358 resultados para Pufendorf, Samuel
Four folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding the taxation of College real estate and the history of the College's compromise with the Committee of the town of Cambridge regarding taxation.
Letter to President Kirkland regarding a student named Hartshorn.
Three folio-sized pages containing a handwritten letter from President Willard to the President of the Massachusetts Senate, Samuel Phillips, regarding proposed changes to the tax law before the Senate regarding the tax exemptions of College administrators and faculty.
The minutes contain votes of the Overseers relative to Prince's case. Checkley appears to have served as the Overseers' Clerk pro hac vice on several occasions.
Half-page letter from Samuel Russell to Treasurer Ebenezer Storer informing him that the sloop Cyrus has been sold and requesting a bill of sale.