13 resultados para Jones, Sian E
em Harvard University
Draft of a letter concerning Croswell's Mercator map.
These appear to be Parmele's notes on a work by the scholar William Jones (1726-1800) regarding the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity.
Three letters and one price circular for patent wrought iron nails. Correspondence includes details on nail design and prices, as well as gossip about mutual friends and associates.
Four letters regarding nail manufacture and the state of their business. Jones also recounts chance meetings with mutual associates, including a satirical account of one exchange.
Five letters, in which Jones recounts a club meeting and toasts and songs given, and provides updates on the business and descriptions of nail manufacture and design. He also comments on fashions of the day and includes an anectdote about a lecture he attended that was so dull, one audience member "fell fast asleep & tumbled down with a crash that startled everyone in the room." Letter dated 1814 March 24 is addressed to "Fanny" but also contains a message to Tudor from Jones.
Four letters regarding the nail business, including information on prices, designs, and types of metals. Also included is news of friends and a description of festivities on election day in Birmingham, and Jones’ thoughts on politics and the fate of Napoleon. The last letter regards an unsettled account related to the nail factory.
One letter responding to the letter from Jones dated 1819 October 22 about an unclosed account. The letter outlines details of Tudor’s engagement with Williams, Jones & Co. to run the nail factory.
Document outlining terms and conditions of Tudor employment as manager of the Birmingham nail factory.
Two letters in which Jones requests that Tudor relay his regrets to José de la Mar for missing the general’s installation as president of Peru, and mentions he is sending Tudor an ensign to be used "at the Palace."
Handwritten indenture between grantors Anthony Blount and John Jones, and the Trustees as grantees for a parcel of land originally included in Mr. Savill Simpson's farm.
General note: Title and date provided by Bettye Lane.