90 resultados para Hesperian College
Two folio-sized leaves containing a one-and-a-half page copy of the bond between John Leverett and Elisha Cooke to John White, Treasurer of Harvard, for £200. The bond was witnessed by William Austin and Mary Gilbert. An October 3, 1726 receipt of payment from Nathaniel Byfield on the bond, signed by Treasurer Edward Hutchinson, is located on the verso of the first leaf.
Two octavo-sized leaves with four half-page columns containing a handwritten copy, made by President Leverett, of an October 17, 1721 a paper composed by Nicholas Sever and William Welsteed to Judge Samuel Sewall.
One-folio sized leaf containing a handwritten copy of a bond between John Leverett and Edward Hutchinson, Treasurer of Harvard. The bond was witnessed by Benjamin Walker and John Edwards, Jr. An October 3, 1726 receipt of payment from Nathaniel Byfield on the bond, signed by Treasurer Edward Hutchinson, is located on the verso of the first leaf.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten copy of a June 29, 1722 report created by a Committee of the General Court responding to the June 13, 1722 memorial of the Board of Overseers. The report lists three points declaring that the Charter of 1650 intended the Tutors to be members of the Corporation "provided they exceed not five in number," that none of the Fellows be Overseers, and that the Charter of 1650 did not grant the Corporation the power to set salaries without the consent of the Overseers. The copy notes that the report was read and accepted on June 29, and signed by Governor Samuel Shute on July 2, 1722, with the stipulation that none of the current non-resident Fellows be removed from the Corporation.
Two folio-sized leaves and two octavo-sized leaves containing a handwritten draft of a Harvard Charter in President Leverett's hand. Following a salutation to King George, the text begins, "Whereas there hath been for more than seventy years past in the Town of Cambridge..."
One leaf containing a two-page handwritten copy of the Harvard College Charter of 1650 with thirteen numbered annotations in President Leverett's hand. The annotations summarize the duties and powers assigned to the President in the Charter.
Two folio-sized leaves containing a four-page copy of the Harvard College Charter of 1650.
Handwritten copy, signed by Josiah Willard, of a March 7, 1743 Council vote ordering further work by a Committee considering a petition by the Harvard Corporation related to ferry fares, and a half-page response by Francis Foxcroft suggesting that the Committee recommend certain fare rates and ferryman percentages.
Handwritten copy of the 1734 College Laws transcribed by Meshech Weare (Harvard AB 1735) into a small notebook. The volume has a modern hardcover binding.
Handwritten copy of the 1734 College Laws transcribed into a soft-cover notebook. The volume includes the name "Johannes Winthrop" ornately detailed at the end of the transcription.
Leather hardcover volume containing a draft of the 1767 College Laws with portions crossed out and edited. The volume appears to be a working copy and includes page references in the front of the volume and additional notes inserted between pages.
Handwritten copy of the 1767 College laws, lacking its original covers. The volume is identified as "original" and a note with five changes to the Laws is bound at the front of the volume. A note accompanies the item: "Mr. Wigglesworth compliments to the Librarian ~ Tutors to desire they would meet with the Professor at his House at 12 o Clock. Monday 11 o clock."
Handwritten soft-cover copy of the 1767 College laws labeled as "Part II" and consisting of chapters VI to X.