13 resultados para Junior Faculty Research Roundtable
em Harvard University
Handwritten copy of Junior Classology on two leaves of unlined paper, with two bars of music titled "Heathen Mythology" at the end. Student names and the phrase "High Go" are written in darker ink.
Typed copy of Junior Classology on two leaves, copied verbatim from the manuscript copy in Folder 1 of the collection.
Typed copy of Junior Classology on one leaf.
Handwritten copy of Junior Classology bound as a small three-leaved pamphlet. Unlike the manuscript copy in Folder 1, this version properly spells "afraid," uses a simpler punctuation style, and does not include music.
Handwritten copy of Junior Classology on two leaves of unlined paper.
Handwritten copy of "Junior Classology on two leaves of unlined legal-sized paper. The verses begin, "Songs of Scholars, in reveling roundelays, / Belch'd out with hiccoughs at Bacchanal Go..." and ending "We'll ne'er be afraid, boys, tho' Tutors parade, boys; / Here's a health to the blade, boys, who loves a high go."
Newspaper clipping of "The Fount" section of the Columbian Centinel of June 29, 1793 with the text of Junior Classology.
One leaf containing a handwritten incomplete text arguing for the creation of tables containing financial data found in government records and account books, as a means of comparing the value of real estate, silver, and salaries, in part to "ascertain how much of the present expense of supporting a family is to be attributed to the present mode of living." The page has the remnants of a red wax seal.
Petition from Philip Draper explaining his reasons for returning to Cambridge during his rustication and requesting the pardon of the Faculty.
Petition from Philip Draper requesting he be readmitted.
Petition from Philip Draper requesting he be allowed to graduate that year.
Petition from Philip Draper requesting that he be allowed to graduate that year.
5-page handwritten copy of an address by Eliphalet Pearson made to Harvard students Bowman, Flagg, McKean, and Shaw reprimanding them for their "abusive treatment of the Junior class." The students are likely Thomas Bowman, Samuel Aldridge Flagg, and Joseph McKean, members of the Class of 1794, and Philander Shaw, member of the Class of 1792.