76 resultados para Islamic sermons, Turkish.
Calendar with times for the five daily prayers of Islam for each month of the year.
Title from caption.
Popular history that starts with stories of the prophets (ff. 5r-17v) the offers anecdotes from the life of Prophet Muḥammad (ff. 17v-20v) and the four rightly guided caliphs and narrates history of Islamic dynasties (ff. 20v-35v). History of Ottoman family starts with Ertuġrıl and ends with at Süleymān Qānūnī (ff. 35v-60v). Enumerates sultan's campaigns, charitable foundations they established, and noteworthy contemporary scholars and religious personalities.
Book of predictions organized on monthly basis. Some months omitted in this copy.
Concise encyclopedia on twelve sciences: 1. history; 2. philosophy; 3. astronomy; 4. theology; 5. principles of law; 6. controverted points; 7. exegesis; 8. mysticism; 9. interpretation of dreams; 10. magic, charm, and medecine; 11. agriculture; 12. astrology and divination.
A treatise on articles of faith written by order of a certain Sinān Beg (f. 1v), composed in the form of questions and answers. Author's name doesn't appear anywhere in this copy. According to the Giresun catalogue entry (Tüyatok, 193), this work was commissioned by Emir ʻĪsá Beg and written in 804 AH [1401 or 02 AD].
On general obligations of Muslims: what to do and how to make the testament in order to reach Paradise.
Title from colophon.
A work in two parts on legendary accounts of holy persons and stories with moral significance.
Introductory treatise on logic in form of commentary on Porphyry's "Isagoge" (d. 305).
New land regulations and various taxes records.
Title supplied by cataloger.
A work on morals, completed on 25 Safer 973 AH [21 Sept. 1565 AD], while the author was serving as judge in Damascus. First section is on personnal morals, second on family morals and third on political morals and art of governance.
Title from f. 29v.
Mehmet Ali Bey'in eseridir.