222 resultados para 1798-1802
Handwritten order to John Sale to pay scholarship funds to Timothy Alden for use by his son signed by John Clarke, David Tilden, and James Morrill.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on wealth, greed, and economy. The essay is titled with a quote from Virgil that can be translated, "The accursed greed for gold." The essay begins, "The passion for wealth is, like every other passion, often carried to an extreme." The document has edits and struck-through words.
Three-page handwritten essay in English by Buckminster on the role of the arts in humanity's progress. The essay is titled with a quote from Ovid that can be translated, "A faithful study of the liberal arts refines the manners and corrects their harshness." The essay begins, "To a philosophic mind it is highly interesting to mark the progress of refinement."
Leather hardcover bound volume containing quarter bill tallies for the Classes of 1798-1815 arranged alphabetically and beginning with the bill period ending on February 22, 1798 through the period ending April 2, 1812. After each quarter's tallies, an additional section lists students delinquent in payment, and provides the totals for all students in each of the categories.
One bill for the date span August 30-November 30, 1798. The workers named on the bill are Richard Hunnewell, James Fillebrown, Peter Waters, and Elizabeth Thomas.
Bound copy of the 1798 College Laws printed by John & Thomas Fleet, in a modern hardcover binding. The copy is interleaved with unlined pages that include handwritten notes about the laws, often dated in late 1799. The annotations are attributed to a Latin tutor at the College.
Bound copy of the 1798 College Laws printed by John & Thomas Fleet, in a modern hardcover binding and once owned by Eliphalet Pearson, the Harvard Professor of Hebrew and Oriental Languages from 1786 until 1806. The copy is interleaved with blank pages and includes occasional annotations in the margins.
Bound copy of the 1798 College Laws printed by John & Thomas Fleet in modern cardboard binding. Inscribed "T. B. Gannett 1809" on the cover page.
Published copy of the 1790 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Benjamin Merrill signed by President Joseph Willard on August 12, 1800. Four pages of amendments of and additions to the Harvard Laws "enacted since the Summer of 1798, and are now in force Dec. 1, 1800" are tipped in at the beginning of the volume.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Jacob Cushing Merrill signed by President Joseph Willard on September 28, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Nathanael Appleton Haven signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Published copy of the 1798 College Laws with the admittatur of undergraduate Thomas Lindall Winthrop signed by President Joseph Willard on September 29, 1803.
Printed copy of an undated abstract of the laws and regulations with the admittatur of undergraduate Ephraim Abbott signed by President Joseph Willard on September 24, 1802.