135 resultados para Ink-stones.
Foreign wove paper; watermark: made in Belgium for Nuzzurally Heptoolabhoy, Bombay.
Foreign wove paper, probably German; watermark: Keferstein & Sohn, 1871.
Foreign paper, good quality.
Marriage ritual in Arabic, the Story of the fast of Satī Mā also known as the fast of Maulā ʻAlī, a Prayer to be recited during ceremony for the forgiveness of sin on the Great Day (the Day of Judgement), the short kalimah or testimony of faith and the long kalimah.
Narratives to be recited at the commemorative assembly (majlis) held on the 30th and 40th days after the martyrdom of Imām Ḥusain.
According to a note on p. 1, contains farmāns made by Imām Sulṭān Muḥammad Shāh [Aga Khan III] at Zanzibar, Bagamoyo and Dar es Salaam. The manuscript records those farmāns made between 19 Jeṭh [Jyeshtha] to 23 Bhadr [Bhadrapad] s. 1956 (approx. May-September 1899).
Title provided by cataloger.
A popular treatise in 18 parts.
Story of Prophet Abraham translated from a Persian text (possibly Muʻīn ad-Dīn Farāhi's "Maʻārij an-nubūwwah fī madārij al-futuwwah"), story of Prophet Zakariya from a text entitled Māālamil tanzīl (possibly Abū Muḥammad Ḥusain bin Masʻūd Baǵavī's "Maʻālim at-tanzīl") and two stories from the Sakhāvat nāma (possibly Sakhāvat nāma-i Ḥaẓrat ʻĀlī, the popular versified account of the miracles attributed to Ḥaẓrat ʻAlī).
Second and third chapters of the anonymous Hindustani work entitled "Nasabh:nāme:hazarat:nabhī:mahamadh:mûstafā" and various accounts.
Various Shiite devotional texts to be recited in religious assemblies (majālis) commemorating the events leading to the martyrdom of the Shii Imam Ḥusain b. ʻAlī (d. 680). Each majlis (there is twenty) begins with a synoptic heading. The beginning of 17th majlis suggests that some of these texts are based on Mahdī b. Abī Zarr al-Kāshānī an-Niraqī's "Muḥarriq al-qulub (a Shiite history of the martyrs of the Prophet's family).
Local paper. Pages slightly discolored.
Collection of religious poems.
Title provided by cataloger.
Title provided by cataloger.