307 resultados para Harvard University--Presidents--Clothing


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Willard discusses President Willard’s son Sheafe, who he has been tutoring, explains his education and argues for well-rounded studies. He also mentions that Doctor Aaron Dexter, a lecturer on chemistry, gave him a recipe for paint “which I enclose [separately] in this letter,” as well as a recipe for mortar. He explains that his vacation plans are to teach at a school in Groton for eighteen dollars a month, and asks for a loan from his parents to pay a bill.


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Willard discusses his plans to visit Petersham after graduating, and expresses concern for his future. He also mentions a job offer of “going into the academy” in Leicester that he rejected.


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Willard mentions his brother’s poor health, his plans to go to teach at Phillips Exeter, and describes various objects that he has sent to different family members, including a razor and books. In his post script, he asks to have a shirt mended.


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Willard describes his current job working at Harvard, where he is paid “to keep order in one of the buildings.” He mentions that he can attend medical lectures free of charge, and refers to a preacher, Mr. Parker, a former classmate of Willard’s. He explains that he is currently with his brother Solomon, who is ill, and that he is living in the College House, where he resided his first year of school.


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Statement of Andrew Boardman III's account with Harvard College for the years 1745 to 1764.


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One-page handwritten letter from William Ashurt to President Leverett discussing the annual payment on an unspecified donation, and the progress of the Hopkins' bequest recovery. The folder also contains a handwritten 19th century copy of the letter.


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This collection of bills, sent to George Wingate while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College from 1792 to 1796, includes quarter bills, butler's bills, and bills and receipts of payment from two women, Mary Hilliard and Mary Kidder, who provided Wingate room and board ("board and chamber"). The butlers bills were created by the two men who held that position during Wingate's time as a student, John Pipon and Timothy Alden. Caleb Gannett was the steward the entire time, and thus creator of all the quarter bills. Some of the bills indicate charges for sizings and fines for punishments, and a bill from Mary Hilliard indicates that Wingate purchased candles, blank books and sheets of paper from her.


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This collection consists of one quarter bill and three butler's bills, all sent to Charles Davis while he was an undergraduate at Harvard College. The quarter bill is from August 1795 and the butler's bills are from February and November 1793 and July 1796. John Pipon and Timothy Alden were the butlers at this time, and Caleb Gannett was the steward (responsible for the quarter bill).


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Three letters written to David Sewall (Harvard AB 1755). The first letter, written on September 21, 1753 by Samuel Sewall in York, to his brother at Harvard sends general news, asks after a hat sent to David, and requests he have a wig made for him. The second letter, written by Harvard student David Wyer on August 28, 1756, enthusiastically thanks Sewall for his past advice. The third letter, also sent from his brother Samuel in York on December 9, 1766, offers David advice on love. The two later letters were sent to Sewall while he was a schoolmaster in Wells, Maine.


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Large rubbing of the gravestone of Nathaniel Ward, librarian of Harvard college for one week in 1768. The rubbing was made by David S. Ferriero, and is signed and dated October 15, 1972 in the lower right corner.


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The hand-sewn notebook contains a 24-page manuscript draft of the second Dudleian lecture, delivered by John Barnard on June 23, 1756. The copy includes a small number of edits and struck-out words adopted in the printed version published by J. Draper of Boston in 1756. The sermon begins with the Biblical text Mark 14:61, 62. The covers are no longer with the item.


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The hand-sewn notebook contains a 30-page manuscript draft of the Dudleian lecture delivered by Samuel Mather on May 10, 1769 at Harvard College. The sermon begins with the Biblical text 2 Thess. 11:11, 12. The copy includes a small number of edits and struck-out words. The item has unattached pages and is in fragile condition. The lecture was never published.


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Two handwritten drafts of the Dudleian lecture delivered by Amos Adams on May 9, 1770 at Harvard College written in the same hand. The sermon begins with the Biblical text Titus 1:5. The first copy (HUC 5340.70) is bound between black paper covers and includes edits and citations written on interleaved pages. The second copy (HUC 5340.70.2) appears to be a subsequent draft of the address with additional edits.


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The hand-sewn notebook contains a 41-page manuscript draft of the Dudleian lecture delivered by Samuel Wigglesworth on May 14, 1760 at Harvard College. The sermon begins with the Biblical text I Cor. 1:21. The copy includes a small number of edits and struck-out words. The covers are no longer with the item.