670 resultados para PROD
Letter signed by William Emerson requesting John Sale pay the scholarship funds. The author of the letter is likely the son of the Reverend William Emerson, who died in 1811. William Emerson (1801-1868) received an AB from Harvard in 1818; his brother Ralph Waldo Emerson (Harvard AB 1821) received the Penn Scholarship from 1817 to 1820.
This slip of paper contains a request from Harvard College President John Leverett to the College Treasurer John White to pay John Rogers for his work as library keeper, pursuant to a Harvard Corporation vote on September 27, 1714.
This one-page document contains a list of books sent to Increase Mather (1639-1723; Harvard AB 1656) by Captain Chadder on behalf of English Harvard benefactor Thomas Hollis (1659-1731).
This slip of paper contains a request from President John Leverett to the College Treasurer John White to pay William Cook for his work as library keeper, pursuant to a Harvard Corporation vote on June 28, 1720.
This bill was rendered to Harvard College by Bartholomew Green for costs related to the printing of the Library Catalogue. The verso contains a receipt for payment signed by Green on January 11, 1723/4.
This bill was rendered to Harvard College by Samuel Gerrish for costs related to the printing of the Library Catalogue. The verso contains a receipt for payment signed by Gerrish on January 6, 1723/4.
This brief note from Samuel Gerrish to library keeper Joshua Gee is dated only as "Thursday Evening" and refers to payment issues related to the printing of the Library Catalogue. Gee refers to the note in his December 24, 1723, letter to President Leverett (UAIII 50.27.14 Box 1, Folder 7).
This one-and-a-half-page letter to Harvard President John Leverett concerns the printing of the library catalogue.
This receipt acknowledges payment from the Harvard College Treasurer Edward Hutchinson for Joshua Gee's service in preparing the Library Catalogue. The receipt is dated as January 14, 1723, but presumably follows the December 25, 1723, vote of the Harvard Corporation to pay Gee for his services and refers to January 14, 1723/4.
This bill was rendered to Harvard College by Samuel Gerrish for costs related to the printing of the Library Catalogue supplement.
This copy of a receipt documents funds received by Harvard College from Samuel Sewall and William Welsteed, the executors of the estate of Bridget Usher, for the purchase of books for the College Library.
The name of Jabez Kimball is written on the verso, though it seems unlikely that he was White's preceptor, as they graduated in the same class from Harvard College.
This is a paper-bound volume of themes White composed on many subjects, including flattery, the human condition, liberty, the importance of sleep and repose, procrastination, honesty, death, labor, justice, the triumph of folly over reason, and the importance of choosing one's friends wisely. On the last page, White copied several passages from Shakespeare's Richard II.