139 resultados para Diaries (Blank-books)
The 1744 diary is interleaved in Poor Richard's An almanack for the year of Christ 1744. The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as an undergraduate at Harvard, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. The entries focus on Holyoke’s life as a college student with mention of his professors and daily events. The months of May, July, October, November, and December have no entries. The diary records the outbreak of King George's War: "War with France Proclamed [sic]" (June 2), as well as his new hobby of painting.
The 1746 diary is interleaved in Poor Richard's, An almanack for the year of Christ 1746. The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. More consistently filled out, the diary continues information about Holyoke’s senior year at Harvard, and his appointment as a schoolteacher in Lexington, Massachusetts. The September and October entries reference local military movements of King George’s War. The diary includes regular entries on individuals who preached and lectured at Harvard. Holyoke mentions an earthquake in February, and in March he notes that Harvard Professor John Winthrop "had a lecture: Solving ye Aurora Bor[ealis]."
The 1747 diary contains brief records (usually one or two a month) written in a small booklet of blank pages. The scattered entries focus on community news including local deaths and murder. The March 23 entry reads, "Will a Mulatto of Benj & Jno Walkers shot a negro of Jno Denny [Jun] he died on the spot." Entries in November recount the Boston Knowles Riot.
John Holyoke’s diary is interleaved in Nathaniel Ames’ An astronomical diary, or, An almanack for the year of our Lord Christ, 1748 (Boston, 1747). The thin paper-covered book holds brief notes about Holyoke’s daily life as a Harvard undergraduate, written on blank pages bound with the almanac. Holyoke's diary offers a resource for information about the relational networks of the Holyoke family, travel in 18th century Massachusetts, and colonial dress.
Shapleigh explains on the first page that this account book contains "an accurate account of the several articles I've received from my Guardian since the first day of May Anno 1780, continuing from year to year." The book lists material goods and money given to Shapleigh by Samuel Leighton, as well as many goods and services which Shapleigh appears to have purchased independently. Among the items he received were "a pair [of] Silver Knee Buckles," "an outside coat, alias, a Rapper," "two pair worsted stockings," and multiple ferry crossings during travel. Entries detail expenses incurred while traveling, including those "at Mystick for a glass of anisseed" and "at Newell's for 3 glasses of wine;" the costs of attending both Dummer Academy and Harvard; and myriad other goods and services. The volume contains some brief diary entries, lists of "items wanted," and records of books borrowed from and loaned to fellow students.
Entries in this volume record the costs of Shapleigh's purchases from the Harvard Buttery, expenses incurred while traveling, sundry goods and services (including dozens of visits to a barber, John Goodwin), payment for room and board in Cambridge, funds received from Samuel Leighton, and many other receipts and expenditures made over the course of several years.
Contains very brief entries from the first four days of January. Verso contains numerical calculations labeled as "Recital del case from Oct. 1, [17]99."
This list appears to be the most comprehensive in this series. Although its contents are very similar to those of the list in Folder 2, there are some discrepancies. Entries are arranged by format (folio, quarto, octavo) and include the date the book was "delivered" (loaned), the name of the individual who borrowed it, and its author, title, and volume number. Many of the books had been out of the library for decades prior to the fire, with some loaned out since as early as 1742.
This list appears to be a draft of the list in Folder 1. Although most of the entries match, there are some discrepancies.
This list appears to be in the hand of Andrew Eliot, Librarian from 1763 to 1767. Books are listed according to format (folio, quarto, octavo) and entries indicate the surname of the student who checked the book out, its author and title, and whether or not the book had since been "returned and sent down." Some entries indicate unusual locations, including "says he returned it to the Pres[ident]" and "Dr. Marsh has it."
Lists books borrowed by those with surnames Wyeth, Goodhue, Eliot, Langdon, Adams, Apthorp, Bowdoin, Chardon, and Mayhew. Entries include format, title, author, and volume number. Written in multiple hands.
List of benefactors who contributed to replacement of books and philosophical apparatus, May 4, 1764
This document lists the names of subscribers who promised funds towards the rebuilding of the library and philosophical apparatus. Entries are divided among three columns, "Apparatus," "Library," and "At large," and include the donor's name and amount promised. Gifts to the library included actual books as well as funds for book purchases.
A pencilled note in the hand of John Langdon Sibley reads: "Probably the handwriting of Dr. Lardner." Sibley based his attribution on a letter from Nathaniel Lardner to Edward Wigglesworth, also written July 12, 1764, in the Houghton Library's autograph file during the nineteenth century. Verso of letter contains list, in another hand, of books donated to Harvard by Joseph Jennings.
"Dr. Avery" is Benjamin Avery, chairman of the British Committee of Protestant Dissenters, who died in 1764. Mauduit took responsibility for shipping the books which Avery had bequeathed to Harvard.