover inscription: “A poem delivered Mr. Davis 1782."
Paper-notebook copy lacking covers with a copy of John Davis's 1781 Commencement poem. The Harvard College Library stamp is on the front page.