263 resultados para Junius, active 18th century.
em Harvard University
A miscellaneous collection of letter and legal documents relating to Barbados, especially prize causes, inheritance and slaves.
Young's testimony regarding an altercation he witnessed between Israel Chittenden, Benjamin House, John Hyland, and John Lindsey in or near the town of Scituate in September 1732. Heard before justice of the peace John Cushing in September 1732, and before John Winslow in Plymouth County Court of Assize, April 28, 1733. Signed by both.
Contains summaries of cases heard by the Delaware Supreme Court and the Delaware Appeals Court in the counties of Sussex, Kent, and Newcastle covering a variety of legal topics. Supposedly based on Wilson's Red Book.
Records of cases heard in the Massachusetts Court of Common Pleas (Middlesex Co.) in Cambridge, Mass., and the New Hampshire Inferior Court of Common Pleas (Hillsborough Co.) in Amherst, N.H and matters brought before justices of the peace. Records identify the litigants, with some notes on fees and settlements; many of the cases concern debts. Justices of the peace include: Israel Atherton (Lancaster, Mass.); Samuel Dana (Amherst, N.H.); Joshua Longley (Shirley, Mass.); Nathaniel Paine (Worcester, Mass.); James Prescott (Westford, Mass.); Jeremiah Stiles (Keene, N.H.); William Swan (Groton, Mass.); Sampson Tuttle (Littleton, Mass.); and Henry Woods (Pepperell, Mass.).
Lawyer's case book containing notes on cases before the Delaware Supreme Court and Delaware Court of Common Pleas. Contains information on the cases and judgements.
Weeks (of Greenland, N.H.) was accused of concealing and embezzling items from his late son's estate. Document is signed: William Parker reg.
A warrant for the arrest and sale of all assets of Gray who was found to owe another merchant Alexander Hill in a recent trial. Also includes appraisal of property by Fairfield and Salter and statement by Sheriff Cudworth.
Grant of 38 acres of land in Culpeper County, Virginia, by Thomas, lord Fairfax, baron Cameron, "proprietor of the northern neck of Virginia," to Philip Pendleton. Issued in Frederick County, Virginia.
Bond signed by William Buckley, justice of the peace for Bucks County, Pennsylvania.
Title from first line of text.
An Act of Assembly of Barbadoes to regulate sales at outcry and the proceedings of persons executing the office of Provost Marshall General of the said island and their under officers (leaf 1) ; A state of some matters relative to the office of Provost Marshall, and to the passing of this bill (leaf 9) ; Observations drawn up by Jonathan Blenman Esq. his Majestys Atty. Gen. in Barbadoes ... on the Act as it had been first brought in 1761 (leaf 13) ; and two leaves laid in ; Power of attorney, granted to Christopher Scandrett, signed by Francis Reynolds and his son Thomas (25 April 1766) ; Petition of Francis Reynolds to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations (1766).
Copy of the proceedings in the case of Benjamin Tanner vs. Jasper Hall of Kingston (Jamaica), relating to various lands, etc. With the autographs of Henry Moore, governor, and John Arnold, registrar of the high court.
az taʼlīfāt-i Muḥammad Ḥusayn Khān.
Mīr Ḥasan Dihlavī.]
Commentary on Yūsuf Sīneçāk's "Cezīretü'l-Mes̈nevī". Aknowledges indebtedness to Şeyḫ Ġālib's and ʻAbdullāh Bosnevī's commentaries on the work.