25 resultados para Fragment cryptique
em Harvard University
Goodspeed 1.
Fragment of a personal note signed "E.D."
Fragment of notes referencing the Harvard President's third plan for the library catalogue.
Fragment of a draft of a petition.
One leaf containing a fragment of a description of an incident between Croswell and neighborhood boys.
One-page handwritten unidentified accounting with entries between August 1781 and August 1790 following the format: date, weeks, rate, and total. The first entry reads: "Aug. 28 1781 ... 761 weeks ... @ 3/6 ... 133.3.6."
Three octavo-sized leaves containing a handwritten letter from President Leverett to an unidentified recipient with detailed notes and extracts of Harvard Corporation votes related to non-resident Fellows of the Corporation. The names of the non-resident Fellows are listed in page margins. The letter begins: "Rev'd & Dear Sr. Pursuant to your desire I have collected the names of the non-resid't Fellows of the Corporation..." The fourth leaf containing the seventh page of text is no longer with the item.
Piece of folded paper containing notes of baptisms and deaths in the community and a bill of mortality for Cambridge in 1774 in John Winthrop's hand and tabulations of butter in Hannah Winthrop's hand.
Folio-sized leaf containing a handwritten essay on life's uncertainty with an epitaph from English philosopher and scientist Francis Bacon (1561-1626): "He that to vain mortality does trust, / But limns the water, or but writes in dust." The remaining pages of the essay are missing.
Fragment of a leaf with handwritten entries made by Caleb Gannet, the College Steward, for hay weighing hay at the College Farm between 1797 and January 20, 1798.
A half-page handwritten report by a committee of the Corporation endorsing the Judah Monis's Hebrew Grammar following their revision of the work as recommended by a June 8, 1724 vote of the Board of Overseers. The document is signed by President Benjamin Wadsworth, Professor Edward Wigglesworth, Tutor Henry Flynt, and Rev. Nathaniel Appleton. The document is a fragment and some of the missing text transferred to the back of the Hebrew Grammar Account (HUG 1580.5 Box 1, Folder 8).